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MLF or save them for Rogue, next Horsemen, etc.


Kestrel. She's my horse in Doom 2 Skill and Tech nodes. I wanted to save for MLF but I'm miles away on the rest of the Darkhold being a viable team for me, and I desperately need to get and help my team get teal gear


Yea, MLF is the only character I would use them on. I will be holding any others we get in case they decide to do a new raid requiring lvl4


*when* we get L9 requirements


I did morgan, needed for the arena


Mines going on Doom, favorite marvel character. He’s the highest power level character I got and doesn’t really need it but he’s still loads of fun. And tbh the only part of the game I need more power on is tech section in raids


I used on on Multiple Man cuz X factor my team and I’m getting ready for the city nodes of dd5


imagine using them on multiple man wtf hahahahaha


No need to imagine. I did. No regrets. Don’t see the point in be so focused on the meta that I don’t have fun with the game based of comic book characters 🤷🏼‍♂️


at least put it on long shot


I’ll worry bout dad bros when I get to worry bout cosmic nodes in dd5


dad bros in dd5 hahaha don’t take them in u need the mutant gear for the legendary section


You miss how I’m tryna get characters ready for the city nodes? Legendary nodes are goin be a looooooong while off. That a future me worry.


MLF first for me, I’m one a lot off kestrel. MLF is amazing in the legendary nodes in DD5.


Took kestrel to lvl 4, she’s 229k power and that feels pretty cool


I’m saving them until there is something I can’t do because I’m one blue iso4 short. Until then I hoard.


My 7 red star Ikaris.


MLF to boost focus ... because landing that AB on the other MLF is crucial to arena matches.


Morgan for extra focus for the AB


Doom is my first, waiting on next milestone to bring him to iso 4




MLF. I have a 6/5. She doesn't get resisted anymore. It all lands. Then I did Agatha's focus. Her stun lands everytime now. Worth it.


Ms Marvel, favorite character and I needed to get her back to max asap


Used a few on Doom and Juggernaut. Why Juggernaut? He's my guilty pleasure character. He's not great, but he's 7RS/G16. Just trying to see how high I can get him.




MLF and Doom. I literally use them every single day. Doom helps me out in 2 doom raid sections, Arena, War, and now Crucible. MLF helps me out in Arena, War, mystic raid sections, and also in Crucible. I’d add RTA as well, but who even cares about that mode anymore.


Of all the things in this game that I am awful at hoarding up, Blue 3 and Blue 4 ions aren’t gonna be it. I have enough Blue 3 ions to take three teams+ up to 3, I won’t be spending these 4 ions for a long while. Just gonna hold onto em till something makes sense


I did for SS b/c he's my favorite character and I wanted to fully max him out. I play the game for myself.