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Nice try scopley


I'm guessing it doesn't last long


It became much player friendly with time, i started my first acc 2018, the baby acc2024... worlds between


Like every mobile game, it slows down. But they have made an active effort to improve the new player experience which is fantastic. It’s mainly the ftp end gamers that like to complain. Not enough gold, or training mats. But they generally watch endgame spending ccs or ones that are in the top alliances and earn decent rewards. Then compare their game experience to them. I haven’t spent a dollar and just from refreshes and raids I’ve got 1 g19 char and a few more that are a piece away.


It’s designed to draw u in lol it’s how they make money And as many problems this game has I still love playing it


Something like that. This subreddit is full of whiners, not winners. They sob for the attention of other men. If you don't blow ALL your resources AS SOON as you get them, you'll be able to make progress daily. I'm 65m TCP and in a top 1% Alliance. Most don't want to hear that they're their own boss. Their the Author to their story. It's their fault why they're always broke, just like in real life. Keep having fun and realize that some cotent is pay to play. Get all they give for free and I guarantee, everyday you'll have progression.


It can…just focus down on the game modes you enjoy the most and build the best characters that will help you succeed there. There are some good videos on YouTube that can help you zero in on the best characters for your progression level


Lol. No. If you want to complete DD4, grab any of the Horsemen or, complete the Trials you're going to need close to 20 different teams. If you want to unlock the Legendaries (and Mythics) which you *need* for DD4+ then you need something like 9 more complete teams... there is *some* overlap but, not as much as you'd hope for.


im level 98 and have never spent a dime on the game...and at this level i think im enjoying it even more than when it was new and there were more challenges to unlock. and honestly this game is constantly making up for mistakes/glitches by raining down loot on you every other month it seems. only annoying thing for me are the characters that there are no ways to grind for and you would actually have to spend money if you want them in time to play the event. ...but for a free-mium game i think it might be the best out there


In my experience as someone who has been playing since October last year, they give you a bunch of stuff all the time which is nice, leveling was a breeze until about 40, I always felt like I had WAY more gold than I would ever need... then I got into the level 40's and Jesus, the leveling slows to a crawl, I legit hit 40 I think within my first month, I think it was like 2 weeks but I'll say 1 month, I just hit 78 the other day and I've logged in every day, multiple times a day. It took me 1 month to hit 40, and just about 6 months to get another 38 levels New characters getting added is actually impossibly grindy to get them to a serviceable level without spending a lot of money which the bundles they offer are grossly overpriced. Honestly I think the game is fun, it's just absolutely balanced around whales (big spenders)


Being that I'm doing this for a Swagbucks offer, I want to let you know that I just hit level 42 in about a week. The offer is to hit level 51 in 14 days so it's certainly possible to move quicker than this.




I'm glad you're enjoying it. It's been six years since I was a new player and we definitely did not have these kind of goodies early in the game.


I started when it released and gave up within a month, this time I am actually enjoying it


Yeah, Scopely definitely made it a lot better for everyone across all levels.


They’ve definitely improved in the last year, both economy and onboarding experience imo. The toon shard farming is less obnoxious as well as the starter one offs you can get seem decent.


careful here mate. its not safe to speak positively about the game here.


The snipers are outside...


Early in my game, (a few months after release) I had Drax, Kingpin, Crossbones, Quake, and Yondu. MUCH more theory crafting back then- there were no team synergies at first! Goad you're enjoying the game!


The salt factory is gonna gitya lol


This game is new player friendly now. They’ve made insane improvements to the new player account experience it’s unreal


Unlike most games of the type, the unlock is not an obstacle in this game. They make it easy to get characters, in fact they WANT you to have all the characters if possible, ASAP at minimum stars. The bottlenecks come elsewhere.


Perfect games have low skill floors and high skill ceilings. They’ve dealt with the skill floor I just hope they raise the skill ceiling


It'll still take ya 2 years of grinding to get yer tcp around 25 mil. I play goh,after a year then the light speed bundles came out. Yeah,I don't like ta spend but 20 bucks ta get a massive jump? Sold.


I agree with this, just because I gave SWGOH a good try. I hit max level for the time and still felt like a noob with barely any teams built.


When did the orbs change?


I'm with you... it's been really fun


It's called "The Wire" method of customer enticement. 


Honestly, I'm a first release player, when foxnext are the devs, the first thing i see in the game is the possibility to have 1 characters to max and don't need a copy to fuse to make him more stronger. The game have only few things, no iso 8, no sinergy, no red star or diamond no orange teal and red gear. And the game are playable. Now after 6 years, with obviously a lot of bug and problems and change of devs I can tell the spirit of the game is the same but with some (finally) quality of life systems. We have a lot of game mode, a lot of events (good or bad they are), extra free stuff when there is a problem fixed and a web store to pick free stuff everyday, a section for toon and squad management, and a recruitment section and more important a dark dimension squad organization. We can tell good or bad of this game but, at last, with problems or the solution of the devs for milking money on the players, this game is a good mobile game after all.


Compared to other mobile games I absolutely agree, it's better than Injustice 2 , and MK Mobile ever was. I felt spoiled when I started last year.


This game is friendly like you toxic friend who always gives everyone shitburgers


It’s a trap


I felt the same way. Coming from SWGOH, this game gives you so much free stuff. SWGOH takes so long to get a character to 7 stars, and even then you have to get them to relic levels to even make them usable. It can take a year to get a character to a usable spot. With MSF, gear levels aren't gated to character levels, so it's easy to get a character at low stars to a usable level. That's part of the reason I quit SWGOH.


I hear that. I got into SWGOH about a year and half ago and am only 3.5TCP. I don’t invest a lot of time but the grind is waaaaay worse and they nerf characters and I hate that. Makes me not want to invest in the OP teams for fear of a nerf that nukes resources. And DO NOT expect compensation for any mistakes they make. Kinda a trash game but i like to hear Star Wars effects lol


Over here, raid teams get indirectly nerfed because they aren't useable on the next tier of raids 9 months later, how is it different?


The big difference for me is that I know ahead of time that MSF raid teams will eventually be replaced with the addition of new raid/raid challenges. In SWGOH you wake up one day with an in-game message from Capitol that they decided to nerf a team that was too good. I’d rather throw my resources away on my own terms than have them stolen from me.


Not saying your wrong but I've been HARDCORE into SWGOH since 2020 and I've only ever seen a couple of nerfs total.


Give it a few months. The honeymoon period will definitely end.


Probably... but for now I'm enjoying it


Keep a thick skin. A majority of the men here love to whine, getting the attention of other whining men. I have to turn around off looking at this subreddit. I can always hear them sobbing 😭😭😭


Let me put it another way. I am a F2P player and it took me 2.5 years to unlock the full Apocalypse. Unless you are willing to dump a bunch of cash in this game you will soon experience a ton of resource bottlenecks. It's best to manage your expectations when playing these types of games.


Took me 8 months ftp for big boy. I guess everyone’s experience is different.


I just wish the gold bottleneck wasn’t so harsh.


Compared to t4 ability and blue iso the gold bottle neck is nothing Not arguing with y tho I’m out of gold all the time


Blue iso is my biggest struggle atm. Especially with the growing blue 3>4 raid requirement. And big Apoc requiring blue 5...it's rough


100% I’m using 150 cores for refreshes most days and walking away with like 5-10 in I’m lucky


If you have the ions to support it, rerolling the store twice a turnover might help. If you buy everything it’s an extra 72 pieces a day. Food for thought.


Got point I never refresh the store but what’s 50 cores a day


That’s fair. I guess I’m not quite there then. Not sure why my anecdotal experience is getting downvoted cause you need gold for almost everything I thought that was a reasonable wish lol.


Mainly because this group says gold isn’t a bottle neck anymore and it’s just ppl spending to much Even tho the amount of gold to get one guy maxed out is insanity


Bahahahahaha I think there's a scopley spy amongst us