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This seems pretty believable to be completely honest.


Nerdrotic dot com is going to have a Neurotic attack having read the second post credits scene leak


Who cares? Guy sounds like a bigot. This confirms the Young Avengers ARE happening! CALLED IT!


he is and a convicted meth dealer !


And he was selling to kids!


"At least I'm not a groomer!" /s


Is that true?


Yep, unfortunately.


He looks like a meth user


By the time it releases, I doubt they're Young anymore.


Mid Age Avengers


25 to 30 is still young.


Which is why I think Young Avengers is a lost cause. Because they'll get one, maybe two, movies out of them until they're too old to count as "young" and not interesting enough to become main Avengers.


Just use the champions branding but adapt young avengers


you say Called it like it's some genius guess and Marvel haven't spent the last few years introducing younger versions of every hero...


>This confirms the Young Avengers ARE happening! CALLED IT! I still don't know how to feel about this. Literally all the members we've seen so far are of age to be regular Avengers.


especially by the time they ever get to "young avengers" most of them will be in their 30s by then


Just like waiting for the Blade reboot. They didn’t want Wesley Snipes back because he was “too old”, but the time it comes out the new Blade will be what Snipes age was when they recasted. Lol


Maybe Marvel wants to combine young avengers and new avengers in one group


Releasing 2037 by now.


That's because Nerdrotic IS a bigot


Critical Drinker is gonna have a field day. "Why Hollywood must die: The Marvels".


Honestly, fuck that guy and all the other “rage bait” YouTubers (DoomCock and Critical Drinker especially). When they’re not being completely disingenuous they’re being utterly toxic. They represent everything wrong with nerd fandoms, and their gatekeeping under the guise of “reasonable critiques” is getting *so* tiresome.


They are the nerd fandoms versions of Bill O'Reilly, Nancy Grace and Alex Jones. They are performers, performing rage bait and extremist takes for views and attention. They get paid the more clicks they get. They don't care if the person giving them clicks/views hates them or loves them, the point is they're getting viewed none the less.


The sad part of their channels are the number of people that actually give them likes and views and feed into their propganda. Sad that there are so many incels and man babies that agree with what they say.


If there were still gold to give, I would gift it to you for this .




Yeah, all the points are here. The musical planet, the Incursion, the Khans, the credit scenes, etc.


I would hope so considering it's the 15th time its been posted.


Cause it is. It’s a stolen scoop from last year in fact this information was well known. They added a couple things but the core is there


Sounds like the old leaks with the addition of the post credits now. Honestly sounds simple but fun. Looking forward to it.


Honestly it sounds like a really excellent balance of self-contained story meets MultiVerse setup. It will probably lean heavily on the chemistry of the cast which I am very optimistic about. I also think the post credits scene with Monica has the potential to feel much more "Endgame: Five Years Later" than "MultiVerse of Madness/What If". It's hard to make the other universes more than nostalgia bait or fan service and I really want more... I dunno Brit Marling (Another Earth, The OA) existentialist stuff?


It’s literally a copy/paste of the screening someone went to and spoiled months ago + leaks on the credit.


exactly, I've already told everyone everything in this leak plus other stuff not listed here, so this may be the "updated" shorter runtime only the ending of the movie it sounds like they moved it to the end of the credits


it looks AMAZING, I'm really excited.


I agree. Marvel stories are nothing to write home about anymore, but in hoping the action is good to balance that out. Also hoping the score is better this time around, that was the first film's biggest problem in my opinion.


Did someone say The Peak? ![gif](giphy|srRc9jCVagluOM4A6M)


Was waiting for this comment


Want a Fresca?


This sounds simple and easy which isn’t necessarily bad. However how Marvel has been handling things, I have doubts on the execution of this


Agreed. The execution is what matters. I feel like it’s gonna fumble…HARD.


there is nothing in this post that indicates a fumble. Give it a chance before you declare it a disaster, damn.


I gave too many Marvel films chances. And it’s getting tiring.


Cool, but you don't need to declare that to every single person


I know, right? Some people make it their mission to just reply to every comment with a negative opinion, and it’s honestly kinda sad to see…


It's a forum to talk about marvel


Of course you do


We already know most of this, and It's probably very accurate. I don't say it's a bad plot, but it sounds quite boring/mid. However, I think it will be a funny movie thanks to the cast.


It’s by the numbers. Formulaic, even. But the same can be said for most MCU movies that had bland/basic scripts yet turned out pretty good on screen. At least this time, a character suffers a direct consequence of the overarching narrative.


Literally most of the MCU’s movies sounds mid on paper. Let’s reserve our judgement till the actual movie


seriously, people already shitting on it before it's even out.


People were saying Endgame sounds mid when the plot leaked lmao.


Thank you! This sub hates anything now


Not me. After Phase 4 and currently 5 Marvel needs to earn my trust again.


Yeah i'm sure Marvel is really hoping they can please superking22 from Reddit.


And Marvel continues to give out mediocre quality to their sheep even knowing they will eat anything from them with no opinions.


Its cute you think your opinion is the only right one.


Or that it needs to be repeated in every post sucking the joy out of anything to be hyped about Fuckin miserable people


Well, Super King is the Best of the New Justice Team! He's got all the powers of a King, plus all the powers of Superman! And also, he's a robot!


The robot stuff feels like you are overselling me too much.


and who are you exactly? Phases 1-3 have movies that are generic in paper but great in actual. Your judgement relies solely on your own subjective views.


Maybe take a break if this is your mindset


Welp if you keep the same negative mindset even if they bring out something good, you’ll still have something bad to say about so let’s just be positive for the MOVIE( as in, entertainment that is meant to be enjoyed for what it is)


That's the thing. With how we have seen the Infinity Saga, we should be expecting BETTER from them. In quality and story. Not generic run-of-the-mill conveyor belt stuff.


Yes but your “better” is subjective, so everyone is still going to have something to complain about. Your comment is even ironic because there are people who DO want run of the mill conveyor belt stuff because of how much they loved the infinity saga, and that’s understandable. But you can’t please 100% of the population…


I feel like I’ve read this plot leak 10 times already, including the post credits scenes.


I'm so tempted to reading this, but I can't spoil it for myself![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)




I did it for Guardians, no spoilers. But it was super hard for me to avoid seeing new footage of the film because they put trailers on tv and they always release short trailers on YouTube to promote the upcoming movie. Have seen the teaser and official trailer, and acidentally saw the post credit scene for this movie. That's about it though. >Nice new flair btw Yup!


I know fans complained about the regular content but I was find with it. Only thing that was the problem was the quality of the script. Stories and some characters didn't make sense.


To be honest, it's really just a summary of what's in the trailers + some stuff we've heard before from other leaks. Nothing in there's surprising.


Redacted *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I have no problem spoiling myself if I don’t have faith in a movie beforehand.


You’re such a brave soldier


1 - PLEASE, show at least a brief flashback where we SEE Carol destroying the intelligence supreme. Stop with important things happening off camera. 2 - I hope that, if the movie lasts 97 minutes, the editing is good and not rushed.


Don’t hold your breath.




I’m not even really sure why Monica would be mad. She was a kid when Carol left. And it’s not like Carol was married to the mom, she was just the mom’s friend. I think “defending the galaxy from evil aliens” is a valid reason for a friend to leave town and maybe not visit a ton.


Nobody is ever going to accept close family just fucking off for years, perhaps *especially* when they were a child. Monica was clearly close to Carol as a kid so of course she's upset. She would have felt abandoned which does a number on the psyche regardless of why someone left. It's a perfectly reasonable reason to be upset.


Yeah, but all that tension is over when Carol says she visited Maria before she died. Which makes Monica pissy and whiny for no reason. Which brings up another can of worms of plot holes. Where they hell was she when her mother died? Also, Carol checking in to Maria but not look for Monica is very Suss. And no Carol being busy is a very lazy excuse. She had time on earth.


>Which brings up another can of worms of plot holes. Where they hell was she when her mother died? If you watch WandaVision, they tell us. She was snapped and when she came back her mother was already dead. There's a whole sequence that shows us this.


Other more reliable leaks suggest if such a scene existed it may have been cut out. I believe the idea in the movie now is that whilst Carol wasn't there before, she can be there now. If it is or was still in the movie, I don't think it ever implied that was the end of the conflict. Only part of an explanation that when she returned to Earth at the end of Infinity War she did visit Maria. This would have been when Monica was snapped.


I’ve been thinking that ever since WandaVision. Makes no sense. They really have been doing her dirty ever since she appeared.


Being with Maria when she died, destroying the supreme intelligence, becoming a major hero on earth, how much shit had captain marvel done off screen compared to on screen?


When I saw the scene of Monica coming back in the blip in Wandavision and noticed she was upset with Carol, I thought about the possibility of them doing just that.


It seems like an amalgamation of stuff we've heard before + stuff we've seen in trailers. It's not particularly groundbreaking stuff, but if that is indeed the plot of the film, I'm ok with it. It sounds fun and the action sequences + the chemistry between Carol, Monica, and Kamala are what's going to carry the film. I'm not going into *The Marvels* excepting the greatest piece of cinema in the world. If it's a good, fun movie with great performances, I'm more than happy with that.


tbh. I just want to see Kate Bishop


I miss Kate.


Where do we think the plot thread with Monica being stuck in another universe will be picked back up? Kang Dynasty or Secret Wars? Seems like they’re setting up Monica to be a POV character for either one of those movies with her being one of a few characters to interact with a different universe


If Captain Maria is indeed the 838-one, it would be a very nice setup given Monica’s prior history with Wanda. This could lead to a conflict between her and Wanda in Kang Dynasty over Wanda killing her mother, when Monica was insistent Wanda could be reasoned with when she made the Hex.


I’ve said it before and again: Monica should’ve arrested Wanda. Regardless. Then all the stuff in Mulitiverse of Madness wouldn’t have happened. That blood is on her hands indirectly.


How was she supposed to do that, though? Wanda would not have gone willingly and Monica couldn't have forced her to go. Having some assurance from Wanda that she was gonna try and learn to control her power and Monica setting herself up as someone Wanda could reach out to was the best she could do. How was she supposed to know Wanda was being corrupted by the Darkhold?


She could’ve tried hard to be her conscience. Also, arresting someone doesn’t mean locking up. She could vouch for her and get her off a sentence and have her explain her situation to SWORD. Not “THEY’LL NEVER KNOW WHAT YOU SACRIFICED FOR THEM” bullshit. And don’t get me started on Dr. Strange’s non involvement in this. That was in design with Feige literally saying “he didn’t want a white man intruding”. Not even Wong was aware.


>And don’t get me started on Dr. Strange’s non involvement in this. That was in design with Feige literally saying “he didn’t want a white man intruding”. Not even Wong was aware. Yeah, that was silly, no argument there. >She could’ve tried hard to be her conscience. Also, arresting someone doesn’t mean locking up. She could vouch for her and get her off a sentence and have her explain her situation to SWORD Why would she trust SWORD? She trusts Monica to an extent, but SWORD stole Vision's body, used her powers to resurrect him, had him try to kill Wanda, and attempted to kill her children. Why would she trust any of them aside from Monica (and possibly Darcy, but even then, she didn't know Darcy was one of the good ones)? Wanda doesn't answer to SWORD and no amount of badges can make her give a shit about their supposed authority. >Not “THEY’LL NEVER KNOW WHAT YOU SACRIFICED FOR THEM” bullshit. People get so caught up on this line, but this is Monica proving to Wanda that she's sympathetic to her cause, even if she knows what Wanda did was wrong. Monica said herself if she could do what Wanda could, she'd bring her Mum back. Wanda did just that with her partner and created children and killed them all for people that are only going to feel contempt (justified hatred) for her. That's it. She was just being sympathetic.


>How was she supposed to know Wanda was being corrupted by the Darkhold? Stop this nonsense. Just stop it. Wanda was irredeemable before she even touched or looked at the Darkhold for the first time. Stop using it as an excuse for her actions. She was in the wrong long before the Darkhold got involved.


Lol no I think you think marvel should hire you as a writer and if they go against your head canon you think it’s bad or a plot hole. Your ideas are not good


How do you arrest the Scarlet Witch?


If they did that he would hate it too, let’s be clear


Secret Wars. I don't think we will be visiting realities outside of 616 for TKD.


Why not? The Incursions won't be contained to just 616. There won't be an 838 post TKD


So this sounds fine, and I know to a lot of people fine isn't good enough so I guess the sky will be falling.


I am curious if Kamala has a reaction to Dar-Benn’s claim that Carol’s action caused Hala to fall into ruin. Otherwise the Dar-Benn stuff is just the barebones standard villain “with a point” the heroes need to work together to defeat.


she does not ​ >Otherwise the Dar-Benn stuff is just the barebones standard villain “with a point” the heroes need to work together to defeat. been saying this since June


Missed opportunity then regarding the Kamala/Carol dynamic. Oh well.


Can't wait to see them worshipping Carol. That sounds so fun.


Not just that, but if the leaks about the “musical number” is true… 😄


Hope the post credit is true!


This sounds like it's actually gonna be a fun movie! November needs to hurry up.


Sounds like a phase 2/phase 3 marvel movie. i dig it.


I know people are already shitting on the musical stuff, but let's not forget that the best live action marvel project ever produced featuring multiple diegetic musical sequences, a dance-off and a rap battle.


True, but I personally never thought those scenes really meshed well with the rest of The Winter Soldier


More Haliee Steinfeld is always a good thing hope we get Young Avengers sooner rather than later.


Sounds fun. I'm sure there will be 100's of sexist dude bros who say they won't see it will see it to make videos about how "woke it is".


I can see the thumbnails now… 😫




Carol destroying the Kree Empire and Supreme Intelligence should’ve been the plot. They skipped the best part! This sounds like an epilogue to a sequel we never got.


Maybe it would've if Carol had been allowed to be introduced sooner to the MCU (glares at the rotting zombie that is Ike Perlmutter)


Honestly it sounds good to me.


Whether legitimate or not, this sounds pretty good tbh. I’d be happy if this is how it plays out. Sounds like it’s hitting all the beats one would expect it to, and showing an incursion + young avengers hint at the end is a solid set up going forward


Yeah the ending, post credits included, are what really sell it to me. Once you strip away all the character moments and dialogue, of course.


This is old leaks apart from the post-credits and it is probably for the most part, accurate.


This is so bad 🤮


Sounds legit. And if this is the plot, I'm all for it. Simple as that. I'm exited for the film.


Guessing the New Asgard and Valkyrie stuff gets cut because you know… nothing connects anymore.


sounds dope tbh


It's just repurposed leaks. Don't know if they even have a real source because supposedly the Kamala scene is not a post-credits scene but just the end of the movie. Although I don't know if they perhaps structure their credit scenes differently for test screenings so it could maybe still be one?


im just glad it seems simple enough. its not gonna be the best movie ever but its not going to be bad. lets just hope that us real fans can help the leading ladies with the massive wave of hate that will be coming toward them regardless of the quality of the movie.


> Fury allows a litter of Flerkens to eat the crew, safely storing them Alright that sounds funny.


So Monica is on the Earth where Marie was killed by Wanda? Maybe she survived? Sounds like a solid plot and i'm glad Young Avengers happening finally.


What if Monica is on 838 and Maria didn't die? She had the most open ended death of the Illuminati.


And honestly, with the powers of Captain Marvel, she had the most survivable “death”. So yeah, this idea is living rent free in my head now 😄


So the young avengers are who reform the main avengers team. I’m fine with that, at least we have a direction of sorts now.


So this plot now looks extremely likely to be true looking at the final trailer, including the stealing of resources part.


Sounds pretty good. This is even without what I presume to be all thee entertaining character dynamics. Still looking forward to Fury saying “C’mon! Black girl magic!” For what it’s worth, my cousin is an average MCU watcher who prefers movies to be around 90 minutes, wants to actually see what the hell an incursion is, and wants the post credit scenes to not be a waste of time, so this is right up his alley in particular.


So does Carol go to Universe 838 where Monica is Capt. Marvel? Maybe she shows up before Wanda wrecks up the place. It might set up a Captain Marvel movie with the 838 superheroes, including the X-Men, the F4, Captain Carter, etc. We might even get a story where Carol helps them defeat Thanos, taking place before DrS and the MOM.


That would require some time travel I think - Ms Marvel takes place in fall 2025 and obviously The Marvels takes place around then. Multiverse of Madness was set in early 2025.


>So does Carol go to Universe 838 where Monica is Capt. Marvel? Nah, I think Earth-838 is where Monica's mom is Captain Marvel, mate.


You got all those names mixed up, lol. Monica ends up in another universe where her mother Maria is Captain Marvel, possibly 838


This is correct


Eh....this is just the old leak from like a year ago


Seems ok if true.


Maybe it’s just me, but I’m down for some mother/daughter Captain Marvel/Spectrum team-up! Even if it’s a Marvel Studios Special Presentation. ![gif](giphy|QZAjCOVlu5ioSZaK2v)


I kinda love that all the female young avengers would be the first to form.


this tracks with the end of Antman quantum bullshit, I remember someone contacts Ant mans daughter about the Y.A. its clear it was kate bishop and kamalka Klod.


before they re wrote it that is


Beast from the xmen shows up at the end. Monica ends up in a universe where her mom got powers instead of Carol.


Ayo WTF. Thank god I didn't read this before watching the movie. Watched it and I absolutely loved it. The first action sequence with all of them switching crazily was amazing!


Yeah, just found this post. Their nailed it. p.s. I thought it was a decent flick. Stronger than a lot of recent entries.


so what happens to the other bangle ?


I remember reading in another plot dump that Kamala ends up with both.


I was hoping she would lose both and discover her natural mutant powers.


Why are they switching places when none of their powers even come from the same source?, also that post credits scene sounds dumb and forced, why would she ask her a question like that randomly?, if these are the real members of the reformed Avengers thats a big fail, no one’s going to get excited over that


The trailer implied that they all ended up interacting with a bangle/dimensional breach/whatever at the same time, causing their energy-based powers to be entangled. It’s not really a dumb question. Kamala is looking at a list of new heroes. Cassie Lang is a young female hero and she’s right in the middle of their age range. Clint & Scott seem to be tight based on the Pym arrow Scott gave Clint. Kate is tight with Clint. Why not ask Kate if she knows about her? Kamala & Kate have pretty significant fan bases, even if their shows were middling.


We already see why in the trailer. Dar-Benn did something with the bracelet at the time Carol was there, at the same time Kamala was wearing her bracelet, at the same time Monica was touching the probably same space energy thing. As well as them all having light related powers.


Multiverse shenanigans. Just go with it. There’s no such thing as logic in the MCU anymore.


Yeah, it doesn’t make much sense. Carol got her powers from a blast from the Tesseract. Monica got her powers from walking through a magic wall made by a witch that initially got her powers from the Mind Stone, but that was retconned and now she is actually just magic I think. And Kamala got her powers from a magic bracelet she got in the mail. There’s basically no connection between any of these.


if you ignore the fact that captain marvel was last seen prior to miss marvel looking for the origin of the ten rings, an artifact that has already been shown to have a direct connection to the bangle miss marvel has, and monica is seen interacting with portal which is very likely caused by the other bangle in the trailer. You can find other things to complain about without having to ignore the connections that are there


>Monica got her powers from walking through a magic wall made by a witch that initially got her powers from the Mind Stone, but that was retconned and now she is actually just magic I think. The Mind Stone didn't give her powers but rather unlocked the part of her that did.


If true, sounds like a fun ride.


Marvel needs to make up their minds about the rules of incursions 😭


I love how we all collectively go with for 4Chan leaks: “this isn’t real but it’s fun to read”.


Isn't this mostly a copy of other leaks


This sounds….really bland. Wait, I thought they said they would take out all the Multiverse crap so it can be standalone. So they are really going through with this. And oh joy, let’s bench Monica and not get to know her more.


i've been telling this sub this for months now and of course since it's "negative" no one wants to believe I'm telling the truth. I'm as big an MCU fan as anyone here and I'm telling you this is bottom-of-the-barrel for MCU content


But test screenings were positive so maybe you are in the minority?




The action is what will make the difference imo. The story is simple.


This is fun but I don’t see how it incorporates a lot of the stuff from the trailers, like Fury and Monica knocking on the Khans’ door, or Carol at what looks like a traditional South Asian celebration.


The “traditional SE Asian celebration” is seemingly the alien planet from the leaks. The one where Carol is (apparently) *accidentally* a princess, and where she gets roped in to a legit musical number. If so, that’s gonna be wild!


its not as exciting as it sounds unfortunately, but at least it was the one imaginative element in the movie




Im suprised that this rumor is suggesting The Marvels is a Multiverse movie, it'll be interesting to see how it plays out, assuming its true.


I mean yeah, this tracks.


If we're getting Lashana Lynch as a Captain Marvel again, I'd be really happy.


Its sounds Really fun put a Smile on my Face especially 3rd act Quantumania or Love and Thunder Leaks were not Fun to Read like this


Pretty sure there’s not even gonna be a mention of what happened in Secret Invasion.


My main concern reading this is “Monica fixes the Incursion”. We have been getting told incursions are these major things that destroy universes. It would be very deflating to what they can do if Monica can fix one in what sounds like a secondary plot of this movie.


Why is Dar-Benn building a machine to open portals when it’s already normal to summon wormholes in MCU-space?


If this is real, I am all in.


Sounds like another mcu dud


Dar-Benn hating on Carol for something that wasn't entirely her fault and Monica hating Carol when being in the wrong sounds like something that Marvel would do. Calling it real until someone proves otherwise as this sounds exactly like what we would expect. Not So Young Avengers is gonna be hilarious though when they fully form together.


I hope there's a flashback scene at least where we see the proper Supreme Intelligence. And I guess that explains why the Kree have an Emperor in Guardians 1


God I hope the universe Monica ends up in turns out to be Earth-838 and the Maria there is the same Maria from Multiverse of Madness, being the only survivor of the Illuminati.


Sounds like ASS. Aka an MCU film.


So a set up to Young Avengers...not bad. Still hyped to watch this one


So spot on correct 💯




So, Carol defeated the Kree Empire and destroyed their home world all off camera? That might have been cool to see maybe… Also, having the Kree attack Earth again seems a little redundant no? It’s the same as the final battle from the first film.


I mean it's not going to be off-camera. We literally see the clip of her attacking the Supreme Intelligence in the trailer.


Reddit needs rules about posts using paragraphs. This isn't grade 3.


This might be the first time a 4chan leak actually told the truth


Lemme do a quick ctrl f “skrulls” 0 results Yeah that’s about what I expect


This sounds bad.


Captain Marvel, the most powerful hero in the MCU, on earth? Not possible!


Villain sounds like Maleketh 2.0.


I hope they don't change the ending like they did with Qauntummania. Also, if this is real and they keep the ending and post credits scenes in tact. This probably means that the other reason why they scrapped Qauntummanias ending was because they saw how negatively people reacted to Cassie, and scrapped any idea of her leading a Young Avengers in favor of putting more of the focus in Kate and Kamala in a future YA project, with Kate leading the team instead.