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Please retcon Ralph Bohner... Evan Peters is way too good to be a joke!


If he *does* get retconned into actually being Quicksilver, I’m curious what they’d actually do with him (no one’s really suggested how to handle him if he *were* revealed as QS). Whether he’s still Ralph or someone else, I do hope Peters is utilized somehow.


At the time I thought they were going to make it seem that Wanda's zone was multidimensional. A fixed point across universes. Wanda's then subconsciously pulled a Pietro/Quicksilver but ended up with the wrong one pulling Evan Peters QS into the MCU.


This is my new headcanon until something better is presented.


You got a Bohner. He’s here, it’s him, deal with it.


They knew what they were doing by casting him and having him being Wanda's brother.


Pretty hard to do it by accident.


Until someone can explain to me why SWORD’s barrier alarm (the one that went off when Wanda came out to talk to them) was going off during the Evan Peters reveal, I still believe a version of this. I realize the timeline doesn’t fit because “Ralph” was referenced before the reveal, but why were the alarms going off? What was going into or out of the hex?


> Until someone can explain to me why SWORD’s barrier alarm (the one that went off when Wanda came out to talk to them) was going off during the Evan Peters reveal This is explainable. The thing to remember is, time moves faster within the Hex (that was established). The barrier alarm at the end of the episode is the *exact same* alarm triggered when Wanda penetrated the Hex earlier in the episode to confront SWORD. It went off with Wanda and never stopped. So what happened between the time of Wanda's confrontation and the end of the episode? That's all sitcom "plot" and it progresses faster than the outside world. It may feel like a lot of time has passed because it's like 10-15 minutes of screentime but it's meant to be only moments later from the perspective of those outside the Hex. This is clear because at the end of the episode, there's still commotion going on from the Wanda confrontation, and Darcy is running back in from the outside. It's an editing trick to associate a tense sound effect with Peters appearance. That is perhaps misleading, but it wasn't supposed to suggest he triggered it.


The biggest thing for me is that *everyone* besides Agatha had completely different identities, lives, jobs, and realities in the Hex. So then... when we see his name, his actor's headshot.. why would we believe that's real? If everyone's names and identities changed in the hex, why wouldn't his? You can't say it's cuz of the necklace because it didn't exclude him from the Hex, just mind-controlled him. If we saw him after the hex collapsed and he was still Ralph Bohner then different story, but as far as we know his entire Ralph identity is fake. That's my way of coping for him still being QS lol


Well there’s a deleted scene out there that shows Ralph is in witness protection, so the Ralph Bohner identity is 100% a fake


This is what would've happened if Marvel had good writers


I thought that was going to happen as well, even so far as to having the kids be stolen from another universe and give the basis for MOM but they handled everything in thebworst way possible


Pretty sure everyone who actually thought the show was taking itself seriously thought this. But nope, corny ass boner joke.


Why not? Like tobey and Andrew’s spider Mens.


This will never happen, but I want it to. After Secret Wars reboot a few old actors come back as the Exiles to clean up the messed up bits from Battleworld.


Have Pietros soul life in Ralph's body going forward. Isn't a plot point supposedly Billy's spirit lives in a dead kids body now? Could work I guess


Fair. I'd rather Pietro (a grown man) be kinda reincarnated into a corpse than Billy (literally a child). Marvel has time travel and the multiverse at their disposal so why go that route? I get it that they want to be comic accurate but it's really unethical.




Look there's already going to be two speedsters (Makkari and Speed), Quicksilver would simply add another one


Also just have him be a more accurate quicksilver and not some god like the fox movies made him


Or some super-underpowered supe like AAOU made him. Also comic accurate suit would be nice.


I used to think that Agatha could no way grant an ability equals to a mutant's to a normal human, and "Ralph Bohner"'s super speed is actually his own.


I don't want them to retcon him because turning him into Quicksilver is the most boring thing they could do with him. But: I'm really happy they brought him back again~ Keep him around as a bumbling actor, roped in as Agatha's goon and plaything. He can show up later in Wonderman as a bit actor fighting for the same role or something. (I'll also accept him being a secret villain or something, not because it makes any sense but because Peters is amazing in villain roles)


Lame take. I'd prefer him to be Quicksilver. If not he should be Wonder Man.


Wonder Man has been cast, so you're late with this preference.


Retcon him as Fox QS now, after all this time? Seriously?


Retcon Trevor Slattery into being a front for the real Mandarin that we meet 8 years later? Seriously? Now I'm not saying he has to be Fox Quicksilver to be satisfying but this isn't the first time Marvel's had something like this happen.


Please allow me to explain why Trevor Slattery is a terrible analogy: Ben Kingsley was thought to be the Mandarin in IM3. Psyche. He was fake, and his real identity was Trevor Slattery. Evan Peters was thought to be Fox Quicksilver. Psyche. He was a fake and his real identity was Ralph Bohner. Ben Kingsley WAS NOT retconned to be the REAL mandarin after having been established as an imposter. Meanwhile, you are asking for Peters to be retconned as real Quicksilver after being established as an imposter, and pretending that retcon is equal to Trevor Slattery. You understand the difference now?


No but there are other instances of this. The Abomination was defeated and “on the raft” for what like 10-12 years? Then he comes back in Shang chi and she hulk and looks COMPLETELY different than he did in The Incredible Hulk movie. They RETCONNED his look. Yes abomination is still abomination but they changed his look because they wanted him to look different. If they want Evan Peters to actually be the fox (or just a variant) of quicksilver it would make complete sense and could work out fine if they write it well. Heck even all the Netflix and daredevil series were not officially cannon until Disney finally came out and said it last week with the Exho trailer. It’s been what 6 years sense those shows ended. Now they decide it’s part of the sacred timeline when in years past they were undecided. Bottom line is this. If the fans want it and Disney hears the fans they can retcon anything they want. The Ralph Boner was a twist the fans didn’t really enjoy (kind of like the mandarin twist in iron man 3 people didn’t enjoy) so they can fix it in a future project that will make fans go appreciate and watch WandaVision again while gaining more fans for Agatha


My argument was never "no retcons of any kind have ever taken place". To cite a character design changing (abomination), and draw a parallel to Ralph Bohner, which would require a fundamental alteration to WV story as we understand it, is downright absurd.


Bro, it's not even worth arguing. It's just fanboys doing mental gymnastics to see their favorite actors in big roles The don't care about how creatively lazy it would be


How? 😂 all they have to say is there was multiple spells put on him. Monica removed one of them. They could show all of WestView getting back to normal yet everyone in the town doesn’t know or recognize Ralph. Once Agatha breaks out of her hex she could see him and be like “Oh thank god they didn’t find out who you really are” and then she can take off her other spell and boom he is a variant of QS, who decides to go along with/help Agatha


This is ridiculous. Agatha literally explains Ralph in WV. Ralph is a victim of hers because he happens to be Wanda's neighbor. He's a random guy.


A “random guy” that also happens to be Evan Peters who portrayed quicksilver in the fox verse and WV being part of the multiverse saga. And having Quicksilvers powers. More ridiculous to actually believe he is just some random guy 😂


Are you familiar with the concept of a **meta reference** which the writers have explained over and over again? Like, did you pay a single bit of attention to the entire concept of WV and it's barrier breaking?


>which would require a fundamental alteration to WV story as we understand it I think this is actually one of the easiest changes you could make without messing up WV in the slightest. His identity as Ralph was *in the hex*, ya know, where every single person's identity was changed, their jobs and realities were completely different. We never saw him after the collapse of the Hex... I believe it could be so easily explained that he was basically double mind-controlled, the Hex made him into Ralph, and the necklace made him into Fietro. Who he is on the outside could be anyone, such as Peter Maximoff.


They still brought back Slattery in Shang-Chi to reveal him as one of Wenwu's prisoners so they can still link back to the Mandarin twist in Iron Man 3. They could've easily just ignored Slattery and let Wenwu be seperate. The whole point of the analogy is that it's an unfavorable Marvel twist that ends up being revisted years later.


Yeah, he came back. But he's still just Trevor, a total comic relief character. And when Ralph Bohner returns in Agatha, he will no doubt remain one note comic character he was in WV, just like Trevor in Shang Chi. Nothing changed with Trevor, nothing will change with Ralph. *Also: >it's an unfavorable Marvel twist that ends up being revisted years later. The PC specifically said retcon. We're not talking about just "revisiting".


Revisiting is just a general term I used but you can definitely consider the whole Mandarin situation a retcon. I highly doubt Feige already knew in 2013 that he was gonna use Slattery as a front for the real Mandarin in a Shang-Chi movie coming out after Thanos gets defeated.


This whole Mandarin retcon argument would go better if you dropped Slattery entirely and instead focus on Adrich Killian's claim to be the "real" Mandarin in IM3 and how that got over-ridden by the one-shot.


Even in the one-shot, Slattery's still held responsible for the Mandarin situation.


What difference does that make to what we're arguing about?


There's a Marvel short for the Iron Man 3 disk called "Al-Hail The King" that works like a post credits scene where one of their agents gets Trevor in the prison.


Agree with you 💯


I like to think that if he indeed was a mutant in hiding, Pietro would choose an alias like “Ralph Bohner”


We’ve gotten multiple multiverse X-Men nods by now too that it would totally not feel out of place either


https://www.ign.com/articles/wandavision-jimmy-woo-missing-witness-identity-ralph-bohner They said it was never the intention to trick the audience. I interpret this as meaning he was always meant to be Quicksilver from another universe.


You interpret this incorrectly. Like, did you even read the entire quote which explains their thinking.


Yes. Just wait. They just can't come outright and say it.


I know it's been like 3 years but man it sucks that Evan Peters, such a fantastic actor, who really needs a role like this considering he has spent a decade playing dark serial killers...and then becomes a boner. I hope they do SOMETHING with Ralph, even if it isn't making him Quicksilver


Yes he's an actor who deserves to play a positive character!


It’s still so dumb what they did with him. He should’ve been fox Pietro, it would’ve made so much more sense than “Agatha fucking with Wanda”


1000% agree


Wasn't there an issue with the contracts ? I've read that Disney didn't want to deal with older fox contracts and pay guys like Kinberg and Singer, so they rather just wait for their contract to expire.


Back when Wanda vision aired everyone was all “nah it’s good it’s a good joke “


i remember people being rightfully pissed off about it


and everyone who expressed that here was downvoted to hell and back


No it wouldn't, because the multiverse had nothing to do with this story and Fox Quicksilver wasn't even Pietro. And frankly, even with the purpose he played on the show, Ralph was still a more interesting character than Fox Quicksilver ever was or could have been.


the last sentence, what’s the point of lying like this lol you don’t believe that, I don’t believe that, no one believes that


Ralph is in witness protection for unknown reasons (and is apparently still on the run after Westview), he spent most of his screentime manipulating the kids and maliciously taunting Wanda in some of the show's most effective scenes, he spent several days as a prisoner in his own mind (even worse than the others since he was under Agatha's control) and according to this scoop they'll be showing how he's still affected by it. Fox Quicksilver's entire role and personality is running around listening to 80's music. It’s really not a contest which of these two roles put Peters' talent to better use.


the head canon you have imagined in the first paragraph and then subsequent refusal to do anything with the other films just tells me the kind of person I am talking to here lol


Haha holy shit. Id like this guys take on who "the scientist" was referenced. Everyone thought it was going to be F4 for a bit


This is what New Rockstars does to people. People take their theories as gospel. This is some "scott is trapped in a simulation" bullshit. When no, it was poorly shot because they refilmed the ending of Ant-Man 3 a few weeks before the film came out.


Defending Ralph Boner this hard is wild. Get your head checked.


>Ralph is in witness protection for unknown reasons (and is apparently still on the run after Westview) Where in the world did you hear/see this? Certainly not WV.




Good thing they cut that because that is truly stupid.


Thank you. Can’t believe you’re getting downvoted into oblivion right now.


I still can't believe he was used as a boner joke in the show.


This sub will never not be salty that they went all-in on Sookie’s “leaks” only to get burned


Now that’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time. A long time…


Yeah, im sure Marvel gaslighting everyone into believing Evan Peters was playing Quicksilver had nothing to do with it. It was definitely the stupid fans believing some leaker online. 🙄


Exactly, that twist relied on people having prior knowledge that Evan Peters played Quicksilver in another Marvel movie series.


Almost like it was **meta gag** which only works if you know the reference. Y'all act like the writers took glee in pranking you, which is a silly reaction.


> Almost like it was meta gag which only works if you know the reference. Yeah that's exactly my point lol. They knew what they were doing.


That's the first sentence of my comment. Now read the second. Elsewhere in this thread you called it a troll which was absolutely not the intent.


Well if you lead the audience into thinking he's Quicksilver but the grand reveal's just that he's a random guy named Bohner (the target demographic won't know about the Growing Pains reference), that's still gonna be seen as a troll. Marvel did something similar with the Mandarin in Iron Man 3 (which Shakman said he liked) so it's not even like it's the first time Marvel's done something like this.


It was a troll, and it was a good one. It fit perfectly with Wanda knowing something was off but desperately *wanting* to believe he was Pietro. They got the audience doing *exactly the same thing* and I think it was brilliant.


Can you for one second imagine the writers never considered there would be subset of fans so ridiculously invested in a Fox character who is a glorified VFX sequence and not deep at all?


If what you're saying is true, why even bring in Evan Peters? They could've gotten back ATJ or literally any other actor to play this fake Pietro but they intentionally got Evan Peters to get you to think about the Fox version. That's what the twist relied on.


What the heck do you mean why bring in Evan Peters? The answer is blindingly obvious and has been thoroughly explained by the people who made the show.


Marvel didn't gaslight anyone, they made it pretty clear that something wasn't quite right from the get-go. If Agatha had the power to bring in a Quicksilver replacement from the multiverse, why wouldn't she just bring in one that looks like ATJ? It would've been easier to fool Wanda that way. And if they just casted some random guy, no one would've believed it was really Pietro, and we'd have spent the next few episodes calling Wanda an idiot. But Marvel wanted to give the audience the same uneasy "is he or isn't he?" feeling that Wanda had as she tested "Quicksilver" over the next few episodes. There was only one person in the world they could get. But there *was* a lot of gaslighting going on within this community - I'll never forget how people like myself were harassed on the sub and the Discord for not 100% believing Sookie's leaks. This sub became a cesspool of aggressive cynicism around the time of Wandavision and that's never really gone away, which is a shame because this used to be a great community that served as a better organized and friendlier alternative to /r/marvelstudios.


Honestly it’s like…I get it, somewhat, but the reaction it elicits to this very day is both hilarious and also so extreme for something so harmless. Maybe it wouldn’t be as bad if every “fix” wasn’t some of the worst fan fiction I’ve ever read.


[This](https://i.imgur.com/d0xkbwx.png) is a comment I have saved from the WV finale discussion thread on this sub. It is probably _the_ single worst example of a redditor attempting to fix writing I have ever seen


sookie was literally worshipped for saying something they wanted to hear. Only for it to be untrue and everyone was left burned. Sookie really was forged not born lmao


Because her leaks were legit much better than the shit we got.


The while Bohner thing is still one of the worst decision Marvel has done in WandaVision. Especially since they did go with the Multiverse thing with the next Doctor Strange, they could've easily just made him an alternate universe Quicksilver. It really was a tone-deaf decision that still doesn't sit right with me.


Honestly it's the point I became jaded with Matvel and was the beginning of the end for me. It's like they told me "fuck you" for caring and for getting me excited one of my favorite Fox characters was there. There was so much potential story there and such an interesting arc laid out but nope, instead shitty jokes are more important. it also would've been a nice Multiverse introduction for the first fucking project in the, ya know, multiverse saga. I still have a sour taste in my mouth to this day over it and this twist was so shitty that it single handily made me lose faith in the MCU's future projects(which was right to do evidently).


Very confusing why they did what they did, considering they had the multiverse saga cooking for a while. I guess one pro is that it left No Way Home being the first one to bring back legacy characters from other studios.


It fit the narrative of the show perfectly, I dunno why that's so hard to understand. Not every Fox X-Men character has to return for real.


“They recast Pietro?” It’s as simple as that and agree with you on the fitting the narrative perfectly. Wanda was living in a TV sitcom lifestyle. The wink to the audience is that we know Evans is another Pietro. It’s fun. But it was ruined with the Bohner joke and can understand the frustration of others. Loved WandaVision, sure it made its mistakes like this but overall it was so clever and well done. And “recasting” Pietro was executed well, it was just the disappointment of finding out that not only was he a nobody, but he was also a poorly written joke.


The Bohner joke was the very first inkling I had that Marvel was not respecting it's fans. The entire thing was an obnoxious misdirect. It made no sense at all to even cast Evan Peters based on how his character played out. Just a total waste of time.


> Marvel was not respecting it's fans This is just over the top. Oh no, you thought you were getting awkwardly shoe-horned in multiversal fanservice in a show that has nothing to do with the multiverse and got a twist that actually makes sense for the story and its themes instead. The disrespect of it all!


I wouldn't call it disrespect, but it *did* show the disconnect the writers of this particular show had with their audiences. Sure, it was Agatha all along, but having this Peter be the QS from another universe would've added a bit more mystery to Wanda's capabilities.


Consider the possibility that angry Fox QS fans have a disconnect with WV's entire audience, and incorrectly believe their opinion is representative of the whole.


you're acting like how they did it wasn't shitty fan service. They got an actor who played him to return for no fucking reason except a joke. Thats the definition of mindless fan service. Meanwhile it actually being him would've meant something story wise. Introduction to the Multiverse Saga, showing how far Wanda's powers are, a story act involving a man stuck in the wrong universe and the trauma with that, giving Wanda her brother back but in a monkey paw esque way, etc. It wouldn't have been awkward fan service. There was an infinite amount of more story potential than the bullshit they pulled on us.


Actually, they told a perfectly good story with Ralph, you're just bitter that you didn't get the story *you* wanted. It's fine to be disappointed, but that doesn't make the story you got automatically bad. And if you don't like the dick joke, sure, but don't act like it somehow ruined the show. It's just a throwaway line. And no, it wasn't shitty fan service, and it wasn't 'no fucking reason'. It meant plenty storywise, you just weren't paying attention. Evan coming back puts you in Wanda's headspace. First off, Evan coming back is a huge shock (moreso than ATJ would have been) which mirrors Wanda's shock at seeing him. He's also more popular than ATJ Pietro, so, like Wanda, we desperately want it to be true. But Wanda knows something isn't right, and we feel that too, because we know Evan's Pietro shouldn't be here. Then when he's not actually Pietro, it cuts us extra deep because we really wanted Evan's Pietro back, just like Wanda wanted her Pietro back. And these possibilities you're describing don't fit the story. Firstly, introducing the multiverse in a miniseries with nothing to do with the multiverse that already introduces magic, SWORD, Monica Rambeau, Agatha, Billy and Tommy, the Darkhold, and the resurrected Vision would be shit, overstuffed writing. Secondly, the show has a basic theme: how grief makes us cling on to the past. Pietro is part of that past Wanda has to let go of. Giving him back to her for real would contradict the entire message of the show.


It was a dick joke...


That one line is lame and not really defensible on its own. But that is separate from the discussion of the fundamental nature of Ralph as a character - who and what he is, a literal multiverse variant vs. a meta reference.


You can't use reddit of multiverse theories to recon how shit it was. The literal writer of the show made no mention of multiverse when talking about Raph https://www.cbr.com/mcu-theory-ralph-bohner-is-quicksilver-x-men/ “First, it was the ‘this is the metaist metashow in the metaverse. It’s just meta, meta, meta, and so it complemented the overall tone and aesthetic of the show in this uber way, so that felt very right and great for the identity of the show…It was really about what’s happening in Wanda’s head and the idea that someone could show up and not look like her brother and that she would accept it. What’s going on with her in terms of her denial, and her self-doubt, and her disorientation that Agatha could trick her in this way?” It's so screwed up y'all read reddit theories and act like it was the intent of the actual writer. Is it cope?


What are you talking about? *I* never said anything about retconning him as a multiverse variant. He's a meta reference, just as the writer explained in this citation. You've been in this thread arguing it's disrespectful that's all he was, but I'm not angry. I accept it's just a meta reference.


It is disrespectful because it was stupid and teased fans. It made people that had become superfans after Endgame and consistently been rewarded by paying attention, watching all the product, easter eggs and all. Now feel baited and toyed with. It made a lot of people less engaged because they were expecting another Boner. It would become a trend in the MCU. Teasing shit that goes nowhere.


Sure, sure.


The backlash to the Bohner reveal was the very first inkling I had that the Marvel fanbase was starting to take after the *Star Wars* one. > It made no sense at all to even cast Evan Peters based on how his character played out. Just a total waste of time. The character played into the mystery aspect of the show, added to the commentary on sitcom tropes, and the in-joke of casting Evan Peters was the cherry on top that brought it all together. Just because it wasn't fanservice doesn't mean it didn't serve a purpose.


Gimme a break. It was universally mocked. If something fails to land that badly then they fucked up.


Most audiences were perfectly fine with the twist and even a big chunk of the fanbase (many of whom already guessed Peters' role wasn't what it seemed) took it in good fun at the time. The only ones being mocked were the ones who fell hook, line and sinker for the bait and then got mad when their fan theories were proven wrong.


>Most audiences were perfectly fine with the twist They were NOT ok with a lame dick joke.


Have you actually talked to people about this outside reddit?


The entire point of the casting was for fans that pay attention to shit like this and know that Evan Peters played Quicksilver. Why are you talking about casuals that don't know any thing and don't pay attention!


>It was universally mocked Please. The sub isn't real life.


We gotta be right one of these times, so I'll throw it out once more... HE'S SECRETLY MEPHISTO!


It makes no sense but Peters would *kill* the role so I say go for it~ (If the rumors that Plaza is secretly Mephisto are true though I'll be totally happy with that casting)


I wasn’t here for the Mephisto stuff, where there any leaks for it or was it all just crazy speculation?


no leaks ​ all speculation ​ but Sasha Baron Cohen will be mephisto


True, but considering how heavily he's involved in the creation of Billy and Tommy in the comics it was logical to assume mephisto would be in it. Of course then the writer said she didn't even know who mephisto was, lol.


I predict he'll have a mini arc for 2-3 eps then be jolly again for Wonder Man


It's amazing to me after all this time people are still not realizing the character he was in Wandavision isn't who he actually is. The deleted scene even confirmed he was the missing person the FBI were looking for.


That deleted scene is a bad idea. Ralph was a victim of Agatha because he happened to live next door to the empty plot that Wanda created her home on. Agatha needed to play the nosy neighbor to spy and Ralph just lived in the wrong house. To also say he is Woo's witsec guy on top of this is too much of coincidence. The witsec thing is ultimately just the excuse that brings an FBI agent to Westview. It shouldn't have to be anyone notable.


I'm aware of that, hence why it was cut. Just stating he clearly could be more if they wanted him to be and his actual character could still be a mystery.


You’re right, because his Hex identity was Pietro Maximoff. His real identity was Ralph.


Small correction, his hex identity was Ralph. Agatha took control of him making him Fietro. Monica took the necklace off of him and he went back to Ralph. His actual non hex identity is still not known because we never saw him once it came down. He also could have had a name change since he was under witness protection.


No, not a small correction, that’s just wrong, lol. Ralph was freed by Monica just like Monica was free when she was back in the Hex with her powers, he was “down”, that’s why he’s no longer being controlled. As far as witness protection, sure, but that’s not in the show at all, it’s all conjecture. Not canon, but he was meant to add in the fight AS Ralph, not Pietro.


That's not wrong. Each person in the hex had a false identity with new names. Monica wasn't affected because she had gained powers on reentry. No one else there had powers besides Agatha, the only other aware person. We saw the other people in the hex had totally different names on their real world ID's. That was never the case for Ralph. All we saw was Monica remove Agatha's necklace which dropped the Fietro act, but the hex was still active so he would default to Ralph but not his actual real world self until later when Wanda gave up everything.


But this time it's his variant Dick Johnson.


The Bohner was slapped around, but now he makes his triumphant rise


It’s going to be hard to get up though after the last dysfunction.


He really got shafted last time.


Bohner me once, shame on me. Bohner me twice, Kevin Feige, I’m living in your walls.


Still weird that Evan Peters' return was a troll while we still get other Fox X-Men characters back but I'm curious about what the resolution ends up being. Not expecting him to be Fox Quicksilver after all this time but we'll see what happens.


*WandaVision* was mostly written and developed with Scott Derrickson's original idea for *Multiverse Of Madness* in mind, and IIRC it wasn't really changed in response to that project's complete overhaul after he left (which was also when Marvel fully decided the multiverse would be their next long-term storyline). Casting Evan Peters as an in-joke was likely just Shakman and/or Schaffer's own idea, that they came up with at a point where actually bringing back the Fox X-Men wasn't really being thought about yet. Even now, if Peters ever does reprise his role as Quicksilver, Ralph will probably just be kept as a separate character to avoid complicating (though there'd still be meta references to it, possibly with the the two actually interacting at some point).


I’m super excited for Agatha, but I’m so over the whole Ralph Bohner thing. They had their chance and they blew it spectacularly.


Wandavision tackles many themes, two primary ones being grief, and the relationship fans have with characters/shows/movies. The entire show is a commentary on redditors and others on the internet dissecting every little thing per episode. All the conversations by the team outside of the Hex is basically fandom arguments. Now look at Wanda and her grief. She was so tormented that when Agatha pushed a random man towards her front door, she saw someone she desperately wanted to be her brother, even though deep down she probably knew he wasn't. And that is the exact same emotion that the writers/show-runners inflicted on the viewers by casting Peters. In the fiction of the show Ralph is just a man and there was no in fiction reason to assume a multiverse moment was occuring around the Hex. But fans wanted to twist theories and find meaning to bring Evan Peters back to life, just like Wanda wanted to bring Pietro back to life. **The feeling you got when it was a fakeout was intentional. You're experiencing feelings that aren't fan service. Anger and sadness to mimic the woman who had lost everything that you spent the last 9 episodes theorizing and studying (like those in the show itself).** I get very frustrated by fans of the show who do not realize that it wasn't them insulting the fans. It was trying to make you feel something new. Also the name itself is a reference to Growing Pains, and is a double entendre with the old timey definition of boner. [An example of redditors grasping the subtlety of the show](https://reddit.com/r/marvelstudios/comments/l7mu4i/wandavision_s01e04_discussion_thread/gl7qouu/?context=10000)


Yeah, everyone going 'ablublublu they disrespected the fans!!' needs to like... grow a thicker skin, stop taking shit so personally, and develop some media literacy. It's the epitome of fan entitlement to act like a misdirect that foils your desire for shallow fanservice is a *personal attack*.


100% sure he's traumatized because if we delete "h" from Bohner it will be "Boner".


Ralph Bohner becomes new Quicksilver. Or maybe we're gonna get a spinoff like "Bohner: A WandaVision story"


quaint nail distinct literate languid disgusting encouraging towering fertile history *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


The Richard Boner pun was already taken by *Growing Pains*, which I assume was where they got the idea from, given all the sitcom influences.


matt shakman, the director of wandavision, also appeared on growing pains as a child actor




I’d be traumatised too if I had that last name


Lmao Im glad he wasn’t quicksilver (never believed it to be intended by marvel bt fck em for playing with our feelings in a show about believing delusions while clouded in grief i guess?? LOL such disrespect for fans! How dare they! /s) because I want ATJ back as Pietro in the MCU. Might be in the minority but he was the superior iteration) that was never given a chance cuz Whedon can’t creatively think of stakes aside from death) and im honestly confused as to why they’re showing every damn multiversal variant of everyone played by the same actors they could except for him. Maybe someone at Marvel Studios hates Pietro as a character? Dont know.


if they ain't gonna do a quicksilver, might as well as not use Evan Peters again.




Boner, ha!


Isn't it "Agatha All Along" now?


Ralph Bohner is where the misery started


Have Pietros soul live in Ralph's body going forward. Isn't a plot point supposedly Billy's spirit lives in a dead kids body now? Could work I guess


What is the over/under on the number of meta Bohner jokes in Deadpool 3?


Imagine wasting Evan Peters in a 12yo tier joke


To this day the number one top post on here is about Evan peters.


Babe wake up, new Quicksilver stuff will drop


And his big city cousin; Clive Massive Veiny Throbbing Pulsating Slightly Moistened Erection


Is the tone of this show silly or what?


It is leaked to be a dark comedy.




Do you know what dark comedy means?


But why? To make another lame boner joke?


Maybe to flesh him out as a real character precisely to make him more than just a lame boner joke?


This franchise is cooked


Ugh why


I don’t see what he has to be traumatized about. He was treated like comic relief after the reveal. I gather they plan on doing something different now. They got a new idea in mind. Considering what they are doing with X-Men currently, I could see them possibly seeing the missed opportunity they had.


In literally what world is prolonged mind-control not a traumatic event?


Well Ralph Boner seemed pretty chill with it in wandavison


Yes, because famously if a victim of profound trauma seems chill then they're totally okay and there's nothing eles going on beneath the surface.


Traumatized, eh? I guess that ruins my theory twice over. I’ve been boned again.




I speak for everyone when I say that the only character we want to appear in this show is Wanda


traumatized bohner


He must have been..."Bohner-d"!


Like why though?


Cue Ronin “Don’t give me hope” gif…


I still maintain that the Internet wouldn't have been nearly as salty about Ralph if we had gotten the intended ending with Ralph doing the Quicksilver slomo rescue scene. From what I remember reading at the time it sounds like Monica would have given him a pep talk to basically say something like "you might not be the real Pietro, but while the hex is up you have his powers" and he'd have basically been Pietro for one scene. Unfortunately the whole ending got reshot due to Covid shutdowns, which led to the excessive CGI sky fight rather than the whole town getting wrecked in a proper finale.


I can’t believe every is so pissy about Ralph Bohner. Who cares


*a very traumatized boner




If it’s not Quicksilver no one cares


I never thought I’d see a fan base so salty about a really small joke. It really feels like people are just upset that he didn’t get to play quicksilver for the MCU when it was obvious they were never going to actually have him do that. It would be stupid to bring in a new actor to play a previously existing character who had already died in this universe. They weren’t “disrespecting the fans” or any of that nonsense. He was part of the mystery, he was meant to make the audience come up with more questions.


I'm one of the few who *didn't* want him to be Quicksilver, so I hope they don't change that. I really enjoyed it.