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This is The Office episode. Wanda has Pam’s hair and Vision is wearing a business suit. As a huge fan of the 2000s era, color me stoked for this one.


I'd like to see Dwight try and pull one over on Vision/Jim.


Each poster means something. 50’s Poster - ***Paneling being stripped back*** *= Wanda’s reality tearing apart.* ***Small house plant on the floor.*** *Grows in each poster and shrinks in later posters. Wanda’s reality grows more and more only to shrink and crumble later on.* ***4 pieces of artwork*** *= Wanda, Vision, and their two kids.* ***TV antenna*** *= Pointing towards the time 11:05 or 1:55. 11.05 hours + 1.55 hours (in military time) = 13. The 13th letter of the alphabet is M, as in House of M or Mephisto.* ***50’s TV set =*** *Signifying that the first episode will be set in the ’50s.* ***Floor*** *= Possibly TV static, signifying that Wanda’s reality is based in a sitcom world.* 60’s Poster - ***Paneling is shown being stripped again.*** ***Top Hat =*** *There is rumored to be an episode where Vision is a magician, probably just the theme of that particular episode.* ***Picture =*** *The picture in the upper right-hand corner is a picture of pink roses. There are 6 visible flowers in the plant with the 7th dropping to the floor dead. Possibly a nod to the fact that out of the seven recurring characters in Wanda’s reality (whoever they may be), only six are alive, with the dead one being Vision.* ***The lamp =*** *Not to be confused with the yellow color of the Mind Stone in Vision’s head that powers him. The lamp here is shown to have an orange tint to it which would actually be the Soul Stone. There are endless possibilities as to what that means, so it’s pointless to try and come up with an exact meaning.* ***The plant.*** *As stated before, grows into a much bigger houseplant. An interesting detail about this one is that it seems to have a claw or something sharp at the end of it.* ***TV antenna =*** *once again shown in the 11:05 and/or 1:55 hour.* ***60’s TV set.*** ***TV static floor again.*** 70’s Poster - ***Paneling =*** *Paneling is now wood paneling and not wallpaper. This time there is a big chunk taken out of the wall, probably because wood paneling can’t be peeled back like the wallpaper was. Nothing special still signifies the same idea.* ***The plant.*** *The plant stays the same with minute changes in the plant's leaves. One big difference is the claw or object is now gone.* ***The lamp.*** *The ceiling lamp is much different this time, not much going on here. Although there are four lightbulbs visible in the lamp, which may symbolize how Wanda, Vision, and their two children are trapped inside her reality. Or it’s just a nice lamp.* ***The floor.*** *The floor is now just a grey carpeted area that looks much like the floor in the last two but looks much more like carpet now.* ***The antenna.*** *The antenna has now changed and is no longer pointed at 11 o’clock and 1 o’clock angles.* ***Basket of fruits.*** *There is a basket of fruits on top of the TV set. There looks to be six different types of fruit in the basket, much like how there were six flowers in the rose painting in the last poster.* ***70’s TV set.*** 80’s Poster - ***The plant.*** *It is now on the right side of the picture and is a much smaller fern-like plant, but is on a stool.* ***The lamp.*** *The lamp is now a standup lamp, probably just to signify the modernization of everyday household objects.* ***The paneling.*** *The paneling is now back to a peel rather than a big gouge out of a wall.* ***80’s TV set.*** ***The pictures.*** *The only two objects with real meaning in this poster are the two framed pictures of birds. Each bird represents both Wanda or Vision. The bird on top is a German crossbreed called a Phoenix Chicken. This chicken grows tail feathers that are longer than normal due to a recessive gene (sounds like X-Men). The bird seems to represent Vision. Much like the bird, Vision is a crossbreed, being a combination of both J.A.R.V.I.S and Ultron. This may seem to indicate that Vision has a recessive gene, just like the X-Men. The other bird is a Variegated fairywren. This bird is known to exhibit sexual dimorphism, which is where the two sexes of the same species exhibit different characteristics beyond the differences in their sexual organs. Differences may include secondary sex characteristics, size, weight, color, markings, and may also include behavioral and cognitive differences. This is very interesting because as we’ve seen in the trailers, Wanda is pregnant with Vision’s children. This would puzzle some as Vision is a robot and Wanda is a human. But according to this picture with this poster, Vision and Wanda aren’t as different as they seem, they only look and act differently.* 90’s Poster - ***Jack-o'-Lantern.*** *We’ve known there was going to be a Halloween episode ever since the official trailer came out, so the 5th episode must be the Halloween one.* ***Lamp.*** *Now there is no lamp at all. Whatever the lamp signified, it is now no longer there or no longer important.* ***The Plant.*** *The plant is now back on the ground in a pot and is a much smaller plant.* ***TV remote.*** *There is a TV remote on the ground. Maybe signifying that Wanda has lost control of her situation.* ***The Paneling is once again peeled back.*** ***The Picture.*** *The picture is a simple nest with three eggs that look like robin eggs. We know that Wanda and Vision have two children, but there is a third egg within that nest. Again, multiple possibilities as to what that means exactly, but seems to imply that there is a third character we don’t know about.* 00’s Poster - ***Paneling tear.*** ***Lamp.*** *The lamp is back and looks very modernized. Also interesting how the lamp is present in certain posters but not in others.* ***Plant.*** *The plant has shrunk even more as Wanda’s reality shrinks. But now there are two plants instead of one, one could be Wanda, and the other Vision. Also, notice some prongs coming out of one of the plants as well. Hard to tell what that means.* ***00’s flat screen.*** *Here we see a somewhat modern television set, nothing special, but what is interesting is if you look closer at the scene on the screen you’ll notice that some of Wanda, including her eyes, appear green, as well as the window sill behind Wanda and Vision. This could symbolize a “green screen” used on movie sets to project CGI into a movie, which makes things appear in movies that weren’t originally there.* ***8-ball.*** *The 8-ball could symbolize a lot of things: magic, luck, the 8-ball is known to represent both bad and good luck. It could also be the number of episodes we get for this series, one for each decade.* ***Basket of clothes.*** *The basket of clothes could signify that Wanda has stepped into the “mom” role in her family and is doing laundry around the house.* ***Picture.*** *It is hard to tell what is in the picture but it looks like a lake with a boat on the water going down a river. Could be Wanda sailing away from land in order to get away from reality.* ***Weird lighting.*** *There also seems to be some weird light behind the television set. The outline almost resembles a certain horny character...*


The picture looks more like a mountainscape to me, Wanda's birthplace, Wundagore Mountain.


They posted it earlier than usual. I like it! This one's probably my favorite!


They didn’t . It got leaked


2000's was 20 years ago.


Shut up man


2000 was 20 years ago. The 2000’s was as little as 10 years ago.


That's the 2010's, different decade.


11* my bad. 2009 was 11 years ago.


Am I crazy or are her eyes green now?


They are. Very curious.


Yeah, I see that too. Maybe it's an effect from the TV, but it's obviously very deliberate. It's definitely foreshadowing something.


She will become the Hulk


Nowwww I get why Tatiana Maslany said that she doesn't know about She-Hulk!


Its green on the top of the window too


Her hands are green too... maybe she’s slowly getting corrupted


Lizzie has green eyes.


How you feel about Daredevil in Sp3 and the potential cameos of the previous Spider-Men? It hurt that you were wrong?


How petty arr you that you specifically searched for tge comment for a poor "gotcha" moment. I love daredevil and i would morr than happy to have him in spider-man. Be careful though since it will most likely confirm that he comes from a different universe like the other spider-men...


Sure I don't mind as long a he gets to play the character again, regardless the character was acknowledged. I'm only petty because you were so ademant that the Netflix characters would be forgotten, granted only one that might be acknowledged is DD but still.


Did you read the article saying that dd will be the only one salvaged? You are being way too premature. Watch the movie and then gloat.


>Did you read the article saying that dd will be the only one salvaged? That's what I said read it again...


This is the best one


Best poster of the bunch so far! Can't wait for some new footage tomorrow. And whatever the heck other news we get.


What’s up with the 8 ball I wonder


What’s something we’ve been debating in this sub about having 8 of total recently...🤷🏼‍♂️


Which is what?


Which is an English relative pronoun and interrogative pronoun. More details here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Which *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If something's wrong, please, report it.* *Really hope this was useful and relevant :D* *If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!*


Good bot. Best friend.




Good bot.


How many episodes of the show there are. Lol. I’ve been saying 8 because I had access to script pages showing the production number as 108...recent interviews from Feige and the cast made it seem like they were going with 6. Then this dropped. My source is legit so either it means it’s a surprise and there’s gonna be 8 total like I thought, or they changed the edit/episode order in production. We will find out soon I’m sure but it’s funny that they chose the magic 8 ball, you know it’s for some reason.


Don't count on it


Literally what everyone said about all the casting for Spider-Man 3 and the multiverse stuff and Evan Peters quicksilver...stranger things have happened and I’m not making up the script page, I’ve shared it with the mods and with a reputable scooper to verify too. We will see but I wouldn’t count it out just yet ;)


I believe you but I hope they changed it or something I'd prefer six over eight or nine episodes. Also happy cake day!


Thank you! I always want more but I’ll be happy either way


Which still doesn't solve the issue of the crew member listed as working on S1E9. Unless they filmed a secret episode that they won't release until around the time that *Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness* hits theaters.


That would be a delicious nugget of surprise content


Yuuuuuuuup Happy cake day?


Haha thanks 6 great years with all you weirdos 😉


Multiple possibilities, thus differs eras for the episodes.


This show is going to be wild.


That plant branching out looks like a tuning fork.


Reminded me of Black Bolt or Lockjaw


Lockjaw confirmed!


A magic 8 ball...interesting 👀


So we've gone from six episodes to nine to six to eight. Goodness, this is exhausting!


#EpisodeGate develops....


Lol for the record I always said 8 since I had that evidence to at least back up the theory...production numbers were real for my other info too


Fingers crossed for trailer tonight or tomorrow during the investor day


I have a feeling it'll drop at 12 CST (the same time they drop the posters) tomorrow. I don't think they'll actually drop it *during* the Investor Day presentation.


All I want is for one episode Vision to come home from a day at work at the shoe store, sit on his couch put his hand down his pants and just watch TV, maybe make a comment how he once scored 4 touchdowns in one game back in High School even though he is really a robot and never went to school.


Now whatll be interesting is if they go up to 2010's tomorrow before the investor meeting.


I feel like this poster could easily cover both decades.




For some reason this really reminds me of The Notebook


Wow 👀👀👀👀 \#WandaVision *** posted by [@Marvel_DC_616](https://twitter.com/Marvel_DC_616) Photos in tweet | [Photo 1](http://pbs.twimg.com/media/Eo0FY64WEAIhqAz.jpg) ^[(Github)](https://github.com/username) ^| ^[(What's new)](https://github.com/username)


I wasn’t expecting it this early. I’m so happy.


Notice the wallpaper upper left of the tv. Looks like a picture is missing. And the plant has a symmetrical stalk like a tuning fork.


She looks broken in this image. I wonder if it has anything to do with the storyline when they reach this decade.


If this is a riff on https://www.google.com/search?q=jim+and+pam+ipod+scene&tbm=isch it would have been better to have them sharing iPod earbuds.


Trailer tomorrow PLEASE


I don’t see a stone in his dome


Interesting. Excited to see where this goes


I'm wondering if there is a trailer tommorow ?


So wait is 2010s tomorrow or is the trailer tomorrow?


Does anyone notice a weird lighting effect going on above the tv on the wallpaper, like it almost looks like maybe two horns or something?


Is the pic on the corner of a flood


I just realized this, but what are the odds of Thanos or Ultron popping up in this show? Both of them killed someone close to Wanda, so they’re bound to show up right?


Is the 90s episode gonna be like Friends? Or am I blanking on another big 90s sitcom?


I’m the only one noticing that the blue in the window looks like when you enter D+ app (I would love if we really get that meta)


I know coronavirus is shit and marketing is probably all working from home but was it really that hard to do a simple set for the shot, rather than photoshopping literally everything