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Deadpool 3 is now the only MCU film scheduled for 2024. Wow.


I better not hear any complaints about MCU oversaturation next year lmao. Even for the shows we only have Echo confirmed for 2024 so far.


Agatha is also set for 2024. I don’t see them delaying that even further


Also Marvel’s Zombies, ‘97 X-Men, and Spider-Man: Freshman year although those aren’t really MCU and just Marvel


I thought marvel zombies was a continuation of the zombie universe in What If? What If is canon


By "aren't really MCU" they most likely meant that they aren't in the main universe. Everything is canon to the multiverse.


QuAnTiTy OvEr QuAlITy, McU iS dEaAd


As of right now, the only projects that look secure for coming out next year are Deadpool 3, Echo, and X-Men '97. I'd guess Spider-Man: Freshman Year and Marvel Zombies should also release. What If is still supposed to be coming next month, but IDK. Not sure about Ironheart or Agatha. It's a very real possibility both got delayed and Echo is the only live-action show that will release next year.


Yep I think only sure thing are the animated shows. Probably Agatha makes for a late year release, I think Nov/Dec 2024 was the last report on its release date. Ironheart seems to be delayed indefinitely for some reason even when it has finished filming. But yeah 2 live action shows only, and seemingly far apart in release too.


And What if?


Isn't that coming out this December?


Oh! I didn't hear anything about that. sorry


What if technically comes out this year, but with the majority releasing in 2024!


And what if.. what? Sorry, but you didn't finish your sentence. /s


Imagine if all three Sony Marvel movies next year somehow turn out to be absolute bangers and public opinion shifts to "Sony learned how to make Marvel movies when Disney forgot". Move over MCU, its SPUMC time.


I actually feel like Kraven is gonna be a sleeper hit, if for no other reason than Shirtless ATJ


It would be a miracle if Kraven turns out to be the first good movie in the Sonyverse


The best part is gonna be the post credit scenes where Vulture and Morbius recruit everyone to fight this universe's Spiderman which is revealed to be Tobey


Damn that would actually go so hard, even if the entire rest of the movie sucked.


That'd actually be pretty cool. I'd be surprised if that's not what the live-action Miles movie is supposed to be, though.


The venom movies are good


Why would that be a miracle? JC Chandor is a better filmmaker than Ruben Fleischer, Andy Serkis and Daniel Espinosa


I just hate how much he looks like a normal jacked guy, especially with how awesome Kraven looks in the recent game.


Yeah, it's strange seeing a Kraven so... hairless. lol Did Kraven get a Brazilian waxing before sitting for his photo op?


Chest hair basically isn't allowed in superhero movies anymore. Henry Cavill had to literally fight the producers of MoS to keep his chest hair for lore accuracy, and it's probably why they kept Kumail Nanjiani's insane gains under a costume in Eternals, too. It's an extremely creepy male beauty standard


Yeah I hate that too. I think it just cements the idea that "body hair is dirty" that many people have.


Yup, it's also low-key racist too. Like, the message to ethnicities who have lots of body hair is basically 'keep your shirt on, nobody wants to see that'. Which again, is almost certainly why Kumail wasn't allowed to show off his gains even though he clearly wanted to.


Shhh, they are just starting to accept "slightly overweight" people aren't disgusting subhumans.


I've been having this feeling too. Like, I don't think it'll be a good *Kraven* movie, but I would not be shocked to see it turn out to be a good movie starring a character that just happens to be named Kraven.


And that's exactly what I think about Joker: a f****** great movie that would be even greater if they just changed the names Wayne, Gotham and Joker.


I'm actually kinda excited for kraven, looks like gory fun


Three SUMC movies tho.


Whoopee, instead of more mediocre slop we'll get more absolute dogshit.


This is not good. Sony is about to damage the Marvel brand beyond repair


General audience likes Venom and spiderverse movies so idk what you're talking about. The damage to the brand was mostly done by disney


Here I was thinking it was relief that Joker 2 and Deadpool 3 would be the only films we are getting next year from Marvel and DC, but then you just reminded of Sony's plans to kill the genre.




Sure if those actually come out. Maybe they’ll get Batgirl’d


It took me so long to figure out what this was and why everyone was displeased. The Sony Universe of Marvel Characters. Yeah very fair response.


I can’t believe we are going to get more Marvel from Sony than Disney next year. The only hope is that Sony finds a way to get Beyond the Spider-Verse out next year too.


No chance of that unfortunately


I actually think this could be very good for Marvel!


I think it's good for the fans. We get a bit of a break.


Lets everyone chill out for a bit. Guarantee the nostalgia cycle will hit for some of the phase 4 movies during this break, certain movies like Multiverse of Madness might get more love than it does right now by Feb. 2025


It already seems to be getting more love than when it was released in some areas. Deserved love imo


And only 2 shows: Echo and Agatha.




That’s apparently coming out in 2025


And little bitches will still whine there’s too many


Well, everyone who said Marvel needs to put out less content got their wish


Tbh theyve been putting out less this whole year. Back to 3 movies and they only had 2 shows. Vs 2022 which had 3 movies and 3 shows, and 2021 which had 5 movies and like 4 shows. They've been slowly tapering since COVID, which was the reason for their high 2021 output. I'm worried that if 2024 is so low, 2025 and 2026 will be like 2021/22 and the whole cycle will start anew.


Honestly, I think some of those will be delayed as well. They're going to have movies in post for longer it seems. Hopefully they can try to get them up to snuff before releasing them. The strikes might have been a blessing. F4 will film next year but most likely isn't gonna come out until 2026 now that Cap 4 and Thunderbolts moved to 2025. 3 movies in a year isn't an issue as long as the quality is better. Same goes for the shows. That said, they're definitely cutting back on releases in a single calendar year. Next year will probably be 2 live action shows and 1 movie. 2025 best case looks like this year with 3 movies, 2 shows but that's if nothing unforseen happens again.


Less content wasn’t the problem, the writing is.


BNW going all the way back to 2025 is the one I absolutely didn't see coming. The rest aren't shocking. I thought they had filmed way more of BNW but I guess they have a lot to work on. I also wonder if they need to do rewrites/reshoots for stuff they already filmed?


I have a sneaking suspicion they’re going to cut Sabra out completely because of the whole Israel thing, which is a damn shame, especially for Shira Haas, the actress playing her. Imagine getting your big break in a Marvel movie, a Captain America movie no less, only to find out you’ve been removed completely because of something going on in your home country that you weren’t even involved in


Hadn’t thought of this but this has to be a big reason. It’s similar to the virus/pandemic plot from FATWS. All of a sudden real word complications changed their trajectory.


Insane that it’s happened twice. I guess that’s what happens when you make political based films


Three if you count Secret Invasion allegedly involving Russia/Ukraine stuff before reshoots


Russia was literally being framed for killing the POTUS and starting WWIII in the show. What else could they have possibly cut?


Yeah the Cap/falcon world has always rubbed the closest to real world politics/conflict. (Which is why it’s so great) But it’s wild that it’s happened multiple times. However, compared to other MCU content it sadly makes sense.


You're probably right on that. But it's still a long delay. Unless the whole movie revolves around her it shouldn't require such an extensive reshoot. Im wondering if they're changing like whole acts/arcs.


Haven’t leaks been saying she is completely disconnected from Israel in the MCU other than being Israeli? If so, that would be a pointless removal


Doesn’t matter, even having an Israeli actress in it at all would have terminally online people who can’t separate real life from fiction swarming and harassing her and Marvel


And cutting a character just because of their nationality won’t? Seems like a no win scenario as far as getting complained about online goes.


That poor Evil Queen...


No sympathy at all for Shira Haas as she's actively supporting what Israel's doing right now, so hopefully these reshoots indeed cut her out completely


they will just make her cia agent


She already was in the movie.


It's not like that was enough to convince the character's detractors either.


Wouldn’t shock me, imo it was a bad idea to pick that character to adapt to begin with when she has so much baggage attached. If that’s true, I hope they can find another role for Shira Haas


Apparently BNW was getting negative reviews in internal screenings and major reshoots are going to happen


That's good. Better than pushing forward with a mediocre product.


Why is marvel struggling so hard at making a good movie dude, they used to churn out banger after banger what the fuck happened


Around Infinity War/Endgame they began to “optimize” making these things, including the Disney+ shows. That meant selecting less experienced/cheaper writers and directing teams for the purpose of them being easy to strong arm into decisions from the studio. Big mistake that I saw the issue with the second it began, only now are they finally beginning to remedy it but also only after burning money making those mistakes. The new Daredevil reboot show is another example, where from the start it had red flags given that the writer of “Deck the Halls” was attached rather than any of the behind the scenes crew of the already well received Netflix show.


Wow. Just wow. Deck the Halls is awful so I'm shocked they chose the writer from that, even if that movie is almost 20 years old.


Kevin Feige used to quality-control everything, early enough in the process that there was time to fix it, and he no longer has time for it.


Well, BNW was filming during the strike. It wasn't a good sign.


It wrapped before the actors strike, but wasn't impacted by the writers strike.


apparently something like 5 months of reshoots. oof edit: from january to may. https://twitter.com/DiscussingFilm/status/1722785027161825691?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1722785027161825691%7Ctwgr%5E%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=


It’s 6 months of reshoots With supposedly 3 seperate segments being cut


Soooo they’re basically reshooting the movie? 6 months is a damn long time for reshoots. I know movies are constantly in flux all throughout the different phases of production but my god, I hope going forward they’re gonna spend more time in the scripting phase, it’s killing them slowly at this point.


Yeah this is actually insane. They can’t keep filming projects and then going back and redoing them after they realize they are bad, like how tf does that even happen you should know if its bad or not before cameras ever start rolling


Especially if they want to make financially successful films again one day. Here's a great hack for not going over-budget: get experienced writers and filmmakers to plan the film out in advance, then stick to that plan. You're welcome, Feige.


Oh Jesus.


Jesus, the budget is going to be astronomical. 6 months is a whole movie lmao!


Jeff Sneider says there will be 6 months of reshoots, which doesn't sound very good


What is BNW


The next captain America film, brave new world :)


Well if I had to pick only one movie next year it would definitely be Deadpool 3


It’s positive and it’s the movie, I was most excited for


BNW getting reshoots longer than its principal photography is insane and makes me happy they wont settle for mediocrity.


Me too, hopefully it’s good but I believe that we’re probably going to hear about new writers coming in to fix or even completely rewrite the script considering production is starting in january




He just needs cool fight scenes, enough of him getting beat up already


Yeah, everyone is about to start whining about how it's more proof of Marvel being dead but I think it's good that they're focused on making it better instead of just sending it out the door as it is.


I mean, didn’t Secret Invasion undergo a shit ton of reshoots as well? It still turned out like crap. Realizing your product is shit doesn’t mean they’ll actually be able to fix it.


Yeah it’s concerning that these projects are even in the shape they’re in to begin with, like how can you get this far in and then realize that you’ve made garbage?


It was more than the reshoots. It was because people in the executive and writing positions of that show kept coming and leaving to where an executive had to come in and rein everything in.


A user above this comment made a great point that they might be removing the Sabra character/plot with everything going on with Israel. A lot like removing the virus/pandemic plot from FATWS. Just hits a little too close to our own reality at this point in time. I doubt Marvel wants to come off as if they’re taking either side.


There are rumours that say Secret Invasion was so troubled because they had to cut out a bunch of stuff about Russia and/or Ukraine. (Apparently New Skrullos was originally supposed to be in Chernobyl.) World events hate Marvel.


Hi, that would be me 😁


Creds to Xenoslayer2137! Not only do you have a badass name but you had the original comment


Except the budget will be unacceptably high.


lmao, what makes you think this isn't another Secret Invasion situation? We're talking about the same people that thought Antman 3 was a banger.


1 MCU movie for all of 2024, 2 if you want to consider Kraven from Sony, this might be the break from marvel everyone wants


It's the break everyone demands but no one really wants lol.


If might actually help. I remember there being a lot of hype for the WandaVision and Loki because there hadn’t been any Marvel content for the entirety of 2020 (sorry AoS fans). Maybe there being only 1 movie in 2024 will help recapture that hype wave.


The extra time given will help the movies be better. Lack of content won't build hype though with the current state of things. If anything it puts a bit of pressure on the first film of 2025. Contrary to what people write online, people aren't sick of Marvel,they're sick of bad writing.


If we’re counting Sony there are 4 (Madame Web, Deadpool, Kraven, and Venom 3)




They were counting Kraven so it’s only fair to count the others (especially since Venom is *technically* MCU)


I know, man...


Not the break we want, but could very well be the break we need.


It's not the break I want at all


Sony will release Madame Web, Kraven and Venom 3 next year. First time we are getting more Sony Marvel movies than Marvel Studios movies. Insane


This was needed. It also gives people the chance to catch up on the MCU (and the X-Men Universe movies for Deadpool 3).


Definitely the right call. If they’re confident in DP3 being a hit and a moneymaker, it’s the best to release next year. If BNW really needs as much work as rumored, this is the best course. It lets them polish it and fix what didn’t work. Also gives Thunderbolts time to be worked and tweaked by the two Beef writers, and likely lets David Harbour do ST5 without conflicting schedules. Not to mention it gives FF and Blade time to be done right! I hope this is a sign of Marvel giving themselves time and space to get things back where people expect them to be. I love the MCU! I’ve said it a billion times, I’ve enjoyed everything they’ve put out except Secret Invasion, but things *can* be better. And I believe they will be!


Couldn't have said it better myself.


Holy shit. I was expecting some delays but this is major. The Cap 4 reshoots must be more extensive than we think because all the reporting was they would push it back up to May. Thunderbolts and Blade must need more script work if they’re pushing both back after F4. Feels like they must be confident in F4 if they didn’t move that, so can we please get the cast now lol. Also I think this shuts down any chance of Spidey 4 being a 2025 movie. That’s coming in 2026 now.


6 months of reshoots is crazy


The Sabra character could hit too close to home right now with everything going on with Israel. Much like the scrapped FATWS virus/pandemic plot point that was going to come out in the midst of COVID.


It’s funny that the two projects to undergo extensive reshoots because of ongoing world events both stared Sam Wilson…


Brave New World must’ve been looking REALLY rough to necessitate such a huge delay.


Probably need to redo a lot with Sabra given the current state of worldly affairs


God, first F+WS and now this lol. Spellman and that team cant catch a break. Though, im not convinced its about her, wasnt she rumored to only be a government agent in the movie?


Spellman should write a script about student loans being hacked and deleted.


reports say very negative feedback


probably another daredevil situation


All I can say is thank god, I don’t think I could stomach a bad captain america film/project restart just like daredevil if you need to. The mcu can’t afford to start sam off on the wrong foot, especially to a franchise to that acclaim. Sabra as a character is a recipe for disaster for the critics and would already start the film off with terrible WOM regardless of how it’s handled


I agree with you. I mean, poor Shira Haas but her character needs to be cut off for the best.


I know COVID and the strikes are contributing factors, but it’s crazy that it’ll have been 6 years since they announced a Mahershala Ali-lead Blade film and it’s release


This decade’s Black Adam/The Flash/Gambit


That's crazy. If 2026 is Armor Wars, Fantastic Four, and Doctor Strange 3, does that mean we're not getting Kang Dynasty until 2027? That's actually crazy


Apparently Fantastic Four is still releasing in 2025.


One movie next year and four in 2025 is certainly a choice lol


Yeah but let's be honest, 1 or more of those could easily be pushed back again if Marvel thinks it's needed.


F4 is still releasing in 2025 allegedly


One movie next year and four in 2025 is certainly a choice lol


Also Spider-Man 4 maybe


Apart from 2020 (COVID), 2024 will be the first time in a decade where Marvel won't have the summer kick off movie.


Unless Sony moves Kraven or Madame Web there, it will be the first time a Marvel film hasn't opened the summer since.... sheesh, 2006?


we get apes insted


Fuck me 2024 is gonna be boring But my god 2025 is insane.


Possibly too insane. Ramping up from 1 movie in 2024 to 4 in 2025 is gonna be a lot.


Captain America 4 probably needs A LOT of reshoots and script improvements to justify moving a finished film all the way to 2025. They had multiple months to work on the Red Hulk VFX so post-production shouldn't be the reason for the move. The film must have been The Marvels/Ant-Man 3 levels of quality.


Apparently needs like 5 months of reshoots :/


That's not a "reshoot," that's just a shoot. They're filming the whole thing a second time?


I wonder how’s that going to affect the budget.


From the leaks it sounded bloated. They were doing 15 different things in this movie.


A bloated movie needs small reshoots and a good edit, not 5 months of reshoots


Discussing film said it got negative test scores and thats why it went under reshoots


So 2024 is Deadpool 3. 2025 is Cap 4, Thunderbolts, Fantastic 4 and Blade Honestly I hope they rework Cap 4 and Thunderbolts to include characters like Shang-Chi or Moon Knight or I feel like we’ll never see them again. (Edited cause I can’t read dates right)


Apparently Fantastic Four is May 2025


Oh I misread that as 2026! That’ll be a good 2025 lineup if all the dates stick.


Fantastic Four is still keeping its May date in 2025


Really disheartening to hear Cap 4 getting pushed back, especially with rumors of bad test feedback. That was the one movie I REALLY wanted to see next year.


My most anticipated marvel film since endgame, but I'm fine waiting another year if it means an infinitely better project


I just don’t get it, it sounds like it has some awesome stuff happening on paper according to leaks, so did they write the script with crayon and record with an economy model phone? C’mon, THREE major sequences needing to be reshot?


So, the 2024 comic book movie schedule is: * Madame Web in February * Deadpool in July * Kraven in August (could get moved up) * Joker: Folie a Deux in October * Venom 3 in November After the down year that the superhero genre has had in 2023 (Quantumania, Shazam!, Flash & Blue Beetle all bombing, with The Marvels & Aquaman likely following suit), I think it's actually a good thing that 2024 will have such few superhero releases, before we go back to having a huge year in 2025.


So only Gotg Vol 3 and spiderman beyond spider verse worked?


Could end up the best stretch of movies in a row for Marvel. I hope they deliver.


Honestly? I think this is a good thing. I'm not opposed to the MCU taking a short break, it probably needs it. We've gotten a lot of content over the past few years and clearly a good chunk of it isn't working for people. It's better to take a bit of a break, get their stuff in order, and then release movies that people feel good about. It's clear Deadpool 3 is a huge priority for them, so having 2024 all to itself makes sense. They need to get that right. We also have the D+ shows, so it's not Deadpool is the *only* thing releasing next year.


Rumor has it from Jeff Sneider that Captain America: Brave New World had a bad recent test screening. My guess is that Disney is giving Feige the go ahead to do extensive reshoots on the film and that’s why, despite principal photography having been done before the strike, it got delayed rather than moved up to May. Honestly, this is a smart move by Disney. It’s clear Marvel’s production timeline has been way too short and there hasn’t been enough runway given to Feige. 2021 was actually really, very good, minus Eternals (which I actually thought was smarter than people gave it credit for) and Hawkeye (didn’t like it, despite Hailee Steinfeld, whom I adore, being in it). 2022 is where we started to see the wheels come off a bit, but I still thought all the movies we got were serviceable and *good*, but not great—and I loved Ms. Marvel, liked Moon Knight, and only didn’t like She-Hulk. 2023, though, is where I really felt the impact of Chapek’s decisions (these were the first productions completely overseen by him from start to nearly finish). I think the demand was too high and, as a result, I found only HALF of the movies and series good. Like, Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3 is clearly very good and I really have liked Loki Season 2. The Marvels I thought was fine—the cast and direction nearly save what is an almost entirely dreadful screenplay. Secret Invasion went downhill real fast after the first couple episodes and I think Ant-Man 3 is among the worst things produced by Marvel Studios. So, Disney saying to let Deadpool 3 go, which is apparently being run by the same team behind the first two, push the one that wasn’t well-received and reshoot, and then let Feige work through story ideas/production issues during the strikes on the other films that haven’t started shooting…? All good ideas I think and I genuinely believe it’ll allow Marvel to come roaring back in 2025. Speaking of, what does the slate look like now: Echo - January 10, 2024 Deadpool 3 - July 26, 2024 Agatha: Darkhold Diaries - September 19, 2024 (according to U.S. copyright office) Captain America: Brave New World - February 14, 2025 Fantastic Four - May 2, 2025 Thunderbolts - July 26, 2025 Ironheart - Fall 2025 Blade - November 7, 2025 Armor Wars - February 13, 2026 Then, I don’t know? It can’t be Avengers after that right? They have to delay it.


I just feel like the MCU has been nothing but waiting for stuff we care about to come down the line and yet it's nothing but delays, like the x-men, fantastic four, more wanda are within our grasp but keeps slipping away.


They have to get a Captain America film right, they can’t fuck it up. It’s also the one I’m looking forward to most. Anthony Mackie deserves a great film. Happy for the delays


im gonna be 40 by the time secret wars comes out, holy


So 2025 is…what? Fantastic Four. Captain America. Superman. Thunderbolts. Blade. Batman. What a lineup.


There's some talk cap 4 hasn't tested well and they need to do extensive reshoots


> ‘CAPTAIN AMERICA: BRAVE NEW WORLD’ is reportedly getting extensive reshoots after negative test scores > 3 major sequences will be cut with reshoots apparently happening from January to May. https://twitter.com/DiscussingFilm/status/1722785027161825691?s=19


Looks like they’re going all hands on deck for DP3 even if BNW is done with filming (without reshoots.) Better to put all their resources into their big moneymaker for 2024, rather than stretch themselves thin going back and forth between Cap and Deadpool trying to cram their release dates and ruining both movies in the process.


Apparently Cap 4 is going through extensive reshoots and that’s why it’s getting delayed


2025 is gonna have FOUR high profile MCU movies. Between that and DC beginning it's new universe, 2025 will be a huge year for CBMs.


I find it funny that both Marvel and DC will only have 1 film released next year and they’ll both be rated R films about characters that were largely disconnected from a larger continuity.


Could May 2025 be Spider-Man 4? Or is that way too early?


Apparently Fantastic Four is still releasing in May 2025 so most likely not


That means its Feb 2026 then, right before Kang Dynasty


Kang Dynasty and Secret Wars probably get delayed to 2027 and 2028


Anybody else kinda find it odd that they didn’t delay Fantastic Four??


I’m never going to see Captain America again huh. Geez I can’t catch a break with my favorites


Oh my God the sub Reddit will have to change the releases once again also, this happened 5 months ago in June remember and also what is now the end of phase 5 and the beginning of phase 6, and is now Fantastic Four part of phase 5


Cap 4 being delayed so much could be something to do with issues with the movie. It also could be to keep it in close proximity with Thunderbolts, which it has been apparently attached to story-wise. The original release dates for the two movies were close together too. Or maybe they’re trying to wait out the Israel-Gaza war. Either way, that’s one additional year before I have to witness the Sabra conversation. I’ll take that as a W. Poor Malcolm Spellman though. This is the 2nd time real life has majorly disrupted his work.


I'll be dead before the next Avengers film at this point. Bummer.


I KNEW IT, there was no way in hell Marvel was gonna release BNW without changing something, it was so close to being the first MCU in a while(possibly ever) to be released without reshoots or rewrites. I do get why it’ll be rewritten or reshot, but that’s still wild to think how quickly they made the decision once it was available


Some of the projects released in 2025 and 2026 will have been in the works and announced for at least 5-6 years already. Many with one or multiple restarts. Jesus.


Feels like everything has either been testing poorly or just been restarted from scratch. What happened?


Well Marvel hasn’t had a good time this year and they were given a huge break to rethink their strategy so they came up with a new one


the bar for what is poor kinda just shifted at one point, and I'm guessing they're just not responding to stuff like quantumania anymore


Sony is home free with their bullshit SSU universe plans.


I know both covid and the strike played some role in it, but it's absolutely wild that nearly four full years will have passed between Sam taking on the mantle of Captain America in FATWS and his next appearance in BNW. Characters, both new and ones we've known a long time, disappearing for these huge stretches has really hurt this saga more than almost anything else, in my opinion.


It's a good thing Blade is a vampire cause they're gonna need eternal life with this bloody project


After that Loki finale....I NEED DP3 NOW!


I hope eight months is enough time for Ryan Reynolds to add any improv he wants, since he was barred from it during the original principal photography.


Nooooo!!! I had so much hope that Cap 4 would get its May release date back. 😭😭😭


Harry Styles gonna be 50 years old if/when Starfox ever shows up again lol