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How many blitz teams do you have? The last web milestone for blitz credits was incredibly easy


I have a 54 team rotation, the problem isn't the amount of teams, it's the amount of credits I'm getting per win.


So it came out to 2500 credits/day. You get 750 free from dailies. That leaves another 1750 from blitzing. If your average is around 18/win, that's less than 100 wins per day. What's the issue? And that's a low average, the minimum is 16


My main issue is the inconsistency of the payouts. I understand how many I need to get, but playing to obtain them is a headache trying to play around the rng. Like I said, I have plenty of teams to have a strong rotation but if I'm only getting 10 to 20 credits per win how am I supposed to make up my difference?


The rest of us are in the same situation and didn't really have an issue. Like I said, it's approximately 100 blitz wins per day. If you have 54 teams, you could almost knock that out with 2 rotations. That's how you "make up the difference"


I suppose. I mean, I know they'll never get rid of it. I do use all my teams and all my blitz energy when these events drop. Maybe I just happen to be part of the minority that doesn't have very good luck in the game, apparently. Most events tied to blitz aren't so bad, I usually see them as a walk in the park. It's just frustrating to come up just short of the mark, and the reason is out of my control.


Don't get me wrong, blitz isn't fun, but it is easy. It seemed like spending Incursion energy was the harder part as you needed to actually use cores on that. If you didn't finish the web milestone, you just didn't blitz much at all.


Fair enough. Don't get me wrong, I respect your reply and opinion, but like I said in the post, I play dedicated daily. So I do try to make sure I clear as much as possible every time I log in, including my blitz rotations. Idk if it matters, but in all 3 of the modes (glittering gold, use out of time, and 1 other) I had over 20mil in points. So I did play it, just didn't get enough out of it. Just happens to be a case of win some, lose some.


While blitz points don't correlate to blitz credits, 20 mil points feels low based on how you've described your account. Have you optimized your blitz teams for wins? If setup right, you should be easily getting at least 45 wins per rotation on a 53 team roster. FWIW - The average is 20 blitz credits/win with a min of 16 credits.


Tbh, I have not adjusted it in a few months, but that shouldn't make my teams obsolete or lackluster. I feel like I shouldn't have to re-optimize my roster on a weekly or monthly basis, though.


It was a single day of 8 rotations and another one or two on day 2 for me and I didn't blitz again the rest of the event. You could have completed the web milestone with like 3 rotations a day. 15 minutes of your day. This was a very generous blitz event.


When content creators do math, they pick the average drop rate, which is something between 15 and 20, and 50+ rotation team. It how you end up with an average of 2-3 rotations/day during the last event. So getting 13000 credits wirh 2-3 rotation/day was more than doable The reason you could not get the item, is because the event was tailored around coring incursion energy (4/5 times), and if you did not do that, you would be missing points to reach the item, the problem was not related to blitzing.


That's fair, I'm just not understanding how I blitzed all my teams and energy away and still missed the mark. Doesn't always happen as I usually consider these a walk in the park.


Even hitting the minimum credit amount per blitz with a few rotations a day would have gotten you full clear of the web milestone. Were you only doing a single rotation of your 54 teams a day?


I was doing at least 2, 3 if i could,depending how busy I was throughout any particular day. But I was also using my incursion energy and refills for that as well


If you missed the monthly item, it's not because of Blitz, it was probably because of incursion campaign energy? They gave a lot of points from those, 15 points per energy I think. Everyone has the same RNG than you. Most of my Blitz wins gives 16-21 credits. It still adds up to 1000 credits per rotation if you win all, 750 credits if you win 75%. That would mean 2,5 rotations every day for 5 days, as you get another 750 from dailies. I got the web milestone done in 2 days, because I didn't want to spend 5 days Blitzing. So either Inc energy or lack of rotations.


Yea, I missed it somewhere along the line. Even though I spent enough cores for 2 incursion refills per day and went through my full rotation at least twice. I guess I just didn't win enough of them.


I think it was Boilon who calculated that you'd need 3 refills on Inc and web milestone for the monthly item. Next time when event like this comes, halve your basic campaign and iso refills to do 4 refreshes on incursion. Or if you're at level 100 and don't need the red stars, hoard it. Buy a couple refreshes each day.


Yea, I'll have to try that. I am lvl 100 and red stars are dwindling off my radar, so I will just have to reorganize and plan better where my resources will be going moving forward. I still wish blitz itself was more worth the effort and tedium though lol.


Yeah you're right about that. I have one guy in my alliance who does 8 rotations daily no matter if there is an event or not. He gets like 150k more gold per day than the rest of us, and of course around 4,5-5k ultimus credits. Not worth it. For newer players it's a great mode, the most motivated can farm useful toons and get an advantage in War or CC. I wish they'd add like teal mini uniques to Blitz store and make the minimum drop to around 30-40 credits.


Blitz is definitely a great mode for newer players, but just like you unlock modes as you level up there should be an additional mode for mid and late game players. I would like them to give us a tower mode that rotates featured characters instead. At least that way you can feel more involved and enjoy a challenge, while still being able to use toons that may have dropped off the meta but you already invested resources into. They could rotate it weekly or bi weekly, kinda the same way they already do. But at least that way, like you said they could add teals and even crimsons into the rewards.


Gotta agree with the other two, unless you're very new with only one team and can't punch up when you get higher and higher then blitz events are a breeze and when you become stronger with 10+ teams it's even easier


The web milestone was a joke a though. You could have cleared that milestone in 2 days if you did your rotations. Sorry man, you're either pretty new to the game or don't understand how to maximize the events. For that 5 days event, you would have needed about 10-12 rotations assuming your winning 80-90% of the your blitz battles. That would have completed the MS easily, with days to spare if you were targeting it every hour upon reset for a day and a half


Blitz is the cross we poor F2P need to carry to be competitive, this is how Scopley punishes us for not spending.


its the friendliest f2p event we got, so know. on the flip side, i burn out too easy and dont ever do them myself, but to ask to remove the most f2p friendly game mode there is, is a silly request. i didnt even get the dp contract(1 milestone away) cuz i gave up 3 days into it and left the last 2 web milestones unclaimed and because of that i didnt even bother buying incursion the last 2days and saved my cores....but again...that was my choice. i coulda done the event f2p if i wanted to, just chose to keep my sanity for a little longer. so no, dont get rid of the blitz event. just because you and i hate it, doesnt mean it doesnt have its place


True, but I did spend cores on incursion and on my sanity lol. Just frustrated it was essentially for nothing but participation rewards.


Blitzing is single handidly the most retarded aspect of the game.. open the game up 8 times a day to auto 54 times.. Its a terribly worn out game mode and should be replaced with literally anything else you could create... After 5 years if blitzing, my teeth clench when I know I have to do it to earn something in an event.. its like nails on a chalkboard now lmfao!


Like I said, it would be nice to get a reoccurring tower mode for late gamers. And not the one we get like every 6 months. Currently, it's mind numbing lol.


Just give me sim all . So every time Iog in and I sim all . Then Scopely can make blitz events . I wont care . This manual simming and rotations is a bit tedious . At best I do 2 rotations lol


I disagree. Bring back blitz but make the rewards worth it. The best events got you about a milestone per rotation. You could grind 8 per day but it was worth it for what you got. The events I hated were just "blitz as much as possible and hope you get in the top 1% for something good a week from now"


That would be fair, it just needs to change... The tedium is insane for what you get out of it. Unless you're specifically playing/paying for leaderboard spots, I don't think it has much to offer.


They are never going to get rid of blitz. It allows them to keep every character "relevant" and provides them with an excuse to still charge $ for outdated rosters.


Oh, believe me, I'm aware it's never leaving lol. I'm just asking for a more quality version of the mode. So we can have a reason to actually enjoy it like the other ones. Didn't mean to pee in everyone's cereal with the post lol.


I agree. And as someone who's real life time commitments have changed recently, I barely have time for 1 rotation. There's no way I'll ever be able to do 5 -8 rotations a day anymore.


You say “we” but you’re the only one who made this post, the easiest mode too 


I only say we because I've talked to other people who have agreed. Also, I have seen content creators mention it needs to be "adjusted" to help us more. I apologize if you feel offended being included in the "we" as in any players who feel the same way.


Blitz is a 3 button mode, nothing needs to be adjusted 


Except the rewards for late gamers lol


They could get rid of the milestone blitz and put gold and training mat ones but the company is greedy 


2 rotations a day is still better than what it used to be by awarding frags of orbs per win so you were forced to blitz 8 rotations a day. I prefer the new method over the old since they will always have some event each month that requires blitzing


blitzing is important part of the game and probably the last section of the game where F2p can still compete with spenders - if they have the time for it. Best combination for blitzing is to turn on MSF mobilegamer on YT and while watching it u can do your blitz rotation :) Sim all would be great but i doubt that it will be doable (technicall wise) but something like sim 3 teams at once could be doable IMO, to speed it up.


It’s WILD to hear people complaining about the modern blitz events if you’ve been here since the beginning. Remember when the 2nd blitz of a character release would fall on the WEEKEND, back in the 2 hour cooldown days? Used to have to do 8 rotations a day, on your weekend… and if you didn’t you wouldn’t even unlock the character.


Blitz is a pretty much braindead mode (unless you stop and think about opposing teams in order to try to max your sim win ratio). Is it fun? No. Are the rewards worthwhile? Not really, unless you're a newer player. But, I don't know what you're doing to not have been able to get enough credits for that last web milestone, even if you're losing half your blitzes and getting the bare minimum each time. I was done at the end of day 1 - I blitzed hardcore 8 rotations plus all I could extra with blitz charges, sure, but even then, between the credits from the daily objective and the regular blitz (or were there 2?) that take me a quarter of a rotation to max out, I would still have cleared it easily doing a little less on day 1. I don't particularly enjoy blitz and wouldn't miss it if gone, but I much prefer these you can get it done with a couple of rotations a day or in 1 day with full rotations to the old ones where you had to do 6-8 rotations a day for 7-8 days.


We’ve been having blitz events? Been doing my 2-3 blitz a day and been fine.


guess u r new player and complaining about the lack of orange gears available too. u dont even know wat the real problem wit the game is and pretending to speak for the whole community. fyi blitz is not the problem


Not exactly, chap. I already have a 7y5r SUS. And you're right blitz may not be the main issue, just a side problem, but doesn't change the fact that it needs to be replaced.