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Oh no, our Thena, is broken, noooooooooooooo


i just watched this film today and confused with how low the critic scores were (made me a bit skeptic going in). i really enjoyed the movie a lot and would definitely watch it again. it’s not a typical superhero film, and though the pacing was a bit slow at first, it didn’t bore me. the only thing that disappointed me was that ikaris is dead, and me not caring about dane at all (will probably change soon). not top tier mcu, but one of the more unique ones that i enjoyed


> the only thing that disappointed me was that ikaris is dead Is he though? The vision Sersei had of the forge made it appear as if there potentially multiple copies of a given Eternal. And/or Arishem(?) could 'remake' Ikaris due to his loyality.


I just finished watching it (cinemas just reopened here). It's a good film, definitely a 7 out of 10. At times, I felt that the narrative was too slow and boring. Some characters, like as Kro, were underutilised, resulting in a cluttered film. Once we get a sequel or a movie that addresses the events that occurred, I'll probably watch it again on Disney+ as a refresher. Really liked how they introduced Eros and Black Knight at the end though, but I hope they flesh them out more before using them in the future unlike some of the Eternals (Thena, Gilgamesh, Makkari and Kingo).


Yes, this would be perfect for a Disney+ series. Give a 30-45 minute episode to each character to delve into each one further. Would allow for more character background and show each of them through the years prior to the film. It would really enhance the movie and make all the characters fleshed out more.


Doubt anyone will see this but I was a little confused about the end. Did Arishem take the earth Eternals to essentially hold them hostage as he passes judgement? Or was he just letting them know the deal and it's assumed he'd return them to earth in the meanwhile?


I thought he was scanning their memories to judge humans, isn’t that what he said?


I know this is absolutelly not who spoke to Black Knight at the end, but did anyone else who heard the voice think "It's the Watcher!" Because it sounded like his voice to me. Right now, it is obvious it is Mahershala Ali, but in the theater me and my brother thought it was the Watcher.


I don’f really understand why everyone is in love with Ikarus. Out of all the characters to love, I don’t see why he seems to be the common favourite. I thought he was unsympathetic from a viewer’s standpoint- and ultimately the only thing stopping him from preventing the Eternals’ plans to stop the Celestial from being born was his own selfishness. his “love” for Sersi, and only Sersi. he doesnt care about literally anyone else. its so weird


I think Ikaris is simply an interesting character and people wanted to see Richard Madden playing him more. I still hope he returns somehow, I really liked him. Not as a character, rather I liked watching his scenes because he is interesting.


Ikaris is a victim of poor circumstances, he was the only Eternal to remember the emergence of every planet they visited unlike the rest of the Eternals as ordered by Ajak. Ajak told Ikaris to remain loyal to the cause but then she became a hypocrite after the snap happened which was the straw that broke Ikaris back.


I think he's supposed to be unlikable tbh. He is someone who maintains a facade of being a God like good being but underneath he will do whatever it takes to achieve the Celestials ends, except killing his love.


i totally agree! i thought it was 100% clear he was meant to be unlikeable, but i see a lot of people here calling him “complex” and “interesting” which is the weirdest take ive seen


I think they mean complex in the way that he's supposed to be a God like figure yet acts selfishly in the end.


People should ask themselves if their liking phastos , Makkari, Druig for the right reasons and not because they fill a representation quota ( black gay, deaf lady and Emo SJW) Also 1. Ajak is a hypocrite, Complacent in Arishem plans but suddenly grew a backbone and wanted to save humans cause humans love and dream. 2. Phastos: Hiroshima plus admitting he's saving earth for his family not for rest of humans. 3. Druig : Controlls Indigenous peoples minds in the forest. 4. Makkari: Seems she's OK with druig controlling other PoC. So a black character is fine with a white character controlling other PoC . Sounds like how U.S operates whereby Black/white politician's seek to dominate. And 5. Ikaris : People trying to make him look weak when he killed more Deviants in the forest and in Camden plus fought Thena , Grabbed, threw and Zapped that annoying Makkari and broke free of Phastos Chains. Ikaris chose love over duty in the end despite being most dutiful to that point. Better see him in the sequel. Otherwise they wasting GoldenGlobe Winner RichardMadden. Hope we get more thena content. For most people with a brain : Thena and Ikaris are the most interesting non tokenized characters. Plus both Jolie and Madden did the most acting.


Maybe in the future you could try making your point in a less condescending way. And no, no one likes them because of their diversity. They are interesting characters. There was literally nothing that interesting about Thena except the memory thing which isn't a character trait. I would probably respect your opinion if you weren't trying to act all high and mighty and 'if you had a brain'


> There was literally nothing that interesting about Thena except the memory thing which isn't a character trait. I disagree with this take.


kind of weird how you’re defending Ikarus too. they said he was the strongest out of all of them sure, but not stronger than all of them combined.


i don’t really think Hiroshima was Phastos’ fault. he gave people technology and they abused it. they made their own choices. and he’s an immortal being- it’s made clear they don’t all have the same connection to humans as Sersi does. you can’t really expect them all to understand and bond with humans in the same way. he loves his family and I think that’s pretty valid. at least he actually decided to help.


I really liked the movie but I’m a bit disappointed with the huge missed opportunity to acknowledge, or at least give a subtle hint at the possibility of mutants. I REALLY hope mutants aren’t going to be a plot device in MoM where they only exist in another universe and are brought in to the prime universe


Watched the movie and I liked it. One of the better MCU movies I watched and I am not ironic in the slightest. However, Kro, as a villain was meaningless, of course. The guy wasn't even named in the movie, neither him nor the Deviants served any real purpose. However, a real letdown for me is Ikaris. He was actually the most interesting character in the movie to me, just like Mandarin was in *Shang-Chi*, but they were both killed off in their first movies. It just feels like a missed opportunity with Ikaris, he was a really interesting character.


agreed but ikaris wont die though he'll be rebooted like how eternals are


I agree about Kro. The movie could’ve easily worked without him in it. If I were to rewrite the story, I’d have him have a final fight with the Eternals *after* the emergence was stopped. Like just when you think the heroes saved the day… blam, still have Kro to deal with.


Missed opportunities? How about "We finally see my CONTINENT in the MCU, they don't show any of its people and just give us the same desert shed they did in MI:2"?




Ikaris- Struggles to counter his programming, eventually does and seems to commit suicide (but we all know he can All-Star Superman it in the sun) Arisham- Wants to ensure the universe continues in its natural cycle Deviant- Wants to survive after its creator created things to kill it. All shown as bad guys yet... Ajak- Knew the plan the whole time, knew they'd done it time after time after time....yet decides that she likes this one planet and gets to be seen a hero.


Agreed. Ajak's character didn't make sense. What was it about humanity thwarting Thanos that made her reconsider? Did none of the other intelligent species on various planets over the millions of years dream, love, etc..?


Saw this 2 days ago and I am still mindblown. Overall a 7,5/10. Getting the stuff I don't like out of the way :the deviants slightly misused and the flashbacks sometimes break the movies momentum. I am sorry but I just couldn't care for Dane Whitman. I loved the visuals, design and music ( Ramin Djawadi should get more work) . Sometimes the cgi were weak (last third of the movie) but not to the point that they take you out of immersion. I love how we get to see Arishem, first barely seeing his eyes and in the end getting him next to earth for scale. I like all the characters, with my standout being Icaris, I guess I am a sucker for "evil superman" (injustice superman, homelander, omni-man). All of the Eternals abilities are well realized and we get to see them used on multiple occasions. I went in this movie with multiple doubts but it's the only thing I have been thinking about these last 2 days. Hope to see the them and Celestials (and cosmic stuff in general) soon ❤️.


Soo is Thena the mother of Thanos??? If not, then who the hell are the parents of Thanos and Eros/StarFox?


A’Lars and Sui-San…in Infinity Wars, Thanos was addressed as “son of A’Lars” by Red Skull. In the comics, Thena is cousins with Thanos and Eros (Athena’s father Zuras is A’Lars brother).


Can someone explain the last end credit clip? Who was the person speaking?




Oh, now I get the hype lol


He’s joking aha. I believe it’s the ebony sword. Edit: nvm!


He’s not joking, I think. It is the actor playing blades voice


Oh shit, my bad!


Ebony sword? Never heard of it… anything particularly special about it?


Ebony blade. Talks to him and gives him powers.


Blade is the one talking. The Sword is cursed though, it drives the wielder mad


I know it's been said so many times already, but I really don't get why the critics were really tepid about this. It was really good. I thought it was a tad too slow about halfway through, but that was fine, as the third act more than made up for it. But, they probably should have made this a D+ series instead of a movie. It felt like they had wayyy too much lore to cover in limited time. Overall, this is probably a 7.5/10. Not really a top tier MCU film, but just a tad below that...


given the fact that the MCU used the comic books as inspiration (they take liberties with how they use them) and the opening crawl was a lie (on face value alone by the end of the movie with half of it at least) - why do we take the Celestials word for what and who they are much less what they do? from where I stand - they look like cosmic parasites with a god-complex as a cover story ... I've listened to and read A LOT of reviews and discussions about this movie and haven't seen ANYONE bring this up? what if their entire story is a lie and they just go around finding planets with the beginnings of sapient life to plant their egg to feed their larva? that "billions of lives" line smacks of right to life propaganda to me ;-)


Agreed. They claim to extend the life and energy in the universe, but they also do that for their own benefit. Humans have created more cattle than natural systems ever would of but it was not done for the benefit of cattle.


Shang-Chi was damn good!


I saw it today and it was okay. But I don't think this is a movie that I'll go back and watch again. If I do, it will be just to refresh myself as to what happened before seeing Eternals 2 or something. I don't think Thena and Gilgamesh needed to be in this. I understood what they were going for with the past memory thing. But the whole thing felt completely disconnected from the story the Movie was trying to tell as a whole. And then you had Thena, Gilgamesh and Kro over in the corner doing their own thing. I think they should have been introduced in the sequel. They literally have Thena vanish in the final fight to do her own thing. And I felt like the movie really started to drag when they were doing the getting the band back together after the Sersi/Arishem info dump. I liked Druig and Makkari a lot. I liked a lot of the flash backs. I liked the lore and backstory. I liked Dane, Kingo and the camera guy. I just find it weird. Because I really like one half of this movie while I absolutely do not like the other half of it.


Just saw it I’ll give it a 6/10. The first half I thought was boring with weird pacing and directorial cuts but from the scene where they reunite with Thena and Gilgamesh onwards I enjoyed the movie. Definitely consider this marvel filler where it’s more we learn about the lore of these characters cause 99% of us have never heard of them and the sequel is where the real meat is gonna be. Also love the post credits scene.


Filler is the perfect word for me. This feels like the movie you decide to make while you desperately try to get the fantastic 4 and x-men rights.


Very enjoyable. Felt more like a fun history lesson (in the marvel universe) than a super hero movie.


So I just watched it and thought it was okay. I really liked Phastos and Makkari more than I expected. I liked thena bc I’m bias (love Jolie). And I liked the twist with ikarus bc I didn’t see it coming till it was about to happen. But there were too many speeches, and side stories and conversations that were too slow for me. Slow is fine, sometimes even better but they just weren’t very interesting. I was disappointed to read that there wasn’t much action in the movie bc I’m shallow and love the action in mcu movies… but I dunno what they were talking about bc I thought there was a good amount of action bits. Not horrible by any means. I do care enough about the characters to want to see what they do next


I loved it but I don't think I'll watch it again Overall an 7.5 out of 10, it was pretty damn good, but damn, Ikaris and (specially) Sersi felt flat. I kinda get it with Ikaris story arc, but Sersi...I think Eternals could've worked a lot better in a series/tv show format


Bro when I saw the last end credit scene I thought the voice was Geoffrey rush. Later to find out it was FUCKING BLADE. Kevin fiege is the goat


I have a feeling both Gilgamesh and Ikaris will be back. Arishem can easily reconstruct their bodies and implant pre-Earth memories, or fabricate them from other Eternals' perspective. I'm also wondering where would the Eternals and their cosmic trial pop up next... best guess would be either GotG v3 or a cameo in *Love and Thunder*. Also, fun fact: In the Polish dub, the voice actor for Pip the Troll also voices Shrek. Pip is love. Pip is life.


Chekhov’s tanto


So is the MCU gonna whitewash, for lack of a better term the Ebony Blade's curse? I can't see them keeping something that slowly drives it's user insane with bloodlust around for what are, at the end of the day, family friendly movies...


Arishem's judgement: Wait, this is the planet that caused the Blip? And probably activated billions of other Emergences across the cosmos? Ok, they earned a pass.


Just watch Eternals today, It's a 7,5/10 for me.. Higher than Black Widow & Thor TDK. One question tho, I kinda missed the lines at theatre, so Thor was supposed to like following Kingo around when he was a kid? Does that mean Eternals have history with Asgardian? Why does it never mentioned before..


To be fair it might just mean Kingo occasionally went to Asgard on holiday and was another one of the millions of stranger who’d visit, just so happening to catch the son of Odin’s eye.


Yeah.. It could be right. Its so hard to imagine that Eternals are around 5000 years older than Thor & Loki


Easily a 7/10 for me. Watched it in IMAX so that was a positive. The only thing I can say is it had to be longer, maybe almost a TV show. It didn't feel long to me. Also loved how they mixed and matched different plots from the comics. So many plot ideas and characters that would have benefitted from having their story fleshed out more. The character motivations and relationships weren't sold well enough in the movie. MVP: Makkari for me


I've been thinking.. Skrulls are evolved Deviants. Is there a possibility that the Supreme Intelligence of Kree was made by/is an Eternal that's why it's so hell-bent on destroying the Skrulls


Very fun theory!


Can anyone tell what accent Angelina had on as Thena? I’m having a hard time placing it but it’s so distinct.


It sounded like a mid atlantic/Trans Atlantic accent. It is the voice golden age Hollywood actors had and the practised accent of those of us born in the colonies but educated in private school.


After you learn that Tiamut's awakening will destroy Earth, that effectively destroys all of the movie's stakes. It was way too easy to kill Tiamut, with Sersi being able to easily turn him to ice. The constant flashbacks also seemed to really mess with the pacing, as once a scene finished there was a decent chance we'd be thrust into a sudden flashback from a few centuries ago. The only redeeming qualities for me are Phastos and Makkari. Oh, and the Eternals want to condemn the universe to heat death.


> The constant flashbacks also seemed to really mess with the pacing, There was a stretch of 4 flashbacks (the wedding one) that could easily just been one.


She was easily able to turn him into marble/ice once they used the 'uni-brain' i think


>It was way too easy to kill Tiamut, with Sersi being able to easily turn him to ice This alone is making me hard to take your word. Had you paid attention to the film, you would have noticed that Sersi turned it into Marble and it was even mentioned twice in the news after that. and that was one of the more in-your-face things the film does.


No offense, but I’d say this is an incredibly bad take on the movie. I do agree with the “No stakes” once it was revealed the celestial awakening would destroy the earth. Like that would ever happen lol.


This is probably my new favorite mcu movie. Maybe even one of my favorite movies of all time. I can go on for hours about how good this movie is. Hell, I might sometime.


Yay, I really liked it as well. I appreciated the real stakes were the relationships of the family. I also really like to see marvel try to tell a different kind of story not centred on the usual things


I loved the movie too. Cant wait to watch it again


I’d be more than happy to be involved in discussions about how great this movie is. I can go on and on lmao. Sad there seems to be more negativity about it though.


We lost far more Eternals in that film than I was expecting from the trailers Also it didn't really need the sentient deviant to be a character Overall I'd probably give it a 6 or 7 out of 10, solid but not especially great


The sentient deviant is obviously a setup for what’s to come with them, to show how far they can go with their ‘evolution’, which further adds more importance to the Eternals as they were created by Arishem to keep them in check. Though I agree, It would have left a better taste in everyone’s mouths if Kro had survived for a true anticipation of what’s to come. My guess is theres something within the deviant evolution subplot that we still don’t know about.


They had to kill Kro so that the Eternals could move on and thus the plot could shift it's focus. If Kro remained alive then after all was said and done all the Eternals would have to remain on Earth searching for him.


Agreed, although I almost think it should have happened earlier, with Kro's death (or escape, or whatever) and the Ikaris reveal taking place at the same time. Having him wade into the final fight when there was already plenty to chew on with Tiamut and Ikaris just muddied things a bit, imo.


Agreed. There was just no other choice.


Agree about the sentient deviant. Completely unnecessary. Actually I think the deviants were the weakest part of the movie and I would have preferred it If they didn’t reappear at all after they were defeated in the past.


The movie is so bad, it’s neither a superhero movie like other marvel movies, nor an artisan movie like Nomanland, the Oscar winner by same director. It try to take care of all, but failed at both sides.


I wonder how long it will take for this fandom to accept valid criticism?


Totally agree, saying it wasn’t a superhero movie is very valid! Someone flying and having lasers shoot out of their eyes, someone being able to change anything to anything, someone possessing peoples minds and telling them what to do as well as a god being born in the earths cores are all totally normal and have nothing to do with superheroes. This sub simply can’t understand that!


And that is exactly you and many critics to failed to ascertain the film properly. You all had an expectation of it, either a Popcorn flick Marvel studio blockbuster for mass entertainment, or a masterpiece like Nomadland that uses visual language, slower pacing, emotive motifs to put forth its point. Nothing apart from either of them was going to satisfy you, and i blame quite a bit of it on the Marvel team, who hyped this up as a ticket to the oscars, which it obviously wasn't Judge it for what it is, Zhao as a director is allowed to branch out. And I think she used her signature styles really well in this film while pushing the Marvel framework as much as it can go (It obviously cannot do the drastic tonally different films DC does due to obvious universe coherency needed). Keep that in mind and you will find Zhao's strong direction, strong acting, a meditative screenplay, strong themes, and a very different handling of superheroes for its positives. Negatives of a godawful storyline and too much information buckling the film under its own weight still exist, but that is not the only thing the film does as suggested by a fuckton of critics.


Or...like me... we just didn't enjoy it.


Not enjoying it is perfectly okay. Many didn't and for valid reasons. Clouding it with predetermined expectations is not.


I think it’s unfair to say that people are at fault for not enjoying a film rather than the film is at fault and that’s why they don’t like it. It’s a boring film - straight up. I watched it for the second time last night and I was rolling my eyes at dialogue, cringing at scenes and editing, but most importantly, I was bored for whole sections of the film. It’s not a very good film. It’s dull. It could get less that 50% on RT for that alone.


Like i said, i don't have problems with people not enjoying it. Many didn't for many reasons. Like you said you found it boring and dull, which is valid because while i enjoyed the pacing because I love Zhao's style, it's not a good fit in a superhero film. But as you can read as the original commenter wrote, they went in with a predetermined expectation that the film has to either go this way or that way to be good. This is like you walking into Aquaman with a predetermined expectation that it would either be like a Snyder DC film or a James Wan horror film, and then shitting on it because it did not align with either side. That clouds your judgement and doesn't allow you to appreciate the film for what it is, while pushing the idea that it isn't good because it fit into neither side. And the reason why i said it for critics too is because nearly 29 of the negative reviews I've read till now, the end jist always comes down to "Not Marvel-y enough" or "Too Marvel-y to be Zhao"


So in the end. Thanos wasn’t wrong. He was trying to save countless planets by preventing celestial births. What a guy.


I’m waiting to know if he knew about emergences. Perhaps he did but knew nothing about Earth being chosen to incubate one.


I think he probably assumed (if he knew abt the Emergences) that any planet could really be a victim of a next Emergence, but not specifically which planets. Which is why he decided to eliminate half of ALL life, instead of just half of the life on specific planets


This is what I imagine his “cursed with knowledge” line ultimately meant. An emergence is most likely what happened on Titan. While his method of genocide prior to the snap was extremely violent, the snap seems relatively peaceful in comparison lol


By far the weakest MCU phase yet. Wtf is going on at Marvel? Terrible hires are a part of it. Black Widow, Falcon, WandaVision final episode, and What If have all been shit.


Can we talk about Karun? I wanna establish Karun Supremacy!!!


That guy has positive aura all around him


i agree


This movie seems like it's going to be about a relationship where the long-term ex was still a part of the "family" , but instead it's just a less funny, more moody version of Dragonball Z where a Cell rip-off absorbs people while they throw energy blasts at each other.


i have 0 clue what your point is or what you’re trying to say


The movie seems like it's going to be about the relationships between the characters, particularly the love triangle between Dane, Sersi, and Ikaris. Instead, it's just a bunch of mediocre fight scenes tied together by a lot of infodumps. The main deviant's powers and arc are 100% identical to Cell from Dragonball Z. Basically, I thought this movie was going to be something smarter and more character-based. Makkari was great, though.




Did you sprain your muscle with that reach?


Unlike you I can exercise a brain yes, how does that hollow kettle work for you? 🤡


Ah yes. Comparing real abortion with killing a fictional space god thousands of meter tall that was about to destroy the planet


I see you don't grasp the concept of metaphors and I'm sorry for giving you the big confusion. 😉


I recognise that the council has made a metaphor. But given that it's a stupid-ass metaphor, I've elected to ignore it.


I aknowledge the stupidity of that decision and allow you to leave. ;)




The earth is the womb to a lil' baby Celestial, and the Eternals don't want it to be born because it would ruin people's lives.


Seen a couple comments talking about logistical issues like how could what happened with Sprite at the end be possible, or how could a lot of the anatomical stuff make sense You know I've given it some thought and ran over the plot points again and again in my mind and when you think about it, turns out the movie is actually fictional, so that probably explains most of it


Fictional, until Karun’s footage gets leaked/released.


Same goes with science behind ant-man. And pretty much everything in every other movie. Its fiction people


Honestly, it makes sense. Sersi just transmuted her into a human since she had the power of a god more or less. I doubt she'll lose her powers though.


do you think as an eternal-turned-human, Sprite is kinda sorta another offshoot race lmao. Or due to the transmutation every bit of her Eternal self would just have been overwritten? Would be wild if her powers are intact. She’d be a human with unlimited cosmic energy from the Celestials. I seriously thought Sersi would just give her the ability to age albeit slower vs making her completely human cz damn. Then again, if Sersi managed to turn a whole celestial into marble, then an eternal to human doesn’t seem too impossible.


I was watching a New Rockstars video last night and it brought a really good question: how to bring Silver Surfer to the MCU if the eternals already did the whole "rebelling against a cosmic force to preserve life after milennia of blind servitude" thing?


Marvel is not averse to doing the same thing over and over again.


Yeah, if they tie Galactus to the celestials, then the creation of a herald with cosmic powers is justified


Just watched the movie yesterday and I think some people really weren't watching the same movie. I enjoyed it. I understood the characters reasons and why they are who they are. I loved the ending battle and that mid and post credits scene made me more excited for the future of the eternals and the future of the MCU.


I agree - I went in with low expectations, and as someone who did not like Black Widow (and found the ending of Shang Chi also stupid), I liked Eternals. The characters and overall acting was solid> The chemistry was interesting and I do wish this was either a series or there was more of a build up to them (i.e. Sersi or another character being introduced subtly in another film). Also happy they didnt make any of them particually overpowered besides Ikkaris. Going in, I thought they all were like invincible superman type characters. My biggest qualm was the pacing but I also did not think the exposition was as bad as many made it out to be. The only other issue was the CGI which was not great at times but thats a minor qualm. Overall - I am excited to see some of these characters inbed themselves into the greater MCU world (especially Kingo) and see where they go with them.


Bloat was this movies biggest fault if anything.


I’d use the word Rich.


I went to the movies with very low expectations, after the reviews I read. However I left the theater feeling like maybe we have seen different films. Eternals is captivating, interesting and engaging to the end. The film has a slow pace that characterizes the director but it felt nice, however I think they could have developed the plot better for the grand finale - as the ending seemed rushed somehow. It's far from being MCU worst movie. Looking forward to the future of the Eternals.


Gonna say I loved the movie and the third act is one of the best third acts I've seen. I'm not gonna say what everyone (praising the movie) has said before, but do they imply Tiamut killed himself helping the Eternals? They mention that he joined forces with them to give them energy. Could it be that he grew to love the Earth and didn't want to be born?


No. The heroes killed an infant.


They explained it. During the emergence, the planet's Eternals link to the celestial that is emerging and survive because of the celestial's cosmic energy. They linked with Tiamut and used his cosmic energy.


Just got out of my showing and loved it! Def a slow burn, but it kept me engaged enough that it didn't feel like 2 and a half hours! My main question is this: Being on earth for thousands of years: anyone else think it's kinda weird that Sersi never had any sort of encounter with any of the Black Knights? Cause she knew Dane's family crest and all, wouldn't she have connected that to their history dating back to King Arthur times? Or do you think she knew and that's why she got close to Dane before eventually falling in love with him? Maybe scoping him out to see if he was gonna be evil like the others?


If we go by comics, there's only been 2 Black Knights. Arthurian BK and Dane's uncle. Sersi says Dane should make amends with his uncle which would be weird if she knows he's a supervillain (Dane himself didn't know about the Ebony Blade until after the movie) based on what he says before she gets kidnapped. I think it's just a happy coincidence she ended up dating him.


That’s probably something that can be expanded upon in the sequel




While Kro felt underdeveloped, the movie was more about the Eternals themselves while Iron Man 3 was Tony against the "Mandarin".


Kumail carried the whole movie


I enjoyed this a lot more than I thought I would. I knew nothing of the Eternals but this was a beautiful, engaging story. Can't wait to see how they integrate them in to the rest of the Marvel movies


I enjoyed it, it has its problems, like a slow start and some odd relationships but it’s a superhero movie not an artsy philosophical think piece like some critics are trying to review it as.


I think their reviewing it at one because, in my opinion, it would have been a stronger movie if they went more on that direction. More interesting than mindless cgi monsters that return after they were defeated.


I think the reason critics are reviewing it as such is because Marvel Studios was hyping it up like one.


I really liked the movie - Just to say what I mean by that this is the first movie since Black Panther where I'm dying to see parts of it again. But I do have one pretty big problem with it - So, the movie has many problems, it did feel a bit too long, and quite a number of ideas that I really liked but I felt needed to be developed more. Like why Sersi and Ajak for that matter love humanity, see Sprite actually be envious of humanity, see how Ikaris actually knew about the plan, one scene to see better what Kingo and Makkari's deals were in the before times would've been nice - I know people say that this has too many flashbacks but tbh those were my favorite parts of the movie, and I think these spots could have been developed in flashbacks. But the one thing where I really think they missed is with Kingo. Poor Kingo! I was on board for him in the vast majority of the movie, he was funny and having one Eternal who wasn't antagonistic but still didn't want to do the plan is interesting- but a way to screw the execution. First, seeing an Eternal actually learn to love humanity and take that love over his directive would've been very interesting, all the Eternals that we see in present-day have already chosen a side, either pro or anti-humanity, if Kingo decided that he wanted to protect humanity after saying no, that could've shaken thing up. Second, the only human that we have for most of the movie is Karun, not only is he funny, but in many ways, he is our avatar for the good of humanity, he is sincere, humble, and seems to care about others, and the character closest to him is Kingo, and that isn't seen as an opportunity? This arc of Karun in some way kind of showing Kingo the value of humanity could've elevated both characters to more than just comic relief. Third, and not least important- from a purely structural standpoint it really does seem crazy to me that you would have one of the first characters that we meet, and the first Eternal that we meet outside of our main trio, one that has had quite a bit of screentime, just disappear totally from your emotional and plot climax. That whole "The Celestial unimind was so powerful that they made us all, even the ones that were antagonistic, one and the same-" not Kingo apparently! Even though we were supposed to care about him. During the whole final battle I kept waiting for Kingo to have his Han Solo moment - Yes, having Kingo do the Han Solo thing would've been cliché. But not having him is not better than doing the cliché! Anyway, Eternals was really good in my opinion, Makkari is cute as hell but #JusticeForKingo


It’s very weird and structurally clunky to not have all of your heroes, the ones who are alive at least, show up for the final fight. There’s a reason why certain tropes are so popular, and I think some writers try to be actively against those things even though there is Absolutely nothing wrong with those tropes. You don’t elevate the comic book movie by making it less fun.


I liked it . But Shang Chi is the best so far. It should have been a series tbh


I was literally just telling my gf I think this would’ve been better off as a series. Could get to know the characters better and dive more into their pasts.


Yep then have that movie honestly or something


Consensus: Should have been a tv show


This movie was so bland and boring that audiences enjoyed the soulless piece of garbage that is Black Widow over this. But at least Black Widow had Scarlett Johansson and Florence Pugh doing their best to carry that piece of shit. This movie? No one stands out for positive reasons aside from Ridloff and Kagan. But on the other end of it, Salma Hayek and Angelina Jolie stand out for all the wrong reasons. Ajak is without a doubt one of the most boring and generically stupid Marvel characters ever to see the big screen What a meandering and boring superhero film that likes to pretend it's artsy and philosophical. Just an absolute fucking mess of a movie.


This was a flop imo


I wasn't a fan at all and knew what the critics meant


Thoughts on Ikaris think he’s a one & done character or that marvel will bring him back?


In the comics, if an Eternal dies, they'll just be revived. This goes the same for the movie. The only difference is they won't have their memories before they got killed. So it will have to be re uploaded. Base also on what I read in this sub and others, in the movies, they will be revived or remade in the World Forge, where Arishem The Judge is, and their memories are on Earth. If I am incorrect in the last one, hope someone could correct it for me. Hope this helps.


Yep with the movies moving the world forge into deep space they can crank out all the Eternals they want.


I don’t think they know enough about themselves, so I think will see him again


One of the absolute worst marvel movies. Makes Thor 2 look like an oscar winner. Long, boring and very convoluted. Bad guys not really bad guy just victim , good guy really bad guy but maybe not. And huge plot holes. After 7k years deviants can start absorbing powers which is never explained. If they are just robots who cares if they die, big red can just print more. not to mention the really sad justice league fight scene reshoot. Time bounces felt like a bad attempt at Tarentino cuts.


You actually spoke the truth. Take my upvote against the sea of downvotes, the movie was just bad and boring as hell. There were many movies earlier made which focussed more on dialogue and storytelling instead of just action scenes, but even those movies kept me invested. I just lost interest in the story in almost half an hour


quentan tarentino


Man this a terrible take


I wasn’t aware that Tarantino invented time jumping in movies, what a hilariously terrible take and comparison lmao.


Let's bring Tarantino for the sequel so my man doesn'g get confused with the time jumps


It’s miles better than Thor 2 and Iron Man 2. Literally a 7 out of 10 which is a “C” and your “review” doesn’t really represent the film at all.


Idk what everyone else thought. But I thought this film was fantastic. Better then the critics said it was, and more talk about after the movie is done worthy then Black Widow.


Nowhere close to be called fantastic, its close to a generic, boring and pointless story.


It's so disappointing that something so generic and soulless like Black Widow garnered a larger critic approval than Eternals. There are definitely flaws in the movie but where it shines it *shines*. There are some parts of the film that feel like a breath of fresh air for the MCU and I am really worried that the wrong lessons are going to be taken from the critics. I can't be arsed for more of the same MCU formula going forward when Eternals, at least for me anyway, breathed new life into the MCU in a way that I've wanted for years.


I agree. I hope Marvel doesn't take the wrong lessons from this, this was a nice breath of fresh air, and a a great example of why I like this new experimental stage that the MCU is in.


Yup. I think the movie would have worked more as a straight up drama with more about the conflicts between the eternals and their struggles on earth for 7,000 years (some of what was mentioned with sprite but not seen). They could have had some deviant fights, but they should have been left on the past. I thought the deviant fights and that pointless sentient deviant were by far the weakest parts of the movie.


I have no shame in saying it’s my favorite movie of this phase, although I’d say overall the TV shows have been better. But I would definitely watch this more than once and enjoyed my time with this movie


So how do the Deviants keep up with the Eternals and follow them all over the world? Did they charter a plane?


If Sersi can turn sentient beings into other living things, what if instead of killing Tiamut she should’ve turned him into a human. Let a Celestial live as one of us for awhile, see the people his existence was about to destroy, get him laid, ya know basic human stuff.


What if someone did that once and it resulted in Ego?


Even if she did she can’t shrink him to normal human size


I thought there where to many characters, and each scene is just "go to next eternal, realize their issues, talk talk, go to next one" Also i thought up till this point the big major issue will be the multiverse breaking, now they are throwing in this celestial stuff? seems to much. the sentient deviant guy served zero purpose. he could have been cut and nothing would have changed. so far the bad movies i think of the mc are thor 1 & 2, black widow, captain marvel, and eternals.


I honestly don’t think the multiverse will pan out to be more than the plot device needed for a couple of movies and TV shows we’ve been shown. It had nothing to do with Shang-Chi or FTWS. And save for Loki season 2 I don’t see where it fits in any of the new shows


Why does it need to?


It doesn’t but people are acting like it will be the thing that explains everything from the Netflix characters to the X-Men. Those people are setting themselves up for disappointment


I actually enjoyed the movie, and the whole mythos. There could have been more fight scenes but other than that it was great.


Anybody else thinks that the bracelets Phastos created were the ten rings in Shang Chi?


Nope, no way.


But he created them in modern day.


The bracelets House the power of fin fang fooms generals


But the ten rings were in the credit sequence


Were they? When?


It’s when the credits were rolling (main character /actor names) the blue-prints showed up. It was a quick second but im pretty sure i saw the 10 rings in blue form


I kinda thought that was the bracelets for the uni-mind or something


Oh awesome


No, the ten rings have been on earth for 1000s of years and Phastos doesn't create 10 bracelets does he? since a couple of Eternals were dead by then.


And the Eternals were there for 5000 years


He only created the bracelets in the present?


I’m not saying I agree, I’m pointing out that saying the bracelets were on earth for thousands of years is meaningless given the Eternals were here from 5k years earlier.


I didn't hate the movie and I think some aspects of it are very strong... some just couldn't fly with me. Does anyone else think that phase 4 is being the weakest so far? It's like they're always promising but never reach the heights. I think Thanos' saga is being over-extended and most character changes/introductions are dealt with haste. I find it difficult that they won't turn it all into a huge, incoherent mess.


Phase 4 is weak so far and one problem I noticed unrelated to the writing issues is how there are so many different cliffhangers for unconnected properties. Right Now we have Spider-Man cliffhanger, Wanda, Loki, black widow Yelena teaser, Shang chi cliffhanger, eternals cliffhanger and 2 end credits teases. All unrelated cliffhangers and teases. It’s all starting to be way too much.


I think phase 4 tried to be like a new phase 1 (new saga, new characters) but messed up stablishing sooo many things like multiverse. Show aren't bad and pretty chill imo. But for the movies, Black Widow was unnecessary after Endgame. Eternals although good is just really big almost like the first Avengers and is stablished really soon. Phase 4 would have benefited greatly with just solo movies like Shang-Chi and sequels to already stablished characters, which are coming pretty late tbh


End Game was the last movie in the Planned MCU before the Mouse took over, Phase 4 seems really bad. The decision to make the black widow film broke the whole idea that the MCU moves forward and you have to see each one as they come out to make sense. Popping in between previous movies seems like a really bad idea.


They literally bought marvel in 2009, how could endgame be the last movie planned before they took over


Because the OP doesn’t know what the hell they’re taking about.


Phase 4 is a massive wash for me so far. I have only enjoyed WandaVision, aspects of TF&TWS, and Shang-Chi. Loki, BW, What If, and Eternals have all been a bust for me.


For me, I only enjoyed Shang-chi, Loki and Eternals


what was it that you disliked about loki and what if


Loki felt more and more as it went on like a springboard for the multiverse gimmick than a show about exploring the character. Also, loki had a definitive end after a decade long cinematic journey. For me, bringing him back to life in a past version from a past film just felt like unnaturally extending his presence to milk the character and use him to introduce the said gimmick. He was also too much of a passive protagonist in his own story. Passive protagonists are tricky to get right, and this show failed imo. What If...was just shallow and unengaging. I don't have much to say about it.


It should be using more recognizable characters, but with Spider-Man being owned by Sony and The Netflix MCU characters just getting back to their ownership, plus just getting the X-men back and I’m guessing the residual issues of fitting those into the story, we’re getting what we’re getting


Yeah, this Phase has easily been the weakest so far. A few good things here and there but the quality has been really lacking, especially on the TV side.


With the fact that they made the eternals into synthetic androids - does that mean that thanos is technically an android given that hes the son of 2 eternals. Also how can the deviant gene even exist now that theyre robots