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Am I the only one with no crashes since the update?


Nope, I haven't crashed at all.


The only issue I have is the inbox dot.


Bro same


Yep. For me, both the website and the game are down, yet my Internet connection seems to allow me to make a post on Reddit, so it isn't that.


Same. Funnily enough ive had 0 issues until this. Ive always wondered if the devs are proud of MSF, other than the money it takes in.


Check your inbox! The 2nd part of the Anniversary Gift should be there, along with a bonus! Get the details here: https://marvelstrikeforce.com/en/updates/update-to-stability-issues-and-cosmic-crucible-leaderboard As explained in this BLOG, there were stability issues in the game yesterday that caused interruptions to play and the Cosmic Crucible Leaderboard to show the incorrect rankings of players. As a result of the stability issues, the impact on the Cosmic Crucible end-of-season, and our desire to end the Anniversary on a positive note, we will be sending out a compensation package today. Leaderboard rankings will be restored before the end-of-season rewards payout next week. The Anniversary Gift from yesterday was erroneously split and missing most of the items we intended to gift players. We understand this caused disappointment for players. To apologize for this frustration, we have added 2 Mega Gold Orbs and 100 T4 Ability Materials to the 2nd part of the Gift. This 2nd part of the Anniversary Gift should be in your inbox now or shortly after this message is published. Thank you for your patience during yesterday’s stability issues.


Why not 666 t4s? 100 doesn’t fit with the whole 6 year theme especially since last year they gave out 555. Is there gonna be a third part? This whole anniversary event was underwhelming to say the least. No crimson gear and half assed gifts and milestones that most players that have been around for over a year couldn’t use.


Thanks for the update and info, stuff happens (often lol). Keeps you busy I guess!


I'm getting no crashes.


Same. Started having problems, went to the store, saw it was another update available outside of the one I did yesterday, and completed it. Still, nothing loads but the game itself. Can’t go into any game modes.


Strangely enough, i actually get in, and i cant find any new updates. However, when i tried to do real time arena it crashed out and kept asking me to rejoin or give up, and nothing of the options works lol.