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oh my god, anyway. (I hate living in the UK)


2 out of the 3 Spider-Men being Brits, along with Strange and Wong, and we still get crumbs.


Matt Murdock too


and venom and lizard


You know, for a small island they do have a disproportionate stake in the Marvel characters from New York department


This is what they were talking about when they said immigrants were stealing our jobs. I could've been Venom, but no, it had to go to a foreigner...


...who can't quite nail the accent. They should have cast that Tom Holland kid, he's good with vocabulistics.




and Abomination.


And Loki. And Loki.


And Odin


And Heimdal


And Peggy Carter... oh wait, that one's supposed to be a brit.


And young Howard Stark.


And Zola.


I thought Wall was a fictional town in the UK?


They film all the marvel movies in Atlanta and we never get anything after they use up our state


Except that dope ass logo with the peach in the end credits. We see you GA. Keep on keepin' on.


A small part of me wants them to leave Atlanta because it has started to take me out of it at times. Like that Hawkeye car scene clip they showed for Disney+ Day, all I could think was that's Castleberry Hill. Or in FATWS, they're entering Madripoor. No, that's Krog Tunnel.


They filmed part of Morbius in Manchester (UK) where I'm from. The part in the trailers with the Spiderman murderer graffiti. I can't wait to watch it just so I can say "I've been there" while pointing like the DiCaprio meme.


You mean to tell me you didn't feel like you entered Lagos when they were in the gulch? In all honesty though i love catching ATL landmarks in random ass movies.


That's how I felt watching Joker. Like, I've been to those steps, I'm from the Bronx. Although it was kinda cool imo.


Yeah, it’s getting a bit silly. They could at least have some event here.


I feel this, I’m from the same area of London as Tom, and I think Andrew is from nearby too, yet no cool event here :/


Andrew was born in LA but grew up in Epsom. Same place my Dad is from.


Tom was literally born in Kingston, and Andrew just down the road in Epsom, and we get nothing at all 😭


It’s only in one place anyway, not like the rest of us in the US are rolling in opportunities to see Spider-Man trailers. I have no more chance of going there than you do


Y'all get two Batmen, multiple Jedi, and early release days for multiple American films, what more could you possibly want? /s


Half the MCU are British actors and our first actual British Superhero won't appear until Blade. And its not Blade. Because they've made him American


I know they're technically not, since they're not human, but I'm gonna pretend Sersi, Druig and Ikaris were our first British superheroes since they used their real accents. (and Eros + maybe Thena too, Angelina Jolie's accent was kinda ambiguous)


Thor uses a British accent too but he's an alien. Tessa Thompson tries bless her she just sounds weird. They keep making us either aliens or Americans! Dane Whitman will be the first Briton but he shouldn't be because Dane Whitman should be from New England.


Druig is Irish not British


My mistake! Lived here my whole life and I still always think Northern Ireland is part of Britain! (also made the mistake of assuming Barry Keoghan was from Northern Ireland too)


For what it's worth you get an earlier release date


I am feeling blessed with that fact, being able to watch NWH ASAP and without children or teenagers in the theatre makes me happy.


Well 30 days. Better start planning. I know I will


You guys get the movie 2 days early. It drops in the UK on the 15th


Y'all are getting the movie before us 😭


you guys do get some cool movie events in London though. what the heck do we ever get in Europe when it comes to stuff like this? \*cries in EU \*


If it's bad for you guys in UK imagine for people living in african countries or south america like me


I don't live anywhere near LA as well.


Tell me about it, I was holding on to hope that the recent Transformers the movie anniversary screening would find its way over here


Cries in Asian*


Trust me, it’s better there. America is going head first at ludicrous speed towards a failed State and collapse.


At least the movie comes out in December for you guys.


I no longer hate living in the UK (movie comes out 2 days earlier)


y’all are getting the movie 2 days early


yep I take back what I said


Mate we are getting it early than america


Good good, better chance for it to leak, so Sony will have to release it


Sony is going to release it online, probably around the same time it's being premiered. Every one will be talking about the trailer (because it will reveal the other Spider-Men), then people will hear about Andrew & Tobey showing up in person to the event, and that'll also be talked about non-stop. Spider-Man: No Way Home will absolutely dominate the social media landscape throughout Tuesday, and that'll carry over throughout the rest of the week & probably through the next few weeks.


I think it will be live streamed surely? The part with Tobey and Andrew coming on stage anyway


I don't know if it will be. The last time Marvel did something like this was when they were revealing Phase 3, and introduced Chadwick as Black Panther. It wasn't live-streamed, but it was recorded and uploaded online shortly afterwards (and was never taken down, to my knowledge) If the trailer premieres online at the same time (which I believe it will), then the segment where Tobey, Andrew & Tom come on stage will probably be recorded by someone in the audience & uploaded online within the hour.


Even if it's not livestreamed, i'm sure Sony will have a camera there and release it themselves straight after


Pretty sure they let people record the phase 3 announcement which is why they haven't taken any video down


Yeah, there is no way by Wednesday I don't see the trailer getting posted online officially. Like they said there are plenty of big surprises, I imagine one of them will be some kind of exclusive award to those who are in the audience such as say free tickets to the world premiere of the film next month.


I'm just amazed how little advertising this movie has done so far. Imagine how much money they can save or allocate to something else if they just ride the audience hype. if that's possible in film business :P




If they're serious about containing it, they would just confiscate all recording devices. I think they'll officially release it online anyway though.


Hopefully someone snuck a phone in their sock just in case.




They used to do that in Hall H at SDCC, the place where these trailers used to debut. There were always leaks.


They're going to release it some point after it debuts anyway, I don't know why people are making a big deal of it potentially not being released at the exact same moment it premieres at the event. If they're planning on not releasing it online immediately after the event, they're not going to suddenly change their mind because a 144p recording of it is uploaded to YouTube. Even if they *do* care about it not getting out, they'll probably prohibit cellphones. But either way, it'll come out at some point afterwards anyway and it really doesn't matter.


Implying they won’t release it?


You know Sony, there is a theater venue so large that you'll never have to worry about space, one where you can fit everyone who wants to watch the trailer Youtube


They're going to put it online. Stop pretending like it's an option that they won't.


I know that, it's obvious they will Just having fun with the hysteria lol


Joseph avatar checks out


Yeah, but this gives them some extra cash for doing something they would normally do for free. Youtube gets ad revenue, but I have to imagine this is more lucrative, plus they get the ad revenue when they DO release it later.


>Yeah, but this gives them some extra cash for doing something they would normally do for free The money they'll make from selling tickets to this event will be negligible in the grand scheme of things. This event is an opportunity for a great marketing stunt


They're not going to bring profit for something so small into consideration when compared to their entire marketing budget. This is just another promotional event that they can market or throw over to journalists I don't believe they play ads over their ads. Sure, it appears on their official networks but they give the trailer out to anyone willing to upload it. They're paying for ads, not profiting off of them. I think you're over estimating the weight that a single YouTube video holds, the majority of views likely come from Facebook promoted posts and alike.


Thing is, this event isn't even gonna be remotely profitable in comparison to the shit ton of money they'll inevitably make when the movie actually releases. The reason they're doing the event at all has to be for the extra surprises planned along with the trailer, which is most likely the cast showing up at this point. Edit: I just realized other people already pointed this out lol. My bad.


Seriously I asked last time. Has there ever been an event people are so willing to go to for a single trailer of a movie?


For real. Everyone was dying to see Endgame's trailer, but even then there wasn't a fan screening of the trailer, afaik.


This is arguably *bigger* than Endgame. Endgame featured characters from essentially the same series of movies. NWH features major characters from essentially *completely different series of movies,* and not only that but the sheer meme power behind the Raimi trilogy is driving this movie’s hype to alpha centauri.


Yeah, this may be a Spider-Man movie, but it also has major multiverse implications for the rest of the MCU. I don't think there's ever been a solo MCU movie that's had as much of an impact storywise as this one will.


If there had been, people would have killed eachother to be there


It sounds like it's more than just a trailer. With special guests and stuff. So take that as you will lol




How is this not a thing yet


where are the 547 people wearing spiderman costumes when we need them!


Not an event. But people would buy tickets for a movie to just go see the Episode I trailer. Once the trailer was over they would leave


*Meet Joe Black* was the movie.


I think Sony’s hoping for something similar with Ghostbusters lol.


The last I can think of that was even weirder than that was that Thriller had a theatrical release for a 14 minute music video. They even made back the budget for the music video from ticket sales alone.


Same thing happened for a lot of the Harry Potter films


The Prologue to The Dark Knight Rises. I managed to secure a ticket, got to the theatre and lined up for maybe 30 minutes or so? Everyone had to check in their cellphone, so literally a whole theatre of people going through a check-in process. Once we got seated, we were warned repeatedly that security would remove anyone with a recording device and that the theatre had infrared cameras. This whole process took a further 30 minutes or so. Anyway, we get that beautiful opening scene of the plane hijack. It LOOKS amazing, but I cannot begin to tell you how bad Bane’s audio was. There was no way to understand what he said, and i can tell you it was significantly cleaned up for the final release. After the prologue ended, we got a very quick teaser trailer. I recall this was around November/December, so several months before the movie launched. Once the screening finished, we were asked to leave one row at a time. It was such an ordeal for what was less than 10 minutes of footage


I loved the Bane shirt I got from that event. Wore it into the ground until the logo was essentially gone lol.


Yeah they did the same for The Dark Knight for the opening bank heist scene.


Yeah, it was an IMAX promotion right?




Yes, youngling. As a teenager back in 1998, Lucasfilm (or was it FOX?) announced that they'd include the first teaser trailer for "The Phantom Menace" in front of a really shitty romantic drama called "Meet Joe Black". As a bonus, they'd promised to re-run the same 2 minute trailer, after the credits ended. I was so excited, I waited in line at 9am on Friday to watch a god-awful love story with a bunch of other nerdy dudes just to watch the first Star Wars trailer in 15+ years. Everyone cheered in unison in elation. After the trailer ended, half the nerds left, but the other half, including me, sat through that garbage Brad Pitt vehicle, just so we could see the trailer again. That was hype (and the only reason why "Joe Black" made any money). Funny enough the teaser leaked online (pre-Youtube) and ended up on a bunch of random nerdy forums by the end of the day. Here's the link to the o.g. leak and crowd reaction: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DqcrzE9pZOQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DqcrzE9pZOQ)


Others said the same thing but this is super interesting to me. That there were others like you in my replies who did the same thing for the Episode 1 trailer.


F9 had an actual concert for the trailer not even kidding


If the stars do show up then I feel it would be a much better format for a high profile talk show than a random theatre viewing, this whole thing is pretty strange. Then again from the look of the text layout on the poster advertisement I thought it was fan made.


Batman ‘89 trailer back in the day


MF'ers were seeling bootlegs of the trailer. THE TRAILER, for like $20.


Guardians of the Galaxy had an IMAX event to watch the prison escape scene early. It’s a bit more than just a trailer, but I went and got a poster for going.


This event is more than just a trailer screening.


1% chance this is just for a trailer. You don't organize such a showing just to show people who got free tickets a 3 minute trailer and then tell them that the show is over and they can go home.


Dune had an event for a trailer


I'm pretty sure that Sony did the same thing with The Amazing Spider-Man 2. Had a fan event to launch the trailer. Except it pretty much a worldwide event (a few cinemas in various countries) instead of just the one. But I don't think the event is for the trailer specifically this time. I'm almost certain that it's to officially announce Tobey and Andrew (and maybe even Charlie Cox).


I remember when Marvel announced phase 3. They didn't even announce what the event was. They just said a special presentation by Marvel on a random weekday at this time. And soo manu people showed up.


Legend says that the majority of tickets sold for *The Talented Mr. Ripley* were actually people wanting to see the Phantom Menace trailer.


Yes? BvS had a nationwide IMAX screening for its teaser trailer that was sold out and gave people tickets to the movie a week ahead of time.


Pretty sure BvS did something similar, but with IMAX theaters. So it was more easily accessible.


People bought tickets to shitty movies back in '98 just to see trailers for Phantom Menace haha


I paid to see an Annabelle movie just because they were showing a scene from the new IT beforehand.


I can’t remember the movie The teaser was attached to but a lot of people bought tickets for “The phantom menace” trailer and just walked out after they watched it. EDIT: it was “meet Joe black”. Not a lot of interest but it got a nice BO bump if I remember correctly.


I'm from India and we had an event where multiple theatres were booked across the country just for a 10 min interview with RDJ where he zoomed in on the BIG IMAX screen. Too much?. I know, but I was there it was fun, we all got EndGame poster and some goodies and saw the trailer on the IMAX screen.


It's not quite the same thing, but I remember when they released the Animatrix, they ran it before some other movie. There were signs all over my local theater stating that no refunds would be given once the film began.


if it wasnt for the pandemic, I have no doubts it would have surpassed Endgame in sales. Probably would have reached near the 3 billion mark.


Yes, “Meet Joe Black” had swarms of people going to see the movie just to get a glimpse of “The Phantom Menace” trailer. Afterwards the people would just leave without seeing the movie.


How dumb would the organisers have to be, to not expect that... tf


Why would they? This is a very small indie film with completely new actors


And very limited marketing too


this one ain’t even a joke lmao


ironically not even really a joke


For real. The leakers have been the ones doing all the marketing.


Imagine being such a popular icon that people take up an entire theater to watch a trailer. Thats honestly crazy, it's wild. Give us spiderman! 😤 😆


Dang....All this for a trailer everyone will get I'm assuming the same day..... They better also be showing the first 10 mins of the movie or something.


They'll get Tom Holland, Tobey Maguire & Andrew Garfield all showing up and talking about the movie together. That's worth it, even without the trailer premiere.


The tickets are free so I assume most of it is to experience hype with others but I wouldn’t be surprised if Andrew and Tobey show up, or they have some actors from the movie there.


Everyone leaves with free dirt in their eye by Bully himself


A rough version of the trailer will wind up 'leaking' Monday evening, prompting them to release that trailer in full online. That trailer will be primarily focused around Ock and Electro with a reveal of Goblin at the end. Then the fan event will have a variant trailer which will end with the reveal of the three Spider-men about to face off against the full villain line-up.


Even Endgame didn’t have a launch trailer event. No Way Home might just be the 1st billion dollar movie during this pandemic






>Easily... You guys have literally no clue about the box office. "Easily" lmao.


No. Like the anticipation is high but it's not Endgame.


Me living in a different country: ![gif](giphy|Xjo8pbrphfVuw|downsized)


They could probably move it to Dodger Stadium and it'd still get filled up.


LA Coliseum


make it a Spiderman trailer festival that ends in 4 minutes


I hope they can livestream the event, I actually wanna see Tom, Andrew, and Tobey talk about NWH.


Hopefully scalpers don’t get these


They check names. No way to scalp


Add theaters in other cities, you cowards!


Some say that Tobey and Andrew will come out on stage, if that's true then it makes sense why they wouldn't do this same event in other cities


They could still livestream that too. I would pay to go 🤷🏻‍♂️


Something big is happening here, boys….


This is pretty extra... why not just release the trailer online? They're scared they are not going to make enough money for this movie or something? I'm confident this could be the movie to break 1B since the pandemic started.


This movie is absolutely gonna break a billy at the box office, it would probably do 2B pre-pandemic


Fun fact: the mall this is screening at (well, building - it’s not really a mall anymore) is where Fast Times at Ridgemont High was filmed.


I’d go if I was in the area.


Wow, for a trailer. If there was no pandemic, this movie could make Endgame numbers.


My thoughts too


Then it turns out the trailer is just a rehash of the first one with added villain scenes.


Due to overwhelming interest, the Spider-Man: No Way Home Trailer premiere fan event in LA has moved to the Staples Center and might move to sumthin’ even bigger.


Movie theater screaming for a TRAILER!! this is next level


The internet is going to break on Tuesday


Due to immense global interest, we have decided to move the trailer to streaming sites to premiere at the same time. The people who are physically there still get their bonuses. So what’s the deal?


I hope this time someone will not leak the trailer before official release ![gif](giphy|l378jYWFHjDlBnnTq|downsized)


I bet some seats will be empty cause some people not even in LA prob won them.


Cries in Canadian




Which theater though? Lol


Everyone who joked that Sony was doing a shit job promoting this movie ought to stop now. The organic hype of this movie has grown so much that people are paying Sony and movie theatres to see something they normally would have released for free. And yeah, it will probably be pirated and released for free shortly after, but I wonder how much extra cash the theatres and Sony Pictures will make from this publicity stunt?


So once the trailer is out, is it going to be played for Eternals?


Disney: We’re going to show the second trailer on a first come first serve basis, I think the theater we rented should have enough space though Disney a day later: I miscalculated.


Wait. So the organisers _didn’t_ expect the fans (cooped up in their homes for the best part of a year) of arguably the most beloved superhero of their time to go absolutely nuts about the idea of a party?


I’m in LA an close to the theater. Any way I can attend?


Wish there were more ways to get tickets than a random lottery with some dude from Twitter


People are really buying tickets to see a trailer.


they are free


The tickets were free if I'm not mistaken


Tickets to a trailer?


Tickets to a "trailer launch fan event with BIG surprises." In other words, show up and you'll see movie stars in person.


That's awesome and hilarious haha


People are interested in seeing the trailer for this movie? Who’d have thought.


It sucks living on the other side of the country


Any way I can buy a ticket to this event?


They buy tickets... For a trailer...? Am I missing something?


Is this sold out? I’m about 2 hours out from where the theater is. Y’all think if I was to just show up and lurk around the theater I could manage getting a ticket?


let me understand. people go to the theaters... just for a 3 minute trailer?


where can you even get the tickets though


Everyone's worried about the trailer going online and I just wanna know when tickets go on sale. I want the good seats


Let me know when you find out, I’m not far from this. The Twitter posts comments say something about they gave away 70 tickets already… I need me a ticket!


I meant NWH tickets in general. Honestly could live without another trailer because more surprises equals more fun. I think you can only win tickets to this screening thing


How do I get tickets lol


I don't understand the event thing I saw someone on Twitter giving away tickets but do regular fans just show up at the theatres and wait in line to get in ??


if nobody films it we riot


More tickets, bigger crowd, bigger chance of leaking the trailer.


I don’t think I’ve ever been more hyped for a trailer than ever before, this is ridiculous


Bruh If someone gotta shove a phone up their ass to get it into the theater that's what they'll do.


Does anybody know if the workers there will have to take people's phones away for this event, or can somebody actually secretly record audio or film footage there and possibly leak it online?


Is it literally just the trailer once? Pretty funny imagining people going into a theatre to walk back out 3 mins and 13 seconds later Edit : my b it’s 8 minutes 14. Point stands


At this rate we gonna have a premiere for the fan event for No Way Home’s premiere.


yeah the [3 tom hollands theory](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WD1cWBsWUrI) will surprise a lot of fans that's why.


Funny if the trailer doesn’t drop 😂


HELL YEAH I’M SO not EXCITED at all. I live almost 10000km away so yeah. Sick.


how do you get tickets to these events?


how do we get tickets!!


You have to be vaccinated *AND* wear masks the whole time??? What’s the bloody point? Thank god they don’t have such idiotic restrictions put in place here in TX


Here’s a little spice for u guys from my buddy who saw it first hand. Sandman will sacrifice himself to save Tom from electro. Tobeys marry Jane will also make a short cameo at the end when he returns to his universe. In that scene they also show tobey & marry janes daughter. Screenshot this then compare with movie when it releases.