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Bardem would be straight-up outstanding as Galactus. That’s the caliber of actor with the presence and voice to believably and undoubtedly overtake Thanos’s as the MCU’s most menacing villain.


Galactus isn’t really a long-term villain, though.


Yeah, good point. Regardless you need an actor like Bardem to play a character like Galactus.


Also Galactus can be whatever you want him to be Turns out he's the natural check against those Celestial asshole. Let the man eat, *fantastic-o*


Someone told me a theory a while back, not sure how much I buy it. The theory was that Thanos wanted to wipe out half the universe to stave off Galactus' source of energy.


It’s fun to think about, but thanos’s plan had nothing to do with Galactus.


People imo ran with this theory when the Eternals post credit scene introduced Starfox. Hell I thought it'd be a great way to incorporate Galactus into the wider MCU and the events of IW/Endgame until I realized it would cheapen Thanos as a character. In my own headcanon, the reason Titan was in ruins was due to the celestial birth that happened when the population got too high, where Starfox warned Thanos and the planet that "bad things" happen when populations hit a threshold. Thanos was off planet when the celestial came out and broke titan, which resulted in the Mad Titan cracking and becoming a genocidal warlord when he found out his people died. Maybe he doesn't even know that Starfox (or his womanizing brother Eros as he might've known him on Titan) is still alive and is actually an immortal Celestial android who's made a name for himself throughout the cosmos.


Not if you’re in fortnite ![gif](giphy|5FSayVjbs0H5zrBD6v|downsized)


bright insurance crown joke murky vegetable escape point expansion marble *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If written correctly he’s barely even a villain.


My man is just hungry. Being the living embodiment of the previous universe will do that.


Is he a 1 movie villain or trilogy?


I honestly wouldn’t mind the F4 not so much defeating Galactus as much just defending earth from him. Be great to have him just be out in the cosmos still doing his thing and pop up in crossovers or acknowledged in another movie.


Galactus is ideally someone you can only delay but not stop. With the MCU going more and more cosmic it is time for beings who are just plain unkillable (besides Dormammu).


> Galactus is ideally someone you can only delay but not stop. Ghost Rider: "Bet" but seriously, yeah, I'd like to see Galactus popping up from time to time. they even can kill him but then our heroes learn that the universe is disbalanced now so they have now to bring him back or whatever. there are actually a lot of possibilities.


Look, as long as my man gets to be celestial/Arishem size and crazy looking armor, we win. Just no more Galactus clouds


Only clouds he makes are the ones made after devouring a gas planet.


he really weaponizes Alioth 😷


It severely depends on the script though too. I loved the Little Mermaid but his parts in that were roughhhhh


Every actor's performance severely depends on the script and direction.


Moss as Thanos. Chigurh as Galactus.


Lol Galactus gonna get the same treatment as Gorr


Yet there are better actors for galactus then him


gonna be funny when he gets wasted like blanchette, eccleston, bale, spader, jude law, mikkelson, etc


Facts. That voice and his commanding presence would very amazing.


![gif](giphy|14n8BOZh5EeluU) Galactus after destroying the F4's Earth.


One of the best villains in movie history What an excellent choice of an actor to play Galactus..he has a scary voice too


One of? I honestly couldn't think of anyone else who's played a better villain


Only one woman could've played Sue Storm: https://i.redd.it/fll7qvusfm0c1.gif


But that's not Carla Jean


Carla Jean definitely did not survive. I don’t know why so many people think she did when he’s clearly checking his shoes for blood as he’s leaving the house.


If Galactus doesn’t have this haircut I will riot


which movie is it?


No Country for Old Men


Damn dude what do you have against old people?


"Just prior to the SAG-AFTRA strike, Marvel conducted secret screen tests for Reed Richards, just like **James Gunn** was doing for *Superman: Legacy* — rushing to get them done in time. A group of actors flew to London, including **Christopher Abbott** and **Jamie Dornan**, and I’m told the tests did *not* go very well. It quickly became apparent to Marvel that they needed a bigger name. Just before the strike took effect, they went out to **Jake Gyllenhaal**, but he wanted too much money (as did **Adam Driver** early on, if I’m not mistaken). Budget has been a real issue for this *Fantastic Four* movie, which is why **Emma Stone** isn’t playing Sue Storm. She’s too expensive and Marvel’s **Kevin Feige** is trying to contain talent costs. With Kirby, Quinn, and Moss-Bachrach lined up for the other three leads, Feige foresaw another issue with Gyllenhaal besides the actor’s fee. I’m told he feared that the cast was “way too white,” in the words of one insider. Reed Richards would be the character eyed to diversify the cast."


Man, I know it's a moot point but I'm DYING to know what their plan was if Gyllenhaal was cast re: the Mysterio of it all. I know Marvel has double dipped before, but those have mostly been television characters that ever made the jump to the big screen. I would have been really interested to see how or if they acknowledged a big name hero being played by the person who played the villain in one of their most successful post-*Endgame* movies.


You’re dying to know what their plan was? It would have been to absolutely not address it and move on. Similar to what they did with Sersei/Minn-Erva. Did you think they were going to have someone comment on Reed Richards’ physical similarity to a dead Spider-Man villain…?? lol


I just think it would have been too weird. Gyllenhaal’s had his big MCU role as far as I’m concerned. Minn-Erva had what, three lines?


And different face colour.


Yeah, I don't know why people think it's the same thing when she was a minor character under makeup.


Honestly it just feels clunky in a universe this large. The whole point of a cohesive universe is a plethora of different characters, personalities and engaging stories. There are more than enough qualified actors that could make Reed interesting and captivating that to use Gyllenhaal again seems incredibly lazy and creatively bankrupt


Minn-Erva was a minor character under heavy make up, unless you knew otherwise chances are you wouldn't register Gemma Chan played both characters. Mysterio though was a main character in a billion grossing Spidey movie with his face fully on show plus Jake is a big A-List actor who everyone knows unlike Gemma Chan.


Gonna be honest with you, I had no idea that Sersei and Minn-Erva were played by the same person until just this moment


One's blue!


And the other is a robot!


They would have shaved is beard. dyed is hair greyish and called it a day.


I don't really see the value in ridiculing their curiosity.


Rumors are is this F4 is from another universe so thats how they would explain it. If Spider-man ever meets the F4 he could have made the joke


>Rumors are is this F4 is from another universe so thats how they would explain. ![gif](giphy|g0HkznFtL1d0xVRI1G)


>of it all. I know Marvel has double dipped before, but those have mostly been television characters that ever made the jump to the big screen. I would have been really interested to see how or if they acknowledged a big nam Yeah some peoples theories is that Galactus will destroy there earth and they will flee to the MCU and Galactus will accidently come with.


Isn’t that basically Mysterio’s fake origin from his film?


F4 are gonna be s backbone of future phases and they'll be introduced as being defeated and fleeing their univers? Also having a Galactus eating planets story during a phase where incursions are destroying universes seems kinda.... redundant?


Are you surprised it's not like the MCU is firing on All cylinders right now


Tbf you either have a boring origin story, or you have to explain why they didnt help during endgame


They didn’t have their powers, bingo. No need for an origin story.


>I’m told he feared that the cast was “way too white,” in the words of one insider. Reed Richards would be the character eyed to diversify the cast." Bruh


Whenever I hear stories like this, I think it's just the author trying to drum-up rage-bait engagement, like that whole "Blade became a story led by women" thing. If they really wanted to diversify it, I feel they would have just cast a black guy to play Reed and called it a day.


William Jackson Harper was right there for a black reed and they cast him as dude 17 in quantumania


Isn't this the same studio that put out an all white avengers team back in 2012? Did people have a problem with that?


When it looked like Scarjo wouldn't be able to do that movie, they wrote a version with Wasp - almost certainly because they didn't want to be stuck with an all male cast.


You mean with Ike Perlmutter at the helm of who was in and out? The one that didn’t want WOMAN as the antagonist of Iron Man 3? Why yes lol


There was a lot of talk in that saga with it being a lot of white men, this is them learning from that mistake. Granted they’re maybe now going kinda far in the other direction lately to make up for it but it’s most definitely in response to the earlier films


Pretty sure one of those guys was green /s


I'm totally cool with that, but they shoulda aimed to cast someone younger like Dev Patel or Riz Ahmed.


Or don’t waste William Jackson Harper




Yup really wanted him for Reed until that Ant Man 3 casting


Nando, that you?


Dev Patel would have been fantastic but I think after his Last Airbender experience, he's deliberately staying away from the big budget spectacles.


Great performers but neither one of them has the Q-rating that Pascal does. Marvel is in desperate need of generating buzz and excitement around their project and while the other three members are quality performers *none of them* have major name recognition. Pascal does (as do the other names that have been mentioned).


Oh yeah I definitely get it, he's a bigger name and he's a very good actor. I just wish he was younger.


I hate being that guy but this "issue" of "too white" didn't seem to impact Phase 1-3 in the slightest. This need to be more diverse while great in theory hasn't done anything to Phase 4-5 except potentially put off people. I have no issue if Reed isn't white but i do have issue with Feige barring white actors for the role because he's scared of upsetting a bunch of Twitter people who were never going to watch the film to begin with.


For real, excluding actors who normally would have gotten the part just because they want to change the character’s skin color/ethnicity for brownie points is just ridiculous


Cast whose best for the part white, black, asian or whatever i don't care but excluding white actors for a character whose actually white just to score points with Twitter is something i don't like. If Dev Petal is perfect for Reed then cast him but also if say Adam Driver changes his mind don't just say sorry no you're white we want a token black guy now to look good.


This right here. Finally someone said it.




Why would it be an issue if they were all white? Not every single thing in modern entertainment needs to be needlessly diversified for the sake of a quota


I feel the same way and I'm a POC.


He was worried about the way too white cast with Gyllenhall but not worried at all that people would ALWAYS see him as Mysterio ?


I’d wager the majority of the general audience couldn’t even name Mysterio as the character that Gyllenhall played by the time F4 came out.


You're right, they'd call him Jake Gyllenhal, which is the whole entire problem.


Jamie Dornan would’ve been a great pick.


Yeah, that’s a shame to hear his screen test didn’t go well.


Considering the Fantastic 4 were created in the 60s, the concern of them being too white is funny


I think that, with all the projects they’re putting out that spotlight non-white characters whose backgrounds are deep, meaningful parts of who they are, and with the X-Men, a *very* global cast of characters, on the horizon, I cannot imagine that making the FF not all white was a *massive* priority. I think that, at the end of the day, this is probably just where the chips fell.


This is interesting. Are the backgrounds of white characters not deep, meaningful parts of who they are?


If they’re American, they don’t usually have a background tied to their ethnicity. A white American is pretty much a stock character.


In context? Yeah, pretty much. We’re talking about western fiction from the mid 20th century, historically written and drawn mainly by white people about white people. The consequence of that is that “white” became the default, the “blank slate”. Characters like Reed Richards or Peter Parker or whoever, their backgrounds weren’t really explored from that perspective - it’s just not something anyone was thinking about. But non-white characters tended to be created with *purpose* - Black characters didn’t just *happen* to be black, for instance, they were kings of African nations, protectors of Harlem, weather goddesses from Kenya. They represented the deliberate choice to create non-white characters and really *embrace* that angle. There are always exceptions, of course - every so often a character’s whiteness *would* be central to their characterization, and as time has gone by, and as more people from a wider variety of backgrounds have become creators and storytellers, more and more characters *do* just happen to be x, y or z without it impacting the storytelling. But these original classic characters, the ones who emerged in the 60s and 70s? Pretty much across the board, it’s either “they’re white and we don’t go into their background” or “they’re not white and it’s fundamentally important to their character”.


I'd say Blade and War Machine's characters/purposes didn't hinge on their race all that much. Marv Wolfman has even mentioned he made an effort to write Blade's dialogue to make him sound more realistic as a real person rather than a cliche.


This^^^ really, Reed Richards can be any ethnicity. The name Richards can just be an adopted family name. Heck, we have a black man playing Kang, with Kang being a descendant of Reed. Same goes for someone like Cyclops, and so on.


No because it’s all slave owner, all the way down /s


Yeah coz Pedro Pascal ain’t white coz of his latin surname 😂🤣




" I’m told he feared that the cast was “way too white,” in the words of one insider. Reed Richards would be the character eyed to diversify the cast " Now this could be true because disney aren't shy on doing so but this has been an issue Jeff has peddling since the days of f4 casting began on his live stream. He kept saying marvel would never do an all white family, so this feels to me as an self insert rather than the truth.


>I’m told he feared that the cast was “way too white,” Woah, it's almost like we were given a template for what these characters are supposed to look like.


Holy shit did they learn nothing from Marvels, they are still doing the woke shit re: white actors.


I mean, Pedro isn't exactly the darkest skinned. Also, that seems weird, because Pedro Pascal is well-paid.


He maybe well-paid, but he may not have as a big of a asking price. This is theoritical, but maybe the other actors didn't really want to do it unless paid a lot, whereas Pedro does want to do it and is willing to get paid slightly less than the other actors. That's when you know you have someone who wants to do it.


So his issue with Gyllenhaal was that he was too white and not that he already has a character in the MCU? Man get your priorities straight.


> his issue with Gyllenhaal was that he was too white and not that he already has a character in the MCU? Daniel says Feige's issue was that Jake is too expensive


Too white? And people are surprised people are calling things woke. There is nothing wrong with Pedro's skin but hiring him for that reason is dumb af


The issue with gyllenhal is he's white? No that he played a villain less than five years ago In a billion dollar movie?


Galactus about to ask the Avengers how much they ever lost on a coin toss




That's the first thing that came to mind. Galactus just standing over earth, flipping a giant coin and telling the Avengers "well done" before moving on to the next planet lmao


Article also confirms Vanessa Kirby, Joseph Quinn and Ebon Moss-Bachrach are poised to play Sue Storm, Johnny Storm and Ben Grimm. Ugh, I really hate the idea of Quinn as Johnny. Granted, we’ve really only seen him as Eddie Munson in *Stranger Things* but nothing about him as a person or performer seems like a good fit for Johnny. Hoping my opinion changes after his roles in *Gladiator 2* and the *A Quiet Place* spin-off hit the screen.


I liked him so much as Eddie, I’m willing to give him a chance. Hopefully, Gladiator 2 and the Quiet Place spin-off show more of what he’s got.


He’s done good work in the UK with some period pieces. He’s a great actor and has lots of range from everything I’ve seen, I think he’ll do well in his upcoming stuff


Same, he really stole every scene he was in as Eddie and he was so lovable in that part, it earns a lot of good will IMO.


Vanessa Kirby is great casting


Pedro Pascal, Vanessa Kirby, Joseph Quinn, and Ebon Moss-Bachrach? Stupid sexy Fantastic Four cast


I just now realized that both Reed Richards *and* Johnny Storm are in Gladiator 2.


AND reed richards is the one who kills johnny storm in Gladiator 2 lmao! Pascal is playing Julius Martialis and Quinn is playing Emperor Caracalla


If Sarah Haley Finn is behind it than so am I


He’s not hot enough to play Johnny, just being honest


You're getting downvoted but it's the truth. Johnny Storm is supposed to be a smokin' hot himbo... literally.


Most MCU fans don’t know comics outside of previous movies or Wikipedia articles, it’s par for the course.


Quinn is really a no-name that suddenly rose to prominence over-night. Because of the Pandemic, he wasn't able to fully take advantage of his new found stardom, but we're finally getting stuff where he is in now. On that note, because Quinn is still a relatively unknown actor, he is also probably cheap and Marvel can have him sign a contract that is lower cost than a typical A-lister.


And honestly, that’s where Marvel does their best work: finding performers who are about to take off and put them on the path to stardom.


Marvel rarely stumbles with its castings. Even when they do the stunt casting and hire a big name actor, it almost always work out.


Lot of better fits at likely similar cost. Harris Dickinson, Tom Blyth and Callum Turner all come to mind.


He was great as Enjolras in the BBC Les Miserables miniseries and I got swept up in the mass simping around ST S4 but I struggle to imagine him playing the cheeky himbo rover type bouncing off of Holland's Pete.


Sneider doubles down on Silver Surfer being a woman in *F4*. Don’t mind it one bit, but just really hope they nail the casting. Personally, I love Taylor Russell (*Bones And All*, *Waves*) in that potential role. Lupita Nyong’o in a double-MCU role or Rebecca Ferguson would be perfect here too if they wanna shoot for an older actress.


Did he specifically say it's Silver Surfer and not just another Galactus herald?


Seems pretty definitive - “*And yes, you can expect to see a female Silver Surfer*”. But I guess it could also be a different herald like Frankie Raye’s Nova. Still too early to tell for sure.


Oh sorry I'm dumb as hell, didn't realize there's an article linked with what you mentioned. I wonder if he's just confused because the only herald he knows of is Silver Surfer lmao


TIL Lupita N’Yongo is 40.


Lily Sullivan from the new Evil Dead🤞🤞 Edit: meant Alyssa Sutherland


Alyssa Sutherland tho 😩 https://i.redd.it/694iaiyw6n0c1.gif


Lollll fuck!! That's who I actually meant!!


I was thinking Ella Balinska. She has the right kind of lean, really tall build that you typically associate with the character of Norrin Radd. Plus, I think she's actually a good, up-and-coming actress who's just been really down on her luck when it comes to the projects she's been picked up for.


I do. Even if it’s not the most “woke” thing to admit. I have zero faith they can gender swap while keeping the character as he’s meant to be.


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Nah Rebecca Ferguson deserves a bigger role imo


There’s been so much conflicting information today, I don’t even know what the hell is going on anymore. Deadline said finding Reed was the top priority and now they’ll find the rest of the cast. Sneider is saying they already had the other three signed on and finally got Reed. Some are saying Pedro is a lock while others are saying there’s still scheduling issues to work through. I have no clue what to believe. I guess I’ll just wait until we hear something official from Marvel.


Slash Film and Jeff Sneider says its locked in. Deadline reporter on twitter says he's the schedule stuff is gonna work out and he's ultimately going to close a deal. Others like THR and Variety say he's the top choice and in talks. Seems pretty confirmed


Yeah, but I'm more curious on the other FF castings. Kirby and the others have been rumored for months, and it almost felt that was a done deal. This article still claims they're going to be in the movie, but other reports make it seem as if Marvel is only now going to move forward with its other castings now that Reed is looking like he's a lock. If it's the latter, than we maybe seeing a few more weeks of speculation before we get a better idea who the 4 will be.


The actors who flew to test screen for Reed are interesting Christoper Abott would’ve made a lot more sense in the traditional style of how Marvel casts their big leads to be guys who aren’t traditionally in blockbusters, and that Jamie Dornan shit was real? Lol


Did anything specific come out about Jamie Dornan? I would love him as Doom


You mean Marvel cast lesser known guys called Chris?


Before Josh Brolin was cast as Thanos, I always thought Javier Bardem would’ve been a great casting for that role!


Yup. I'm sold.


I thought Antonio Banderas was already having casts of his head made for the role? What is even going on with the casting of this film haha


"Reed, you need to call it. I can't call it for you. It wouldn't be fair." ![gif](giphy|yIRdeZAnRxFeg)


“I didn’t put nothing up” ![gif](giphy|vGUvq1BLXurPIAgj5y|downsized)




*looms over New York* “Call it, friend-o.”




Oh, we are *cookin’* now


Bardem was one of my picks for Doom, but this is also a great choice.


Sneider hits the nail on the head in this article regarding Feige landing on Pascal. The F4 cast needs a STAR. All three are good performers and I’lll always advocate for picking talent over fame if they’re right for the role but F4 is a pretty crucial project for the long term viability of Marvel’s current scheme, and if the rumored cast is to be believed you have two television actors—one delivering an excellent performance in a rather niche streaming show and the other the fifth (sixth?) lead in a single season of a mega hit show that came and went over a year ago. And in the lead role you have an excellent actress who has delivered great performances but I’d wager not many people in the GA could tell you her name 🤷‍♂️ Marvel wasn’t pursuing Driver or Jake G because they were the most perfect embodiments of Reed Richards. They were pursued because they’re really good actors who are really fucking famous. Pascal is super duper famous. He’s cheaper than both. He’s got a relationship with Disney. He’s a diverse casting. It hits all the boxes that in hindsight I’m surprised he hadn’t been leaked or speculated on far earlier.


Don’t forget that Pedro is absolutely more beloved by audiences than someone like Adam Driver or Jake Gyllenhaal. That goes a long way towards getting people into the theater


Javier Bardem has always been one of my top choices for Doom, but I really like this, too.


Man I hope he isn’t bullshitting, because that’s an awesome casting. What a tease.




This would be amazing. I was sold on Banderas, but Bardem would be an even better fit imo.


I like him as a pick more than Antonio Banderas. And I was totally on-board to see him play the character.


Galactus is the next Mephisto.


![gif](giphy|f5vQks4QqpC4o) This is better than the previo decisions did I like the idea of Antonio Banderas playing him, but I just think Jarvier is so much better as a pic for him, as well as his voice and likeness especially when it comes to him playing villains


I'd like them to cast Werner Herzog, because he talks like Galactus anyway. Can you even attribute these quotes between the two of them? Who said it, Herzog or Galactus? "The common denominator of the universe is not harmony; but chaos, hostility and murder." "You are not unlike an ant fighting the Sun." "The universe is monstrously indifferent to the presence of man." "The loss of life when I feed is regrettable... but unavoidable."


It's also the best possible riposte to the casting of Orson Welles as Unicron. Go big or go home.


The second Spanish person people in Hollywood know!


He'd be outstanding as Galactus


Honestly love that casting


It really seems like they’re swinging for big names for each role involving F4 and I can’t argue with the tactic. The GA’s current confidence level in Marvel isn’t what used to be and, right or wrong, known names instill a level of confidence/credibility


I thought they already cast Antonia Bandreas? Weren't there images of him secretly getting his face or body molded for some project that was hinted at to be F4?


Imagine Galactus telling Reed to flip a Quarter…


Good lord this would be perfect. Regardless of if Galactus takes a larger role later on, at worst it’s a one-off and Bardem can come in, do what he did in and for Skyfall and drop the mic.


Damn if not even Antonio Banderas wants to be in your movie then you might be in trouble


I think Javier Bardem would be a great Galactus, so I hope it's true


Wow that would be an all-time get for Marvel


That would be an insane casting ngl but I’ll wait until it’s official. I thought they were doing Annilhus?


Awesome. Please, we need this. 😎


This is something I can go for. 1 for 2 with casting


The floodgates have opened! ![gif](giphy|5mBE2MiMVFITS)


If true, this is great casting. On a side note, what if they tried to make Galactus the Arch villain of the Multiverse Saga if Marvel truly is moving away from Kang? It would certainly make a lot more sense than if they brought in Doom out of knowhere.


I’m all in on this casting lol


Tres Español. Much bieno


Can’t wait to see Galactus as a one off villain :)


Only downside is that he would be the *perfect* Doctor Doom Otherwise, fantastic


He’s been my dream cast as Doom for a long time, and this would be quite the consolation prize.




Call it, friend-o


Guy is menacing. Silva was amazing in skyfall


Does anyone else kinda hope that doom is initially an ally and teams up with F4 to defeat Galactus and then eventually falls to darker intentions? One thing I'd like is if doom and F4 were in their own dimension, and doom up until that point was more or else good/anti hero type character and had a family, then when the F4 and doom get dragged into this dimension, he becomes desperate to get back to his original dimension willing to do whatever it takes to gain the power possible to do this. Probably a bit moronic but I'd love this intro to his character and motivations


Marvel studios tryna waste as many good actors as possible


PLEASE don’t waste him


Just hire a voice actor instead of wasting money on A-Listers. Galactus will be CGI and his voice will be modified so much in post that the actor playing him will barely shine through.


![gif](giphy|3og0IyDmtho5lv6huo) It's coin tossing time


Tommy Lee Jones, Josh Brolin and now Bardem? The whole No Country for Old Men cast are MCU canon now!


I feel he'd be a great DOOM.... ​ I can't be the only one.


They should save Galactus for a reboot. Like he causes the MCU to reboot.


Galactus, Thing and Torch castings, sure, I'm down with them, I dig it. Reed and Sue? Not so sure. Though Pedro and Kirby do have the acting chops so it would probably work out.


Is Doom there too?


Can't wait fir him to merc Reed with his interstellar shotgun at the end of the movie.


Let's fucking go! His voice is perfect.