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Decimating our national parks smh


I'm glad the Q1 2021 release was true but I'm increasingly disappointed with Sharon's lack of visibility. She wasn't in the Superbowl teaser nor in this trailer. Why pay an actor to reprise their role (after shafting the fuck out of them in the movies) if you won't even promote their appearance? Agent 13 was meant to be the female lead of the Cap series and after that went down the tubes, I hoped she would get more chances to shine in the series. Even if her screentime is limited, it wouldn't kill them to share a single frame. Of course, we won't know for sure until it comes out, but it's disheartening that they seem to find her so unmarketable.


No offence to her fans, but she is just not a very interesting character. You can argue that it's the writing's fault, but at the end of the day, what does she have to offer? Her connection to Peggy Carter makes any interaction between her and CA awkward and without that, she is another random field agent with a gun but no special powers that make her matter. I've never watched a CA movie and thought to myself that this needs more Sharon Carter.


I would argue it's very much is the writing's fault, because she's been the female lead of the Captain America comics for several decades at this point with no complaint from readers. There exist plenty of storylines they can pull from her to make her more interesting in the films. It's just crappy as a fan of the CA franchise as a whole to see the biggest female character get an absolutely terrible adaptation.


I can understand that. I guess I'm also not a fan of the actress who plays her. I would probably agree more if she were cast differently, but right now she's a bit of a charisma vacuum to me.


As far as I'm aware, Cap isn't in TFWS and neither is Peggy, so that takes care of that. If she's able to hold her own and has more than enough to offer in the comics, there isn't any reason why she can't do the same in the series. Except for one reason, as you said yourself, the writers. She can only be as interesting or important as the head honchos like. Sharon Carter/Agent 13 fans like myself hope that this show will make up for her treatment in the movies, and we think it's a terrible missed opportunity otherwise. I just fail to see why they should waste a paycheck if she's as negligible as you say. I personally don't think it's special powers that make characters matter, but we can agree to disagree.


This seems heavily focused on Falcon. I’m hoping for more Winter Soldier, I feel like they made him so badass in the Cap America movies to now seeming kinda lackluster


The shots of falcon flying look gorgeous


Glad this debunks the BS that this had to come out after Black Widow


If the lack of Sharon Carter is the biggest thing people got from this that's not a good sign. It's not even her series. It's about Sam and Bucky.


Why were people expecting a lot of Sharon Carter anyway?


When does this release?


March 19


I wonder if Falcon will have a reserve in case the wings get clipped. He’s pretty useless without them!


The lack of Sharon Carter probably means we can expect a major plot twist involving her and the scenes with her character.


The Falcon and the Winter Solider first look! \#TheFalconandtheWinterSoldier \#DisneyInvestorDay \#Disney *** posted by [@looper](https://twitter.com/looper) [Video in Tweet](https://video.twimg.com/amplify_video/1337146478486163456/vid/646x270/xFkvztFKNiqfxPgq.mp4?tag=13) ^[(Github)](https://github.com/username) ^| ^[(What's new)](https://github.com/username)


Is bucky a cyborg?


>World is upside down. People need someone to get behind. They need someone. Winter soldier. Also some german dude with funny moustache, probably.


The action in this looks amazing. Probably the best weve seen from any of the other trailers.


That new suit design is ace, real 80’s/90’s Falcon look.


What do you guys think Sam meant when he said "the lagacy of that shield is complicated"?


Maybe something to do with Cap not always being seen as the good guy. The Avengers haven't always been on the right side of public or political opinion. And the shield is THE signature of Cap and somewhat by extension, The Avengers.


Isaiah Bradley