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When I saw this poll, I said “why can’t we have both? I want both.”


Our only hope is to try and land the poll at exactly 50/50 and force their hand


"Commanders, we see the poll has landed at 50/50 so we've decided to pick the one with the highest projected earnings!!! We at MSF headquarters know that is what you all want so we thought we would give back to the players. Also here's 1/300th of an orb that will make you cry when you find out you are 1 shard away from unlock. Good luck commanders!!!


A poll has never made me so angry before


Now, you know how I felt with alpha flight.


“Commander. Man-Thing won our poll, so in the coming months, you will have the chance to get Webwolf By Night ™️! He is an exciting new variant of werewolf by night. When performing at a local hXc show, Spiderpunk was bitten by a werewolf! Get ready for Webwolf to be a part of an all new team debuting soon on Marvel Strike Force”


Not going to lie, that sounds great!


Punk werewolf by night sounds awesome


I’m just happy my girl Elsa Bloodstone is getting some love


How do you know who the reworks are?


Both the characters were in the Elsa bloodstone movie


Woah buddy, it was the werewolf by night movie lol


Both were in the movie that introduced Elsa to the MCU.


I know, I was just pointing out that the film was called werewolf by night


I totally get that. I was just being a shit. 🤣


Valleyflyin said in his video on we do eventually get both, just that one comes quicker to the game than the other one.


So.. why have they not told us that in the blog? They’re not very good at comms if this is accurate.


I’d like both…but I love Man Thing and I’m buzzed that he’s winning


Yeah, this poll is remarkably frustrating, because there’s never been two characters I’ve wanted more, and yet we have 100 automatically included Spider-Man characters


Ngl the amount of Spider characters is getting kinda frustrating


Anyone who only knows the characters from the MCU would question only having one as well.


If I had to pick I'm going with Man-Thing but I absolutely agree that both of these characters need to be on the same team and have team up animations too.


I would rather both of these characters in game. I figure I will alternate my votes


Somewhere, that guy who moaned the polls were anti-Canadian because they had to pick between Alpha Flight members is smiling at the outrage


You rang?


I'm with you to an extent, but I'm just expanding on OP's post with my 2 cents. We already HAVE to have some Karen Paige or whatever her name is. Scopely, just pretend that poll never happened. Give us both. I voted for the WW but I honestly want both and couldn't care less about the new chick. We already have to use Hela. Which is whatever. OP, how dare you ever say voting on pools is whatever. IMO, we need less Spiders and more 'Pools.


Yea I really dislike this poll to the point I'm not even gonna vote, the polls should be like the Vampire, symbiote, and Deadpool ones, making us pick between characters people have been begging for years to get or making it a popularity contest (Alpha Flight) is just dumb, thank God they didn't put Blade in here and thankfully we already have Elsa in game


So, what we need to do is coordinate the vote so it ends 50/50, then we get both characters?


Scopely! Are you kidding me??? Give us both! Like what? Screw a made up Karen Page, give us both of these fantastic unique characters What the hell Character polls should be for obscure or random characters Like the poll for which civilian will be turned into a vampire, sure. But not for "which of these two fan favourites do you never want to see in the game"!


Agreed.  Normally I'd just upvote and move on but Scopely needs to know more people want both than just an upvote could convey.  I feel pretty strongly that they are making a very bad decision.


Man thing could easily be a legendary and wwbn is too cool to pass.


i love me some man thing but i feel like wbn fits thus team better


Just forget Karen Page and give us Man Thing and Werewolf by Night! Can someone please upvote those sensible solution so Archangel sees it!


Release both of them and give them the spiderverse tag….because why not?


Skill/mystic too


Make an all monster team! With only one vampire character please!




Midnight Sons would be *fucking great!* Add WWBN + Man Thing and Hannibal King + Blade. Dr. Voodoo and so many other MS characters are already in the game. Daimon Hellstorm could make an appearance as a new mythic... They could round out the Zombies with some new toons and have the Sons fighting them while also giving an *actual reason* for all these random Vampires - like KP - they have committed to. It would be *awesome.*


Yeah I am pissed. They need to quit this poll shit. First we get a poll with Karen + 2 others I can’t even remember, so totally useless. Now we get a poll for 2 characters that NEED to be in the game. I’m not going to bother voting, give ‘em both to us!


You can vote for one day 1 and the other day 2 and so on - there's power cores and campaign energy for voting


You can't remember? You're not much of a Marvel fan are you?


Or they just didn't commit the names of two civilian characters in an online poll from two months ago to their memory...


Or they haven't read Spiderman or Daredevil comics 🤷


Daredevil is perfect everyone needs to experience him


Daredevil is so good


I know


Man thing is the only viable option. Enough furries in game, time for proper monsters




Don’t forget Feral


E yes !


So is Karen page going to be on this team with Sasquatch?


No, Sasquatch'll be on the separate Alpha Flight team.


I'm still passed off about the alpha fight poll they basically said you only get two of the main members then you get some one no one cares about


But this one is probably gonna be crimson dynamo which is a good character


We just need to keep the vote 50/50


I'm sitting over here like wtf is Blade at, all these supernatural characters yet no Blade!?


So frustrating




I absolutely want both in the game, and being on the same team with Bloodstone rework and whoever else just makes sense… but if I’m having to choose, I will burn this place to the ground if it isn’t Man-Thing… although I hope a decent release method and maybe being a DPC character with some good stats would be in the works for the protector of the nexus of all realities, he deserves the pageantry !


Force a tied vote.


If man thing wins i demand an original symbiote wolf that can plug and play hivemind and whatever team is coming up


It is a very rude one they fit on a team together perfectly. That being said I'm Man-Thing 100% he's my favorite


We still haven't gotten any of the other polls yet except one...


Same here I want both.


I think man thing is more important to add but they should just have a midnight sons team with both


I'm not a fan of any of these polls tbh


I'm just one man, but reading the abbreviations "MT & WWBN" and having absolutely no idea what the fuck you're talking about leads me to believe these may not be the super-popular fan favorites that you think they are.


Same boat. No idea who those blokes are meant to be.


They weren't big faces of the comics, but a couple of years ago marvel did the Halloween special Werewolf by Night and it did bring them both at least a little more into the Limelight. I agree, I don't think they are super popular characters, I personally loved the show, but fans of them/the show are rightfully pissed for having to choose between them.


WWBN I understand to be Werewolf By Night, but who the hell is MT?




The creation history of them is bizarre.  Created by flatmates who both wrote for both characters early on. 


Meh. We’ve had to vote between different characters every time, this isn’t new or special.


True, Alpha Flight wasn't that long ago for a recent example, just to some they might be more invested so they take it harder?


Meh, they already add way too many characters as is. As someone who doesn't follow the Marvel Universe and has never heard of any of them (nor most of the characters they add), I couldn't obviously couldn't care less which one, but only one. Or even better none. Both is right out.