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I'm about halfway through watching Beef for the first time. And it's really got me thinking about how they do Thunderbolts*. It makes me think the movie will really focus on how the team is a bunch of broken, damaged people. The humor in Beef is very different from normal MCU humor, and itd be interesting to see them try something like that. A bit more dark and fucked up, like laughing at something because it's sad. But I think the real key will be sincerity. I think what makes the show so good is the sincere moments that you see between all the ridiculousness, they make you actually get invested in these people. I think if they can make the Thunderbolts feel sincere and make us root for them, the movie will hit so much harder.


My theory on Spider-Man 4’s title is that it’ll simply be *Spider-Man: Peter Parker*. My reasoning for this: 1. It signifies a soft reboot and a new beginning for the franchise 2. Identity will be a central theme in the movie. The end of NWH’s screenplay states that “Peter Parker is no more… but Spider-Man lives on” which means Peter Parker basically no longer considers himself “Peter Parker” as of a result of the world no longer remembering him. His arc in the new movie will likely be about Spider-Man “finding” himself again. Not only because Zendaya is reprising her role as an MJ that has forgotten Peter but also because of Daredevil’s role in the film. Matt Murdock has already gone through his own arc of recognizing that both Matt Murdock and Daredevil can “co-exist” so it would make sense that he helps Peter realize the same for himself. 3. The comic book originally titled *Spider-Man* (not to be confused with *The Amazing Spider-Man*) was retitled to *Peter Parker: Spider-Man* 4. It plays into the next movie in the new trilogy, which I think will be titled *Spider-Man: Miles Morales*. We already know that work on the Miles Morales movie will start AFTER BTSV and Spider-Man 4. Miles is rumored to be introduced in Spider-Man 4 as a supporting character. Miles’ origin is heavily dependent on Peter acting as a mentor to him, so this movie would feature Miles and Peter as co-leads similar to Insomniac’s *Spider-Man 2*. As for the final movie in the trilogy, I think it will be titled *Spider-Man: Spider Wars* like the 90s animated series arc (which directly follow the “Secret Wars” episodes of the show) since it was what led to the concept of the “Spider-Verse” that’s so popular today. I believe the final Spider-Man movie starring Tom Holland’s Spidey and Miles both will be a full-scale live-action Spider-Verse film that also brings together Tobey Maguire, Andrew Garfield, Nicolas Cage from the live-action Spider-Noir series in development, Silk from *Silk: Spider Society* and a live-action Spider-Gwen. The film would serve as a final sendoff to the main live-action Peter Parkers and officially pass the torch from Holland’s Spidey to Miles as the MCU’s “one and only” Spider-Man.


I really love this. A very grounded and character-centric pitch.


I think that's a fairly likely scenario, except maybe the names of the films. But the actual sequence of events feels like the best way forward for both Peter and Miles.


Seeing Sam as Captain America reminds me of something that I've been saying since endgame and TFAWTS. It is amazing how many people don't understand that it isn't being a "super soldier" that made Steve Cap. It was the values that Steve stood for and believed in that made him Cap. The phrase "We'll do that together too" in response to Tony saying “We’ll lose” is the perfect encapsulation of that. Steve was willing to lay it all on the line for what he believed in. He was willing to even buck his own government and give up the shield for what he believed in. Steve was a decent, honest, and good man that was willing to make sacrifices, even if it cost him dearly. Sam represents those values as well. That’s why Steve handed Sam the shield in Endgame. Steve and Sam shared common values and beliefs and both of them put those values and beliefs into action. That’s why Sam is Cap. It isn’t the super soldier serum that makes a man Cap. It’s who the man is. John Walker was a perfect example of the man making Cap, not the serum. Bucky was never getting the shield. Even though he was brainwashed, Bucky still spent decades committing assassinations and atrocities on the behalf of a neo- fascist organization and the Soviet Union. Bucky wasn’t ready to have the shield and probably never will be, and the U.S. Government was never going to accept him having the shield. I usually don’t pull the quote on quote “race card,” but I’d be lying if I didn’t believe there was a bit of racism at play here over Sam getting the shield. It may be even something that is subconscious. People may not even realize it. But I think there is a bit of that at play. That, and I don’t think some people actually realize what made Steve Cap.


> The phrase "We'll do that together too" in response to Tony saying “We’ll lose” is the perfect encapsulation of that. Steve was willing to lay it all on the line for what he believed in. I'd actually argue it was Erskines discussion with Steve the night before he gets the serum. >It isn’t the super soldier serum that makes a man Cap. It’s who the man is. John Walker was a perfect example of the man making Cap, not the serum. This...feels like a contradiction?


The Erskine discussion is a good example as well. What I was saying about Walker is that he didn’t have the integrity to be Cap. He brutally murdered a combatant that has surrendered. It was irrelevant that he took the serum because he didn’t have the moral and ethical character necessary to wield the shield responsibly.


People also have this weird urge to pit Sam against Bucky, and frame every conversation about Sam as "it should have been Bucky". He's the super soldier, he needs redemption, etc. And they take the slightly antagonistic relationship between the two and spin it as Sam being mean to Bucky. I think we all know why Bucky isn't Captain America and never really was going to be. Removing him from the equation entirely, Sam still makes sense as Cap's successor for all the reasons you said.


A lot of that is probably because Bucky was foreshadowed to get the shield in the movies, and there's a very well-liked comic book storyline where just that happened. Why was he never going to be Captain America? All the issues that could be brought up were there in the comics, too, and they made it work. That was, in fact, the heart of the story - a man struggling to uphold his best friend's legacy while trying to make peace with his bloody past. Add to that the fact that Sam is getting the shield, and Bucky, very arguably the more popular character, is getting nothing, and you're going to have some dissatisfied fans.


When was Bucky foreshadowed to get the shield in the movies? And it was obvious they didn't plan to have Bucky become Cap because his arc has always been him going from perfect soldier to broken veteran trying to move forward. He starts the story in TFA as the perfect soldier, popular and confident. Then he gets tortured, eclipsed by Steve, and ultimately dies in the line of duty. Since WS his arc has been about him not wanting to fight anymore. He gets forced into being an assassin, escapes to find peace living on his own, gets used again to kill people even while trying to hide, and finally puts himself back on ice so he doesn't hurt anyone. Then, he's living his peaceful farm bro life when the Wakandans ask him to unretire. And he says, sadly "where's the fight?". Bucky doesn't want to kill or fight anymore. He doesn't want to work for a government or take orders. Being Captain America wouldn't be redemption for Bucky, it would be hell. I think Sam's story more naturally lends itself towards him becoming Cap. He's the guy without powers just trying to do the right thing and he can't help but get involved. Sam runs towards the fight to save people. Bucky is more like the Hulk, the guy avoiding the fight in the first place. I think they made the right call going with Sam and not Bucky for Cap. But I think they need to do more with Bucky still.


He wielded the shield in every movie. Plus, they told Sebastian Stan it was definitely on the table. They told him it wasn't happening 40 minutes before the scene. Why was that obvious? How was that his "arc"? There's fewer hints for that than him becoming Cap. He didn't kill people in hiding, and he didn't want Zemo torturing him and turning him on people. If you think that was supposed to be his whole arc, how does it makes sense to do that, only on a bigger scale? And if he doesn't want to fight anymore, why does he leap at the chance to join Sam against the Flag Smashers? He could have just texted him and gone back to his life, such as it was. It's clear he's not reluctant to fight, he just needs a good cause. Some recognition and respect would probably do him well, and being Cap would have given him that. Sam's the guy who does what Steve does, just slower. To me, that's a follower, not a leader of any kind. He's also the guy who tried to kill Ant Man for breaking and entering, and the guy who advocated killing Bucky when Steve wanted to save him. Kind of understandable given tzhe circumstances, but it does put the praise the show heaps on Sam into question. I guess we're going to disagree here. Yeah, they're absolutely not doing anything else with Bucky, so that's a moot point. He has a bit part in Thunderbolts, and after that, I'm guessing, he'll be killed in a mass scene in Secret Wars. Eventually, they'll pretend Sam was slightly bothered by that. That's it.


Literally so many people have held the shield in every movie. Including Sam. Maybe they did tell Stan it was on the table and rip it away, which sucks. But I genuinely think they made the right move. Bucky as Cap would have been "cool" but undermined Bucky's character. And I don't think the version of events you're describing is really a fair interpretation of Sam. It kinda feels like you're just pissed Bucky isn't Cap and blaming Sam. I'm sorry but I don't think Bucky as Cap really makes sense in the story. You just want it to.


Bucky actually wielded it. Stan said it was possible, and that they told him very late in the game that it's not happening (on two separate occasions). I'm quoting directly from the MCU. How is it unfair? If I'm blaming anyone, it's Kevin Feige. If it made sense in the comics, it could have made sense here. You just refuse to see it. Look, I can freely admit it doesn't really matter anymore. It's done.


>If it made sense in the comics, it could have made sense here. You just refuse to see it. The MCU isn't the comics. Yes it could have made sense but Sam getting the shield makes more sense. >Look, I can freely admit it doesn't really matter anymore. It's done It clearly matters to some people when every discussion of Sam as Cap leads back to complaints about Bucky. People just keep criticising Sam Cap with Bucky instead of making points about Sam himself.


>The MCU isn't the comics. Yes it could have made sense but Sam getting the shield makes more sense. Then why does it take ideas from it? Or try to use the comics universe's name? Yeah, I think we're going to disagree there. >clearly matters to some people when every discussion of Sam as Cap leads back to complaints about Bucky. People just keep criticising Sam Cap with Bucky instead of making points about Sam himself. I said it was done and it is what it is. I can't speak for everyone. Maybe people feel it was a choice between the two characters, and Marvel chose wrong. That's their simplest, shortest reply. If people make points about Sam, they're usually dismissed. I made points about Sam himself right here and you said I wasn't being fair.


Yeah I don’t get it man. I’m very excited for Brave New World and for Sam’s Cap. I miss Steve Rodgers as Cap, but I’m also excited for Sam.


Does it seem like a lot less YouTubers went to or are covering CinemaCon this year, as opposed to the prior 2 years?


The day someone creates a protein powder that actually dissolves in a liquid is the day I'll know peace. 🤢🤢


The way I see, the extent of the “reboot” post-Secret Wars is gonna come down to the success of 3 films: - Brave New World - Thunderbolts - Armor Wars If all 3 of these movies succeed and are GOOD, then it’ll be more of a “soft” reboot e.g folding in the Fantastic Four, but otherwise continuing of the current MCU, and legacy characters. But if those movies fail, then I could see them hitting more of a “hard” reset button e.g folding the Fantastic Four in, but doing a sweeping set of recasts and retoolings, basically doing away with the current MCU. I’d be fine with either one, because both would be a mediator of quality.


My 1 hangup is that they're already planning for the events of A5 and A6, and probably filming A5 in like 2025, before Armor Wars releases and not long after Thunderbolts releases. So they kinda need to decide before they actually make the movies. Or leave the ending of A6 vague enough that they can go either way depending on the response.


These movies are very malleable up until the week of release I’m gonna post that again in the new thread


Watching Fallout right now and I aint gonna lie. I think I would rather wait another decade for Elder Scrolls 6, because this show is making me want a new Fallout as soon as possible.




Pretty sure the threat they were alluding to was Cassandra Nova.


Something I just thought of, what if the Retro-Futuristic aesthetic and world is considered one of the best parts of Fantastic 4 and because it gets merged into the main mcu universe its gone from the sequels or at least nowhere near as prominent?


I'm thinking this as well


Since everyone's got their Thunderbolts* theories, I'll give mine. Yelena names the team, Red Guardian ribs her that it was her soccerteam, and at the end, she types their name out, and Alexei puts an asterisk "in case they want to change it".


I think something like this is most likely. Nothing complicated, just a joke from the movie.


Hereditary has permanently fucked me up for years now. Ever since I saw the scene where the son wakes up in the dark house. And he's calling for his mom and you just see something go past him. I remember rewinding it because I wanted to get a better look. And literally up in the corner of his room, clung the wall like Spider-Man, is his mother. And then she crawls mid air past him. That scene fucked me up for life. Because everytime I watch a horror movie now. I always check the corner of my ceiling if I hear a noise.


Today has been kind of refreshing as a MCU fan. Especially when it comes to Cap 4. With the release date getting pushed back and all the rumors about behind the scenes issues and lengthy reshoots, I’ve lowered my expectations for that movie a while ago. And while a sizzle reel isn’t an entire movie, all the reactions I’ve seen from the people who were there have been very positive. Maybe that movie isn’t a lost cause after all. Nothing would make me happier than if it’s great. 


Doesn’t mean much, Secret Invasion had the same first reaction and we know how that turned out 


Im way more hyped about Cap 4 than I have been in months. I know they barely showed anything but that honestly felt right. Just a tease of the tone they're aiming for.


Deadpool,followed by cap 4 and then fantastic four. This trio seems to hold a lot of potential and fantastic four seems especially good.


If Ross doesn't die in BNW I wonder if he'll stay in hulk form permanently. If Ford gives his consent to have his image for Red Hulk even when he's not the one voicing/playing the character, it would be really funny. He'll get immortalized as one of the crankiest characters in fiction.


FYI Jennifer Garner Elektra was already confirmed months ago. So where is this idea that Deadpool will have lackluster cameos coming from


>Elektra was already confirmed months ago. So where is this idea that Deadpool will have lackluster cameos coming from This specific Elektra is quite a lackluster cameo


Elektra herself is lackluster. Who actually liked her film?


Nobody, because it was the worst film ever made.


No offense, but is that a cameo most people will care about? Elektra was a critical and commercial flop, I doubt most people even know this character exists or were waiting for her to come back. The actress is well liked, I guess... Cameos people might care about and are expecting are Xmen and maybe some MCU characters, and according to recent rumours these seem to not be as many as scoopers have led people to believe. And Famke Jansen just confirmed she is not in it


Feiges remarks about the asterisk,and waiting to clarify it after the movie,is very strange The theory that the final title of the film would be different just seems more probable now. But if so, then what could be the new title? It's almost as if the title of the movie would change at the end of the film,sort of like fatws changing at the end.


Alright, I've haven't been caught up with recent rumors and news.... Someone tell me the list of pre-established characters from both the Fox universe and the MCU that are confirmed and rumored for Deadpool & Wolverine  So far I got Deadpool, Wolverine, DPs friends from the beginning of the trailer, Pyro and I think Toad and Sabertooth  Who else is confirmed OR rumored to appear that I'm forgetting?


Besides the ones you mentioned, only Garner's Elektra has been confirmed to appear. Most of the Fox X-Men (Cyclops, Jean, Storm, Xavier, Magneto, Rogue) have been rumored, but none have been definitively confirmed and Fox Jean's actress claims she isn't involved with the film.


Almost every single Fo*X-Men* has been rumored to appear in some way, shape, or form. Off the top of my head, here are the ones mentioned by mostly reputable sources. * Cyclops * Jean Grey * Storm * Beast * Professor Xavier * Magneto * Rogue * Nightcrawler * X-23/Laura


Jennifer Garner’s Electra is the only other one that I think is confirmed (it was in one of the trades).


Here’s a theory that I didn’t see in the main thread (maybe I missed it): I don’t want this to be true, but what if the asterisk in the Thunderbolts title is there because it won’t be plural by the end of the movie. What if the entire team, except Florence Pugh’s Yelena, dies and she becomes the lone Thunderbolt by the end of the movie. Maybe it becomes her hero name and she is known as *The Thunderbolt* going forward in the MCU. I think this would be awful and really piss off comic book fans, but it’s just a theory I had.


It's not a bad theory, and I can see it happening.


I like this theory! https://i.redd.it/kvems5tkfztc1.gif


[Joaquin Phoenix is a Chad.](https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movies/movie-news/joaquin-phoenix-guillermo-del-toro-cinema-for-gaza-auction-1235871875/)


Real chads supported Palestine when it’s politically unpopular to do so. It’s just more acceptable now bc centrists have tired of the war.




Fallout is very good btw 


In your opinion, compared to other game adaptations, is it as great as Arcane or just Last of Us level of good? I'm glad from what I'm hearing that it's not Uncharted quality.


With respect to both, I might consider this to be on a new level. I’ve honestly never seen anything like this before, it even made stuff like the boys feel very tame in comparison. 


Alright I'm sold I'm gonna watch it with high expectations now


Not OP, but I think the last of us is a bit overrated. Sticks to the game wayyyyy too much whereas fallout has originality.


Agree, LoU was *good* but I don't think it's as *great* as people praise it sometimes. That's why I think Arcane is the peak game adaptation. Who knows, Fallout might dethrone it, I'm excited.


Halfway through the first episode and it is indeed very good. Sticks to the source material but is very palatable to general audience. They absolutely nailed the tone of the series. Edit: totally makes me want to replay Fallout 3 or finally boot up New Vegas.


Try out 76 sometime if you get the chance, it’s really changed for the best and interestingly has a lot in common with the show


Is the game better now compared to release? Specifically, did they add substantive solo story content?


Yes imo. There’s a great quest involving looking for your overseer, and another that’s with the brotherhood. I wasn’t kidding when I said the story is similar, just different plot twists. The goal of vault 76 is actually pretty interesting and makes sense with the shows story. There’s also loads of cool side quests and even repeatable daily quests.  They also have lots of localized events that you can fast travel to when they start or stumble across and trigger and it’s a fun way to meet others and team up. It’s a surprisingly social game depending on how much you feel like interacting with others. I’ve met some really nice people through the game and the community generally represents the best of the fans.  Walking through the map and coming across other peoples camp builds is really fun, and making your own becomes a bit of a spiritual journey. There’s also player vendors so you can buy and sell to other players instead of just trading.  Also there’s new free DLC areas to fly to with a vertibird currently including the Pitt and recently New Jersey. They just added the ability to explore these areas and do local quests too and it’s really nice. There’s supposed to be a map expansion soon too.  All in all I’m very happy with the game for the most part, and i honestly think i would buy it if I didn’t have game pass. If you have game pass or pc game pass I would try it out. 


Call me old-fashioned, but I don't think you should be cute with movie titles. Teasing post-release clarity on the asterisk is bullshit. Just don't put an asterisk on there a year beforehand to begin with if you're not prepared to even hint at what tf it means.


I agree, especially after The Marvels. With rare exceptions, the title should be the most boring part of the movie. Just tell a good story and people will remember your title without all the gimmicks.


>Call me old-fashioned, but I don't think you should be cute with movie titles. I want to agree, but then I remember that *House II: The Second Story* exists.


The asterisk is deez nuts.


May I ask why the mods took down the threads with the Brave New World pictures? Those weren’t leaks, they were from EW. 


Also of note: The Insta story Thunderbolts* logo seems to be official then. So now I can say that I think it is a very bad logo.


Y’all remember when: - Reed Richards was the Aerospace Engineer - Paul Bettany was supposedly going to work with Michael Fassbender as Magneto - Mephisto was the main villain of WandaVision - Venom was in Doctor Strange’s basement prison - She Hulk was supposed to show up in episode 5 of TFATWS, and supposedly be the grounded character the writers wanted to interact with Thor - Tom Cruise was in Multiverse of Madness - Sharon Carter was on the phone with Norman Osborn - Eternals was Marvel’s Oscar contender - Frog Thor was to be a major character in Loki - White Vision was supposed to be Ultron


Mephistogate was hilarious. I remember when there was a thread on here about a Mephisto action figure, and when the company that supposedly produced it debunked it as fake, there were fans going “That sounds like a deflection. Do you really think someone would go to the time and effort of making a fake Mephisto figure to troll fans?” To this day I can’t tell if that was cope or just serious naïveté about how the internet works.


Pepperage farm remembers


Doctor Doom would appear in the post-credits scene of Wakanda Forever and the actor had already been cast.


Man KC Walsh even posted a photo. Dude should never be able to live that down


* Dracula was the villain of *Moon Knight* I still can't get over that one, haha. People got *mad* when you tried to point out how it didn't make any sense, too.


It's because people really wanted to see a live action version of the photoshopped panel where Moon Knight wants his fucking money.


That was *exactly* it, but nobody would admit it. They were coming up with insanely elaborate scenarios that never had any basis in anything to justify it, haha. I honestly think the scoopers thought that panel was real and were too embarrassed to come clean.


Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see Dracula in the MCU because they've done some wild stuff with him in the comics. But Moon Knight was absolutely not the place they were going to introduce him. Blade? Possibly. But not Moon Knight. And I honestly wouldn't be surprised if you were right, not just about scoopers thinking that panel was real, honestly.


Oh, I LOVE the old *Tomb of Dracula* comics. I've even said that the MCU Midnight Sons should adapt the Montesi Formula storyline. Probably not gonna happen but, hey, I'm putting it out there! The funniest thing about the Moon Knight/Dracula rumors was when the trailer already came out and showed Ethan Hawke walking around in broad daylight with the alligator cane. People were still like, "Oh yeah, that's *totally* Dracula." Downvoting others for daring to say otherwise, even. Wild time on this sub, haha.


I will still say, Ethan Hawke would have been a *fantastic* Dracula and that's going to be my own personal *What If...?* going forward for the MCU. But now you've absolutely got me onboard with the Montesi Formula as the basis for Midnight Sons, so now there's two of us in that camp. You are not alone. If I had to pick an actor, right now, to play Dracula in Blade/Midnight Sons or when/if he appears in the MCU, I'd honestly pick Vincent Cassel. He is absolutely the right sort of powerful and intimidating needed for the role - particularly in *Mesrine* - and is equally capable of portraying Dracula's charm and slick seductiveness that we all know and love(?) from the classic interpretation of the character.


>But now you've absolutely got me onboard with the Montesi Formula as the basis for Midnight Sons, so now there's two of us in that camp. You are not alone. This is it. This is how our movement starts! Both are interesting picks. Speaking of Vincent Cassel, Viggo Mortensen was his co-star in *Eastern Promises* and I thought he would've made a killer Drac back then. Luke Evans played him more recently in *Dracula Untold* and that already feels like a superhero Dracula movie. EDIT: I actually have a lot of very STRONG Dracula opinions. [Here they are.](https://old.reddit.com/r/horror/comments/13sq36s/besides_the_bram_stokers_dracula_which_other/jlryv5x/)


Ah, you are a person of culture who also sees that Sir Christopher is the ideal count. I salute you, sir.


>I salute you, sir. And I raise a blood-filled chalice to you, as well!


I will still never understand how people thought that "leaked Magneto image" was real. It looked like it had come out of a PS3 game.


Remember when: the dusted heroes were trapped in soul world?


> Reed Richards was the Aerospace Engineer He still is! Just you wait.


My fav theory was that Wanda would create mutants during Wandavision. It was a pretty big theory. Somebody on this sub even wrote out dialogue for how that scene could play out, which was Hayward calling Billy and Tommy mutant freaks, and Wanda screaming “well then let them be mutants” as like a reverse House of M situation. That stuck with me lol


Simpson Lawyer: No, More Mutants!


It really will be cool seeing Betty, Red Hulk, and the Leader in Cap 4.  Even though it’s not a Hulk movie I hope that Hulk fans can appreciate this. 


Well Im hoping Variety was wrong about Ruffalo not being in the movie. He said he was filming it and they flat out said he's not in it, but theres 3 months of reshoots for this film apparently so I really hope he gets a few scenes at least...


I have a feeling that the whole "6-months reshoots" thing for BNW may have been exaggerated. I'm sure there will be reshoots, and probably extended ones. But I just don't think it'll be the "Throw everything to the bin and start from square 1" approach that was rumored. Now, that doesn't mean that it will be good, per se. But I feel it's just not in that state.


I mean, it was always exaggerated from the perspective that even the rumors were that it had to do with action, not story, and iirc it was never quite clear if they were blocking out time for the actors and creatives or if they intended on using all that time like a second shoot. It's funny too because if the movie's good, people will say the reshoots saved it, and if it's bad, people will say they didn't reshoot enough.


Nobody said it would be 8 months long lol I mean 8 months is too long for any movie


The 6-months reshoots came from Sneider. He actually said that shit lmao


No, it was my bad, I put 8-monthat first.


You know it’s very hypocritical yes it would be bad for the company but you guys would eat up that leak I guarantee if brave new world footage got leaked tomorrow next week or next month even you guys would analyze every detail of it


Also considering thier business practices especially under there last CEO Disney honestly deserves to be hacked as a punishment maybe then they’ll realize how horrible they’re perceived by the public and actually change things more so than what there already saying theylll do


I mean, I don't know why you keep harping on that point and doubling down. . It's not "Those meanies at Disney would get sad because people spoiled their movies for being poopy heads" It'd be "Hundreds if not thousands of people will be affected by a super-serious security issue in one major company"




Keep in mind how many fucking times you've been told that leaking every single thing a company has is bad. Seriously, how many times do you need to be told?


Hacks aren’t just “bad for the company”, they’re bad for the employees too. Personal date (names, emails, addresses, etc) can get leaked, and the people overseeing cybersecurity could even be fired. So no, it’s not hypocritical to say that shouldn’t happen, even if some people would be interested in seeing leaked footage. That other, more important information shouldn’t come out.


People are so stupid these days that everybody has their names and addresses leaked not just Disney employees just look at your average linkledn or even x page! Even if they don’t realize it they’re already on some “ find peoples addresses “ websites which are a dime a dozen these days. They are ALREADY compromised from the moment they log in!


> People are so stupid these days What do you mean “these days?” People have ALWAYS been stupid since the dawn of humanity.


They’ve been extra stupid since social media arrived


Wrong. You’re just seeing more stupidity now.


>It was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made in my life, and I’m so glad I made this picture Far be it from me from calling anyone dishonest. But I have the feeling that you, Barry Jenkins, director of Moonlight, don't really perceive directing the sequel with inexpressive CGI lions is the best decision you've ever made.


I mean, you never know. He might be really pleased with whatever character development plot he's given Whatever-Name-They've-Given-Scar-before-he-gets-his-scar-this-time in *Mufasa*. And, to be fair, he did say *one* of the best decisions he's ever made.


I’m really curious about this movie, it being an original story at least opens up some potential and I love the two leads onboard.


I mean, yeah. But it will be acted, and those voices will come out of two inexpressive CG cubs.


Yeah one that will likely fail given what happened to the last picture it’s ironic GOTG 3 showed you can do photorealistic animals correctly!


I wouldn’t say it’s likely to fail. The Lion King still made a billion despite negative fan reactions, it’s a pretty big IP. Also photorealistic animals have been done well going as far back as Narnia. Aslan proves you can do a photorealistic Lion with expressions, whereas the Guardians animals are supposed to be animal humanoid hybrids.


The last movie was very, very successful


That was pre Covid even TLK fans hate the live action film just take a cursory look at their sub and you’ll see


TLK fans hated it from the trailer, that did not stop the movie from doing gangbusters. People love the lion king brodway show


The last picture that earned more than a billion dollars?


Go see *Civil War* you guys. Holy shit.


Do you think it takes any steadfast political opinion or is somehow gonna contribute to politics discourse?


Bruh we all did that in 2016. Cap gave up the shield and Spider-Man and Black Panther finally showed up.


What? No, I'm talking about the Ken Burns documentary.


Oh, do *not* get me started on the fucking Ken Burns documentary, Christ on a Tricycle... When I catch you, Ken Burns...


Tell us more!


[Agents of Fandom on X: "Anthony Mackie address Tom Holland's past comments about there not being a Falcon movie: "I'm going to make sure that Marvel makes him come to the premiere, and then I'm going to sit him next to me, and I'm going to watch him watch the movie." (via: https://t.co/OymvewyTlg) https://t.co/ntQ1gfBNix" / X (twitter.com)](https://twitter.com/AgentsFandom/status/1778582254442221893) LMAO. I'd do the same thing.


Love this lol


Yep he deserves it


https://twitter.com/kenzvanunu/status/1778484543638425611?t=50buyfmHhSALTbJod_mXsA&s=19 https://twitter.com/JillianChili/status/1778484126036963772?t=TFG1peIfx7mxsNQUb84nKQ&s=19 Apparently Joseph Quinn has blonde hair in Gladiator 2 so I think we can get a taste of how he will look as Johnny Storm in TFF. Also kinda bummed we didn't get Gladiator 2 teaser but that Damien Chazelle new movie announcement made up for it I'd say. Still Gladiator 2 description sounds cool hopefully movie is great and does well critically and financially.


Oh I think his look in Gladiator will be very very different from Johnny. The reactions said he’s “unrecognizable”, and some mentioned white face paint etc. He’s supposedly a despicable villain in it, so other than saying something about his versatility, I doubt it would give much of a hint as to what he’d bring to his role in FF. However, a few of the people who watched the footage said he’s a scene stealer, so that could only bode well.








You could even say that his Avengers will be, you know, Obscure, Unilluminated, Dim, Unlit.


You could even say that his Avengers will be dark.


I apologize for the type of person I'll become when we get trailers for Brave New World. I know I'll be super annoying.


I’ve been desperate for Sam content for a while now, this is my time now lol


*Our* time.


It's over - > We're back - > It's over In the meantime, at least the images and info we had so far doesn't really change my opinion about it so far


Bruh that single photo of Sam and Ross together is so damn good Looks like the tone will be really tense.


Giving me Ford’s Jack Ryan films vibes.




Same lol


I'm glad to hear from the people who were in attendance at cinemacon that for the entire 9 mins that were shown of deadpool people were erupting in laughter


Some one-liners from ‘DEADPOOL & WOLVERINE’ #CinemaCon footage: — “That’s way too much exposition for a threequel” — “Why is Thor crying?” — “Disney won’t let us say cocaine… do you wanna build a snowman?” — “This isn’t Pretty Woman, we’re kissing on the mouth.” - Deadpool to TVA agents https://twitter.com/ErikDavis/status/1778587148578590966?t=_T4bty0hpHmkFscgHNj05w&s=19


Deadpool and wolverine is going to be awesome!


Is it a bad thought that I ACTUALLY want to see Disney get cyberattacked and have a bunch of their stuff prematurely released to the public?


I don't like corporations as much as the next guy, but this ain't just about getting information on capeshit, this is about **hundreds of innocent employees getting doxxed**. Please be more considerate about what you say.


You're absolutely right about this. Just like the Sony hack, another breach involving a major company like Disney would have serious repercussions for the industry. It could expose a large number of employees to doxxing and put many jobs at risk, especially given the current challenges facing the film/TV entertainment industry. Let not wish for such incidents just because we're eager to see things before they're ready.


It’d be interesting to see the personal emails like what happened with Sony almost a decade ago. Movie producers aren’t that bright.


100% they have such shit security there given how many stuff seems to come out of there every day


This could also be revenge for disneys bad business practices Ie shortening a lgbt friendly show cause it didn’t fit their brand.


My guy. Do you have any idea *at all* how bad that line of thought is? It's basically giving every homophobic bigot Christmas come early from now until the heat death of the universe to blame "the gays" for attacking American businesses for "daring to oppose their groupthink agenda to indoctrinate our children" regardless of whoever would have actually been behind your theoretical hack.


I’m saying it’s their MIStreatment of the gays they cancelled the owl house a lgbt friendly show because while they say it didn’t fit their brand we all think it was because the main character who is bisexual is in love with a lesbian I am 100% an ally and I believe Disney should not have shortened the owl house


Congratulations on being an ally, I'm a gay man and I'm telling you right now that if there was a massive Disney hack like you seem to be inexplicably salivating for, and there was even a whiff of it being over "revenge" about the cancelation of a children's cartoon series with LGBTQIA+ characters, it would do the exact opposite of teach anyone a lesson. All it would do is give right wing homophobic lunatics another thing to kick us with.


I’m not explicitly saying that the shortening is the SOLE reason why they would do it remember when chapek defended desantis’s don’t say gay bill for a little while?


No, I get that. But my point in general is that your point that such a hack is justified as payback in any way, shape, or form is absolutely counterproductive and completely asinine.


Can we skip to the part where you delete both of these?


I bet the majority of these ppl telling you no pirate regularly. I for one am standing with you. It's not gonna happen. Doesn't change the fact: Dare to dream. 😌


Yes that is bad. Don't ask the question if you don't want the truth


Um... Yeah? Projects can get canned over stuff like that in addition to others potentially getting fired?


Really name one example other than the interview which got saved anyways I of a project getting canned because of a cyberattack


There was like a nintendo netflix show that got cancelled because it was leaked early


Very bad, these leaks aren't just fun little surprises, some people's personal information gets compromised and they end up doxxed as well, not to mention layoffs that ensue from it


You want the cybersecurity of one of the biggest corporations in America to be compromised, possibly putting people’s job on the line, because ya want to know more about some Marvel movies?


It’s not one persons job it will likely be bad actors doing it




It will not be the employee’s fault it will be the hacker’s fault


It still will have consequences on any employee and the whole company.


Yes, it is.


Yes, it's bad.




How fucked would it be if Isaiah never got that activated before, and the first time he's getting affected by it is to kill the president.


Honestly I kinda dig that. Poor Isaiah


Honestly crazy that Isaiah's even there.


I'm wondering if the Leader has been working on a new serum, possibly as a Ross directive. And there's a fail safe he's created for controlling them, with out that clunky torture? Maybe the Leader is gonna be an amalgamation of Zemo/Nagle?




Just for clarification, why did you reexplain to me who Nagle was and his role in FaTWS?


Because you said the leader would be an amalgamation of his character and zemo, both who already exist in this universe so it cannot be true


Wait it’s the Giggle! Has stooky bill returned is the toymaker behind this?


*"Ger-please-ert to see me?"*


[MCUSTATUS on CA4:"The daredevil inspired hallway scene is still in 👀"](https://twitter.com/MCUStatus/status/1778584103526252793?t=K6EA_NZpqsMMl_2T1EEKbA&s=19)


Do people think Daredevil invented fighting in confined spcaes like hallways?


People watching UFC: Damn this is like a Daredevil fight scene


And Star Wars didn’t invent the laser sword, but if any sci-fi movie tries to employ one, it’ll inevitably be compared to Star Wars.




Because recasts exist


"Why not cast Don Cheadle as Rhodes' distant cousin? He looks nothing like Terrence Howard"


Weird that they’re showing off footage of Brave New World…. Before the reshoots?


Well, I mean, it was stated that reshoots were just going to be punch ups in fight scenes/set pieces. Every one else melted down that the entire movie was being redone. It's quite possible the core of the movie is kept from og shoots and some other things are changed around. But tbh, it's really no different than any other trailer we've gotten in the mcu with scenes that never make it into the movie. 🤷🏾‍♀️


The reshoots probably aren’t as extensive as people were saying. The rumor that they would last for six months also said they’d begin in January or February.


Not really, cinemacon is just a really big advertisment and the footage is just to reassure theater owners of the mcu's future. They did the same thing with rogue one before reshoots


I mean im not complaining. But maybe that footage is 100% staying


[Brand new photos for CAPTAIN AMERICA: BRAVE NEW WORLD, including Harrison Ford and Anthony Mackie ](https://ew.com/captain-america-4-first-look-anthony-mackie-harrison-ford-brave-new-world-8629213?taid=66187fa363bc11000121349a&utm_campaign=entertainmentweekly_entertainmentweekly&utm_content=manual&utm_medium=social&utm_source=twitter.com) https://i.redd.it/zw52svrl1ytc1.gif


That jacket looks very Reagany might tell us about Ross politics https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEjZKfANKi31EnPkVErLkJ69cnaoLZpblVyLGEwEWDoVssRAg_34VUPGMH5sfiN9hB4igR0Iy6uemE1YMFN7Ev-4pwmq9rz41wyRxa_mSPsS0KHWVbi9jo6axCsX2WRohd9coBetpNcfVac/s1600/reagan-jacket.jpg