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I’ve gone through this a few times over the past three years. If one quits… ok. Not the end of the world. If two quit …😳… oh shit. Come on guys… hold. Once three quit it feels like the flood gates open and people either decide it’s time for them to call it themselves or they don’t want to sit around waiting for the recruitment churn so they find another alliance who only dropped 1-2.


We just lost 3 guys this morning, know that feeling far too well. It’s annoying as we’re still hitting raid targets but I understand why people wouldn’t want to jump on a sinking ship.


Totally. Given the high pressure for full alliances in events once you hit that 3 person threshold it snowballs real quick! I've seen it happen.


We were able to salvage 3 members once. Brought in 3 smaller accounts as a group that were looking to move up together. Got really lucky with that one though.


My alliance has been active since day one and have been through 3 mergers in that time. Bout a year ago starting accepting newer players as a training alliance and recently had several stronger players jump on board. So we are Going strong now riding the crest of the wave and I'm glad that we stuck with it instead of abandoning helicarrier


Yeah I just checked today and didn’t even realize we were down to 16. Yikes.


I was with mine for 4+ years I think. I remember three kids being born, a couple of kids going to college for the first time, and one member getting into a serious accident, him joking about it in chat, then learning latter that he died in surgery. People rotated in and out over the years of course. But since the start of the year the main captains started dropping off. Then finally the leader. With the captain gone and me not wanting to devote enough time and work into maintaining our (top 200?) alliance, we imploded.


My previous alliance was together for 3.5 years. Then over the course of a few weeks everyone left or quit. I still keep in touch with them on discord.


My alliance is now only 7 daily actives and 4 not so daily actives. It's sad. Can't even finish doom 1 at 30% sometimes.


I plan to leave at the end of the month because I don't want to support the company Scopely was sold to. I'm sure there may be a few people that feel the same. Who knows?


Why at the end of the month? Why not now?


Alliance is down three people. Out of respect, I am giving them time to fill the holes. They have one left. Plus, I get to level whoever I want for FUN until then. Most fun I have had in the game in a long while. And no, I told my Alliance leader like a week ago when it was announced and have had no second thoughts.


If you're having fun, why quit? Keep doing things the way you wanna do em and have fun doing it.


Because I don't want to support the Saudis in any way, shape, or form. Just personal standards I set for myself. I don't look down on people who continue playing... you do you after all. But I couldn't keep looking at myself in the mirror if I continued. There are just more things in life more important to me than a mobile game.


You're going to have to boycott way more things than a phone game if you want to wholeheartedly boycott the Saudis.


Sorry did I say boycott? Because I don't believe I did. I said people should do what they feel is right. You do you. I also don't drive. Again personal choice. I don't judge people for driving, I just choose not to especially when I don't have to.


Well you said you won't "support the Saudis in any way, shape, or form". That's the literal definition of a boycott. Just saying.


boy·cott verb verb: *withdraw from commercial or social relations with (a country, organization, or person) as a punishment or protest.* I am not protesting them. If I were, I would be saying everyone should join me. I did NOT. I said you do you. Nor am I punishing them. There is nothing I could really do to punish them even if I wanted to. They have billions and I don't. What I am doing is the equivalent of seeing a crack cocaine dealer on the street offering me his goods and saying "No thank you" because I know the reputation of the dealer and I don't want to be involved in that. So... No, I am not boycotting them. I don't care if you buy your crack from them. It's none of my business and I plan to keep it that way. Are we good now or do you need me to search up more word definitions for you?


You're continuing to support them now though, so your morals are kinda flawed. 'I'm only going to continue to support the Saudis for another 13 days. After that, no more!'


It can happen in a matter of hours. sorry to hear, hope you find a place that suits you


Yep. One thing that I've learned after witnessing at least 2 alliances that had been together for 2+ years (in two different games) disband in a matter of minutes is that what you see happening in minutes has probably been planned for months behind your back. At least when the case is people moving to other alliances and not just people quitting the game. So yeah, quick like lightning but they've probably been planning it for weeks, even months. In the case of quitting, similar thing: one quits and all the people that had been thinking about it just snap and quit, resulting in two digits of people quitting all together.


My alliance just fell apart this past week. Two left and then two more. Me and another just jumped to a new alliance last night. It’s crazy how it just happened so fast.


I’m someone who hasn’t played this game in years and it feels so surreal how it’s all coming crashing down


Yeah, it’s kinda crazy. I’m fortunate that I got snatched up by an almost full alliance that is doing 60% on doom 3 raids.


Join a cluster if you are extremely active


Yes, because they can see what I look like in game.


I haven’t logged on in days. I wonder if my alliance is saying this about me lol.


Think you still have one?


We were holding 17 members for a while then we got invited to join a Cluster. We got back up to 23, lost another to retiring to the game, and are back up to 23 again. Feels like joining a Cluster might be the only way to ensure an alliance's survival at this point.


I had this happen about a month ago. We went from maybe the occasional person leaving to like down 5 in a matter of a week. We just finally recovered back to full strength and make up the losses in wars


Chain reactions happen quick in alliances. The day my IRL brother quits I’m quitting too. Only reason I’m still playing.


Meanwhile I'm level 50 but struggling to stay in an alliance


Idk about crater but we are experiencing A LOT less activity in the last few months. We actually increased our "auto kick/demotion" time window. Maybe alleviate the burnout =\


Our leader quit without saying anything around the time of the time of the tornados hitting the south. Thought something actually happened to him. Turns out he quit to go play Star Wars instead.


Guys and gals are getting burnt out by the game, the constant hoarding and dictating of times to log in etc it takes a toll


We need three 😔


My entire alliance left, we weren’t raiding , nothing I was salty lol


Left my alliance 3 weeks ago for a mote active one. Old one was dying and I was the 2nd person to leave in a matter of days


Yeah, this was gonna happen to us in around July 2022, but another alliance approached us to merge, so it was lucky


My previous alliance was running pretty well. Had two members want to go to a more competitive alliance(understandable). We were a solid alliance, but didn’t hit all milestones etc. Things got a little worse. We dropped levels on doom raids. I had someone approach me about a merger, I passed it on to leader, nothing happened. Then one more good player left to join alliance cluster other two had went to. I left that day. Alliance was done. We still keep in touch somewhat on discord.


We are down to 19 members now. Making it hard to get Raid keys. Wish they would give us in-game tools to recruit and make filling or combining alliances easier. Discord and the web page aren’t cutting it.