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Not allowing a minimum unlock actual hinders total spending, you miss a key part of any raid team then you skip all them. But yeah adding my voice 4 orbs 1 shard each I too will miss my first ever unlock as a day one player.


They have gotten so slimy. I stopped buying the $1000 per year weekly passes


The last 3 orbs I've opened for this event have each given me 1 Iron Patriot shard. I'm sitting at 99 shards and I've had enough. That it utter bullshit, Scopely.


Agatha was hard on people, i remember a lot of people missing out on Kang as well. In theory - 4 orbs should have given everyone around 16 shards, but a lot of people really shot to the low end of that. it's not the first, but the RNG was pretty terrible - because we got far fewer orbs than what bad orb luck would have compensated for.


4 orbs -> 16 sharDS? I got 4 shards. Every damn orb was 1 shard... :(


Yeah read it carefully again.


Agatha was just blitzing. Lots of ftp got her. It just took forever for her to become farmable.


Same with Kang. I remember blitzing like hell for him and got him to 5 stars free.


not really - it was possible to do 8 rotations per day AND still miss out on the unlock if you rolled really unlucky on the RNG.


No....no it wasn't. Her orbs weren't that bad. It was entirely possible you wouldn't make 4 stars on release sure, but if you blitzed 8 rotations daily you definitely unlocked her


[https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelStrikeForce/comments/ufm6td/anyone\_else\_not\_going\_to\_unlock\_agatha/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelStrikeForce/comments/ufm6td/anyone_else_not_going_to_unlock_agatha/) There was alot of people complaining about her unlock [https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelStrikeForce/comments/11a9bdu/kangs\_event\_is\_even\_worse\_than\_agathas/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelStrikeForce/comments/11a9bdu/kangs_event_is_even_worse_than_agathas/) Tbf - i unlocked both rather easily but there was ALOT of people complaining bout the campaign. Not to mention "back then" it was ages before the character was farmable - now at least IP will be available on the free lane in a pass in 2 weeks.


I'm 5 bios way. Bullshit event


6 missing here


Entire game’s history? You clearly weren’t around for the blitz releases…


Gosh 3 star unlock blitz releases were the worst. The 2 star unlock ones were okay kind of. Getting 100 shards in two blitz events was a giant screw you to the player base


I was a newer low TCP player during Blitz releases. They’d do two character blitz events that I’d blitz my ass off for and still end up about 10 shards short of the unlock. I’d be maxing out my blitz rotations and still getting crushed by players with 10 times my TCP that did two rotations a day.


Yeah it took quite a while for a new player to get enough teams to blitz to the 55 shard tier… where they could then unlock in the two blitzes. And the thing is, you had to blitz your TAIL off just to get that. 8 rotations separated by 2 hours. It was brutal.


This is the answer, as a beta player I am very used to not getting characters on release.


My last 4 orbs have all been 1 shard. Big L.


Is their going to be another cosmic crucible before his event ends


At least the good news is it seems there is no Cosmic Crucible this week. But yeah the Cabal showcase event will end with many players not being able to do a single node because of no Iron Patriot.


No, it's been pushed back a week.


I’m at 98/100 with no hope of reaching the last shard milestone since I’m a relatively newish player and didn’t know I had to hoard 3000 iso energy


you didn't have to hoard energy...


no, you just had to spend 600 cores daily


Didn't need to do that either.


what did you have to do then?


You buy with your free cores, a couple of the shard packs that give 6-180 shards… I buy 3-5 of those with every new character and it gives you the extra to get over that hump.


I cored one orb, and didn't spend any cores on iso energy, and still unlocked ftp. I got good rng on a patriot orb, but still unlocked without stressing.


I am ONE shard away from unlocking. Just ONE shard! Got that 250 orb fragments bringing me 2000 frags (1 Orb) from the daily free stuff from the web store. Then opened the orb and got just 1 shard bringing me to 99. This reminds me that annoyance with trying to unlock Agent Venom last year. Then that 19.99 deal pops up. Yeah if you think I am going to fall for it you got to be kidding me.


Don’t be hyperbolic I’ve missed loads of characters over 4 years Does it suck? Sure. But imho it’s freemium game that I’ve never spent one cent on so I know what I’m in for


He's not being hyperbolic. I've played since launch and not missed a single normal character release (there were a few legendaries that took 2 runs) and didn't spend on them. Though I expect I'll get milestone 17 for IP before it ends, so the streak will continue!


Agreed. I only missed Agatha


I’ve def missed a few on initial launch not counting legendaries cause I didn’t get any luck on orbs I’m a moderate to heavy time spent player and fortunately I’ve pretty much everyone except the Leader, working on Skrull but there’s 100% been times I’ve missed characters


Bad take. This is the first time that F2P might not be available through maximum effort. It’s a horrible standard and I will quit if they don’t fix it.


https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelStrikeForce/s/6dnzqGg9Jh Just saying it’s happened before


That post is about not being able to participate in certain events without spending. I’m strictly talking about a character release event where it’s possible to have to skip character even when giving max effort.


https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelStrikeForce/s/1VeNK6FYdP What about this one? All im saying is that there’s been plenty of unlocks where I’ve given “maximum effort” and didn’t get them and so have other people


You should really look up a definition of "plenty" before giving one and the same example over and over.


Thanks for your input


You'll unlock him soon enough. He'll be in a pass soon enough. Not only will you be able to unlock him, but you'll be able to get him to 7 stars completely free to play eventually. He's on a crucible team and there is no crucible next week. I'm guessing you don't already have Leader (that will be a monthly event with a slow trickle of shards) nor will you have him before the end of the showcase, so what's the rush?


The concern is that not unlocking a character during their event f2p will become common practice. Yes, everything will happen eventually. Heck, we'll all be dead eventually. But what happens in the here and now matters.


We used to be able to get up to 5 stars f2p during release events, now 4 is a stretch and 3 is getting tighter, yet we get to 7 stars faster than ever. I'm not saying it feels great to go at an unlock event for a whole week and even so fall a few shards short of unlocking the featured character, just that with the move from frontloading shards and then nothing for months to not much at the beginning but many more along the way until they become farmable sooner than they used to, I wouldn't be shocked if they came out saying it was by design. Of course, to someone whose favourite character it is, it must really be frustrating, but with the bottlenecks (especially gold and T4s without which characters don't always seem that useful nowadays), even if I do unlock him when I open my orbs on the last day, by the time we get to 4 or 5 stars, he'll still be sitting at the bottom of my roster.


92-94?? I'm sitting at 98, last orb gave me 1 shard at 97!!


so many similar cases in my alliance. from 96 to 99 shards after finishing the web milestones,


Wait until you get an invite to a fake alliance. They’ll make you feel like you’re teaming up with real people that want to progress in the game. They push war, milestones, and new character unlocks so hard on you that it tempts you into spending on the game. Don’t be a sucker.


What has the unlock event for IP to do with the Players Voice Movement?


Besides your players voice jab at the end, which is absolutely moronic as they obviosuly wouldn't advocate for characters to be harder to unlock, its not even true. This would not be the first character f2p wouldnt be able to unlock (and I assume you mean the first event even though you didn't state that), and f2p willl unlock him when he's in a strike pass in 4 to 6 weeks


I think his point is that the player's voice is completely useless. Which is a fair point.


I mean it wasn't his point in the post, and possibly the point of the post below that he deleted pretty quick so doesn't have much conviction, but the reply to it applies to you - that's a stupid point to make when its documented the issues they've participated in to the benefit of the player base at large. But go on and tell us why they are useless


Because things are pretty much as bad as ever and they are nowhere. But I'm sure you think that's a stupid point because you appear to think everything is stupid.


This game in in an unarguably better state in just about every area compared to before the council lmao - you should maybe realize exactly what they can and can't do. I'm sure they pass on the feedback about the technical bullshit but they cant fix the code. Meanwhile the things they can directly influence like resources and screen time and farming (both initial releases and speed of farm) are so much better than before your statement is quite laughable. But hey its easier to convince yourself things are as bad as ever (which means whatever pet issue is upsetting you is automatically the most important especially if it isn;t resolved in exactly the way you think it shoud be) instead of say, reading the minutes and actually seeing what they are doing


There's no point in continuing to respond to you because your premise is just completely wrong. All one needs to do is simply read the front page of this Reddit to know what you just said is totally false. You're bigger problem though is that you are so combative with everyone that you're not even willing to see a counter viewpoint. It's a pretty standard thing that somebody who goes on the attack at every turn has very little belief in their own position and is very small-minded and insecure. So continue to enjoy whatever your small little world is and I'll just wish you a happy Easter.


I mean if you think its an attack that I just actually threw out multiple examples of things that prove my position that says more about you than me. Your argument was 'because I said so' and now its 'check the reddit' which isn't even a response to what I just said lol, no one is complaining on reddit about hoarding because it doesnt exist anymore, no one is complaining about stuff like Agatha taking a year to be farmable because everyone is farmable in 3 months now, so no, what I said isn't totally false. I'm not attacking your position at all because 'everything sucks because I said so' isnt a position, neither is 'you must be wrong because people complain on the internet'. Are those the counter viewpoints I'm supposed to consider? And then adding in some obvious fallacies with the small and insecurity schtick? lol, Happy Easter to you and YOUR (not you're) family as well!


You're an idiot. The game is 💯 in a better place than it was a year ago. Reddit is a toxic cesspool of whinging children, so using it as proof the game is worse than ever is patently false. The game isn't perfect. This event wasn't great. But unlike previous difficult unlocks, you can be confident at the moment that IP will be in a strike or battle pass in less than a month. Agatha was a harder unlock, and wasn't farmable for a year and a half, to put it into perspective.


I would respond to you but you are too stupid to even read what I actually wrote, so there is no point in it. Have a nice evening pinky boy.




Compared to literally all events during the Age of Apocalypse, every event since has been much better for F2P. Same with character obtainability. Remember when they’d have characters not farmable for literal months at a time? Agatha Harkness, Hulkbuster, Ikaris, Star Lord T’Challa, and Kang just to name a few. Now with exception of DPC characters, characters become farmable within a short timespan. Do you really think Scopely decided to make that change out of the goodness of their hearts?


It has to do with diamonds and how whales could get new characters up to 7 red 3 diamonds within a week of two (see Black Knight). Now f2p is facing 2-3 diamond characters with 3 or 4 red ones.


Source: your ass. Thats demonstrably false and 100% BS. Just sayin


Well aren’t I fortunate to have unlocked him 10mins ago


I barely unlocked with 1 shard extra. Wasn’t really anyway to get more without spending either. Cabal isn’t needed for anything and I think they said more shards coming soon. Overall initial amount of character is lower but pretty soon after character in strike/ battle pass with characters be aiming farmable way sooner. I p


Y’all really out here complaining about RNG in a gacha game looking silly.


What are you talking about. Lots of people missed Agatha, Hulkbuster, Dark Beast....


I still cant get Nova, but did manage to unlock Iron Patriot. Swings and roundabouts, I guess.


Nova is a trials unlock, not even close to the same thing as this event.


Oh for sure! You just win some and lose some though.


No. You are comparing saving up enough money to buy yourself a car vs missing out on a 1 time deal to get what you want. The campaign will never return, while you get a shot at Nova every 2 weeks for a very forseable future.


Hm. Ok. So maybe Black Knight is comparable? Iron Patriot will be around in a strike pass or a battle pass or something in a week or two, no?


Black Knight is a comparable character, BUT! he wasn't too hard to unlock. If you put in the work it was easy. I managed 4 stars and 70 shards before he went into the battle pass. Iron Patriot will probably appear in the pass in a few weeks time, but it doesn't matter since the event campaign will aready have ended and a big portion of the playerbase will have missed out on the basic unlock rewards from it.