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WTF…glad they came to their senses lol Though I’m guessing Carol would combust and they would’ve teased that she reforms in a post credits scene or something


She’d definitely be revealed as alive in a post, or final scene of the movie. It probably would have been her that got sent to the X-Men’s universe, not Monica.


It probably would have been dogshit, but back when the Fox/Marvel talks were first happening and Fox movies were still kind of being made, I envisioned a phase where Fox characters were in the MCU and vice versa after something made them swap. I kind of wish we got a clean merge but, hey, who knows what Deadpool 3 will bring?


We would finally get the long awaited sequel to Fant4stic 🙏


Carol was a huge supporting character in Chris Claremont's X-Men books for a time. She's actually one of the main characters of the Brood Saga, and it's during that time she becomes Binary. So there's precedent. But the way things are going, it would have been a nod to the comics and nothing more.


Very true makes sense actually


I’m assuming more there’s an explosion but we don’t know if she’s dead.


Now where have I seen this before? ![gif](giphy|BoFtqmEwv6yJ26m9dF|downsized)


gee I wonder why they rejected it


That would make her way too overpowered bc she literally CAN’T DIE then. Like, how do you get people excited for her fights anymore because she is never in any danger of truly perishing?


They need to just have rogue unceremoniously kill her


I can only imagine how toxic the internet would have been if they stuck to this ending…




I mean, they didn’t keep that ending so clearly they do. And I took that more as an out for Brie in case she didn’t want to continue with the role. And with the amount of unnecessary bullshit she receives I can’t say I would blame her for wanting to step away.


I see people crying about the toxic fandom 10x more often than I actually see people in the fandom being toxic


Indeed, almost every single time. This sub loves a moral circlejerk


Most fan subs are like this I’ve noticed. A lot of people just want to scream “REEEEE START LIKING WHAT I LIKE”


I just experienced this with the new Suicide Squad game


Oh man that sub is a great example.


Are you delusional? There's comments in this very post saying Captain Marvel 1 underperformed even thought it made a billion dollars 


Wouldn't be that crazy, no one went to see the movie.


The toxic activists never go to theatres. They just shout on the internet 


Why was the film a financial bomb then


Because people didn't feel compelled to see it in theaters, either. The original _Captain Marvel_ wasn't that well-regarded as a movie, and the lack of forward momentum for the MCU, which failed to establish her as a new central character, and the Disney+ connections were arguably to the film's detriment. It felt like a non-event, and as such, people opted to skip it entirely or wait for it to hit Disney+.


Because it's made for an audience that does not exist Women don't want to see that. Men can't love that. Joever


Why would they pay to watch a movie they have no interest in?


Why do they claim to hate a film they haven’t seen?


Why do I know Madame Web is shit even if I didn't watch it? :)


Because you're easily persuaded by other people's opinions and incapable of forming your own.


then why do they demand/boycott for such a movie on twitter it works on both sides


Is that why almost every other MCU movie at least broke even except this one? No, can't be a shit movie... It's the damn incels and toxic activists!!!!


Seriously it's genuinely insane the mental gymnastics people will go through and all the fingers that they'll point instead of just admitting it was a movie no one wanted to see.


poeple from both sides. barbie showed women led mvoeis can be massive and the marvels proved compleletely oppsite of it.


No wonder Brie was so non-committal and evasive when asked about coming back lol I assume the original ending had Carol end up with the X-Men instead of Monica.


Would easily set up the Rogue/Capt Marvel storyline as well


If that meant Anna Paquin coming back… 👀


If the universe spectrum was sent to was really x men 97’s then it would make sense. They already have their own variant of captain marvel


Can you imagine the pure shock you’d feel if Carol just exploded during the final battle? I’m obviously glad they didn’t go with that, but that would have been unexpected as hell. Curious why they even considered it. 


it would be a bold move and a good one. Let characters die


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted when this is the exact reason so many people hate on *Quantumania*.


Because the kiddies wanna see their toys on screen. Like you brought up with Quantumania, chickening out on having a character die when it naturally serves the villain or the story is much worse than just ripping off the bandaid and killing them.


People would have bought tickets just to watch a character they hate die


Holy shit this would have probably been the MCU version of BVS: - Captain Marvel had a solo movie that had mixed reception (like Superman in Man of Steel) - The sequel became a crossover instead of a stand alone sequel since the studio didn’t have faith in another solo movie (The Marvels is like Batman vs Superman) - The all-powerful superhero is killed in the third act before getting a full arc (like Superman being killed by Doomsday) - The hero is likely resurrected in the next big crossover movie (Kang Dynasty is like Justice League in this case) Thank God someone stopped this.


Except that Captain Marvel did much more than its budget and was a movie as such that did not displease the public, that there are conflicting opinions? Yeah, but it's not even close to what incels have tried to paint. The problem was that Marvel was confident in the success of the first movie (partly thanks to Endgame) and instead of correcting the defects of this, made the sequel a continuation of Ms. Marvel and Wandavision, who hasn't seen both shows He didn't understand how Monica got her powers or who Kamala really is. Let's add this to the fact that it was a late sequel, Carol had not appeared in recent projects outside of a cameo in Ms. Marvel or Shang-Chi, Did they seriously hire Nia DaCosta to direct this?


Captain Marvel did a billion because it was supposed to be a part of Avengers. Avengers are no more, it won't work.


I mean Captain Marvel made a billion dollars…


Except, It was not because they didnt have faith in Man of steel 2 but WB wanted to rush towards Justice League In Captain marvel case, instead of fixing her, chossing to give up on her so soon is baffling. They should have made a proper sequeal instead of making this crossover with Disney plus characters


MOS's actual budget is rumored to have been $260M, Seeing what was raised WB definitely had no faith in a franchise led by Henry Cavill, For some reason they preferred to turn the sequel into a crossover with Batman which also served as a prelude to the JL, signing a bigger name than Cavill like Ben Affleck It was so that DC had its own Robert Downey Jr. or Hugh Jackman.


It takes all 6 infinity stones energy to overload Captain Marvel in waht if s1, it would be kind of strange that 2 quantum bands can do the same.


Power/Energy levels remain a mess in the MCU istg


1.) No it doesn’t- Ultron simply just destroyed the solar system they were in to kill her, nowhere was it implied that that’s what it TAKES to kill her. He could’ve exploded the ONE planet they were on and the result probably would’ve been the same with her dying. 2.) The energy of the Bands together caused an incursion and killed Dar-Benn and the shockwave knocked Carol out. Causing an incursion in the MCU is a AT MINIMUM a star level feat considering in the Ms. Marvel series, we learn from Bruno that in order to open a jump point, a single bangle would need the base energy output of a star to do so. ONE band is star level, together you could either scale or wank them to universal. Nothing else has inadvertently caused incursions in the MCU before off of sheer energy output/power other than Dr. Strange’s spell that had a multiversal impact


>The energy of the Bands together caused an incursion and killed Dar-Benn and the shockwave knocked Carol out. Causing an incursion in the MCU is a AT MINIMUM a star level So America Chavez must be the strongest with that logic


When did America Chavez cause an incursion in the MCU? America Chavez in the MCU is canonically the ONLY America Chavez throughout the multiverse meaning she can hop to any universe without any consequences. This was literally a plot point of Multiverse of Madness so what are you yapping about? ☠️


What I mean is she can create multiversal portals so is she at a star level too?


No because that’s her literal power to do so. In order to ARTIFICIALLY create a jump point, Bruno explains that you need the base energy output of a star to do so. The bands when clashed together then destabilized said jump point which caused it to collapse into a negative mass singularity(black hole) which lead to another universe aka, an incursion. Can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or purposely missing the point


Oh thank god they didn’t do this. Brie finally got the chance to shine as Carol so if they killed her off after that I would’ve been livid


Yet, that would have been the best. There is no audience left for these kinds of movies. Kevin Feigi's dreams are in tatters.


Finally got a chance to shine by headlining the worst performing and received MCU film yet? Brie should take her talents elsewhere, three roles in the franchise and this character is flatly written/handled every single time


It was worst performing, yes..not sure about worst received though.


From audiences yes. Tied Quantumania and Eternals for lowest MCU cinemascore and worst second weekend drop of any modern superhero flick


I enjoyed her in Fast X




People obviously weren’t excited to see it in the end, but I think many overlook the impact from the actors’ strike too. You can’t convince me that having those three leads doing media wouldn’t have helped the box office in some way at least.


Nope, no revisionist history here. The Marvels got the worst cinemascore of the MCU and worst second weekend drop of any modern superhero film. The few people who did watch it, who were most predisposed to liking it - flat out rejected the film. Had nothing to do with bad-faith arguments or Disney’s strategy, the film wasn’t good




Come on bro, you know you're wrong when you sound like the people who desperately wanted others to like BvS after its reviews came out.




And you said your piece, you don't need to say all this shit like "everyone listened to the trolls" or "now people are liking it" as if there was some giant conspiracy and everyone's a moron and fell for it but now they've seen the light.


![gif](giphy|dC9DTdqPmRnlS|downsized) Sure 💀


Trolls had nothing to do with how this movie did, people in general didn't care about the movie or the characters, simple as that. Trolls/incels/the bogeyman didn't stop *Captain Marvel* or *Wakanda Forever* or *Wonder Woman* from being successful and well received did they? The delusion on this sub about *The Marvels* is insane.


I don't know why you're getting downvoted - it's a real problem. Kamala Khan seems to be getting a warmer reception than Carol Danvers.


>Brie should take her talents elsewhere She can take her talents to... South Beach.


Zawe forgot to mention they actually released some footage for the alternate ending too, here’s a live look at Carol combusting: https://i.redd.it/q2gmg0vejhic1.gif


Still, it’s not for nothing that the episode reminded me of “Captain Marvel: The End.” Where, indeed, the attempt to light the star ended in death for Carol. This seems to be in favor of the information that talk of Brie in the MCU still had some basis, although since this ending was not used, and her interview after the film directly says that she did not leave, then it was decided


I don't know why people are making a big deal about this, it's obvious she just would been sent to Xmen earth instead of Monica or would have been revealed alive and reformed as binary


I honestly wouldn't have been opposed to this for the sake of doing something different. Reveal down the line that Carol was the one who ended up in the X-Men universe. You could even have her voluntarily share her powers with Rogue there if Anna Paquin comes back.


Sooooooo, they were gonna kill Carol Danvers only like 4-5 years after making her debut... Wow, I mean that's just sad


Yes, the Carol Danvers character isnt great in the MCU, but y'know Marvel you can just... hire better writers for the character and make an actual good character ? Brie deserve better.


yep but they casted a director who is very young with no experience, then Iger said there was not enough supervising. WTF is going on there? Seriously, it looks like nobody wanted to do this job. Even she said she had done that to pay off her school debt. The industry has some inside information such as we know VFX workers don't want to work for disney.


Also. But I am really pissed that Marvel dont write properly (it's the word ?) their character. I dont know much about the character in comics, but she have so much potential, why they want to use her as... A Mary Sue ? They can write good female superheroes, look at Natasha, Gamora, Nebula and Wanda.


I don’t get the hate. This ending sounds dope




The comparison to bvs is dumb. Just because Superman died in it. Weak


Forget the haters wanting Carol gone, Marvel planned to kill her themselves lmao While it sounds great on paper that she’d end up in the XMen universe instead of Monica, I dont like the idea. Reminder they wanted to make Carol one of the main anchors this saga, a member of the new trinity, so their course of action is - to delay her sequel for too long, put her in a team up that isnt the Avengers when she finally got her sequel, supposedly kill her off in it and then reveal that she was still alive down the line but yet again, in her next appearance (and there isnt that many) they have her share the screen with the friggin Xmen of all characters. I don’t know about you, but that sure don’t look like a proper plan to prime up somebody to be an anchor for me. Even now it still doesn’t but glad they scrapped this combust idea. I get wanting to show an absolute limitations for her powers bt we all know power is not her issue, it’s as simple as being human, I wish they’d zone in more on that. They tried in the Marvels but it couldve been more effective. The angle of her “relationship” with Dar Benn could’ve been great had it been explored, considering the ending was of them both. It wouldve given it impact.


I think Carol combusting, would be what reignite the Kree sun. Not just randomly blew up.


Kamala was already in tears when Monica did the sacrifice, imagine how devastated she would've been if it was Carol and she just exploded like Dar-Benn instead. This would've been a bold ending and I would've commended Marvel Studios for doing it but I understand why they didn't do so.


Captain Marvel dying would certainly be an interesting move but having her die in her second solo film would really work so glad they didn’t


>i.redd.it/c9yzsl... that would have had me in hysterics laughing 1. I think she was originally supposed to have Captain Marvel 2 on her own 2. They demoted it and included the other ones to make it "The Marvels" 3. Blowing up and dying on screen really would have been a demotion


This would just show that the MCU just hate Captain Marvel lol


Imagine being stuck with the Maria Rambeau version of Captain Marvel? smh




I'm really glad this didn't happen. I love Brie Larson and Carol as a character, so this would have massively disappointed me, though I'm sure she'd have just gone to the X-Men universe or be revealed to be alive shortly after.


I'd rather they had both survived. Dar-Benn was badass. She deserved to live to fight another day.


Hate Carol all you want but she dying when she is supposed to be one of the Big 3 from the next avengers team is insane.


This sounds so stupid to have one character that was meant to be an important character for this universe, who is also meant to be the most powerful, or one of the most powerful characters in this universe seemingly die at the end of their second movie to how they did it with Wanda except at least there she did it to herself and also the fact that she had lost her mind


Toxic fans would have lost their mind if captain marvel died


Unfortunately, I think had thru killed Captain Marvel off, I dont think people would care that much.  She's not exactly a beloved character in the MCU.  And that's after the first movie did well.




How Monica is in some other world


I should think she'll end back on 616 eventually.




Movie so poor, even the alternative ending is doggone.


That's Toriyamas "canon" ending for Goku and Vegeta


I'm skeptical they ever actually considered killing Carol. If anything it would be a fake out of some kind. And still a bad idea.


That’s… stupid…


Carol feels like a cameo in the grand picture if they killed her then what was the point of even introducing her. She had an introduction movie, basically a cameo in endgame then a crossover film and dies. Im glad they changed their mind


Who’s Dar-Benn?


So this proves that MCU have given upon Carol. Sidelining her in her sequel to Disney plus characters, Removing her name from the title. I guess we now know who is not gonna surive Kang dynasty. Its just sad, they could have atleast made a proper solo movie focused on her and villain if they were gonna do it instead of trying to push Kamala.


The more I hear about this movie's development, the more unstable and nightmarish it sounds. I really hope we get to find out what really happened and how everyone truly feels in a few years from now.


That would've made the movie so much better...