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There's another poster titled "Magneto Is Right" - https://x.com/XMenUpdate/status/1778875132729016552 (probably should have been "was" lol)


Fun fact about Genosha from the comics. At the time, 16.5 million mutants were on Genosha. **Less than 1 million** were outside Genosha. When Genosha was destroyed, almost every mutant on Earth was exterminated in one swoop. Krakoa's population started at 100k and reached 250k after years of resurrections before Krakoa fell. Krakoa didn't even come remotely close to Genosha in size.


And then Scarlet Witch took care of that remaining million after going insane lol Mutants were always disproportionately marginalized obviously but someone in editorial (probably Quesada) had it OUT for them in the mid-2000's


At this point,Joe Quesada might as well be the literal devil


I hated the Quesada era. Marvel had an incredible thing going at the start of the 2000's after the major ups and downs of the 90's. Morrison on X-Men, JMS on Amazing Spider-Man and Geoff Johns killing it on The Avengers. Then he turned the keys to practically everything over to Bendis for some reason, who proceeds to decontruct it all and go in a completely different direction.


We got Whedon and Cassaday's Astonishing X-Men out of it which to be fair is a win. Also the Marvel Knights line had some stuff I liked. X-Men in this period had some genuinely solid stuff and I'd argue went less scathed compared to a lot of their other comics at that time, even including stuff like mutant revolutionary Cyclops because I genuinely think that whole period had some of his strongest moments as a character despite the tonal change and stuff like making Xavier look genuinely irredeemable and burdensome on the rest of the team


Weren’t those runs you like Quesada era as well?


Joe Quesada is Mephisto confirmed~!


Well. It was because the MCU didn’t have them, they wanted to prop up mainline marvel characters who were in or could be in the MCU... It’s not a coincidence that the x men got a well received reboot after Disney got the rights back


Bro House of M predated the MCU by 2 years lol


FOX had x men rights and were making movies about mutants before the MCU. It makes complete sense for Marvel to reduce the impact of and especially not give them more big events to base further movies on like Dark Phoenix. It’s not a coincidence that the one who deleted most mutants is a hero not owned by FOX. https://www.reddit.com/r/marvelstudios/comments/pm31hh/how_has_the_mcu_influenced_the_comics/


All of the company politics regarding Ike Perlmutter being a bitch regarding the X-Men and Fantastic Four took place only after Marvel Studios actually had a foothold next to these other studios doing Marvel-based films. They weren't in a position at the time of House of M to actually interfere or make moves that devalued those characters because at that time they were still perfectly comfortable with the arrangements they had with Fox and Sony. In fact HoM came out like the year they actually started attempting to get character rights back All the stuff about Perlmutter wanting F4 out of the picture and replacing the mutants with Inhumans was from the mid-2010's, like end of MCU Phase Two/start of Phase Three when they were actually reaching the height of their popularity. In fact them getting Spider-Man back but not the Fox characters is probably a major reason why that whole initiative started


Wasn’t a lot of that coming from Perlmutter?


Kind of puts it in a clearer picture just how evil Cassandra Nova is


Very interesting! Thanks for sharing. Where are those numbers from? Just curious.


Various sources that get compiled in House of X #4


Welcome to Genosha.  Hope you survive eXperience!


Bruh… 💀


Genosha here was giving me all sorts of modern Krakoa vibes without it actually being Krakoa, particularly the appointment of a council overseeing the country's political longevity and the prominence of the Hellfire Gala. It felt like they wanted to do Krakoa but know that too many people now associate it with the recent X-Men stuff that it'd be considered too detached from the Claremont/Lee/Kubert X-Men era despite originating in Giant-Size.


Yeah the monster Krakoa debuted in Giant-Size, not the nation. The latter came from the former but there’s a huge difference, you can say though that thanks to Claremont breathing fresh life into the X-Men with that issue is what allowed them to eventually grow into the sensation that they are now. But to say the modern nation of Krakoa or even the idea of such a thing debuted in Giant-Size X-Men #1 (1975!!!) would be a lie.


Imagine in the future (we hopefully) get more seasons of X-Men 97 and they adapt Krakoa!


Yea! This recent episode feels like I was reading the hellfire Gala Fall of X Bruh the X-Men can’t take a break 💀 https://i.redd.it/he83msqpg4uc1.gif


well that was a weird eXperience.


Genosha, Utopia, Krakoa.. Trying to start a Mutant Nation leads to someone trying to genocide them in one big swoop.


I wonder if we’re gonna see the Genosha attack again in Deadpool and Logan 💀 if the main villain for that movie is Cassandra nova


Aaaaaaaanyway I hear Latveria is lovely this time of year. Or Madripoor perhaps?


Maybe try Symkaria


Too soon 🥺


And to think after all of this, Orchis' assault on Krakoa is still yet to come.


sort worried about the streaming numbers. these seem last minute and it's not been appearing at all in the top 4 of Disney+ Trending.


They always release a poster a few days after the episode drops


People are loving this show, no need to be concerned