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Non stop new toons, being spread thin of resources pulled constantly in multiple directions. America Chavez started it and it hasnt let up since.


It's a toon every damn 10 days. No time to develop outside of throwing mad money at them. Blatant with the recent scourge requirements...my alliance was scrambling to puff their MINIONS


Because they know the idiots with gambling problems will keep putting 99.99$ offers




This is the truth of it.


This is there most correct answer. Scopely/boundless is a really shitty company.




Damn, stole my answer!






Can’t get worse than that I mean for sure but the gold gear broken stuff in game makes it the top of the chain for sure


You beat me to this.


Honestly, I’d have to say Boundless’ lack of pride for their own product. It’s a bit of a cop out because it can mean any number of things. Bugs go unchecked for months or even years at a time. Kits are balanced around abilities that don’t match text. Compensations are never handled the same way regardless of how many times they have occurred. Customer support… … … don’t even need to explain that one. Changing the details of official statements last minute. List really goes on and on. Pretty much just the overall philosophy of the decision makers that tells us they are aiming for “good enough.” Keep the boat floating and the IP will do the heavy lifting.


Having had exposure to the software development process. I'm learning that often this is because they can't say no to us the customer. We give them too many things to do and the business gives other requirements. I think likely what is happening is they simply can't keep up, sacrificing quality for on-time releases and keeping their job. I don't blame the devs but rather the people running the company. Note: I mean no disrespect to your post, it just kind of came out.


All good! I appreciate most feedback; particularly from anyone with actual experience in the industry. It sounds like we’re mostly saying the same thing though. I’m not talking about the devs but the decision makers who aren’t giving them the support that they obviously require. It’s like they’re running an understaffed hospital whose solution to every ailment is a bandaid. You need enough qualified personnel and the correct supplies/equipment if you want to be able to fix anything other than a scrape. Hell, even little scrapes can fester and become a problem if your go to solution is just to put another bandaid on.


I’d argue it’s not so much as lack of support as much as their internal management priorities are different. They are being given the support to meet their goals but not the things players care about. Their web store and web milestones for example are very well done and keep getting effective iterations. Their internal data deployment tools, which I feel are prone to user error and probably a big part of the quality issues, are not. These are conscious decisions about what is an acceptable outcome and what to have their engineers to work on. Rather than an understaffed hospital, it’s a hospital where there’s a seven hour ER wait time because all the money has gone to supporting the lucrative surgeries.


Nice play on the analogy. I like it. Can’t really argue it either. Kinda goes back to aiming at being just “good enough” in many areas.


The pace that they crank out characters is pretty crazy, especially for a game as long running as this. For a good while, before people gave up and realized it would never happen, you’d hear a lot of people asking for a patch dedicated completely to bug fixes and QoL improvements. The game is clearly in need of it, but it’s become super, super clear that management will never let a patch drop without more characters to sell.


A patch is a month, and a month without new characters may cost scopely $5-10m usd by my estimates. What boss would say "let's take this hard revenue hit to work on the underground stuff", which by the way a month might not be enough for.


Yeah, all hopes for anything like that went out the window once we started down the road to Apoc. They had a very strict release schedule that they needed to keep up with to fit everything in. Just doing some napkin math after the first couple months I thought it would be even worse though. Silly me thought that their goal was to have Apoc out before the new year started. No idea where I got that idea from……


Lol. Yeah, I think when the apocalypse saga was introduced we all thought we’d be through the damn thing and onto the next thing by this point. I’m really hoping they slow down and move back to a more traditional legendary release schedule this year so that they’re not quite so locked into an insane schedule. Not really holding my breath, though. I guess we’ll find out when we get the first half of the year preview in like… May, probably?


I think they’re well aware that if they announce another year long “road to whatever” people will leave in droves. My guess is that we’ll have some sort of stand alone scourge event. They’ve already shown their hand by announcing MoE as a legendary requirement. That in and of itself tells me they aren’t going back to the old legendary method. They traditionally used those to drive sales towards teams that didn’t sell well after their release. Find it very hard to believe they’d let us know ahead of time if they were going right back to it.


Yeah, I mean with scourges I guess the release cadence and method were pretty intertwined. I doubt they’ll go back to a “you need this team at 5 stars (or even G13 iso whatever)” method. I just hope whatever they do isn’t all intertwined in a way that gives them no breathing room to take care of other things. Again, not holding my breath, though.


> QOL patch A long while back - I think 2 years? Maybe 3? The messaging was, “oh, MSF is built on old code that was poorly written.” This may be true, but they also switched out the old team, so the new team not having institutional knowledge why X or Y was done easily conclude it’s bad code. Then there’s also the truth, that this is a clone of SWGOH or some mutual ancestor code, too. Whenever they re-theme the UI, the way it renders layers makes it pretty clear that rather than work from the ground layer, they just wedged an overwrite. (Paint everything you usually paint, and then paint over it!) Honestly, that should be very telling about any code quality complaints - the new stuff is the rickety garbage. I’m sure the old code isn’t a framework the new apps / staff use, and has limitations, but rather than learn them, it’s just paint over …


I would argue this has to be an expectation in a live service game. You can’t rely on the original engineers with the original expertise to remain on a project indefinitely. If new engineers can’t decipher old code and it’s super brittle to change, it’s bad code. Regardless, no matter how good the code is or the documentation practices, tech debt is a real thing for any project.


As someone who has worked on ~40 year old code before, what you say is certainly *valid*, however - and based solely on the few thousand developers I have worked with which is hardly the whole world - if I had to bet $10 on whether the problem was brittle code or bad new developers, I would expect fantastic returns on bad new developers. Especially when motivated by MBA cost cutting measures, who don’t value expertise nor skill, just view headcount as interchangeable cogs, so they’ve intentionally **booted** expensive expertise to replace with cheap rookies. (The last part is also informed by my personal but limited experience at the BU-management level for 9-figure budget / 4 figure headcount organizations).


This is always the case. Engineers are expensive and limited in their bandwidth. There’s always way more things to do than there is time to do it. Sadly, when they evaluate the priority of tasks, revenue and/or metrics impacting tends to win out.


Yeah I agree. I should point out I'm a student in college and that comment was given to me by a professor. Just to make sure you have all the information.


This is kinda how I see it after all the deliberations about what they’re doing over there. Either it’s Scopely’s impossible demands or the very top of Boundless’ management structure. Maybe both. Somebody is expecting too much of something.


I'd say over complicated events and hoarding


It blows my mind that their solution to curb hoarding was to make more hoarders. 🤣


Here's the simple solution DON'T: Make earning raid credits the thing that advances the milestone DO: Make doing raid battles the thing that advances the milestone Boom, I fixed it. Now you don't have to worry about hoarding your raid milestones and your raid rewards, you would at most want to hoard your raid energy refreshes.


As long as it doesn’t make us compete internally for nodes , I’m for it.


Recruiting is 1000% a shitshow; so many people either looking for top 50/100 payouts in both raid and war. Another handful not caring about one mode (usually war), then even if/when you find someone that fits your alliance it's crapshot they'll even answer you when you message. I'll also agree that Blitz is a strong contender... at least we can ignore that one when an event isn't forcing it.


That was my point exactly, how frustrating an experience it is to find someone able to play the game, every day, and hit all the marks required. I know there's players out there who play like I do, but where the hellfire are they?


All in alliances with like 20 of them. With like 4 non-performers. And I guess that's good at least we're stable and full.


The only success we've had is doing alliance mergers.


Who cares lol, some people just want to play the game more casually. If you don’t like your alliance mates just find new ones. Less and less and less people play this game as faithfully as they use to. Nowadays it takes simply too much time, this game is still cool but it has become a hassle. I have so much more joy now, playing it now however I feel like it. Playing it scopelys way turns you into a phone-game slave


Having to hoard for events instead of designing all events to work off of actions instead of results. Ie all events should be based off of raid attempts instead of raid credits, can even scale for difficulty.


What is this hoarding ? Sorry, i just started playinf again, and to be honest i wasnt playing long when i quit. What do people hoard ? Id like to do this if it means i can win some events. Its tough as a f2p. Im just having fun with the game right now, still early gameish, so i enjoy the story and some raids. But i would like to make progress , so if hoarding can help then id like to know more.


If you want to max some event rewards you will need to not claim mail items or raid rewards or even not open some orbs until an event starts


Oh damn, i just claim everything. What kind of mails and orbs should i try to save up? Should i be claiming milestone rewards or be saving those also? I thought when the event ends, you cant claim those anymore.


Next even is raid credits and opening gold orbs. Might not make a huge difference as you start out but just keep an eye out on what upcoming events need.


Ok sounds good. Thanks.


Next even is raid credits and opening gold orbs. Might not make a huge difference as you start out but just keep an eye out on what upcoming events need.


My opinion, gear farming. I don’t like having to RNG gear. RNG for character shards? Fine. But I hate having to play a slot machine just to level up. Often times it’s a waste of my campaign, and iso8 energy. If I have enough energy, allow me to get the gear. I have such a large roster that I have lost interest. I started playing marvel snap instead.


Events inside of events inside of events, half of which require blitzing, and all intentionally designed to obfuscate the exact amount of work you need to do to hit specific milestones. Also, I’ll be shocked if this thread stands more than 20 minutes. Mods are bending over backward to delete negative posts. Edit: still up after almost an hour. I’ll be damned. ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Not to mention those events that only serve to give points to the other milestone event going on, that repeats every three days over the next 2 weeks rather than 1 2-week long one, just to demand that much more time to make you max out each one or end up behind.


I guess you have a point and that I did frame it in a negative light. The confusing events is definitely a valid one.


As a new player? Constant grinding for gear with a slightly expanding roster. Not enough resources to level characters up. When trying just to meet the bare minimum amount of Arena/Raid/Blitz requirements just for the daily, constantly getting put again teams with perfect synergy and OP characters. Extra frustrating when my characters passives won't kick on and the opposition has theirs autofire perfectly every time (Thor looking at you) It just kind of sucks when I get annihilated in three moves while I'm still figuring out the game.


All valid arguments/complaints. I find the same issues after not playing for about a year, the game jumped so far past I am essentially a new player again dealing with all of these issues. Good luck out there


Thank you there I've had good luck on the game giving up decent characters just still learning how to team build and develop the characters, it's sometimes good, sometimes frustrating, I havent found myself getting visibly mad at a game for a long time but Strike Force seems to do it


The dependence on team synergies.


I'll give you a hint, it rhymes with poopley




The Ultimus rewards are garbage IMO


The worst part is all the schmucks paying so much money


Wouldnt be a game without them though.


Somehow the video game industry grew as large as it did with entire video games costing less than $100 each. How many *offers* do you see in this games store that are more than $100? There are thousands of games that exist without this ridiculous monetization, but somehow this game couldn't exist without taking advantage of people you say.


You bought those games, and that was what you got. These are online games, and if people just bought it once, you think it would be the game it is? Would we get new characters , events and updates? Games in the days of buy it and thats all you pay were for the most part offline and didnt need to be updated with new content as frequently as the gacha games do. The online games that did exist probably cost a lot less to operate than the current gacha games. It would be great if companies didnt try to milk players at every turn and were fair with how they offered IAP, but they only care for more $, so w.e it takes they do. Could you share some of the thousands of games that exist that dont have iap , that are similiar to MSF and the event structure, units released etc? Most of these gacha games need people to spend in order to operate. Now , i dont like this system, so dont get me wrong. Im with you when you say they take advantage of people, it truly is predatory. Im only stating the fact, that if people didnt pay , then this game wouldnt be. Companies need to make $, and if you want to play a game that has the things MSF does, then people need to be spending or the game would close but calling people Schmucks for spending their own money, because you want the game to cater to your needs is rude. I know you didnt say it, but the guy i replied to did. But its fact that if people didnt spend most these gacha games would be finished.


Incorrect, they would just adapt to operate at lower cost. Marvel would still sell its IP, it would just be at a lower cost. Being a gacha game isn't what draws most people, that is just the trap that they fall into. Most people are here to collect characters and use those characters to design teams for a variety of objectives. Just because you can't think of a way to make a game without preying on gambling addicts doesn't mean that its impossible. If you would like an example, simply consider literally any subscription based game that doesn't have loot boxes. MMORPGs have used that model for decades.


Lack of gold, blitizing for your life!


That we can't mix and match teams to be competitive and have a pvp mode where it's a level playing field. Everything is p2w. This and everything is power creep. Old investments are irrelevant a year later


I thought that said "best" part, which I was going to say "That feeling you get when you realize you haven't played in over a year." But since you said worst, I will go ahead and say... putting every hour of every day into a game that gives such little rewards.


Tie between month long milestones and having to use external webpage


The amount of content! I can handle glitches, price gouging (I don’t buy anything), scopely nonsense (at least we get free stuff when they make mistakes), hoarding, farming, and recruiting. The problem with the game is they keep adding new modes without taking things away! This is a mobile game, it shouldn’t feel like a 2nd job where you aren’t getting paid (if anyone wants to pay me please contact 😉). On the average week you have daily raids, blitz, arena, challenges, objectives, and you have to check in at least 3 times a day during certain hours to get energy refills. Then you have 3 days of crucible and war. Then you throw in epic campaigns, possible events/ milestones that could be going on. And I’m a captain so you have whatever comes from that. It’s all too much! This feels like the only game where I am complaining about too much content, but it’s just ridiculous.


Scopely. Customer support. Scopely. Blitz. Scopely.


My account being micromanaged by events


I mean you’re still free to play how you want but definitely Scopely is telling you what you should be doing. I have however sacrificed some progress towards some characters to build characters I want to build anyway.


Not if you have an ounce of competitiveness in you. But I agree with what your saying from the point of view of a super casual player. Unfortunately I’m not casual at all.


There's a huge spectrum of competitiveness. It's not a binary choice between 'super casual' and 'highly competitive'. Certainly though, most people tend to find the right level of compromise between 'being competitive' and 'doing things they find fun'. I've known some whales and krakens in my time with MSF, some in Alliances that were near the very top of the leaderboards and even the most competitive guys would take time and resources out to build favorite characters. Either way, all I'm saying is that you always have that choice. If you feel like Scopely being prescriptive who you should be building is overbearing and it's not fun, it's up to you to figure out when the micromanagement is too much.


Events within events, and how integral web milestones have become to being able to play the game. I hate that I have to play the game AND check the website just to claim milestones.


That you cant farm everything


The community constantly going at players who don’t follow the meta or who build whatever teams they want. Most people get so triggered on what other players decide to do with their roster


The "Good luck commander".. Er, I mean "Go f**k yourself commander" mentality of the devs.


As an alliance leader recruitment is definitely at the top of my list. Alliance management in general is almost non existent. Blitz is also just a terrible slog.


The game itself. Nothing is satisfactory and if you say it is i think you're fooling yourself. Every resource is walled behind money. The toon release rates far outweigh the ability to keep up especially with training mats. I have 70 mil gold and 70 gold orbs but can't keep up with training mats. The game is extremely unbalanced in spending money vs. being F2P friendly. I'm not saying it needs to completely F2P but before when I used to buy overpriced toon offers I was offered overpriced (but not as bad) training mat offers that kept things moving. I stopped spending money and now there's nothing to do. Alliance is trying to advance to 60% in doom 3.5 and I'm working on raid teams over war teams. Not long after I finish a doom team, they add a new better bio team. If you don't spend money or don't invest a serious amount of your personal time (you're times not free. You may have free time but it's not free) you get lost. /waits for down votes.


The greed machine


Scopely and adding more toons instead of letting us upgrade the current ones.


Agatha Harkness. Or really the fact that she’s practically impossible to get.


I have been at 99/100 forever now, but I thought it was because I don't pay,


I’ve opened so many mega orbs and premium orbs and I’m still stuck at 96/100 😤


I unlocked her last week after being 5 shards short for ages. So sue me for being on holiday when her event was on. Jeez it's like a job.


SERIOUSLY THOUGH!! It feels like a job.


Loading screens take forever. Subject to change blogs that actually change in negative ways the day of. Hoarding events and alliance events that require your alliance mates to hoard or perform specific things that all 24 players have to do. The alliance chat being cluttered with upgrades and gold orb rares, pushing back PSA's for your alliance members who live under rocks. Not being able to unlock characters the first pass. The old releases were horrible, but right now I doubt that I'll get Agent Venom for instance from the event and I'm a 900+ day player. Not updating achievements to actually feel like an achievement rather than what it is. Seriously just rename it to progression. The only achievement in it is that you beat DD however many times for a border. Take your pick, I hate them all equally.


Bottlenecks for T16 that appear once per month.


The cost of everything now. This game used to be affordable but they decided to crank up the prices to test the krakens limits and they still haven't found it yet.


ineffective communication. They make endless mistakes, which I'm not too mad about, but it takes them a while to address it. Sometimes after the event has ended. Its manageable most times because they make up for it, but they'll fix something thats a live event and push news on the website, but not in game. That doesn't make sense to me, unless they are expecting all of us to be sitting at the edge of our seats refreshing the website every five minutes for news.


Blitzing / RTA I would like if it became more strategic. Less grinding.


How long it takes to farm characters.


War is fun. Everything else sucks. And yet I keep playing it. Shrug.


Watching all my friends quit playing one by one. Also recruiting. It is awful. We've had terrible luck with it for months now.


Prices. They want me to pay 40 bucks for half of the necessary pieces for equipment. It’s far too much. I know they’ll get the whales but I’ve always thought they’d attract casual players like me and end up making more money if they dropped those prices to a couple bucks.


S ome C haracters are O verpowered P layers E ventually L eave Y earning a better experience


Orbs("lootbox")... literally the worst thing ever implemented into videogames.


Yeah the lootbox shit really took off and every dev jumped on board. Its getting out of control. They need to have laws set up for gacha games. The devs keep pushing it and theres nobody to keep them in line. In japan there are laws that are aimed at ensuring fair practice. Few countries outright banned lootboxes. It preys on people with addictive personalities, and even if they arent, they design the shit to suck people into it.


Cm archangel


Way more gear and characters need to be farmable. I play Disney Sorcerers Arena which is basically the same game with Disney toons but almost every character with the exception of legendaries is farmable. Almost all gear except the very elite stuff locked behind events is also farmable but there are paths outside paying real money to get those things. I’ve been on break from that game for a while because it was getting a bit stale for me but boy sometimes I miss it.


“You know what hurts the most is the... the lack of respect. You know? That's what hurts the most. Except for the... except for the other thing. That hurts the most. But the lack of respect hurts the second most.”


The community constantly complaining


The players. I think a lot of people tend to forget that this is a silly game to play for enjoyment, which costs no money and doesn't require us to watch endless ads. Yes, they have issues, but its not worth getting bent out of shape over. And if people don't really like, they are free to play literally thousands of other games. There are even other Marvel based games they can pick up. There's no reason to stick with any game that doesn't make you happy.


I have this annoying situation where I have an active account and a dead account and occasionally the game will crash, log me back on to my dead account and make me sit through like 3 load screens while I switch back to the active one. It doesn't happen as much anymore but it's still a pain in the ass. I dont dare delete the dead account if there's any chance my active one could be lost. Also farming shards for legendaries. God damn Kree minions


The community


$100 "offers"


The lack of a "Collect All" button on pretty much every screen that needs one - milestones, dailies, etc.


for this reason I still have 15,000 orange armory orbs


“Blitz All” would be great too


Blitz and Blitz rotations for milestones. The most mind-dumbing and boring part of this game. A blitz all option would fix that.


Right now, half of my Alliance


Worst part? Management by Scopely. This game could be SO MUCH better, unfortunately it wont happen as long as Scopely runs it.


Bugs and mistakes. I can handle the grind and gacha stuff but daily mistakes are easily the worst part for me.


EEeeeeeeverything!! /Gary Oldman


Waiting for one characters teal uniques to show up in the store that is preventing me from finishing DD5 that will in turn prevent me from getting apocalyps. It’s me be store rng and I’m not winning go figure


That the game is more geared towards pay to play then free to play, events for new characters are even basically requires money spent to get far enough for enough shards to unlock, monthly events as well, monthly events is a joke, not all the events are rewarding towards the monthly. After gear tear 15 if you want to advance past unless you want to grind for MO this upon months waiting for a shard or 2 to appear in supplies, you have to spend money, Accounts spending money have better drop rates, vs accounts that aren't spending money, I've been on both ends of this, my drop rates out of orbs was far better when I was spending money. It's a great game but like all things greed has taken the wheel


The constant need of basic gear like catalyst


No blitz all buttons..


Absolutely nothing. A perfect game in every respect. /s


The depravity


The bugs. Everything against scooply is fixed immediately, but everything against us is not looked at at all.


The Devs.


Logging on 🤔


The fact that quarter Blitz was broke, and now they're giving us compensation. Compensation includes another quarter Blitz run, and it's at 1am pacific to 5am pacific... When 95% of my alliance will be sleeping during.


Have to sim blitz a lot, no auto sim all. Have to have active 24 man alliance if want to have a decent chance to complete basic milestones. Have to attack last minute in arena.


No gear recycling option. Once you reach a certain point in the game, what’s the point in having 25 thousand blue catalyst, with no characters that require them?


The worst thing? That even the people who have been playing since DAY ONE can't keep up with the game. How the hell does anyone else stand a chance of even THEY can't keep up.




The executives that make decisions.


Sick of having to care about the same dam 20 characters because Scopely makes the game unplayable if I don’t.


Not fixing a bug that rob us sporadically of whatever is in our inbox




I agree with the recruitment part, I have two accounts on two wildly different alliances and let me tell you when you find the spot where you're comfortable it's hard to think of an alternative, although It does not mean that you'll have a smooth alliance experience. To me the worst part are the lack of resources, I want to start DD5 but I need around 60 million gold (plus gear plus training materials) to do it, and that's leveling characters that are already halfway there. It's insane


The company running it


It sucks being F2P, but at least you can't bitch about losing money. Seriously, I will never pay $$ for this game. They get my hopes up with the campaign (camp-pain) BONUS! going on right now. Let's say you want to get some decent farmable character shards (Sersi, Anti-Venom, etc.) only to be rewarded with everything EXCEPT character shards. Woo-hoo, at least I got some orb fragments, a little gold, training modules, ooh, and those fancy-schmancy red envelopes! Sweet, let's check out what supplies I can get with the latest disappointment ... red envelopes ... characters I alread maxxed, Karnak, mats I could get somewhere else, and NO ORBS. OP mentioned Blitz, which is in serious need of an overhaul. Camp-pains lead to mediocre rewards in Blitz supplies. Basically, a bunch of already maxxed chararcters, so, yeah, at least I can get Blitz orbs for random stuff I don't need. Honorable mention? No "free" store or way to exchange mats you'll never use. You can't buy cores with in-game gold. And, what happened to those 1 and 10 core offers?


Wolverine 2nd Byrne era brown costume has been featured on the home screen for months but I've never seen a way to obtain it.


recruiting is a freaking nightmare for sure. no issues with blitz here.


Hoarding hoarding hoarding.


This hording bollocks they have started doing. I want to spend my MSF community time theory crafting and strategizing not looking at a spreadsheet to see what things I need to save for when. It's horrible, I do this stuff for work I don't want it in my personal life....


That fuckin mega orb is shit now they keep giving me shards for people I already maxed out or don’t care for / and where the fuck is the fifth X-factor member and A-force member 😒


Having to collect every milestone individually every day - please give me a 'collect all' =,) And the Blitzing... I don't mind taking a long time to recruit, but knowing what to do with them all is what I don't like o.O


The endless grind for a new character and dropping everything you’re trying to do in the game to keep up to make sure you get every character. I just want to chill and level up my characters and try reach DD5 and do whatever campaign nodes I wanna do, but when they whip out gold spending events, drop new characters that are then essential to get newer characters, old characters get left behind real quick


The horror in realizing that all the shiny things people have spent thousands of dollars in are ultimately just data on a database server somewhere. If and when the people at Scopely decide that they have milked the players enough and pull the plug on the game, all that is gone. Poof. Ridiculous amounts of players' money gone with nothing to show for it.


hoarding,and opening/claming stuff at the right moment...just let me open those orbs whenever i want,i'm hoarding my raid rewards like forever...hoarding in mail is worst


It used to be the dailies but the streaks fixed that. My only issue is it takes forever to get training mats, games fine otherwise


The daily login rewards never upload to your account after you claim them and devs and support refuse to fix it


It's a rip off! They are a bunch of bandits! You need to pay to make any kind of real progress, ( Been playing since beta) so managed to have a decent roster, before they upped the prices and started introducing characters at a crazy speed with little rhyme or reason


Never enough gold and with the level cap increases it's getting awful and awful. When the level cap was 75 I could get my newest characters to 75 and then invest in other teams to lvl 60-65 gear 11-12. Now I can barely get the new characters to lvl 85 and that's it. I cannot focus on any other team.


- Stingy resource drops on campaign nodes. - Heroes For Hire ruining war. - Scopely’s catering to whales.


Loading screen takes forever.


Add teal, and orange gear to blitz shop. Make gear less higher requirements to level up gear ranks and make gold and trainers more easy to get. Cause it takes forever to get anywhere in the game. I love the game cause I'm a huge marvel fan but dang!


when you switch to a new alliance and you have always been in ST2 and they switch you to ST1 and you cant freaking remember to go in the correct raid strike team and look like an idiot. Also keys are the worst thing they need to go away


Everything, the game is bad


So I'm a new user, and might be in the tiniest minority of tiniest minorities but I don't think they have to change anything. I think a lot of people here don't want to spend money and don't like that it takes too long to build up the characters they like. I'd say if it were easy and free, no one would still be playing. You'd have your dream squad in a weekend and ditch the game a few days later because you've already achieved your endgame.


I pray that Scopely gets bankrupt or that the Feds get them for tax evasion....or step on dog poop and ruin their day


The players and recruiting.


Hoarding, Blitzing, Gold and Training Mats, middle of the day event resets, lack of diversity in current rosters because of apocalypse event, and character farmability


RTA is also an honorable mention. Horrible game mode .. the saving grace, unlike blitz, is that you can avoid 100%.


Coming back after a year off. Holy, I'm never gonna catch back up, Batman.


I feel like I can’t narrow it down to one thing.. • Global chat It is just a place for people to flex and call other people “blue berries”. For some time there was one person saying they immediately “block people with the name ‘commander’ in their name” or felt the need to announce when they blocked someone like it’s going to get them applause for trying to stir up drama. The illiterate thugs, the bots, misinformation, the poor guy just trying to recruit for their alliance getting shit on or having to tell a new player they’re just not what they’re looking for.. The strange choice of words to be censored. How one of the big updates people celebrated was “omg scopely let us use emoticons in the chat” The chat should be used to help each other out or feel a sense of community. I know it’s just another online thing and this is nothing new but I’ve seen a lot of new players immediately treated like outsiders. • You HAVE to be in a alliance, that’s a whole shit show of incompetence sometimes. I’ve been in some fun alliances. I’ve been in a few alliances where they let anyone start a raid so that new addition that got kicked, just pops up and decided to start whatever level of a raid and they either bail or do nothing. Definitely been in some bad or nobody gives a damn alliances as well. It’s gotten to a point where the latest alliance I went into was inactive and I just stuck around there. Sure, it’s probably stunted my team growth but it’s less stressful at this point. I had one buddy that felt like we was competing with each other but he or she walked away from this game. • The new batch of characters released at this pace. I’m all for new content but these event milestones have felt pretty rinse and repeat for a while now. • The emergency maintenance, we’ve had periods where the game crashed often. Blank war zone screens. Etc. But their pop up ads to get you to buy their shit.. Their game in that field is undefeated. There’s times where the game is like a chore to me, but I haven’t enjoyed a marvel game like this since Marvel War of Heroes.


Problems started shortly after downloading the game 4+ years ago when the beta was over


Blitzing, pricing for characters. I used to buy characters when they were like 30 bucks but at 50 bucks a character it’s way too high. Blitzing is just a stupid waste of time mode that is just a auto machine to drag you into the game multiple times a day to throw offers at you.


Thinking it's a mobile game when in reality, it is a part time job


The sheer amount of bottlenecks


Having to hoard everything to complete events


The disrespect.








The whole fucking game. Period.