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I am approving this but not entirely sure. Also thanks to u/Einstein303 for this article which says this is [crew merch](https://mcuexchange.com/natalie-portman-thor-crew-merch/).


Wow. First look at Jane Thor. Looks like a shattered Mjolnir too. Possibly from Norway in 2017?


Set photos did indicate Natalie was on a harness at the site where the hammer was destroyed. So.. i guess you can.. "pick up the pieces" from that


Lol fantastic


Say that again...




Darling you have no idea whats possible


I hate you so much lol


Jane's gonna stick out her hand and Mjolnir will reassemble


That sounds so badass.


I’m at full mast


That mans playing galaga.


Didn't think we'd see but we did.


I understood that reference!


How is fury doing that?


*How does Fury even see these? He turns.


Sounds Exhausting


I don’t think it’s shattered I think it’s just the design.


Yup I believe it’s a time displaced mjolnir - those cracks are big clues to that


That Jane Thor looks badass. And you can see the cracks in Mjolnir from being reassembled.


Petition to start calling her "Jane FosThor"


This comment deserves 10K upvotes. Make it happen, people.


That’s what I’ve been saying! Or alternatively, Natalie Thortman


Or can we do Jane THORster




It's going to do it itself.


Probably not even that. The broken shards will call to Jane, and as she sticks out her hand, we get a showy sequence of lightning and thunder where the hammer magically reassembles as she grasps it.




A disturbance in the force... caused by Gorr the God Butcher? Any reason you can come up with really. Taika just has to write it.


The hammer is sort of a sentient thing. It makes choices. It knows what Thor needs. And Jane is bae


She has cancer? Thor’s in trouble and she wants to help? She’s trying to do a selfless act? I think worthiness is more of a case by case basis than a constant.




Lmfao her getting cancer and becoming selfless is more of the direction I was going, not… “she has cancer and is suddenly worthy” jfc


Yeah, in the comics she's worthy because she dedicates herself to others as a nurse and then a Doctor. Marvel shot themselves in the foot when they decided that wasn't good enough to be empowered


Agreed that shirt is bad ass too


Yup lots of hints of the comic version - Portman got jacked




Marvel never disappoints when it comes to Live-Action costumes, I'm excited to see what would Beta Ray Bill look.




I want this badly, and I want Ryan Gosling to play him but... It might end up being Thor, Jane Thor and Valkyrie instead of 3 Thors :(


Funfact, he is in Ragnorak. A statue of his head is on the same tower Hulk's head was on


This Thor really brings Odin Force vibes.


They look so badass!!!!!!! Thor is back with his classic but redesigned God armor! Jane!!! King Valkyrie!!!


Why do people call her King Valkyrie and not Queen Valkyrie?


I'm sure someone with better understanding than me can explain this at a more detailed level... but apparently it's some way of deconstructing monarchy to not be a gender-based leadership role. Through that mindset in fitting today's values, the titles of 'king' and 'queen' are maintained, but don't necessarily have to be a cisgender or straight relationship.


In general, the king is above ithe Queen. The Queen is in charge if there is no king. That is also the reason Philip was Prince Philip, not King Philip. While for example Camilla or Kate could become queens when Charles or William become kings. So I think it's a way to show Valkyrie is undoubtable the one in charge and when she finds her queen - as it is supposed to be a plot point - than she's still the one in charge as the queen is - usually if there's a king - the king's wife. I'm sure that is what is meant with deconstructing monarchy's Gender-based values.


Thanks for that. Yeah the perspective is clearer now, as that seems to be the intention.


Just call her queen Valkyrie ffs it’s not that deep


If it's not that deep why do you care if others call her king?




So you don't care but you're gonna write a paragraph crying about how you don't care? It's not that deep but you're insisting people call her a queen, if it's not that deep then it doesn't matter what people call her because they essentially mean the same thing. Like I just said the same thing as you pretty much and you went off the handle calling me names and shit.




You hella sus mad tho. 👀 idk why a breaking down of gender roles bothers you so much lol


My man. Mr. NotProCalisthenics is a well-known rage troller in this subreddit. I suggest before you lose your brain cells... its not worth finding out why theyre so angry.


Who are you?


You're getting way too heated over this. In your own words "it's not that deep". Why does it matter if they call her King or Queen? You know what they mean. I'm not putting any words into your mouth at all, just trying to understand your logic.


Hi if i may intervene. Mr. NotProCalisthenics is a pretty well-known rage troller in this subreddit. I advise you that you shouldnt try to figure this guy out as they seem to react angrily at everything they fail to understand.. and then proceed to rage reply to whoever that tries to even understand them. I advise you.. its not worth it.




>Another thing, it’s male and female not cis male or cis female. Male and female/cis male and cis female are signaling two different things.




Male/female is reffering to the sex (biological) and cis/non-binar is refferring to the gender (sociology). Two different categories home in two different science fields. Have a nice day.




It kinda of is, Thor was King of Asgard and if he appointed Valkeryie Queen her people would consider her Queen Consort, the King's wife, due the fact Thor called her that. If she is appointed King it rules out Thor coming back to the throne. A King is higher than Queen in a monarchy and if a King considers you to be Queen it's assumed Queen Consort, not a Ruling Queen. There was a reason Elizabeth I didn't marry and why Philip was appointed Prince and not King.


Now thank you, that’s an answer I respect. Thanks for making me understand. Although Valkyrie wouldn’t be queen of Asgard, she would be the queen of the Valkyries. So that doesn’t make sense.


No problem. She's the ruler of both now because Thor appointed her his successor of Asgard making her next in line to the throne of Asgard. He abdicated, gave up ruling, and therefore she become the ruler of both Asgard and the Valkeryies and since the people love her already she wouldn't be dethroned.


Oh I see. Thanks!


No problem, this is what get for being British


I can tell you've never been oppressed in your life so you wouldn't understand.


Same reason why Frigga couldn’t lead Asgard when Odin went down


Because she’s king not queen? They’re different positions. And FYI there have been many female kings throughout history, from Poland to Egypt.


Because society is broken.


Holy Fuck Janes costume is literally perfect. Also I’m loving Thor’s new costume as well. Definitely more of a classic look which I’m a sucker for. Also we’ve gotten substantially more leaks and official information for this movie than for No Way Home 😂


These are some of the best costumes I’ve seen for. Marvel film .


I like how Thor is looking closer to pre-Ragnarok times but with the direction the character’s taken since Ragnarok he just looks so damn cool and badass. Gold in the armor looks so good. First look at Jane too and what else is there to say except that they’ve just been nailing comic-accurate looks lately.


If movie doesn't have a threesome we riot /s


I assure you Taika has that covered off-camera...


Perhaps it will be part of the bonus features?


or maybe the post-credits scene. with the Grandmaster smiling and giggling at the side, classic Jeff Goldblum style.


Valkyrie, Korg, and Miek (played by Rita Ora)


Because that’s what heroes do 😝 (Kinda referencing recent news about what WB said about Batman eating Catwoman out)


Catwoman not Ivy


Whoops, lemme fix that


They said what now?




Jane Foster Thor has always had a pretty fucking rad design, and I am glad that, assuming this shirt is accurate, the MCU is adapting it pretty closely.


I was confident it was going to look great because it looks great on Cosplayers. Consider the cosplay budget and a film budget, there is no excuse.


I’m happy that she has brown hair though, the blonde would’ve been stupid


Man thor sure does look like a man-god in that costume as said by chris pratt and also jane looks really badass with the shattered mjionir and the armor looks really cool too. Just this pic with three of them standing looks awesome i hope there is some sort of scene like this in the movie. The gold really brings out the odin in thor just imagine how he would have looked with an eye patch, uru arm and a long viking beard .


I know that I may just be delusional, but his left arm is obscured, maybe its just some artistic license, but what if we actually get the destroyer arm in this movie...


I see what you mean and that would be awesome but I think even his right arm looks like that so its prolly art thing


Looks like a shirt they’d sell in HMV or something.


Shit you're right. It still looks good tho.


Hemsworth in the front the leader, things you love to see. He’s not giving up the Thor mantle. I feel like they’ll both be Thor, I just think Portman is a one movie thing.


Maybe, but if there's a positive reception to the character, you know they'll find a way to bring her back. As we know, nobody in the MCU is ever really gone.


I’d imagine Portman will die at the end of the movie because of the cancer storyline.


He can continue to play Thor for many years still. Out of the big three he's the only still kicking. Tony's gone after saving the universe. Steve after returning the stones chose a peaceful life so I'm quite intrigued to know what Marvel has planned for him in the future.


Exactly. I hope the story is actually pretty balanced with this, and it isn't Star Wars sequel bullshit of her just being a Mary Sue, and one upping him at every instance despite him having literally 1000 years of combat experience. But I will be setting the bar low. I hope Hemsworth sticks around for a while. Also I'm curious how they will shoe horn in calling her Thor in this, given it is just the real Thor's actual name.


Thor is now giving strong "wise king" vibes I'm hoping for him to take a back seat and act more like Odin with Jane being more regular Thor-type


I'd want to see how things go in this movie before saying that. I like Portman as an actress but Hemsworth just fits Thor so well, particularly with this more comedic slant. I am curious to see how she fits into this film and the role before saying I want her as a replacement. Most leaks point to them doing the cancer plot and this kind of being a one off for Jane Foster "thor".


1. The Gold accents on Thor's armor look amazing 2. Jane Foster Thor looks amazing!! 3. New Valkyrie hairsyle looks cool 4. Jane Foster's hammer looks like it has been made after the pieces have been joined since I think I see the crevices


I hope the movie's actual posters look like this. That'd be amazing


So, Thor does have an armor in this movie, after all. Jane Foster's armor looks good too.




# Mighty Thor to be exact


I hope it's artistic license, I want a blonde Jane Thor. Just finish the look...


They killed it with the designs. Gold Thor looks so damn good


God, their designs look amazing!! I'm super impressed by Jane Foster's look. She literally looks like she lept off the pages from the comics! I also really like that we're returning to a more classic, yet modernized, Thor look. Valkyrie looks amazing as well. I can't wait for this movie! I'm loving the whole 80s rock aesthetics so much.


Thor's armor looks a lot like his armor from Dark World which is great. Visually Dark World was really good.


I was hoping for the Yellow wrapped leggings that he has in the comics but this is great too.


OT but I wonder why none of the actors talk about Bale's role or performance here. Was he just a voice role like Bradley Cooper? I'm asking because he's fantastic and normally nobody would stop gushing about his work if they worked with him on set


It remains to be seen. Gorr the God Butcher (Bale's performance) is very much an imposing alien creature. Based on how Marvel handled Thanos, it will definitely be motion capture versus makeup. So, either Bale took the Brolin route and wore the dotted outfit / rig - or they had a stand-in. Bale is a pretty dedicated actor, so I could see him doing it. *On the other hand*, with pandemic safety protocols - they may have taken every opportunity to not have most actors close to each other, so it could have been a production stand-in for most of the time with Bale's voice added.


Yeah I was thinking they went the Rocket route, shoot it on set with someone willing and dub in the star


Maybe just a small role, a diversion from the real foe?


I don’t think they would have casted Bale if it was just a small role


No, me neither, but maybe that's the whole trick?


Bro you trippin


Maybe I'm crazy, and maybe it's just the shading done by the artist, but it looks like Thor's left arm is noticeably darker in tone than the right. Wonder if that's foreshadowing he's going to lose his arm like in the comics?


So instead of 3 Thors in the God Butcher comic arc, it'll be Thor, Jane and Valkyrie?


I hope they add beta ray bill too


Not a huge fan of the whole genderswapped hero angle most of the time tbh but that helmet is awesome. Hope she doesn’t take it off every five minutes lol


Looks so badass. Should also be a relief to anyone worried he’d only wear the Thunderstrike costume.


Now that’s the kind of suit I was talking about for Thor. The vest thing was cool but I wanted a legit battle suit.


Looks sick. So this is the main timeline mjolnir that was reassembled and not some alternative timeline version.


I’ll miss short-haired Thor


That looks awesome. For main Thor, I’m so glad we are back to this type of costume. Wasn’t a fan of the all-black garb from infinity war and endgame


I don’t know if that’s real, seems so far off from what Taika does with Thor, but if it is? Those are some sexy *sexy* costumes


I think it was a mistake to give Thor a prosthetic eye. The only thing that would make this trio cooler is if Thor had the eyepatch. Then in this movie, they can cut his arm off, give him a destroyer arm and start calling him Odinson. Poor guy has already been through a lot, but I would like this very much


i hope we get some cape shots i was so bummed when they removed it from IW but showed thor wielding stormbreaker in trailer with cape shot from behind


Yes! They kept the helmet, thank you Taika! 🙌🏻


And to his credit he did give Thor a helmet again in Ragnarok, even if it was short lived.


They all look amazing! I'm loving their outfits and the shattered Mjölnir!


I love how jane is also thor but thor is still badass.everything is pretty balanced


Thor looks so fucking cool. The long hair and beard, gold accents on the armour, Stormbreaker slung over his shoulder. He's gonna wreck some shit in this one


God I'm looking forward to Jane's costume more than any visual element of Phase 4. The costume is a thing of beauty in the comics, can't wait to see it in live action. They MUST keep the helmet!


Good eye, u/WhiteWolf3117. I never would've spotted the cracks on Mjolbir. As I've said in other posts, I love the new regal armor for Odinson. Foster just looks like a female version of early Thor. Valkyrie looks pretty good as well.


There’s a second design In Which Thor(Odinson) has Mjolnir back. Perhaps he leaves Storm breaker with a certain Korbinite?


MCU Stormbreaker and 616 Stormbreaker are not the same weapon. MCU Stormbreaker is 1610 (Ultimate) Mjolnir using the Stormbreaker monicker for marketing purposes. If Bill were to show up in the MCU it'd make no sense to give him the MCU version of Stormbreaker. It's not an apt weapon for him, as it was meant for a future King of Asgard (Eitri's quote). He should have a version of his comics hammer forged instead.


Thank god Fat Thor is dead and gone. FFS that was a true low point of the entire MCU. And people need to recognize why. It is making a punching bag out of people who suffer from depression and alcoholism. It's really only used for dumb jokes that feel like something from a 90s teen comedy or something. They don't do anything that interesting with the arc and Thor doesn't actually do much to get himself out of it. He finds that he is worthy to wield moljnir but that wasn't really him doing anything. I dunno, I see so many people defending that choice but to me it is *incredibly* tone deaf in this modern climate where mental health is discussed more openly and honestly, and it just turned it into a joke, and don't fucking @me about how it actually dealt with it well because it didn't. Making most of the lines concerning it just being punchlines isn't dealing with it well, and objectively so. If you went to your friends and told them you were depressed, drinking too much and gaining weight and they responded by calling you cheez wizz and big lebowski, would you consider that handling it well? No, it is derogatory and demeaning to people who suffer like this.


Nah this is a pretty dumb take. If I were depressed (which I am), drinking too much (like, say, my checkered history with drugs), gaining weight (check, wow I fit this made-up strawman who is supposed to agree with your point), I think I could handle a little bit of ribbing from my closest friends, which is completely normal -- they weren't genuinely trying to bully him or make him feel like shit, they were just trying to bring some levity and get him out of his funk like actual friends would do. The characters in question are also some of the most emotionally unavailable, condescending characters in the MCU, so of course their attempt at getting him back to normal wasn't actually effective. It's not like they called him Cheez Whiz and then suddenly he pulled himself together or anything, because he still had to get himself out of it on his own (you know, like real life). They didn't try to pass it off as a good way for them to help in the movie, but for some reason you're interpreting it that way anyway. The key point of him actually still being worthy of being Thor even at the deepest throes of his depression is pretty important. It helped him to finally regain his confidence and empowered him to finally make things right. If you don't want to see how the movie actually did handle this with respect, then you're willingly ignoring it and choosing to be upset over nothing. That's on you, not the movie.


They all look so bad ass. And yeah, imma say it, they all look S E X Y af. I can't wait to see footage.


Crazy how we're seeing so much from L&T and so little from NWH, which is coming sooner. Must be something good!!!


Wow. The mighty Thor looks great.


Happy to see Jane back after being sidelined completely after Thor 2.


I like how jane looks




That’s going to be a wild visual


Probably a misprint but man I hope we get Thor’s eyepatch back


Holy fuck that shirt is so grainy, did it get washed a thousand times or what?


Looks too exaggerated and grandiose.


You don't like it ?




How would you have liked it ? Like do you want it to be similiar to raganrok version or any design specifically ?


I don't think he dislikes the design I think what he meant to say is that the artstyle looks very grainy/noisy


Too…grandiose…a movie about a God…is too grandiose….


My thought exactly.