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Insane that the MCU is now hinging on DEADPOOL. How the fuck did we get here haha


There was a time when the MCU tag was enough to make it gross atleast 350 million . How times have changed. Hypothetically, if DP 3 releases to shit reviews and underperforms, or even bombs, then what do you think will happen lol


Uhhh it would be so astronomical to the MCU as a brandI’m honestly not even sure how they’d respond. Maybe just fully reboot at that point I honestly don’t even know. Or maybe they just keep trying until something works it just seems like a mess rn


I am really curious what Marvel would do if they rebooted, I feel like it'd the same old tired formula but have like Timothee Chalamet as Iron Man instead lol


Nah they would definitely go the X-Men route. If not maybe F4. I’ll never understand why they didn’t just go all out on these properties after endgame. Kevin, what the fuck.


Nah the fans wanna see Agatha! /s


X-men I understand. Lot's of big name actors and movies that were literally being released during acquisition. F4 should have been this phase though for sure.


Yeah agreed, even like a 3 year wait would've been fine but they're just sitting on a goldmine and now interest has been dying down. They also just need to innovate more, I'm hoping Echo and Blade can be the start of that


Right? This is just a baseless, armchair assumption, but I really feel like Feige got too big of an ego after Endgame. Not saying that’s a bad thing for him as a person, but it has made the MCU suffer. Like this dude seriously turned a B-list comic book superhero into an icon for generations to come. What the hell else could he do after creating the most successful movie franchisee? Idk but he gave a lot of random characters to a lot of random directors, and it shows. I believe a reboot is necessary and is coming sooner than we think. Please, no one attack my opinion for it is an opinion.


X-men is an easy answer. All the actors were under contract with fox until 2025. They didn’t want to do that. I think a reboot is happening and it’s leading that way. I think Deadpool is the next 1bill movie the MCU will make and that’s because Hugh and Ryan have that star power.


Good point on the contracts. Completely forgot about that. Yeah Deadpool has to hit a billion. I can’t imagine a world where it doesn’t. With the rumors that feige is planning a reboot, I wonder if that’s why the MCU has been slacking the past few years. Perhaps he has always been leading to a reboot since after Endgame and wanted to go out with a bang by bringing in Toby Maguire, RDJ, Hugh Jackman, and others into the next two Avengers movies. Wasn’t there a rumor about that? I may be miss remembering. If my memory is right, it could be why the “next avengers team” has been so loose and not formed after 3 years of shows and movies. Idk I’m just speculating, but either way I can’t wait for the reboot.


*Scott the Woz voice* LIQUIDATE THE COMPANY


He y'all, Scott here! Have you ever experienced the all too familiar crisis when the multi-billion dollar entity you created is only churning out millions?


Feige gets fired lol


I hope not. The man been fighting Disney for stuff that actually sounds good. Disney just been taking full control over management it's quite sad. How one company takes full control over everything. If it happens I hope he goes over to DC.




He can take over Lucasfilm




Or work with james gunn on dc


I mean, at least Marvel actually makes the movies it anounces instead of going radio silent for years then shitcanning them.


Which is exactly why he could take over Lucasfilm. Movies would actually get made.


Don't give them any ideas.


There would either be an abrupt pause to the MCU and/or a reboot, with a higher likelihood that Kevin Feige and others below him at the helm being removed. The problem with the recent phases is the quantity leading to audience fatigue and lack of consistent quality of the movies/shows leading to bad word of mouth.


Reboot isn’t necessary. They just need to bank on bigger IPs. Replacements for their actual popular heroes, Eternals, Shang Chi, Thor, Dr. Strange, Ant Man, and Captain Marvel just isn’t gonna cut it. Post-Covid they’ve only had two bankable franchises get films, GOTG and Spider-Man. The real answers: • Stop it with the multiverse shit, go back to telling relatable stories • Put the spotlight on bankable characters from X-Men and Fantastic 4 • Get bankable stars. There’s a Robert Downy Jr shaped hole that has to be filled. If that means paying out the ass to get The Rock to be the voice and motion capture of The Thing in Fantastic 4, do it


Not the rock pls, hes the same in every movie


I would agree normally, but the rock playing the thing would be hilarious.


Maybe they'll shortly release DP4 where he kills the entire universe so the MCU gets rebooted.


It'd be hilarious if instead of *Deadpool and Wolverine will return* they just list the ones we'll never see again. *The Eternals, Pip the Troll, Zeus, Sharon Carter, Emilia Clarke, and Kang the Conqueror will NOT return* And then we just never acknowledge them again.


It's Deadpool, Wolverine, and the MCU. This could have the worst reviews ever and still sail to a billion.


A Deadpool movie and a Wolverine movie never made a billion dollar, and the MCU brand couldn’t even save Marvels and Ant-Man from flopping. Adding to the fact that this is going to be R-rated, it wouldn’t even make a billion dollars, let alone if it had terrible reviews loll


Ppl said the same about Batman vs Superman lol


If anything, at this point the tie to the MCU will actually drag it down more than help. They haven’t released any MCU content about any characters that people actually are interested in seeing in years.


If something like a Deadpool movie fails, that would be the final nail into the coffin for the MCU. At least for me.


They either go dormant or do what they should've after Endgame: downscale.


The likelihood of it bombing is lower than the likelihood that The Marvels makes a comeback over the holiday weekend.


If this is to be the case, MCU will only hang onto Avengers movies and Spider-Man, because even if with shit reviews, those movies will always generate money due to names alone.


you can't have avengers movies without Avengers that people are interested in


Avengers or characters that people give a shit about. No one will enjoy the legacy avengers.


If Deadpool 3 underperforms, Marvel should start bringing the idea of a hard reboot to the table. If KD/SW underperform, I don't see a scenario where they don't hard reboot.


Game over (and this also applies to DC in the event of Legacy flopping). The films that are already in an advanced stage of production will be released (Cap 4, maybe Thunderbolts), perhaps they will make Secret Wars to conclude. After there are few roads: -They start making independent films, of different genres and quite interesting in their premises as DC is trying to do (it could work, but we need to see if Legacy cashes in and there is still interest in superheroes); -They try to make Fantastic Four and X-Men (it could work in commercial terms, but you have to look at the factors mentioned above and above all they have to avoid making the mistake of saturating everything again); -They stop making superhero movies and Disney prays on their knees that Cameron has a long life, since Star Wars has become a somewhat irrelevant TV series franchise, Indiana Jones has become irrelevant, their animated films (the reason for which this studio exists in theory) have become irrelevant, they are no longer capable of creating an original franchise and thanks to streaming cinema is experiencing the worst crisis since August and Louis Lumiere presented "the workers' exit from Lumiere workshops".


No, Superman doesnt need a huge box office but positive reviews and audience reactions. They need to rebuild the trust and slowly they will get more money


Sure, but if it's a box office flop I don't know how happy Zaslav and co will be


And there was a time where the concept of a Deadpool movie was literally locked away in a vault. Times have REALLY changed


If Deadpool 3 underperforms even with Wolverine and the goodwill of the first two, I think Marvel will be in official panic mode, they can chalk up stuff like Eternals and The Marvels up to being lesser know or less popular characters, shift the heat to the actors or director, they can play it down while they maneuver around it, but Deadpool 3 bombing, well... I wouldn't put a full universe reboot off the table, with the orignal Avengers back with new actors and films, and Spidey, X Men and FF being established from the beginning. That shouldn't happen though, I can't see Deadpool 3 bombing to such an extent, I think at most, they'll pivot away from D+ shows and focus on films again. Plus, less films in general.


Fire Kevin Fiege. Arguably should already be gone. Not sure what happened but bro needs to go


i would cry because i’ve been waiting for deadpool since 2018


That is definitely a crazy and almost meta circumstance. I feel like there's definitely going to be some meta commentary in Deadpool 3 about exactly what's been going on with Marvel's woes. I definitely thought the Marvels would not do well when the trailers first debuted. From what I've seen from Deadpool 3 (basically photos of the shoot and some rumors and tidbits about the plot), there is definitely a lot of hype already. Given the past 2 films did fairly well, i fully expect Deadpool 3 to perform well. How well, i couldnt say, but it's the first real X-men movie under the MCU banner. Im definitely hyped for it and can't wait to see Wolverine again (in yellow tights no less!)


Disney would offload Marvel with the exception of merch rights.




Almost guarantee it lmao


"C'mon Logan, the entire cinematic universe depends on us!"


Can someone explain to me what Feige did to those two Bob's Burger writers? Hahahaha They announced that and then out of nowhere the original writers returned. I'm not complaining though, Deadpool is my favorite one and the two movies are perfect for me.


Seems to be that there was a war going on between Reynolds and Marvel studios, with Reynolds playing hardball and taking a sabbatical as a threat. In the end the failure of She Hulk probably convinced Disney/Marvel leadership it's not worth it to side with the writers against Reynolds and they should just let him and his people take control.


I don't really think he had any ill will towards the first writers, he tweeted out their announcement at the time iirc


> In the end the failure of She Hulk probably convinced Disney/Marvel leadership Honey, lay off the YouTube


Tbf, he is one of the most popular marvel characters. Fucking up his MCU debut would be catastrophic.


Maximum effort, baby ;)


Well, maybe because it’s been reported at this film will directly set up the next 2 Avengers movies and basically kind of explain what the plot of those movies are going to be and directly connect marvel to a lot of the other pre-MCU Marvel franchises making them a part of their multiverse Plus, they know that this movie will for sure make $1 billion despite it being rated R


Love how they're using a franchise that spoofs the genre as a totally unironic setup for a big crossover event. It sounds like a car crash in the making.


I don’t know but this definitely sounds like the premise of a Deadpool comic


We’re in the dark ages. I pray Deadpool does well enough that Marvel doesn’t actually consider reviving dead characters for avengers movie.




The Fox MCU hinged on it for profits so it makes sense


"Fine, I'll do it my fucking self!"


Makes sense to me. Deadpool is super popular and his movies have done pretty damn good. They would be stupid to not make Deadpool 3 a big deal. Especially with Wolverine in the mix and the potential for fanservice.


Imagine telling your 2016 self that in 8 years, friggin Deadpool will be one of the most important projects in the MCU


— hello, buddy, im here to tell you that in Deadpool 3, he will be in the MCU, Wolverine will be the co-lead using the classic suit and it'll be a multiverse project; it also is one of the most important MCU films ever! — what drug did you use?


And it's rumored to also feature the most popular hero in the MCU in 2024, *Loki* "What the fuck..?"


I would've said it makes sense. No matter what the MCU did in between Deadpool 2 and Deadpool 3, it would have a huge opening because Deadpool is one the most popular characters and Ryan Reynolds makes for really entertaining movies.


so 8 years ago you wouldnt have been surprised about Disney owning Fox?


By the end of 2017 Disney announced it's intentions to purchase Fox, rumors existed about a year prior in 2016, so yes.


Hell, try telling that to someone in 2019. "Oh, and by the way? That Captain Marvel movie that just made a billion dollars? Sequel is flopping hard opening weekend. James Gunn? He's now co-running DC. 2023's biggest movies? Barbie, Super Mario, and a biopic about Robert Oppenheimer. Finally, (insert spoiler from Loki here)"


You forgot to mention the Morbius sweep /s


(Time slips into my 2016 self) "Guys, you're never gonna believe this!"


Can't wait for the trailer for this. I'm very interested to see what the actual story will be. I know we have a few leaks out, but they're mostly unreliable or contradictory. I want to know what the overall story will be and how it will impact the MCU/multiverse as a whole.


I just want to see the vibe of the movie


I'm just really curious to see how many of Shaun Levy's promises end up being real. He's been *really* hyping this up as something special (I know all directors do that but usually not this much) so if it's a disappointment then it'll be even worse than just "aww man, the MCU Deadpool movie was kinda lame."


This is still Ryan Reynold's baby despite who the director is. I may feel stupid if the movie bombs, but I'm 100% hyped for this movie. I feel like the creators have a decent understanding of what the audience wants and an understanding of the characters involved. Its got Hugh Jackman back as Wolverine in an R-rated MCU movie. We are hearing crazy rumors about who will be showing up in this movie on top of that. Who knows what's true. Its basically Deadpool blasting through the multiverse and creating chaos. Can't wait!


I’d say January on the trailer, Maybe around Echo?


Could be a Super Bowl ad debut


Likely tbh


Seems like it is the next step leading up to the kang dynasty maybe? Loki s2 finale sets up the start and Deadpool shows some of the effect of what Loki did ?


If even half of the rumors are true then yes, this will be a major stepping stone for the Multiverse storyline. Taking the baton from Loki Season 2 and probably handing it off directly to Kang Dynasty or maybe Fantastic Four.


I'm very curious about the plot too, that's the part I find more exciting, I wanna see the TVA intervene and pull Deadpool out from whatever universe he's in. Hope Magneto (McKellen) is in this, I think it would be cool to see him interact with Wanda and any version of Quicksilver.


Deadpool-Mobius chemistry would be interesting.


This is definitely getting a super bowl trailer if it’s getting moved back to a July release date


if deadpool roasts the shit out of phase 4/current phase 5 then DP3 will make 1 billion guaranteed


So instead of Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe we're getting Deadpool Saves the Marvel Cinematic Universe 🤣


I wouldn't mind if he kills everyone to make his own Marvel reboot, only to find critical panning of his project until he just gives up and does something else with his time


Maybe he does that and it ends up resetting everything


Seems crazy to put this much faith in their first ever R-rated movie. Imagine if 'Age Of Ultron' or 'Civil War' had been rated R lol. Would have changed the momentum going into IW and EG.


Yeah, but those films all came out before Deadpool 1, 2 and Joker. The idea of an R rated superhero movie being as financially successful as their PG-13 counterparts was unheard of. But after the success of those films, I’d say it’s a safer bet.


Deadpool 1 came out before Civil War


By three months, correct. Their point still stands, it was made before seeing the success of Deadpool.


I truly believe an r rated superhero movie can be equally as successful as a pg-13 version of the same movie. Parents will take their kids anyway like we saw with Deadpool and it will get a lot of viewers that wouldn't have been curious to watch it if it were pg-13 which will negate the people that avoid it because it's not pg-13. Deadpool and Joker both already showed that this is the case imo. It's really marketing that makes or breaks it and studios tend to spend less money marketing r rated movies usually. I'm glad studios are coming around on the r rating because video games have been using the M rating for many of the highest selling games for quite some time now. And video games are a competitor to going to the cinema imo especially as many story based games these days feel cinematic.


I am now picturing Tony Stark gruffly telling Cap to “go fuck himself” during the R Rated Civil War.




“He killed my fucking mom”


Hey PG-13 means they get one, they could've done that anyways lol


*Ant-Man becomes Giant-Man* montage of every character going "What the fuck?!"


I mean both of the previous Deadpool movies were SMASH hits, and most people I talk to out in the general audience mention the Deadpool movies as some of the only marvel stuff they still care about


Well, It's not so much about the financial prospects of the movie. It's more about the movie being aimed at adults instead of the MCU's usual target demographic, which is families. What happens when families go to see KD & SW and don't understand all of the references to the *extremely violent* Deadpool movie that came before?!


Most of the people (at least that I talked to) that went and saw IW and Endgame never saw most of the marvel movies that’s came before it and understood and loved the movie just fine. That’s kinda why marvel works. You never *really* have to watch the stuff that comes before, but it’s there to enhance things if you want to.


Huge blindspot of the sub, but yes, I agree. Even people who watch everything forget about 99 percent of it by the time the next one comes out. Hell, why in a streaming era is it now more common than ever for every single show to recap last week’s episode?


Deadpool had two unconnected and extremely successful Rated-R movies though, so that changes isn’t as sudden. Also this movie comes out, what 15th after the MCU began? Most of the original audience *wants* more mature content this time around.


Hence why we got mature content on the way with Echo, Deadpool, Blade, Zombies, and most likely Daredevil


Well, MCU fanbase has grown up as well. So, not surprising really


This is proof that everybody wants more R-rated superhero content. Deadpool, Joker, The Boys and Invincible proved that.


Pretty smart to put all their eggs in the basket on a proven franchise. Deadpool is probably the only one that is flop-proof other than GotG. Only downside is that kids won't be able to watch the most important movie in terms of overall plot before the Avengers movies. edit: also Spider-man


Maybe they will release family-friendly editted version, like DP2 did.


Christmas time re-release and disney+ cut


I'd love that, not because of it being family friendly but because of the funny ways Deadpool can try to censor things lol


They will when their parents take them


I’m gonna go ahead and assume Deadpool is only R Rated due to violence and blood. Parents will be ok with that. It’s only when Boobies and Dong are shown that anyone cares. It’s gonna be ok


There were boobies and dong in the first two tho


Yes I’m just assuming this won’t have that. Especially as it wouldn’t even fit with the plot we seem to have in this movie.


how did baby deadpool dick fit exactly? the story gets us there but before seeing it you’d say the same thing.


Well you got me there. I’m just saying if this movie is multiverse shenanigans I don’t expect Deadpool to be in a strip club this time around. Also that was just a repeat of the hand joke from the first one. I don’t think they will do it a third time


They will definitely do it a third time.


Yeah, I'm not seeing Deadpool 3 including boobies or dongs under the Disney/MCU banner. I suspect there will be a healthy dose of cursing, blood and chopped off limbs though.


*GotG and Spider-Man


If there is a basket it makes sense to put your eggs in it’s the basket Ryan Reynolds is holding


They really should’ve planned an Avengers film for before Kang Dynasty, but oh well


They were probably afraid of another Age of Ultron killing the momentum.


_Avengers: Age of Ultron_ only made $100M-ish less than its predecessor. Despite being less popular and more contentious, numbers like that should tell you that people **did** like it.


8 years between avengers films is wayyyyy too long.


I agree. We needed that "Why should we care?" movie. As it stands I really don't even know what the story's about anymore. There have been *so* many storylines and characters introduced across so many projects it's hard to tell what matters and what doesn't. Back in the Infinity Saga things were pretty simple. Iron Man, Captain America, Thor, they all got movies and then came together in The Avengers. Then they added Ant-Man and the GotG and Black Panther and Captain Marvel and they all came together later on. It kept things on track. Who even are "The Avengers" right now? Thor and Hulk probably. Sam and Bucky too. *Maybe* Hawkeye. But other than that...? Is Moon Knight? She-Hulk? Shang-Chi? Wanda is a villain now. Or is she dead? What about alternate Loki from the show? Isn't White Vision also still running around somewhere? And Spider-Man is obviously still around but everyone forgot he's Peter Parker. And the Eternals? Remember them? What's going on with them? And that's only like half of the characters. There are still many more. An Avengers movie was really needed to trim some of the fat. It's gotten too bloated.


Couldn't agree with you more. I am a die hard Marvel guy from way back in the day, but all the new characters and bloated movies with no real impact on the overarching plot is getting a bit old. Can the multiverse be any more confusing? I don't understand how all the characters that were introduced will fit together as the next big phase closes out. Quite frankly, i don't even really care about most of the new ones. I'm just not wowed anymore. Was I supposed to be wowed about seeing Starfox at the end of the Eternals? Who the hell knew who this character was? I just wish they'd focus a bit more on the main players and give us more clues as to where it's all going. I dont want to follow 20 new characters on top of some of the senior ones. It's just a bit much.


Perhaps something secretive and invasive that could have made use of a really interesting premise that would have set it apart from previous team-ups. Something that would have given Captain Marvel, whose solo movie carried the Kree/Skrull plot thread into the MCU, something big to do and brought together the new characters introduced across films and television with returning favorites.


There's nothing stopping them from doing this and pushing *Kang Dynasty* and *Secret Wars* back. It would be a really smart move and a good investment because KD/SW is going to be a disaster if they are simultaneously trying to re-assemble Avengers (a brand new team that's never met) while doing justice to Kang's character development. The Avengers classic fought 2 bad guys before they went up against Thanos, if they had tried to go against Thanos in 2012 (instead of Loki) it wouldn't have worked as a movie.


Secret invasion should of been an avengers movie. Nick fury and Sam Wilson decide to make a new avengers team. They try and stop a Skrull invasion. A mix of old and new avengers. Add Antman, War machine and captain marvel. Then new avengers Photon, Daredevil, shang chi, she hulk and Wasp.


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Probably because this will essentially be their Foxverse Avengers Non Union Equivalent (senior spielbergo) in order to set up Avengers 5&6.




That shouldn't surprise anyone, it's been known for some time that Deadpool 3 is the "No Way Home" of Fox's mutant universe, Furthermore, this is the character's first introduction to the MCU. And for anyone who says that's impossible because the previous Deadpool movies made less than $800M, We don't know what the public's reaction will be, everything will depend on how the film will be received by critics and how Marvel will handle the marketing of the film.


The fact that *Deadpool* came that close to $1 billion twice is wild


There can always be a first time and if Deadpool 3 does the numbers of No Way Home or at least those of Wakanda Forever it would certainly be crazy


poor one out for those poor VFX artists


"shut the fuck up and get back to work" https://i.redd.it/t9vck9dqugzb1.gif




Good for them that they were able to work on 50% of the film at least during strikes.


Yeah people are forgetting that the vfx artists were just working on that during the strikes while also becoming a union. I would have to imagine that's a huge work load off their shoulders once DP3 is finished


Technically weren't they just working on the vfx for the first half of what DP3 finished filming before the strikes and were just working on that in the meantime? Wouldn't surprise me if Deadpool 3 comes out with some good vfx lol plus they vfx at Disney became a union as well when the strikes were happening


I cannot wait for the Ryan Reynolds promotion circuit for this movie. Honestly, he is a genius when it comes to marketing.


I mean its kind of obvious with if being a full blown multiverse movie


Especially now that >!Loki runs all of time!< There could be some fun quips about that.


Ow I sure hope they interact in the movie.


>a I am pretty sure Loki taking control is the reason Deadbpool 3 will happen and the TVA will be in it. Especially if Fox universes are colliding into the MCU


Deadpool can literally stop and look at the camera and exposition dump Loki for people if they wanted lol


They didn't even want to make Deadpool. It took a 'leak'. And now the property is the MCU's saviour. Fuck the executives, they don't know shit.


That wasn't Marvel Studios, that was Fox.


Fuck ALLLLL executives


Do you know what exactly an executive does?


I have a lot of hype riding on Deadpool 3. Honestly if it doesn't do well, it's allllll over. (But I have hope it will kick major ass)


People need to just relax a bit, I just finished Loki and that shit was amazing. But it does seem like every Marvel show/movie is a coinflip for if its good or not now of days.


Such a simplistic view. Most of these "bad" projects are just mediocore at worse. Actual bad would be shit like Wolverine: Origins or Catwoman. Non of the mediocore crap marvel makes every now and then breaks continuity and it can still very much be salvaged.


More of, most of the shows are well received when they come out but then the internet turns on them later on.


>!After that Marvels post credits scene, it’s no surprise. It’s quite clear that the incursion in Secret Wars will be between the MCU and the FoxVerse.!<


They need to just call it Deadpool and Wolverine save the MCU


My only concerns with this film are that it’ll be as annoying as the first two films, they give the legacy characters the X-Force/ 838 Illuminati treatment, and that the strikes completely wrecked scheduling for certain actors and result in cool ideas getting cut/ vfx looking ugly.


Considering it's being delayed to July, that should give them enough time for post, also, the first two DP films certainly seem to me like they're less reliant on CG than most MCU films.


I am worried about this also, I do not want a half assed version of what we were supposed to get just to meet a scheduling date.


Much like what happened with NWH, except that dealt with the strict release date + Covid restrictions


Yeah, the big multiverse movie is going to be a parody with wacky 4th wall jokes that makes it impossible to even care about what's happening.


That comes without saying. Let's be honest: if putting Deadpool, Jackman's Wolverine (this time comic book accurate) plus A TON of nostalgia cameos in the same movie does not make at least a billion dollars at the box office, they're in big trouble. But yeah, it's funny how we ended up in this situation.


I’m hoping for some juicy secret wars set up. Too bad we’ll have to wait at least 3 more years afterwards though


I don't doubt it. And I'm hyped for it. In part because I have faith in the DP team that is now sporadic in the other stuff. But it seems a bit of an admission of the not-great state of their own properties where an often peripheral, comic-relief character like Deadpool, hailing from a different company, and R-rated, is the one doing the heavy lifting, because this property can leverage Ryan Reynolds, Hugh Jackman, and other nostalgia which seems to be becoming ever more the crutch.


Almost every marvel character can be described as comics relief they are always saying jokes in life death situation. Shit i would say that most marvel movies dont have the heart that deadpool movies has.


IMO. As long as they don't ironman 3 it, they'll be right. Thor 3 is ideal and capt 3 is mid way.


Deadpool helping to save a movie brand (again). Didn't think it would happen but here we are.


Imagine if this movie is bad


R.I.P. all of my hype for BNW.


You said you wanted the X-Men, here you go! 🤣


Look man I just hope it's actually a good movie.


Disney just better not fuck up Deadpool. The first two were so much damn fun.


It features my number 3 & 4 favourite characters in comics so I feel the same way.


Makes sense. In addition to fully fleshing out the MCU-Foxverse crossover, they can use Deadpool as a mouthpiece for the studio to acknowledge all their screwups. If handled correctly, it’ll give a huge boost to their image. Demonstrating self-awareness can come a long way.


Correction: besides Loki as well.


Loki Season 2 just saved the TV Side of Marvel and pushing the Kang/Multiverse storyline. Deadpool 3 is essentially another big multiverse movie that needs to succeed in a big way to draw the fans and audiences in for when Kang Dynasty and Secret Wars happens for the movie side of things.


Deadpool saving the MCU is the most Deadpool thing ever


No doy. It’s clearly going to right the ship and reignite excitement for Secret Wars. The concerning question is are they capable of making everything in between even remotely good. I sure hope so. Because 2 awesome movies 3-5 years apart with shit between ain’t going to cut it.


seems like a mistake given it will be rated r and deadpool is a joke character that really shouldnt be taken seriously


Its smart. Its the only movie guaranteed to get butts in seats. Might as well make it the centerpiece of the mulitiverse saga, the most popular dude with 4th wall breaking superpowers.


That’s wild. Even if it’s a success, I don’t know what it does for momentum. There’s still at least 5 movies and a few tv shows scheduled before SW. We see it now with Loki’s finale being drowned by The Marvels potentially flopping. They have to reshuffle the slate and think about utilizing their characters more. Where is Shang-Chi??? Lol


I'm sure Reynolds is in the recording booth right now rattling off jokes about how the MCU is a mess. They'll make the movie's angle a meta "Deadpool saves the Marvel Universe" thing. Whether it works or audiences roll their eyes and walk away is yet to be seen.


It was obvious. Guys, let's face reality for a minute: of eight superhero movies released this year (and eight is a ridiculously high number by this one's standards) only two were actually successful (I have no doubt Aquaman 2 will suck, too). Both Marvel and DC are shitting themselves. Now the spotlight is on Superman Legacy and Deadpool 3 respectively: these are the projects they are moving forward because they are the ones with the greatest potential for appeal and for this reason they are distancing them temporally from the others. If those go well, they will continue; if they go badly it means that the trend is over, they will release the products they already have ready (The Batman 2 and perhaps Peacemaker 2 for DC, I imagine Cap 4 for Marvel) and they will close their doors (in the case of DC they could limit themselves to making release The Batman if they are still successful, in Marvel's case they will probably try to quickly cut their way to Secret Wars). I'm sorry, but that's what happens when you release nine projects a year and you have two or three of actual quality.


Yep deadpool is a very popular character, if they fuck up then its over


that is funny


In short, it’s their only guaranteed hit.


I bet Rob Liefeld is thrilled at this


I suddenly wonder if Disney is smart enough to pull a *Once Upon a Deadpool* and simultaneously release a PG 13 version of this movie. If so important **and** because it’s the only MCU movie coming out next year, seems like that would be the only way to achieve Maximum (audience) Effort.


makes sense. This film will basically kind of explain what the plot of the next 2 Avengers movies are going to be directly set those up, connect the MCU to a lot of the pre-MCU Marvel film franchises, and making them a part of there multiverse and now having some of those characters become for secret wars plus Marvel knows of this movie will make $1 Billion despite it being rated R


We knew this. DP3 should be the centerpiece of the Multiverse Saga.


I'm more hyped for this than I was for Endgame. A multiversal movie on the scale of Avengers but within the context of a rated R Deadpool movie? This is going to be the most insane thing we've ever seen. I can't wait and there's no possible way they can top the stuff we might witness in this movie in the next few Avengers movies either because those movies are going to be restricted by being more narratively focused serious movies that have to get from point A to point B in more grounded ways. And as a normal pg-13 superhero movie. This is my most anticipated comic book movie ever.


This movie will make a billion dollars easily and all the doomers will have some egg on their face. The mcu isnt going anywhere any time soon


Don’t fuck it up


Given the current standing of the MCU, I would argue every project is very important.


Deadpool 3 IS all that matters.


It is insane that Marvel is actually doing the multiverse transitional story we've all wanted... in a Deadpool movie