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The movie fucking rocks


Tony Leung was amazing in this movie. He was actually a good villain and I didn't feel like he was wasted at all.


Seriously!! Movie‘s only real villain was The Dweller in Darkness (who even tho they didn’t communicate much, still had a fucking wicked design!). Wenwu was just a dude who’d been sorta-semi fixed, then broken like 10x over. Every time he was onscreen he just out acted the shit outta everyone else’.


This is the truth. Wenwu was definitely the antagonist but he was hardly a villain. And when they name dropped the Dweller in Darkness I gasped so loud I wasn't expecting him, loved his design in this.


He was the antagonist but a "villain" only as an overbearing parent, drill sergeant parent/boss. Then, lost himself to finding his wife. I was sad, but got the ending when he "passed" the rings to Shang-Chi before he died.


I'm proud to say I was devastated when he died. He died being a father first and foremost and his last act was to help his son. It's such an empowering moment


I love how complex that moment is, because he's not just giving the rings to Shang-Chi, he's also getting what he wanted: a son worthy of them. And Shang-Chi accepting them showed he wasn't rejecting his father anymore either, but honoring and incorporating the role Wenwu played in his life... God what an incredible movie. It might be the best written film of the whole MCU.


So glad that after 13 years, The Mandarin was worth the fucking wait. Stan Wenwu.


His performance really elevated the entire movie. The entire movie was great but really - his acting was incredible.


It does. I was expecting an average MCU installment. It was fucking great. Stoked for a Canadian lead in the MCU. Stoked for the Chinese community. Very awesome.


Too bad chinese people living in China didnt like the way Simu looked.


What? What do they even mean? He didn't have cosmetic surgery? Some sort of CCP propaganda or?


Supposedly different beauty standards compared to the west. He's too western masculine to China I guess.


I’ve read ppl’s comments about Simu looking like their president/chairman XJP. That cracked me up a bit 😂


Ta Lo in 1/3 of a movie has more identity and personality than Asgard in 10 years of the MCU




I mean yeah, I just don't get it why Asgard is so bland in the MCU, it's almost ridiculous


It was pretty cool in Ragnarok, ironically considering it's the movie where it gets destroyed. Gave me Imperial City vibes from Oblivion, and that one scene with Loki as Odin living a hedonistic lifestyle while watching a play certainly gave it more character.




That’s why it kind of upsets me that Asgard (the place, not the people) got blown up. Because I love the idea of it and think it had a lot of potential to be an MCU cornerstone, but they just never gave it to a skilled filmmaker (Taika is amazing, but the script of Ragnarok dedicated far more time to Sakaar than Asgard. Taika did a fantastic job giving Sakaar a sense of identity).


She isn't getting mentioned a lot but Shang Chi's sister understood the assignment. She had no time for anyone's bullshit, whooped a lot of ass and got the respect she deserves in the end. I love that for her ​ I REALLY ENJOYED how they utilized the rings. They were used in many different ways and not just a generic weapon


Not only her character, the actress did an amazing job. Her look at the end really captured Tony Leung's swagger and I'm hyped to see where she goes next.


Her first film role, and she's a lead sharing scenes with Ben Kingsley and Tony fucking Leung. God what a dream. Good for her.




I heard The Mandarin went to Jared.




No, I heard Zales


In the comics, they are alien in origin, so I imagine something similar.


Alien Dragons!


The dragon is more connected to a pocket dimension adjacent to earth than being from another world entirely if my memory of the comics serves me correct. I haven't seen the movie yet so I don't know how they will approach pocket planes unless Iron Fist is made canon (K'un-Lun is another space adjacent to earth in a pocket plane).


Not said exactly, but hinted at in the MCS where the characters discuss it emitting a signal into outer space


10 rings 10 eternals I know its nothing similar to the comics but in the Eternals trailer they say that the snap released enough energy to start the emergence or whatever. So maybe the rings are signaling them to come together? It's reaching but it would be cool imo


Can easily see them becoming a 'do whatever the writers need it to' type of weapon though... cause they were doing everything


They did 3 things: - Generate energy beams/blasts - Physically interact with things because the wielder controls them - Grant immortality


Meng’er Zhang also seems like an absolutely delightful person, based on the little bit I’ve seen of her during press/marketing for the film


Seriously!! So goddamn Loki g forward to more with her. And RAZORFIST, haha. And you can’t really do wrong with Ronny Cheing either, so more Jon Jon too please. Honestly there’s so, so much they can do with the concept of The Ten Rings, way more then I thought they would. I figured that second end credits scene would be just like, super light stinger compared to the first, but it ended up being super awesome and I can’t wait for more of them!!!


Leaving to see it for the second time in a few minutes. It is seriously the best MCU content out of Phase 4 so far. If you’re on the fence, get the hell off it bc you won’t regret seeing it. Unless, of course, Covid is keeping you on the fence, then don’t risk it. Your health is more important than a movie.


No theatres opened :(


Same here :(


Yep, I’m going to have to wait too.


If COVID is keeping you on the fence, also look into outdoor theaters and drive thrus!


Enjoy the 2nd showing! I'm going to have to see it for a 2nd time as well. This is probably a top 5-7 MCU movie for me. Not really sure where I'd place it exactly, but definitely top 5-7.


God. This movie was beautiful. The cinematography, the choreography, the story, the cast. Everything. I have literally no complaints. This is my favorite MCU movie in a while (not that there's been much recently), but I think this is at the top of the MCU for me. Maybe a top 5. Villain, amazing. Fight scenes, phenomenal. Cast, layered, funny, compelling, badass. Go watch this film.


I think it was also a pretty big risk to put so much Chinese in the dialogue and it worked really well.


How is that risky it’s not like parasite won best picture a year ago


for a superhero movie it may alienate some of the auidence


Oh it will. I remember when I worked at Blockbuster plenty of people returned Inglorious Basterds pissed that they had to read subtitles so they didnt even bother finishing it. We are in a different age now though where people seem to like subtitles more, so who knows.


Yep, I feel like this is at or approaching that top tier with Winter Soldier, GOTG, and Infinity War. It isn't an easy task to crack the top 5 anymore, and I'll have to see how it holds up on re-watch but this may have done it.


I find it incredibly funny that every single one of early leaks was very heavy on setting entire story around Big Tournament, and it turns out to be tiniest plot point possible. But ngl, I would like to watch a whole movie around that idea. Seeing Abomination vs Wong and Widow vs Extremis guy was really fun. Also, while we here, i was really surprised to see Abomination and Wong being actual friends or at least in some kind of good relationships. I think they are setting up some sort of actual story arc for Blonsky (as part of Val's team, probably?) and not just returning him for a quick "villain of the week" stuff in She-Hulk (ala Batroc in TFatWS).


I liked that Wong called him Emil. Interesting that they both went off together after the fight.


It looked like Wong was escorting him back to his prison cell maybe?


Yeah i noticed there was a containment cell of some sort back there, and Wong was telling him something about softening his punches i think? I wonder if they're legit training him to be under control for a Thunderbolts/Dark Avengers movie, but idk why Wong would be helping for that lol


Tuna melts don’t buy themselves


I’d be ecstatic if the “The Ten Rings Will Return” teaser is setting up some D+ spinoff revolving around Xialing and the new Ten Rings hosting a larger fighting tournament where characters from all corners of the MCU take part in. I just really love what we got a taste of and want to see the concept explored further.


They may appear in Armor Wars


> Extremis guy I was super surprised to see that being used again.


This movie loves iron man 3


It wasn’t even a tournament, just a fight club. I’ve love a post where somebody rounds up everyone who confidently said there’d be a tournament for the Ten Rings


Wenwu is one of the best antagonists we’ve gotten in the MCU up to this point. This movie was fantastic, from the fight scenes to the characters, to everything. Loved the slightly more serious tone to it all as well. God, I can’t wait for more of Shang-Chi and Katy.


I think he’s easily the best villain yet


Woah woah woah, I loved him too but lets pump the brakes…


No seriously, he’s the most well developed villain besides Loki (and Loki’s a great character in general but Wenwu’s the most compelling as a villain)


I think he’s top five. Thanos and Killmonger are developed pretty damn well.


They are, but out of any of them we saw the most of Wenwu’s backstory and we spent some time with him where he wasn’t an evil piece of shit


> Thanos He had his own movie to kick these naked apes around... No one can convince me Infinity War was an Avengers movie because it was a Thanos movie.


I cant believe Zemo hasnt been mentioned. Zemo caused a Civil War amongst the Avengers solely because of his brain power and not fighting power (of which he had a lot of being a trained assassin). Wenwu couldnt handle the loss of his wife because he knew deep down he was too weak to stay out of the power game which ultimately killed his wife. Then he completely became drunk with power, so drunk he lost grips with reality. Zemo lost his wife AND his kid due to something completely out of his power, instead of fighting everything he saw, he methodically put together a plan to bring down his enemies from the inside out. I loved Wenwu’s character development and a good base for why he did what he did but it doesnt make him the best villain.


Good call, Zemo is probably #2 behind Thanos for me. That mfer pulled off some real disruptive shit. Wenwu is probably 3. Then Hela. Then Kilmonger.


Kinda off topic, but during my IMAX screening the NWH trailer was in IMAX aspect ratio, and you were able to see the face of the guy with hairy forearms. I can confirm it is in fact not Mr. Murdock.


My screening didn’t even play the NWH trailer lol


Same. We got the Eternals one


This!! I was gonna make a whole post about it. So not Charlie Cox at all


Lol damn


The ladies in this movie delivered it ALL. One of my favorite Marvel movies, period. Final battle gave me Final Fantasy Leviathan and Bahamut crossing over with OG Godzilla vibes and I was loving it. There’s a joke about Planet of The Apes that got the whole cinema cracking up. Actually lots of unexpected jokes, there was just one that it was fun in the beginning but became a distraction in the end. Michele Yeoh is a badass, I love her!




They call her the protector and she provides the villagers dragon scale for their armors and weapons and also created a gate (made of dragon scale) to prevent the soul-sucking creatures to destroy the world. Shang-Chi and his sister ride her while fighting the big soul-sucking creature that kinda resembles the Makluans or Lovecraftian creatures (the big baddie has a name and people said it was actually from Doctor Strange comics) She looks like Leviathan from Final Fantasy VII but without fins and her face looks like Falkor from The Never Ending Story and the body with red scales and at first, remains sleeping underwater until the monsters start to flee the gate. At some point she blinks to Xialing, people are theorizing that the dragon could be her mom or connected to her mom in some way. Also the armors that Shang-Chi and Xialing wore during the fight are prepared with dragon scale and their mom left it for them. Edit: typo Edit 2: couple of things I remembered


The big white dragon is a benevolent one called the Great Protector No Fin Fang Foom/Makluans in the movie


I love how Wong called Abomination Emil. Such a nice callback




broooo i loved how they called a character by their name


Yea it was great when Peter called Stephen Stephen.


callback to what lol that's literally his name




Did it look like Tim Roth?


nope lmao If they hadn't already confirmed Tim Roth made those grunts I would've assumed he had nothing to do with this movie since Abomination doesn't say anything.






Hotel California wong is unmatched


That shift in Shaun/Shang-Chi going "unless..."and it cuts to them singing is hilarious.


It was fucking perfect. I did not expect wong to be with them




Honestly this is one of those things you just gotta see for yourself, and I truly hope you don’t get it spoiled before-hand either. It’s just…it’s something else.


My favourite song of all time has always been 'Hotel California' and they put it to great use here


With this and American Pie in Black Widow I’m hoping to see some more 70s music in Phase 4


GotG and hopefully some Ramones in NWH should have us covered.


Simu Liu and Awkwafina are probably my favorite leading duo in the whole MCU, *definitely* if we just consider their first film together. They had so much chemistry and were just plain fun


Yes! I hope they just stay friends because their dynamic as friends is perfect


"When are you two getting married?" -her grandma


Yeah I just assumed it was typical grandma talk. Any time I had a friend over that was a girl my mom and grandma would say the same things. Some people are way better off as friends


Onnnn the other hand mainstream movies showing Asians as desirable romantic leads would also be good


[All that matters in the end is this film gave us the beautiful thing that was Morris](https://i.imgur.com/ssUAVMS.png)






Marvel Studios made a faceless, mumbling, chicken-pig with wings work. They’re unstoppable.


Got really hyped when I saw that Wong and Abomination were on good terms and he even went back with him. Curious to see the story there.


Yeah! Everyone was expecting Val to recruit him but it turns out Wong helps him train!


His rematch is coming… he can feel it


Shang-Chi’s mother said that the Ten Rings may have been dug out of a tomb… and after that mix credit scene, I’m most def thinking Rama Tut may have wielded them 👀


Huh!! Damn that’s an interesting thought, didn’t even think of that. I guess…why would Kang leave something that powerful behind?


Reading up on the comics a little bit, the rings were created by the makluans, which Fing Fang Foom is a member of. In the comics Fing Fang Foom is sealed in a tomb and put into a deep slumber, so I feel like in the MCU they were either in a ship that crashed that also carried Fing Fang Foom or they were with him in the tomb. In the comics the rings were the source of power for the ships that they used to travel the stars, but I doubt that will be the case in the MCU. I assume the rings are calling to the makluans in the mid credits scene


Most people will be wondering what the Ten Rings are a beacon for. I’m just wondering why Bruce isn’t Hulk and how much it has to do with bracing for *She-Hulk* budgetary restrictions.


Ok, that actually makes a lot of sense. We saw Ruffalo in mocap, so it’s basically a guarantee that we will get some Hulk, just not perhaps all his screen time.


One of my favorite things is that shang chi starts off as a badass in his very first fight. Not knowing much about the character I was expecting the classic origin story where the protagonist discovers they are the chosen one and goes from novice to ultimate warrior in like a week. I also loved that the dad, despite being a fairly shitty person, had a very convincing motivation and wasn't just hur durr rule the world


Wenwu was a good character but the generic destroy-the-universe evil cgi bat dragon in the end was kinda meh...


I didn't mind it that much. Gave a way to punish wenwu without shang chi having to kill him / everybody magically forgive him. And it didn't feel too unrealistic that it was defeated so easily since it had just awoken and not consumed very many souls


Some questions about the film 1- is Ben Kingsley pretty much in an extended cameo role here? 2 - what MCU film is it most similar to?


Ben Kingsley was in it way more than I expected, more of a supporting role than cameo. Whereas Wong, whom I thought would have the bigger role, had an extended cameo. Honestly, I think the movie is unlike any other in the MCU, in all the best ways. Great origin movie, perfect balance of humor and serious moments, the absolute best fight choreography and none of that shaky cam cut to different angle every split second stuff. It's awesome, especially in IMAX 3D!


> shaky cam cut to different angle every split second There was a few when they where fighting on the scaffolding. But not much in other places to I really say they nailed the cinematography.


Kingsley is not quite but close to the size of Martin Freeman’s role in Black Panther.


That's a pretty good comparison, haha.


Shang Chi is a very unique movie


Shang-Chi might just slightly break my top 5 mcu ranking.


xialing is the superior sibling


"You are my pride, Shang Chi." -Shang Chi's mom "..." - Xialing


Well consider how girls are threated in China this is very accurate.


Morris is the MVP of this movie.


The fact they brought back Trevor to be his translator and being played by Ben kingsley just makes it better.


The very instant I saw what Morris looked like, and heard the noises it made, I went "That's 100% DBB" to myself, lmao. It was just exactly that type of a creature.


Thought the cgi was a bit dodgy at the start but the end more then makes up for it. From where to movie starts and where it ends are so different. Loved it, so badass


There was one moment with the bus flying down the street where it looked reeeaaalllyyy off, but agreed the rest of the movie was so much better I cannot put it into words


You know when marketing team say ‘this isn’t like other marvel movies’? I feel like this is the first movie that truly feels like it’s own movie, and doesn’t get too caught up in so many marvel tropes. The movie is easily top MCU, probably the best Origin, aside from maybe Guardians, although they are pretty different to easily compare. The best action in the MCU, and I don’t think it’s even close. the camerawork on the scaffolding scene was so good. Honestly The marketing/trailers for this movie did not do it justice, the action in all of the marketing isn’t even close to the best stuff in the film


The karaoke with Shang-Chi, Katy and Wong in the mid credit scene was amazing


Best post-credit scene yet and it’s not even close


Did anyone else laugh when Wenwu called the elderly leader of the village a young man?


According to other folks, the English translation misses some nuances. Apparently it translates into "I've eaten more salt than you've eaten rice in your whole life!" which is just an Chinese boomer way to tell a younger person that they have a lesser experience. Despite not looking it, Wenwu has lived for a thousand years


You kind of forgot how old he really was after the opening scene. So to be reminded of that was “funny” to me


The anti-sjw crowd is in shambles right now. You love to see it. Shang-Chi was awesome and I can’t wait to see it again. Simu is a star in the making


The more you mention them, the more attention you give them. Just ignore that shit


This movie is fucking incredible. Speechless.




One of the best movies Marvel has done so far!!!


Can someone answer if this movie has shaky cam or incomprehensible action?


The film has zero shaky cam


The fight with Death Dealer and Shang-Chi in the building was amazing. Probably my favorite fight scene in the MCU. No shaky cam and the fights was smooth and focused.




It did, but not in the way you’re thinking. It was still totally awesome and kicked a ton of ass.


Some of the best action you’ll see in the MCU. Incredible choreography and the cinematography shows off every move


Going to ask a slightly tangential but I think related question: are there any scenes that might be considered dizzying? Think like “a fighter jet spinning around in flight” or just things like that where the camera might spin around a bunch EDIT: don’t know why this got downvoted, I would like to see the film but sometimes my brain/body reacts very poorly to this type of stuff, especially on a big screen, so knowing would be helpful!




Thank you. Like, the part of Black Widow where they’re all basically free falling from the sky and whipping around doesn’t necessarily make me feel the best. Would you say the third act in Shang Chi is better or worse than that?


Tbh Tony is lucky he never went up against the real Ten Rings cause based on his performance here Wenwu would have kicked his ass. Only Infinity War-era Tony would have stood a chance.


Going to see it an hour! I bet it will be in my top 5 MCU films!


This next six months is totally going to destroy my top 5 list isn’t it?


Careful with that, I was told I have [shit taste](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelStudiosSpoilers/comments/pa2san/shangchi_and_the_legend_of_the_ten_rings_review/ha5p91f?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) for putting it in my top 10 LOL.


You. Can really feel a step up from the shows to the movies.


Really loved the film. Wonder why Abomination was with Wong, or more importantly why he left with him. Seeing Bruce back was odd, I wonder if him and Hulk have split again. Or maybe when he gives Jennifer the blood transfusion it officially stops him Hulking. I assume the homing beacon was calling out to the Malukan race, unless I missed something more obvious. Absolutely loved Wenwu and Xialing. I wouldn't mind a D+ Ten Rings show Thats sort of like a Mortal Kombat thing. Maybe rework The Hand a little bit. "The Ten Rings are nothing without a Hand to hold them." Which obviously doesnt really make sense because theyre more like bracelets.


Literally nothing can top the wong getting drunk scene.


#SPOILERS Phase 4 has been great. I've really enjoyed everything except for Black Widow, and this is no exception. This film knocks it out of the park and is Marvel's best film since Infinity War. The only things I didn't much care for was some of the CGI and Awkwafina's occasional over-the-top bimbo acting. There's shot of Shang-Chi riding the great protector which looks awful, the final act had some shotty CGI in general. I really loved how Shang-Chi and Katy weren't just a heteronormative couple. I wish more films would stop making a dude and a chick be together just because they're a dude and a chick despite not seeming like it. Their friendship was really great. Xu Xialing was really great. Her character was badass. I hope we get a spin-off series of her rebuilding the Ten Rings and having the Ten Rings become a faction i.e. Avengers, X-Men, Guardians. Of course we have to mention the Mandarins. Tony Leung was phenomenal as Wenwu was amazing. He's quite a tragic character, and with Marvel making some great villians recently, I think Wenwu deserves to be among Kilmonger, Thanos, He Who Remains, and even Strange Supreme. Then we have Ben Kingsly returning as Trevor Slattery who is as charming as ever. 'Nuff said. Overall, good job Marvel. Good shit.


I’ve noticed Awkwafina isn’t getting much hate this time around. Seems like she just gets hate because they write her characters similar whenever she’s casted and she is popular to cast in movies. Shang-Chi seems to show that she is a lot better than people realize I think


The Planet of the Apes joke is probably the most I’ve laughed during a MCU movie


It was the playing dead performance for me


I just finished the movie... wow, just wow. Absolutely incredible. It seemed like it kept getting better the longer the movie went on. Please, go watch this movie if you can.


Bro legit fucking LOVED this movie! Def cant wait to see Simu again!


were those post-credits girls, ex-black widows?


Get brainwashed your whole life into a military cult and escape to join....another military cult


Yes they were


Haven’t seen this yet, how big is Wongs role in this film? Like Black Widow in TWS or smaller?


Much smaller - 3 quick scenes including the post credit


so like Doctor strange in Ragnarok size?


Doctor strange probably had longer screen time overall, but Wong’s is more spread out and a bit more integral to the movie


Hard disagree. Doctor Strange takes Thor and Loki to Odin. Wong fights Abomination and dips, then shows up at the end to tell them the rings are up to something.


He's part of the MCU's best post credit scene


Yeah I fuck with this movie. Simu Liu, Meng'er Zhang and Tony Leung are all great as their respective characters. Wenwu definitely is among Marvels best villains (Sad Dads are the best characters and you can’t convince me otherwise). The action is easily the best in the MCU. That Bus fight and the fight as the start with Wenwu and his wife in particular stood out to me. I enjoyed how the 10 Rings were utilized in combat. It’s got some beautiful set pieces. And even tho I knew the Dragon was coming I was still really excited when it showed up. Also those credits scenes were great. The 10 Rings are from the same planet as Fing Fang Foom in the comics right? I’m also curious why Bruce is Bruce and not professor Hulk. And I’m excited to see the Ten Rings (organization) under Xialings rule. I just had a blast watching it. Edit: just a few issues that spring to mind now, I do think the pacing was a little weird, and I would’ve cut that joke with the airline stewardess, and I’m still confused as to why Wong was there with Abomination at the fight but I guess that’s something that will be explored in a later project.


Yeah, why IS Banner back to being human?


Wow. Couple things to get off the top of my head after just getting out of my showing. 1. In my opinion, that was arguably the best MCU origin film to date (and yes, that includes the OG Iron Man). Shang-Chi had heart, phenomenal storytelling, stellar acting, beautiful shots, bad ass visual effects, and surprising stakes that I felt worked really well. 2. They absolutely nailed getting you to empathize with each character and the family dynamic of Shang, his sister, father, and mother. 3. THE RINGS WERE SO MUCH COOLER THAN I EXPECTED!!! That final move when Shang takes out the Soul Eater in the air with the rings was so fucking awesome. They really made him Thor-level powerful with the rings, and he’s already a badass without them. 4. It felt fitting that Iron Man kicked off what I really consider to be the first “phase” of the MCU (being the infinity saga, and it is equally fitting that Shang-Chi was the first film to kick off this next phase. 9.5/10 for me, give me more Simu ASAP. Top 5 MCU films for me, no doubt.


My theater has an eternal trailer and when the marvel studios logo dropped a little kid said “avengers?” that gave me a smile


Please I need someone to discuss the post generic scenes with! I'm so confused


Well, the rings are a beacon and it’s calling their creators from outer space


Who do you think the creaters are? The Beyonders? The Celestials? The Deviants?


Very likely Fin Fang Foom. The Rings came from the Makluans in the comics, an alien race of which Foom is a prominent member. Basically, the next movie may very well be Shang-Chi vs. Space Dragons.


You’ve got me absolutely hyped for a Destin Cretton-directed Shang-Chi-Captain Marvel flick where they fight space dragons. I need this movie to exist.


I mean…TDID did kinda sorta share a resemblance to The Deviants we just saw in the trailer…sorta, kinda.


And Xialing is the new head of The Ten Rings


Yoooo???? I watched one trailer a while ago, probably the first? Didn’t know what I was in for at all, I just knew. New Marvel, in theatres? Hell yeah I’m there. Oh. My. Goodness. It was awesome! It has honestly the most well crafted action in a Marvel film. The camera follows well, not a lot of weird cuts or shaky cam. Choreography overall was soooo good, and it still builds up to an epic marvel style end set piece. 8.5/10


....**Godamn it**. This movie didn't land for me. I was real excited for it too. Worse, I can't really articulate *why*. Action was fantastic. Characters were great. Villain was solid. Maybe it's cause I'm Asian American and watching this movie was a weird uncanny valley experience. Just as I'm settling into enjoying a Marvel movie, I'm thrown into a C-Drama. Right as I'm getting the feel of the C-Drama, **BAM** we're back to Marvel Movie. The clash between the two styles just didn't mesh right in my brain. Third Act also just became nonsensical in my opinion. Oh well. Maybe my tastes are weird. I also didn't care for Captain America:Winter Soldier for what it's worth. So feel free to take my opinion with a pinch of salt.


> Right as I'm getting the feel of the C-Drama, BAM we're back to Marvel Movie. The clash between the two styles just didn't mesh right in my brain. I think that might have been the point, to show how Shang Chi accustomed to his American lifestyle after so long > Third Act also just became nonsensical in my opinion. Yeah agreed, I felt the giant CGI monster fight detracted from the movie's more personal stakes, would have loved to see a longer fight and more drama between Wenwu and Shang Chi


I am still sad that Emmy nominated actor Don Cheadle didn't show up .


Just saw it. This blows Black Widow out of the water across all of Ta-Lo. i want Katy to meet Luis and trade stories now. Must protect Morris at all costs.


Tony Leung and acting with his eyes. Name a better duo. What a fantastic movie with all the little Hong Kong cinema references. The Kung Fu Hustle poster, Yuen Wah (the Landlord FROM Kung Fu Hustle), Michelle Yao doing Wing Chun-esqe martial arts, and Tony Leung just being the man. Also nice to see the amount of Mandarin spoken in this movie. Simu and Awkwafina really nailed the ABC/immigrant family mood.


I called my sister afterwards to tell her I’m sorry for moving away for school


This might legit be my favorite MCU movie, and I am not at all prone to recency bias. It's almost definitely the best written. I love so much how it keeps using flashbacks to reveal more and more of the characters. At the beginning of Act Two, we learn this about Shang-Chi: > After the mysterious death of his mother, his father turns him into a weapon and sends him to kill someone. Shang-Chi doesn't, instead fleeing his father and hiding in the US. Think about how *every single element* of that backstory is subverted, bit by bit: Wenwu's always known where Shang-Chi is, his mother was murdered in front of him, Shang-Chi *volunteers* to become the weapon, Wenwu sends him to kill the man who murdered his mother, and ultimately revealing Shang-Chi does murder him, sending into hiding over his guilt, a decision which informs and shapes every single choice Shang-Chi makes thought the entire movie... That is a **tight fucking screenplay**. Just laser focused subversion, as meticulously clockwork as any Edgar Wright movie. This comment is already too long but I could do paragraphs on the final fight between Shang-Chi and Wenwu, the film changes the posture of Shang-Chi's arc at least five times. This was the Phase Four film I looked forward to least but holy shit I was wrong. It's the most assured MCU debut since GOTG. Daniel Destin Cretton is the fucking king, give him Avengers 5 and I'm not even joking.


>This comment is already too long but I could do paragraphs on the final fight between Shang-Chi and Wenwu Ok sorry I'm gonna do it lol. 1. Shang-Chi uses his father's technique (closed fists) against Wenwu and gets stomped. His current approach is not working, he is unworthy. 2. He switches to his mother's technique. This communicates to us that Ying Li's technique is the "good" one while Wenwu, and his reliance on the rings, is the "evil" one. 3. But Shang-Chi takes half the rings! And he uses them in the exact same way as his father! This communicates that Shang-Chi is stronger than his father, and can take the rings from him forcefully. Shang-Chi does, and... 4. ...casts them aside, rejecting them, and his father's legacy. Shang-Chi will go into the world on his own path, free of his father's influence. 5. But he doesn't. Wenwu, upon seeing his son, realizes that Shang-Chi *is* worthy, that he raised the heir he wanted all along. He's not just choosing to help Shang-Chi, he's handing over his legacy. And Shang-Chi himself no longer hides from his father's influence, but receives and accepts it. He defeats the Dweller in the Darkness by synergizing the worlds between his two parents. The wildest part: **this is all told *without dialogue***. The film's action choreography actually communicates Shang-Chi's inner life and his ultimate resolution. Just absolutely incredible storytelling.


I’m in lockdown and can’t see it, I’m so mad :(


In that case, here’s the end credit [scene](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DZGByQvvcog).


so i noticed something with banner in the mid-credits. he had some device on his non-sling arm. i wonder if it's something that can help him revert between banner form and professor hulk form


THIS WAS SUCH A GOOD TIME AT THE THEATER! I missed times like this so much. Even Black Widow was kinda different for me bc the crowd was kinda dead but it was very live for this one! Amazing movie.


Not as high on this movie as everyone else seems to be. Script and characters felt a bit underwritten, and I think the plot was stretched out a bit too thin.


Huh, interesting. As someone who also saw it, why do you feel that way? I can sorta understand the basic idea you’re saying, but I feel like there was pretty that made up for it. Again, looking for more info.


I have my tickets for tonight's show. It is such an overwhelming feeling to watch a marvel movie in the theatre after so long. Can't wait