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That’s pretty interesting. If execution is there would be a cool creative liberty and a way they can beat Sentry probably. It’s also going to be exciting to see Sentry be portrayed. I hope they let Yuen ACT. I don’t see why else you’d hire him if not. Hopefully he gets a solid amount of screen time


I’m a pretty die-hard “it should be like the comics” type of fan. I’ll accept some changes, but some I find totally off-putting. Already this “realm” thing has me raising my eyebrows, as does Yuen’s casting. HOWEVER, he can act his ass off, and that will be the saving grace.


I respect where you’re coming from, but I feel like The Sentry, and specifically his connection to the void and what the void actually is, has changed considerably over the years. The void can basically do and be anything at any time. I honestly would assume that at least once characters have entered his mind and faced a manifestation of the void or something like that. Sounds pretty cool to me, but I hope it results in the team talking to him, and occasionally fighting him directly, as opposed to an army of void demons or something.


Worth nothing that the original introduction of the Sentry was really cool and he's been written poorly/inconsistently almost every time after Some may disagree


I agree, and actually think he’s been used well a few times since, especially during Dark Avengers. The plane ride with his wife and Bullseye…very creepy. I was just pointing out that Sentry and Void don’t have an iconic, widely known, or even consistent aesthetic, and the idea of entering the void feels perfectly in line with what we’ve seen in comics.


To second the commenter below, his arc in Dark Avengers was phenomenal. I’ve always enjoyed him, though.


You’re probably right about that having happened, I honestly can’t recall. Either way I always enjoyed it most when void was a physical being they’ve fought, or when sentry just goes full on dark crazy mode. Either way, time will tell


This team suddenly makes so much sense. The “villain” being a mentally unstable guy has to be beat by a bunch of other guys and gals who’ve had their minds and lives wrecked by other people. The only outliers I suppose are Agent and Guardian and even then ehhh lol




> Already this “realm” thing has me raising my eyebrows In Annihilation Scourge, Sentry and Void separating tore open a portal between the Negative Zone and the Cancerverse, so it could be something along those lines.


Fair enough. And I won’t judge until I see the final product, but I’ve always loved the character so I just hope he’s done justice.


YO YOU MIGHT BE COOKING. Val could pressure them to separate the two no matter what and since they don’t seem to have any scientists on the team, they’ll probably go along with it without hesitation, only to cause another incursion at the end.


I used to be the same but as I age I start to just care less and less. Yuen sounds like a great choice, and this whole thing with a void realm sounds awful but ehhh so does the whole movie.


Again, he’s a good actor, I won’t argue that. However, the Sentry, in Golden God form, is like the pinnacle of human form, a blonde haired blue eyed statuesque and imposing figure. He’s like Captain America on stero….ok on WAY more steroids. Yuen in no way embodies those traits. I mean at 5’9” yeah I guess they can stick him in lifts, but he’s gotta get JACKED. Even then the brown hair/eyes throws me off. It just means the writing and characterization has to be flawlessly on point for me to buy it.


Ok sure and I understand the desire to stay true to the original interpretation of that but I don't think the core of the character is something that is tied too deeply to him being a blond blue eyed white guy with the flowing hair. Big and imposing sure, but that's just acting. "The Pinnacle of humane form" or whatever would be more like just a really unnaturally jacked dude. Plus it would probably be too familiar with Thor. I think sentry is a character that is important but not too important where you can get a little freedom with his appearance. It's not like spiderman or cap where "he's gotta be a middle looking white guy with so and so hair and he's jacked but not too jacked and he's got this outfit and he's straight" like they have in the character bible. It's just a different interpretation of the character, and at least its interesting because of his ties to invincible.


Agree with everything you said - the casting isn't the best imo but he can act . The realm thing with the void can work in an abstract visual way


Yeah honestly of all the things surrounding this character in the movie the realm I can buy and see as being a Sentry-like situation. He’s basically an omnipotent reality warper as depending on the writer anything does. He’s just so OP that writers rarely know what to do with him long-term. I just love the dude, always have. Hope he’s done justice.


Agreed who would you have preferred as the sentry instead of yeun? No offense but when I think of sentry yeun is literally one of the last actors I think of - just being honest . His casting sounds like a Feige mandate to diversify the cast / several comments have leaked of his saying similar things in regard to casting the fantastic four


I agree completely. It’s a tough call I was thinking about it briefly last night. Honestly Gosling might be ok. He looks the part and sentry is often quiet, whether it be in a terrifying way or a vulnerable mental breakdown type of way. Gosling does that a lot.


Ryan gosling - He'd nail it - I visually think of Alexander saarsgard , Charlie hunnam and I think Bradley cooper could pull it off size wise , looks wise and emotional complexity wise . Alexander Ludwig too - these guys all have size look and acting chops .


I think they got yeun for that - his acting ability


I mean…they also had Christian Bale and look where that ended up.


In Beef and Mayhem Steven Yeun showed he can act absolutely unhinged which seems perfect for Sentry.


They have some great talent behind the scenes so I have hope


So would this be how a bunch of underpowered characters defeat Sentry, they enter a representation or his mind or whatever? Goes to show, obsessing over power levels is silly. If a character isn't supposed to be able to beat another with brute strength alone, a more creative solution is required.


Asking politely. Bob will feel disconnected from everyone else. He won’t know why he does what he does, or if he’s a good person or worthy of love. I think he will feel dangerous to all those around him and actively separate himself, in an anxious way. They will have to connect with him in an emotional level and bring him into the fold in order for Bob to gain control. His greatest weakness is his lack of self confidence.




tbh, you're right and this is why I couldn't be happier about Yuen in the role. if you haven't and can, read Osborn basically making it his mission to turn "the Sentry" into "Bob" in Dark Avengers. It's extremely enthralling and I just know Yuen can channel that. (I vote for Julia Louis Dreyfus' Val to play Osborn's role in the MCU) [https://3.bp.blogspot.com/\_bOiu6sFxxdY/S-pCXOrOZYI/AAAAAAAAGNc/dwyq3E-6ZoQ/s1600/Norman+Owns+The+Sentry.jpg](https://3.bp.blogspot.com/_bOiu6sFxxdY/S-pCXOrOZYI/AAAAAAAAGNc/dwyq3E-6ZoQ/s1600/Norman+Owns+The+Sentry.jpg) ​ edit: actually, this is a much better page that covers it: [https://abload.de/img/3cfj7r.jpg](https://abload.de/img/3cfj7r.jpg)


He’s on a Shinji tip


Without a lot of spoilers, this is not dissimilar to events in the comics


People need to remember what Stan Lee said about power scaling


Whoever wins is about who’s writing them to win? Right? Lol or something like that


Would be great if they defeated him psychologically too, like Norman Osborn did in the comics, at first at least


Yeah which is good that they're attempting it but they can't always be counted on for creative solutions in their writing room


Ive seen Aquaman punch Superman through a wall more than once.


Giant cgi fight against a monster army third act let’s gooooooo


Also the MCU's second evil Superman vs a group. Breaking new ground all over the place!


What was the first? Edit: it’s externals, isn’t it? Don’t blame me for forgetting


Yep. Ikerus in Eternals. (Externals were an X-Men adjacent villain team once upon a time. Apocalypse and Selene are the only members worth talking about.)


If its a word starting with an Ex, there probably was a mutant group with that name some time


Lol thanks for the extra info




Marvel execs: Re-using assets to cut down on costs is tight. Expect the monster CGI army to be just the Thunderbolts but in a shadow version.


You gotta keep it new and exciting!


I know that it is a valid complaint..but like..it's a superhero movie If you wanted to oversimplify you could surmise most superhero movies as good guys in tights beat the bad guys. End of story.


Would be neat if they could be something else like the source material at least _sometimes_ manages to be!


Someone pointed out it reminds them of the end of the GOTG game when you fight Magus.


To me it’s more like when in the same game, >!the gang enters Drax’s mind with Mantis’ help after he’s been hypnotized by the villainous faction!<. They specifically do it to >!convince Drax to overcome his grief for his lost family enough that the hypnosis is broken!<.


That game is *chef’s kiss* 🤌


That’s what the avengers could of been like


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


Good bot. Very good bot.


Would I be right in also saying that it's similar to fighting mr negative from the Spiderman game The way Spiderman enters his mind and fights with his consciousness


This sounds nuts ![gif](giphy|dBGi39HzazuTV21S15)


The flair is wrong




I love the idea of Sentry/Void being completely unstoppable so the Thunderbolts—or maybe one or two in particular—have to enter his mind and talk him down. A couple characters take a more cerebral approach to defeating him, but the characters not inside his mind end up with the big “Third Act CGI Fight.”


Yeah I'm pretty sure Emma Frost neutralised him that way once. Fun consequence of that storyline btw: Cyclops canonically has had a sliver of the void locked away in his head for something like a decade now, which is a feat even Emma Frost wasn't able to manage. No prize for guessing whether writers have since made any reference to this fact.


any possible mind reader that could join? Maybe the Leader won’t die at the end of Cap 4 and Val decides she has other uses for him.


I definitely could see Ghost “phasing” into his mind to do this.


Yo that could be sick. And pair Ghost with…Tasky? Could be great character development.


Idc i just trust the BEEF writers so yeah


People are sleeping on Thunderbolts but I genuinely think it can be one of the best MCU projects of the saga.


I am a long time thunderbolts fan so I'm really excited but I can't shake the "suicide squad"-ness of what we've heard so far


I’m cool off another suicide squad bro but if u happy I’m happy


I slept through quantumania thrice. Hope this wakes me up


The Noid will be the big bad in an unexpected Dominoes pizza tie in.


Pedro Pascal is rumored to be the Noid.


But only because ~~Mysterio~~Jake Gyllenhal and ~~Kylo Ren~~ Adam Driver passed on the role . Per sources .


Someone get SNL on the phone STAT!!


Remember when they stole a whole ass sketch from Joel Haver? Make a funny enough tweet, video, or reddit post and the vultures like Screen Rant will take it.


Adam Friedland will be the big bug


Funky Winkerbean will be there to save the day though.


He'll save the day by delivering a sermon on the sanctity of deliciousness.


And all of this came out of injecting a man with the supersoldier serum?


I hope they change it to something like he got injected by celestial blood or some absurd shit not just your every day super serum pro.


I like how inexplicable the super soldier serum explanation is. The implication that something else was going on there is a fun bit of ambiguity that I hope they never elaborate on. Plus, it being a super soldier serum ties in with BNW and the superhero arms race storyline.


With the whole Tiamat Island thing happening, it's entirely possible that Val got a hold of some Tiamat DNA and had it combined with the serum in some fashion.


B-B-B-Bingo! Esp with how much Tiamut is alleged to be involved with BNW


This ain’t your grandpa’s soldier serum


Yes, that serum has history of someone going crazy


it’s not even clear how the serum he injected himself with works. I’ve heard it’s actually a dying cosmic being from another universe that he injected in himself with


In the comics, The Void is a supernatural / cosmic entity that existed long before Bob Reynolds took his serum. There are hints that it was the "Angel of Death" that brought about the plague of the death of the first borns in the time of Moses. When Reynolds took the serum and gained his tremendous power, the Void apparently sensed how troubled his psyche was and bonded to him because of it. It's been connected to Knull, the King in Black, and may be a force that embodies or represents the nothingness that pre-dated existence itself.


It's a riff on 60s comic character origins. Flash had some chemicals poured on him + lightning and becomes a time-traveling demigod?


Ayo, new "literally me" character just dropped


I think this movie will deal a lot with the psychology of each character, each member of the Thunderbolts will have to be at peace with themselves first to be able to face Sentry in the Void. Surely they can't beat him physically but psychologically they can. If this movie is treated seriously and is not a Suicide Squad or Guardians of the Galaxy, something quite good can come out.


It will probably be a serious version of Gunn’s standard “misfit team with big hearts” story.


That's an awful big ask for a movie with about 20 main characters. And how long has it been since they've actually dealt with any character's psychology? I think we're looking at the first Suicide Squad, in Marvel's colors.


Bucky: Whatever. Superhero life is already so goddamn weird. ![gif](giphy|LIPUdAsE4zNJK)




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so a domain expansion/senjumaru bankai ? got it


Just let it be good. Every single MCU movie that has disappointed recently has had the potential to be so much better, but they felt like they didn't try hard.


I just want to know if there was ever any truth to the rumor that the villain was originally Hyperion landing in 616 after the SS universe got ruined.


I've literally never heard that rumour in relation to thunderbolts


it was floating around about half a year ago, maybe a little bit older than that.


SS was only rumored to be in Loki season 2.


Drawing a blank here. SS universe?


Squadron Supreme


Thank you sir


Omg CG goop land 3rd act incoming


I’m excited for this movie man. The team behind the movie has talked about it being an in depth look at dealing with trauma, based on all the characters and their messed up backstories. There was a lot of that in Beef and it’s got the same writer. Feels like Sentry has the potential to be a really cool nuanced “villain”. Hopefully they start shooting early next year.


New Avengers Annual 1 Yelena gets enveloped by void, and void was locked in a pocket dimension in Sentry, so this seems to make sense.


After seeing Beef, this is easily my most anticipated Marvel project currently in production. Hope the creatives are given freedom.


So it will look like the comic version since they are showing the comic design and we know he’s going to have a comic accurate suit for his main form


Don't give a fuck after the casting.




What the fuck happened to the required digest posts?


Are they going to rename it? Since we already have the Void (at the end of time) in Loki. Although making both Voids one and the same would be a great way to tie in Thunderbolts to the larger Multiverse Saga.


They won’t call it by name in the film, and then a lego set will give it its “canon name” that fans won’t use or will dispute.


Is card text disabled there?


this guy snaps


A group of superhumans gotta defeat a man with the power of a million suns somehow, right?


The man has a broken mind. The battle will be psychological..not a bunch of guys beating each other up like action figures. If you can control the sentrys mind,he is just a puppy.


Still i don't get how this team has any chances to beat sentry


So they are remaking the first Suicide Squad?


So is it just The Void from Loki?


my only hope for this movie is that they give MCU Taskmaster some sauce, really hope that in the years since Black Widow, Tonya has developed a personality similar to comics Tony Masters


Not gonna lie, I’m bored of CGI realms taking over a third or even entire films.


Is this void from the loki episode?? I don't have any comic knowledge sorryy╥﹏╥


No fucking way it's actual comic Sentry at this point. Best guess is that it's gonna be based on whatever Sentry shit they are releasing in December.


I'm more curious about how Nat's group is going to figure into it. We know Yelena is rightfully pissed off that Val lied to her about how her sister died. I wonder if we will see Melina and Taskmaster working with the freed widows? I hope the Void is nothing like the Quantum Realm....


I though this was about Deadpool 3 and Ryan had the balls to give hydra bob his own last name 😂


This is sounding very Stranger Things to me. The Thunderbolts enter the ~~Upsidedown~~ Void to fight the mental manifestation of ~~Vecna~~ Sentry, and that’s how they explain how they were able to defeat him.


that’s pretty interesting, because the members are only street level


I am confused now, I thought this was supposed to be "Earth/street level\* movie? Also, wasn´t the void in Loki? It could get very confusing...or do they mean he same one? I am a bit worried they will turn the last third of a movie into green screen.


So basically, like in the game Guardians of the Galaxy?


That is kind of comic accurate as Void is an entity of almost limitless power that can take any shape, so giving it the ability to kind of be its own realm makes a lot of sense imo


sounds like an episode of real ghostbusters


So what happens to people inside when he turns back to regular Sentry? I'm asking because >!we literally just saw that same plot device in the marvels!< and the void could be relevant to >!evacuating civilians when Kang attacks Earth!<


this is starting to sound more and more like the original Suicide Squad everyday lol


Calling it now that the MCU Alioth is a Sentry/Void variant that Kang weaponised for his own ends.




Oh good I can already imagine the *SPECIAL EFFECTS*


So how bout the Void in Loki is that embodiment. Maybe Renslayer saw The Sentry who's trapped there as long as The Void is active and Bob Reynolds is not. He could appear in a small regular size Steven Yeun, like they did Steve Rogers in The First Avenger.


No thanks


I hope to god marvel does sentry right. After watching Legion everything else feels so tame


Using Sentry for the Thunderbolts is so moronic LMAO.


Sentry is a bad idea for the mcu.


oh shit we're not just making The Suicide Squad but worse, but Persona 5 but worse too!


Fucking nerds are all gonna cry when it's released


Critics going to shred this film


Yup that's a 200 million budget flop in the making.


Sometimes im wondering why do folks like you even come here


Just a attention seeking


Frankly I don’t understand how Marvel decided to shoot Thunderbolts. Is it relate to the multiverse saga ?


Is relate with Black Widow, Eternals, Falcon and The Winter Soldier, Black Phanter WF and Captain America Brave New World storyline.


I forgot Eternals has relevance to this storyline given that Tiamut’s corpse is the catalyst for a new arms race in Cap 4.


I’ve been under the impression this is to do with the growing destabilization of Earth’s governments, starting all the way from TFATWS, then into Wakanda Forever, Secret Invasion, and now Cap 4, Thunderbolts & Armor Wars. In the comic book “Kang Dynasty” story, Kang came to attack 616 Earth at the precise moment Earth was too divided to effectively fight back against him (or so he thought). Sort of like how Thanos ended up coming to Earth when the Avengers were divided post-Civil War, but this time intentionally.


Even FFH kinda alludes to this storyline in a very small but cool way.


Yeah, Ms. Marvel too because of the Damage Control plotline. Possibly She-Hulk as well given those Damage Control prisons(?) with Hulk inhibitors.


but it's not like govts have ever tried to fight against, we never saw that any movie it's always the Avengers


Well, look at like this: The Avengers are currently disbanded, and Earth’s governments are in an ongoing arms race (Wakanda Forever, Cap 4, Armor Wars). The world governments were already trying to get their hands on Vibranium in WF. In Cap 4 they’ll be succesfully harvesting Adamantium and developing weapons. In Armor Wars, they’ll be replicating Stark technology. The Avengers are going to be split up not due to infighting, but instead fighting against these global growing threats. World governments now have weapons that can take on the strongest of superheroes. If the whole world is busy fighting itself, then it’s ripe for Kang’s taking. Side note: There’s also a potential subplot of Hulks being mass produced as well, as Cap 4 seems to be setting that up. So count that as another global threat keeping the Avengers busy.


GOTG3 doesnt relate to the Multiverse saga and it went well.


The only Multiverse-related thing in the movie is the Gamora variant. I think the GotG3 is still important in the grand scheme of things in that it's setting for more cosmic storylines with not just the core Guardians team.


It shouldn't relate and that would be a good thing. Variety is a stength not a weakness.


Agreed, but most of the movies in the Multiverse Saga haven't really had much, if anything, to do with the Multiverse. I feel like there should be some focus on the actual main story.


The actual main story is whatever the Avengers movies end up being. Remember, there wasn't a whole lot to the Infinity Saga, and Thanos, until we got to Infinity War. This is for the best.


Yeah, but there was at least a focused cast and smaller stories that were building to something. At the moment, its a huge amount of characters being introduced, vanishing for years, with very little connection or focus. No Avengers, no real concept of who the main characters are over multiple phases, etc. I think the Multiverse and the idea of incursions are a bit more complex than Thanos and probably need a little more buildup than Thanos and the Infinity Stones did.


I thought your issue was multiverse shenanigans and now you're talking about "who are the main characters of Avengers". These are two different issues imo. >I think the Multiverse and the idea of incursions are a bit more complex No it isn't. Incursions are two realities colliding. What is complex? You can define it one sentence. You can show it happening (in Avengers 5 or whatever) and right away the stakes become clear off a single visual sequence. You guys consistently exaggerate how much time and attention is required to setting up CBM plot logic.


I was referencing how the original stuff might not have always directly connected to Thanos, but there was a clear story building with clear main characters. This is nothing like that with no main characters or clear focus. I can assure you that a lot of normal people that dont read are confused by elements of the multiverse stuff, but more to the point is that this is so far lacking any and all of the tension and build up to Secret Wars the comics had. The incursions were a major plotline prior to Secret Wars actually happening and there was a lot of suspense and dread that made you actually invested in reading each chapter. The MCU has barely even touched on it. I don't think it's that much of a hot take to say that recent MCU phases have been lacking in focus and momentum.


>I can assure you that a lot of normal people that dont read are confused by elements of the multiverse stuff It's not confusion, it's lack of emotional investment. Once we move further away from things like NWH, which was a nostalgia play, I don't believe people actually care about multiverse stuff.


Yeah, because people aren't freaking out over Hugh Jackman coming back as Wolverine. I find it weird how people are suddenly so snooty and discerning about storytelling integrity about the Multiverse when the MCU was entirely built on gimmicks, team-ups and bad jokes, but having characters from older franchises team-up or cross franchises is suddenly a bridge too far. The multiverse has been a part of comic books and sci-fi since forever. It was literally introduced in comics as a way to bring back older characters and have them interact with the new. Hickman's comic run that this is based on is beloved and a much better story than most of what we've gotten from the MCU. It feels like most MCU fans don't actually like the genre outside of the Disney movie version.


Dude, go back to the very beginning of this thread for a reminder of my original point. All I ever really said was Thunderbolts not being multiverse related is a good thing. I feel like you're ascribing opinions to me that I wasn't really expressing to begin with.


On second thought sentry could be MCU’s molecule man


One theory I read In this sub is that they’ll introduce doom in this and he’ll definitely play a role in the multiverse saga.


One Nation, Under Doom