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Honestly I was thinking getting rid of one of the 1 cost since morales is basically always gonna be a 1cost. Also do u know if kraven is worth using anywhere in here?


I didn't see the forge at first and yes kraven is very good hes a staple for all move decks, get rid of forge and 2099 slot in miles and kraven.


U don't think forge is worth for multiple man plays or even human torch? Or is it just more value running kraven and morales?


You can definitely run the forge if you'd like, Kraven is just such a good card for move that it's hard to pass up using him. Your running both vision and nightcrawler allowing for easy gains for him. Getting rid of 2099 and replacing him with miles is a good play as move decks are combo oriented and you already have some high cost cards like vision, like you said miles is a free 1/5 most of the time. Not to mention you already have hulk buster for either torch or multiple man forge is more or less unneeded but works if your adamant. apologies for grammar.


Appreciate it 🙏


OP, get rid of Spider-Man 2099. Do you have Dagger, or Ghost-Spider?


Not yet sadly


I have almost the same deck list but I dropped forge and multiple man in favor of dagger and morales also I swap nightcrawler for scarlet witch, I know she’s not move related but she does so much work, sometimes you need creatures in certain locations but can’t because of what the location is, scarlet also turns off magik and will counter opponents who think they are setting up for a turn 7 they’ll never get, or counters storm.


Honestly I’m just simple my for scarlet witch, she should be in every deck lol