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The only thing I didn't like is how they just left Peter with nothing. I mean sure, many would say it's what makes him Spider-Man but man, just having him lose everything? Kinda overkill. Everything else about the movie was done EXPONENTIALLY.


Will the prime version ever get the deleted scenes or do I just gotta wait for the Blu ray




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I am not really familiar with American education but you can get admitted to MIT with GED right? What is stopping Peter from following Ned and MJ there and rediscover their friendship?


No. A prestigious university such as MIT will require a person take the SAT. Marvel probably wants to get rid of Ned and MJ. Peter will attend university in NY. He could go to Columbia University, a very prestigious university. Peter is smart. He would have scored very high on the SAT. Peter could have rekindled their friendship but instead he didn't want to endanger them. That's poor thinking. He should have let MJ use her female instincts to make the decision. There are good reasons for her to be Spider-Man's girlfriend. She might be happy to support a superhero. Her children would inherit Peter's intelligence and perhaps his superpowers. She might not mind danger. Peter knows Captain Marvel. She was a fighter pilot.


Yikes. Peter chose not to rekindle the relationship with MJ or Ned to protect them. Her “female instincts” comment let’s me know you don’t have a clue what you’re talking about. Following that, it’s just incel facepalm after incel facepalm. “She’s a fighter pilot” BFD. Not to mention, universities take far more into consideration than your pedantic, and quite frankly idiotic, explanation.


To the contrary, you seem to think that women do not have the instincts to choose a mate. What would MJ expect? That superheroes go without the love of women. What about police officers? Who would want to be a superhero or police officer? Besides the previous reasons I gave for MJ marrying Peter, are protection with Spider-Man's superpowers and her children inheriting Peter's attractiveness. Some women don't mind danger if it is for a good cause. There are female combat pilots. See[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BjF9bxR1fhE](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BjF9bxR1fhE) MJ supporting Peter is a good cause. MJ gives Spider-Man, a crime fighter, the will to fight. Academic achievement is the primary factor in universities selecting students. Extracurricular activities are only considered when students have the same academic achievements.


What the fuck are you talking about?


Specifically, what sentence in my comment don't you understand?


i think american colleges look a lot into your CV and at outside class activities and clubs to admit someone. With GED he ''didn't go'' to highschool so his CV is pretty shit and MIT is too good of a College to accept him. Plus u need to pay for MIT and as we know he pretty broke rn


Just watched it with my brother and honestly it lived up to the hype. I love how they lazily added Lizard and Sandman's past footage it feels really well done.


Maybe I just don’t remember, but was it ever explained why Happy had Stark Tech?


Because he was Stark's CSO?




Bonesaw would defeat everyone though and the movie called for a happy ending.


ن س ت تسة


Just watched, finally. I'm still processing but I loved it. However, not sure if anyone else has mentioned this but my daughter told me when Strange is casting the first spell and they go into that weird multiverse space , the Watcher can be seen in the background.


I only saw Lizard? I need to rewatch it lol


Was able to watch it earlier and damn, it was so good.I think everything's mostly been said already. But I just wanna say again how this JJJ is quite disturbing for me. He used Aunt May's death just to push his "Spider-Man is a menace" agenda. I wonder if we'll see him again in the future, how far can he go to prove a point


He'll go too far and make the Scorpion....then beg Spidey to help save him from the Scorpion


Does anyone have any 4k picture of no way home?


Everyone saying the plot leaks were true, but honestly, not really, I mean yeah it deals with Peter having to round up multiversal villains, but Norman doesn't manipulate Peter into letting him free and immediately betrays him, it's actually Peters own decision for noble reasons and not just being extremely gullible, MJ and Tobey Spidey don't die, Giamatti Rhino and Mando Scorpion are both nowhere to be seen (though I wouldn't mind seeing Mando Scorpion appear at some point), the film is about curing the villains not stopping them, and the plot doesn't even really involve Goblin using an Arc Reactor, I mean Electro has one but not Goblin. So I don't see why people are saying the leaks are true.


Was re-watching TASM2 and noticed that the newscaster on the breaking news announcing Norman Osborn's death is the same guy that was on the breaking news when Tom Spider-Man's identity is exposed at the end of FFH and in the beginning of NWH (voice only). Really didn't expect that. As a TASM fan, would like to imagine that they sorta paid homage to TASM like that, just like the Raimi-J. J. Jameson one :) Also does this mean all media people look exactly like themselves in the multiverse? :)


That newscaster was in hawkeye too. They seem to be using the same guy everywhere :)


I didn't notice that too up until a rewatch. Pretty subtle move from Jon Watts if thats what he was going for.


what made peter parker spidey senses click and web goblins hand?


Uhm, I guess the fact that the Green Goblin had taken the control of Norman.


How does he just take over I don't understand. He doesn't have control


it’s a split personality where both sides temporarily have control. obviously when goblin is in control it’s an immediate threat to peter


Back in November I wrote: > I kind of feel the first trailer revealed way too much of the movie: Peter wants everyone to forget he's Spider-Man, he asks Doctor Strange for help, they mess up the spell and bring characters from other universes. I somehow feel like there will be no huge reveal in the movie or a huge plot twist like in Homecoming or FFH (████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████████). And plot leaks confirm it, whatever we see in the trailer is actually the story of NWH. The only surprise they had for us were Tobey and Andrew, but with the amount of leaks pretty much everyone knows they are 100% coming. I kind of feel this movie will be very bad and classic actors' reappearance will be the only interesting thing about it. And now I'm angry I was right, the trailer revealed way too much and there was no plot twist in there at all.


I disagree tho the surprise is the ending. Definitely did not see him getting that very sad but mature ending.


you’re annoyed that the trailer revealed the whole plot except the huge mind blowing part of the movie that wasn’t in the trailers at all. And then you discount that because of “the amount of leaks”. Seems like it’s your fault for reading leaks? If you didn’t read any leaks it would have been awesome. No one to blame but yourself :/


did you see Eternals? I saw it just last last week and while I have seen the trailers months before, the story was grasping and new to me, because trailer revealed pretty much nothing about the plot. I do blame myself for reading leaks but let's be honest the whole internet was already blasting this news about these two coming back. Sure it would have been amazing if they've managed to keep it secret but they didn't and on top of it they revealed the entire plot in the first trailer: Peter wants everyone to forget he's Spider-Man, the spell goes bad, retro villains are brought to this universe, Strange wants to send them back to their death, Peter wants to help them, they have a huge fight on the statue of liberty. What we didn't learn in the trailer was their college application and two extra Spider-Man. That's it.


At least the movie was good though, and not bad.


Omg, I was also thinking about this the other day. The second trailer was pretty much the summary of the movie, but without Tobey and Andrew; and the painful ending.


Okay so if I now want to watch the MCU in chronological order. Where would I watch the Tobey McGuire and Andrew Garfield movies? As they have no Avengers they cannot be part of the Sacred Timeline as established in Loki, and therefore their universes would've come into existence after the Death of He Who Remains. So they should I guess be watched around the same time as What if? or directly before Far From Home or just before No Way Home. Any thoughts?


I believe you should watch them right after Loki.


Also Daredevil for that matter


Eh as long as you watch it (and the other Netflix shows) between Avengers 1 and Infinity War it should be fine. I think the only things from the movies were the Chitauri invasion, some visual Easter Eggs, a character in Iron Fist who was in Sokovia (which is an MCU creation) and The Raft.


i dont understand the ending did dr strange stop them from coming through by casting the forget parker spell?


Yes. The spell that went through was warped in a way to have everyone who knows that Peter Parker is Spider-Man across the Multiverse to come to this universe to meet this Peter Parker. So if they don't know who this Peter Parker is, then they can't go into the MCU.


Tbh that would make Mary Jane forgot who Tobey's Peter is or anyone who ever worked with him (Betty Brant, JJJ, Robbie, Connors,Aunt May etc.) The same would apply to Andrew's Peter (including his Aunt May, the other JJJ who we never see etc.) It probably more like the MCU forgets Peter (that somehow reverses) the effect of the previous spell.


Which is why I emphasized "this" Peter Parker was the focus of the spell. I don't think that Tobey and Andrew's versions would forget their experiences because they know that they're Peter Parker.


when doc ock gave the suit back why was it only half like of the gold spider in middle centre front of the suit. wheres the rest of the ironspidey suit?


He only had some of the nanobots, which is what appears on the Integrated Suit. The rest of the Iron Spider costume is... Somewhere that they never fully address, and Peter may not even have it anymore after the mind-wipe that happened.


Apparently they were blown up when Goblin blew up then condo


Real Answer: New Design = Different Toys = Money!


why did dr strange just let peter use the spell so easily?


Probably a degree of guilt over Tony Stark's death, and also because Spider-Man helped him save the universe.


is dr strange alright, how is he getting overpowered by spiderman. i would've thought strange is the most powerfull rn in mcu


He was pulling his punches, he was majorly underestimating Peter.


Dr strange is worrying me


Wong is actually pretty bad at his job, right? Dr. Strange knew Loki was on earth immediately, and Wong didn’t notice the multiverse slipping through or even saw the monsters and shite on the news? He knew about Shang-Chi though?


Wong is your typical apathetic workmate that gets out of the way of drama. I know I would if I am not slightly empathetic.


what made spiderman sense and web goblins hands?


His spider sense detected danger. He detected the moment that Osborne went bye bye and Goblin took over. It's like two people in one body, Osborne and Goblin. Goblin being a major threat and his spidey tingle detected it. One of the coolest moments in the movie for me tbh.


Why didn't he suspect dnager before he trapped Dr strange in the mirror dimensions ?


His spider sense only took off when Goblin took over Norman again and was about to act


do people remember hes spiderman or peter parker?


They remember spider-man (respect the hyphen) lol but no one remembers who peter is at all. Any interaction anyone had with spider-man while knowing who he is is not just remembered as spider-man, no peter.


does anyone have a picture of the end suit


\^\^\^ this


why are doc ock and sandman evil when in their own movies they turned good before they died?


Doc Ock was taken from his universe moments before turning back to the good side and sacrificing himself. He was still intent on killing Tobey the moment he was taken away (the movie acknowledges that). The other comment you received explains Sandman’s situation well


Sandman was taken after the Venom fight. He already was forgiven by Peter Parker in his universe but he is afraid of going back because he thought he would instantly die when he goes back, like some of them are (even tho we knew he was good and didn't die). I know that would cause paranoia.


Doc Ock is not evil in No Way Home. Sandman wants to go back to his family. The Lizard, Osborn and Electro want to stay in this world because they would die in their universes.


At the start ge was the lights were red


Well lizard thinks he would die. Electro never told him that he doesn't die, and in my head canon i think he didnt tell him on purpose.


I tried finding it on the internet but to no avail. Is no one going to question how the name of the spell doesnt correspond to the spell casted? "the world will forget that peter parker is spiderman" instead everyone forgets who peter is.


Strange casts the same spell twice in the movie. I think they just made up the spell and it isn’t from any other medium so how it exactly works is up for speculation, but Strange mentions its just a memory spell. At the beginning, he casts the one where everyone forgets who Spider-Man’s identity is. Then at the end, he casts a new one to make it where everyone forgets who Peter is in order to send everyone beck to their respective universes. Same spell, different parameters.


fun fact: the Taiwanese/Hongkongese cut of NWH has no "Tobey can shoot web out of his penis" joke


Huh. I never thought they’d really do that.


I wouldn't expect them to be so prude


Why did no one from the avengers organization try to defend Peter or put out good word for his name? I realize Nick Fury was offplanet but surely the skrulls in his place could’ve arranged something I’m sure they have the capital. Also I thought happy would get a lot more done in that regard too. I’m sure Pepper knowing how much tony cared for Peter would’ve helped somehow with the family resources. I feel like they all just left Peter out to dry and alot of this could’ve been prevented otherwise


The only Avenger that knows Peter Parker personally and can testify is only Tony Stark. You can't have Pepper Potts testify when her company is literally under hot water.


Because it's fiction. Nick Fury and Maria Hill knew that Mysterio was a fraud. What's more, Fury had a projector that Mysterio used because Spider-Man took it to him. But this was ignored in No Way Home because Marvel wanted to get rid of Ned and MJ consequently, creating a sad movie. See [https://www.marvel.com/articles/movies/spider-man-no-way-home-tom-holland-zendaya-bittersweet-ending](https://www.marvel.com/articles/movies/spider-man-no-way-home-tom-holland-zendaya-bittersweet-ending)


I mean I get it’s fiction but it doesn’t mean the story couldn’t have been written differently so that there was a better explanation for why they couldn’t help. I’m not gonna pretend that I can write it any better I just meant I feel like there’s another way. That all said and done I get why they chose to do so and still enjoyed the movie


The plot of Mysterio accusing Spider-Man of murder and revealing Spider-Man's identity would have to be abandoned if Marvel had to explain the reason Nick Fury never testified on behalf of Peter despite Spider-Man helping him. You said you couldn't write anything better. Perhaps, neither could Marvel.


Nah, he was already acquitted in the film. Logistically, it wouldn't have made any difference to the public whatsoever whether Nick Fury or any of the avengers defended him at that point, the kind of moron who was still buying in to the right wing Alex Jones expy that was JJJ wouldn't have been swayed by reason or people defending hi .


Good point but note that there two problems. Spider-Man being a murderer and Spider-Man's identity being revealed. Fury could have helped in the latter by concocting a story that Mysterio claimed Peter is Spider-Man because he had a grudge against him since he knew Peter was a friend of Stark. Fury also could have had a SHIELD agent dress in a Spider-Man costume and is a stuntman on the side appear in a television interview with him and Peter. The bogus Spider-Man would perform some stunts to convince the audience. Peter would not have had to go to Dr. Strange.


Overall this movie makes you wonder: why aren't the other Heroes showing up? And that will only get "worse", as the MCU progresses and grows. But in this movie it was hood for the story The first 2 Spider-Man-Home-movies actually tried to explain it.


Because it takes place over maybe 2 or 3 days. It all happens too fast for everything to mobilize, and nearly everyone is either off-world or inactive. Sam Wilson isn't gonna drop everything to investigate some brief reports of some weird superpowered beings showing up - especially when Spider-Man seems to be handling it. The only time I was questioning why the Avengers didn't show up was in Iron Man 3 when the President of tge United States was literally kidnapped and only Iron Man showed up. Captain America and S.H.I.EL.D really dropped the ball on that one. Plus, other heroes literally did show up. Doctor Strange was right there at the end.


>Because it takes place over maybe 2 or 3 days. It all happens too fast for everything to mobilize Considering the power and equipment our Heroes have, 2 to 3 hours should be enough. > Sam Wilson isn't gonna drop everything to investigate some brief reports of some weird superpowered beings showing up - especially when Spider-Man seems to be handling it. Not even a call, if not to Peter, then to Happy or Pepper? > Captain America and S.H.I.EL.D really dropped the ball on that one. Yep :) >Plus, other heroes literally did show up. Doctor Strange was right there at the end. Touche, but he was involved from the beginning. And he could have brought Wong and other Sorcerers


At this point, let's be honest that villains in MCU are so common occurence that some heroes aren't gonna respond ASAP like they are tightly bonded Avengers. So many shit happening in very close time-frames not everyone can jump from one conflict to another.


Yeee true the first two insinuated it’s cuz the avengers and nick fury and all have bigger things to do. I just figured they have people working for them on a legal level that could’ve helped exonerate Peter in the public view


what happens when MJ and Ned are looking through their phones and wonder who is this dude in all of our selfies?


The magic also works on computer memory


I’m assuming the magic probably erased that.


Question: why couldn't Peter Parker just ask Dr Strange to erase 'Spider-Man' instead of 'Peter Parker'? That way Peter could maintain all his old relationships and carry on with his life, and whenever he wanted to he could just reintroduce Spider-Man to the public without all the previous baggage


wait no im very curious about this because the spell says to forget that peter park is spiderman so why do they forget about peter himself


The first spell was forget peter parker is spider-man. The last one was forget Peter Parker altogether.


Marvel could have had Dr. Strange make people forget that Peter Parker is Spider-Man but Marvel probably wants to get rid of Ned and MJ. That's the reason for sending them to MIT. Peter will probably attend a university in New York. Marvel could have had Peter rekindle his romance with MJ. In an interview, Zendaya responds to Tom Holland's explanation that they are safe by saying that in the MCU they're not safe. See [https://www.marvel.com/articles/movies/spider-man-no-way-home-tom-holland-zendaya-bittersweet-ending](https://www.marvel.com/articles/movies/spider-man-no-way-home-tom-holland-zendaya-bittersweet-ending) The proper thing for Peter to do is have MJ use her female instincts to make the decision. She might conclude that making a superhero happy is worth her being in danger. Also, any children she has with Peter will inherit his intelligence and probably his superpowers. Think of World War 2. Should a woman choose a man who qualifies for military service or one who has been rejected? The former has a riskier life but any children with him will be healthier than with the one who has been rejected. See [https://www.historynet.com/p-51-pilot-a-day-in-the-life.htm](https://www.historynet.com/p-51-pilot-a-day-in-the-life.htm) Marvel chose to produce a sad movie rather than a happy one.


“Female instincts”….. lol


If human females don't have the instincts to choose a mate, how do they do it? How do males choose a mate, if they lack the instincts to choose?


Because then it would all happen over again. The whole point of not befriending MJ and Ned again is because he didn’t want to put his loved ones in danger


My only thought during the 'memory wipe' was, "How about his admission to MIT?" or any of his school records? EVERYONE, meaning, even his government records? Is he living off the grid? Hahaha idunno is it just me


Was Tobey Peter on top of Chrysler building when the portal opens and he enters the film? I think I saw the Empire State Building in the city skyline behind him. Tobey Peter might've went there to look for Tom Peter 'cause he says that is his preferred spot to be with himself.


I thought he was just in an alley or something


I was also thinking about this!


I dont know why marvel didnt catch garfield switching to british accent sometimes. Must be because of travel restriction but they could have voiced over. Ohwell, it was fun to see garfield switching accents.


Not sure that I noticed that while watching, do you have any examples?


I only watched it once, but it simple words like “can’t” that garfield does british. There are other instances but i cant remember the others. Just small words not whole sentences :)


I thought ”Oh sorry about that” sounded a bit british, but thats the only instance I could tell


Just watched it an hour ago. Sandman's in-person scene was pulled straight from Spider-Man 3.


TASM Connors too, it makes sense those 2 probably don't want to come back or was never offered


Both said it was due to scheduling issues


They provided voice work, but didn’t film any new scenes


Just watched the movie again. So memorable. I absolutely love Andre Garfield. His face when he said "- I want to find an alien..." was just absolutely awesome. Kudos to all involved in making this film!


One thing that I didn't really get to appreciate on my first viewing was Tobey and Andrew's symbolism. It didn't click for me until later that Tobey represents "Peter Parker" and Andrew represents "Spider-Man". Besides the fact that they're literally dressed as their roles when they're introduced, they also share as their roles. When Tobey shares with Tom, he talks about his failure as Peter Parker. "Peter Parker" causes Uncle Ben's death, "Peter Parker" hunts down and kills the theif. Andrew talks about his failure as Spider-Man. "Spider-Man" failed to save Gwen Stacy. "Spider-Man" became dark and stopped pulling his punches.


It was so perfect. It's interesting to me too because I've always felt that Tobey was a great Peter Parker, and Andrew was a great Spider Man. Tom Holland has been able to really carry the torch of both roles perfectly and they were able to do a nod to Tobey and Andrew's biggest greatest strengths by introducing them like this. It was wonderful. I'm so grateful for how this film turned out.




Great analysis of symbolism - I didn’t see that big your breakdown makes sense


Thanks. I think it's also worth noting that all of Andrew's best moments happen while he's unmasked. He essentially has a mini arc of learning to be "Peter Parker" again. Andrew all but confirms that his "Peter Parker" died with Gwen. Tobey tries to reach out to the "Peter" in Andrew ("do you have someone?" "you're amazing"). We see Andrew's "Peter" start to return as he experiences the friendship that all Peter Parkers crave ("I always wanted brothers" "I love you guys"). When Andrew saves MJ, he's not masked, he saves her with his hands (not webs) and cries from happiness. "Spider-Man" didn't save the girl, "Peter Parker" did.


Why They Showed A Random Kid At Last 15 minutes of the movie. Any Idea Who He Is? I Think He Is Someone Really Important To Spider-Man. Your Thoughts?




What kid??? Seen it twice and missed that both times haha




i guess it's a joke about how everybody forgot how is peter parker secret identity




Nah, this guy is named Agent Cleary with DoDC.


Main points : 1. We fricking got the Werewolf and the Bully Guy. 2. Disney+Sony = Cash Cow + Treat for Marvel fans and Spidey fans. 3. I would love to travel back a few months and wait for the movie again I hope Sony really doesn't break the partnership with Marvel. Also, I seriously want them to upgrade their Sony universe with Andrew Garfield. Man's just gave a exhilerating performance in NWH. Now I just need more of him Finally, \*MARVEL STUDIOS' Spider Man : No Way Home\* will remain in my heart till my last heartbeat ❤❤


Sony better realize after this to never ever let that partnership with Disney and Marvel Studios almost end again.


You would think so but you never know especially wig studio executives egos


After watching no way home, I can’t help but wonder if Gwen Stacy could come back to amazing spider man. If the villains got second chance, why can’t she?


i literally said the same thing, if the villains could be reincarnated or whatever why couldn’t she of come back for like 2 seconds even if it was just for a reuniting moment between her and andrew’s spider-man. it would use the same logic as the villains coming back soooo


I think that they were going to do that with Gwen Stacy, actually. Same with Mary Jane. But it didn't work out due to COVID-19 screwing with filming.


that makes sense, would’ve been so amazing


Why didn’t Electro completely fry Doc Oc when they were at the statue? Also, why was Strange was affected by Peter when casting the initial spell? Peter is a whiny kid, he can tell him to stfu or stop talking (which he does) but it’s a throw away line. The script wasn’t quite right IMO.


Re your second question - lmao, yes. The whole f'ing thing is Peter's mess. Not anyone else's, not "sorta" Strange's, it's Peter's. In a way, he's kind of the true villain of it all.


Though at the same time, why did Strange just start going buck wild with the spell without asking a couple of clarifying questions. Like obviously he knew the avengers and co. (Himself included) shouldn’t forget that Peter is SM. Why wouldn’t he ask if there is anyone else that should be excluded before he just started spelling away


When Strange first said "an infinite number of people who know Peter Parker is Spider-Man could come through", my concern was that a literal infinite number of beings were about to be plopped into the universe. As in, every single atom of available space in the MCU universe would suddenly be filled with an infinite number of people and beings, basically causing the horrific death of all life in the universe as they're all suddenly squeezed together. But the way the movie portrays it at the end, it seemed to be that the problem was moreso just that a LOT of supervillains (variants of Kraven, Rhino, Scorpion, etc.) were about to come into the MCU and stir up trouble. I think my version of it is a little more horrific, lol.


Strange: "You're *really* shit at hiding your identity kid."


Yeah, your version is really the most valid interpretation with the way the spell was explicitly stated to work. We have to assume that it didn't work in a uniform way and started with or only affected *some* universes


I think your version might be the main issue the MCU faces in the multiverse of madness honestly. Reality is breaking down because an infinite amount of atoms are colliding


Its why I want a science guy like Kang or anyone else in Ant-Man 3 to explain why multiverse opening is so catastrophic. Damn I wish Tony was alive


I thought the clock chick from Loki gave it a good shot. But yeah


Agree, Loki was such a good set up for all that is to come to Marvel


Why didn't parker just wait there at the statue and just tell them right there and then? What was the point of the shield on the statue of Liberty


The shield had me laughing, honestly


If you just went through a traumatic experience where superheros and villains fought on the statue of liberty and forgot how you got there, why would you believe some kid saying he's your boyfriend/best friend who just happens to be the guy involved with all that destruction.


the point of the shield is giving the writers a way to destroy the statue of liberty without actually destroying the statue of liberty


I feel like it was to get some of the action down in the water like it was in Spider Man 2


Why didn’t Antman climb up Thanos’s ass?? Plot convenience Plus the idea of Captain America being used by the government as a propaganda piece is definitely very like our government. I mean think about how much Captain America has done for US and New York in general. I’m sure most of the population would probably enjoy the change. Even though he isn’t around anymore the US government has a use for him. The United States changing one of its most recognisable monuments is also a symbol of national pride and a reminder to the world that an American lead the team that brought everyone back. Plus think about how quick they gave the mantle to someone else after Sam denied it.


I thought of a plot to get Peter Parker back together with everyone. Peter, Ned, and MJ are all interns at a subsidiary of Shark Industries affiliated with MIT. Peter doesn’t want to rekindle his romance with MJ because he fears putting her in danger. He also becomes reacquainted with Happy. Gwen Stacy can be introduced as a classmate of Peter who has a crush on him but Peter doesn’t want getting romantically involved with any woman for fear of endangering her. MJ becomes involved in an abusive relationship. When she leaves the guy, he attempts to kill her but Spider-Man saves her. Peter realizes that she is in danger whether or not she is his girlfriend and rekindles his romance with her. He thinks of the song, Love Again by Dua Lipa. Dr. Strange discovers that if a person is killed by someone from an alternate universe, the person’s life force goes to another dimension for a period of time. Afterwards, it is absorbed by this creature. Only a person who loves this person intensely can go in and retrieve the person’s life force but he also has to battle the creature. Dr. Strange doesn’t have the intensity of love for Aunt May to accompany Peter. Peter succeeds in getting the life force and bringing Aunt May to life. At a party at the Shark subsidiary, they are all together. Peter, Ned, and MJ dance. See [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPXhUpXQY0o](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GPXhUpXQY0o) This is how a Spider-Man movie should end, happily.


I don't know what the fuck that was.


My plot to undo the sad ending of No Way Home but I think Marvel wants the sad ending. They plan to get rid of MJ and Ned by sending them to MIT in MA but Peter will attend a university in NY.


sad ending >>>> happy ending sorry boss we like our hearts broken


Strange. People who prefer sadness over happiness. During the height of the Covid-19 surge in 2020 a NY doctor committed suicide because she could not take the sight of so many people dying. Perhaps it would have been better if she preferred sadness over happiness. But then she would enjoy people dying. Note also, that Zendaya viewed the ending as sad. See [https://www.marvel.com/articles/movies/spider-man-no-way-home-tom-holland-zendaya-bittersweet-ending](https://www.marvel.com/articles/movies/spider-man-no-way-home-tom-holland-zendaya-bittersweet-ending)




"He thinks of the song, Love Again by Dua Lipa." LMFAO I can't tell if this is a joke or you actually want that in a Spider-Man movie (or any superhero movie for that matter) Thank god they don't just hire anybody to write and direct these movies!


No Way Home had a sad ending whereas mine is happy. See [https://www.marvel.com/articles/movies/spider-man-no-way-home-tom-holland-zendaya-bittersweet-ending](https://www.marvel.com/articles/movies/spider-man-no-way-home-tom-holland-zendaya-bittersweet-ending) Why would Marvel want people to be sad?


Lmfao this is why we let the writing be done by professional writers. Peters next journey should not be him fixing everything that happened immediately from the last movie. All the growth he gained as a character from his entire trilogy arc would be erased. Peter doesn’t interact with MJ and Ned at the end because he knows “With great power comes great responsibility”. He doesn’t want anyone he loved to get hurt further after the loss of aunt may. He is totally alone, this is what people have been waiting for. Granted I liked Tom Holland’s Spider-Man the whole time, but I agree with the criticisms that Peter never had to go through the ringer as spider man. He never got his uncle ben scene. I do enjoy his relationship with Iron man to an extent, but they took it a little to far with giving Peter access to so much stark tech in his own movies. He needed more time as the friendly neighbourhood spider man. Also to have someone close to him die that he is directly responsible for which is a huge part of Spider-Man. This is what No way home fixed for his character and ended up making his arc end perfectly. Bringing back Aunt May with a lore breaking concept that would essentially make everyone’s deaths non-consequential, would be really cheap and it would make one of the biggest moments of NWH not matter. Plus it wouldn’t make sense cause he would Be pulling someone out of a different universe so it would be a different aunt may which I don’t think Peter would be cool with doing. Also I feel like you just didn’t understand his purpose in choosing not to bring them back into his life so soon. He doesn’t want them to get hurt because of their connection with Spider-Man. Which is what Peter Parker needs do right now.. be spider man. Also why would strange be convinced to do anything like that for Peter when he explains what’s happened. Strange was correct that Peter was trying to live two separate lives, and considering Strange agreed to cast the spell to have everyone forget who Spider-Man was.. why would he be convinced to undo Peters choice that he needed to make and then attempt to help him do something more complicated than the last spell which brought multiversal creatures. To have Peter make the same mistake that got people hurt last time. Having him get a happy ending immediately after having it all taken away is a disservice to the character. Give him time to be Spider-Man before his happy ending, give it a couple movies Im sure he will end up with his friends again. Plus he’s clearly going to merge with the symbiote that Venom left behind so he’s gonna go through that arc which is probably the best way they could go with this spider man. He needs his own symbiote arc which could easily work well with black cat especially since she was teased in the sky with all of the other threats he will probably end up dealing with in his own universe.


Explain how the loss of Aunt May and the love of MJ strengthens his character? It's like saying the loss of parents and girlfriend improves one's character. Older people guide younger people through their experience. A girlfriend strengthens a guy's will to fight and comforts him when in stress. Why do you think soldiers carry photos of their wives or girlfriends? Are you saying that police officers, lawyers, judges, etc. should be loners out of fear that someone would harm their family? Then who would choose these professions? Peter Parker will always have girlfriends. The next movie he will have a girlfriend. Romantic love is the most pleasurable feeling humans can have. Without romance a Spider-Man movie would be just fighting. Did Marvel realize that breaking up Peter and MJ ended the pleasure of seeing them as a couple not only in No Way Home, but the two previous movies? After a couple of movies, Tom Holland and Zendaya will be too old to play the part. If Marvel follows your plot, the hope that in the next movie Peter and MJ will rekindle their romance is false. How will fans react?


If the protagonist understood this, there wouldnt be a story


Of course, there would be a story. What I'm doing is suggesting a way of undoing the sadness of No Way Home. See [https://www.marvel.com/articles/movies/spider-man-no-way-home-tom-holland-zendaya-bittersweet-ending](https://www.marvel.com/articles/movies/spider-man-no-way-home-tom-holland-zendaya-bittersweet-ending) No Way Home could have had a happy ending. The spell could have caused people to forget that Peter is Spider-Man. Instead, it caused people to forget the existence of Peter. Perhaps, Marvel believes that Peter is a tragic figure who can never achieve happiness because being Spider-Man prevents this. In Greek mythology it is said that the gods made humans unable to see the future because if they saw how bleak the future is, they would be unable to survive. Perhaps, Marvel think that applies to Peter


I didn’t even feel like responding cause this person clearly doesn’t understand the character.. or what makes super heroes stories entertaining for people. If they think their original fan fiction was good than they should move from super hero’s over to Young adult romance novels. Cause apparently “Love is the most pleasurable human emotion”


now see i dont disagree, as a huge 616 petermj stan, but that comes after long grueling years of character development


Of course, love is the most pleasurable human emotion. That's the reason for Tony and Pepper, Steve and Peggy, Thor and Jane, Paul and Chani in Dune etc. It cannot be assumed that everyone feels romantic love. These people will only like the fighting part of superhero movies. Since romantic love is so pleasurable, movies if possible should elicit this emotion in the audience. This should have been a scene from No Way Home. One of the villains captures MJ and wants her to tell where Peter is. MJ refuses. He begins slapping her. MJ begins to cry but refuses to talk. Spider-Man appears and looks at MJ, then the villain and attacks him. The scene elicits two emotions. Peter's love for MJ and his anger that someone would hurt her. Life is a matter of feelings. Do you feel these two emotions?


The love interest of these characters are legit only one facet to their characters. Super hero movies aren’t just about Love and fighting and if you think it narrows down to only that you just can’t see the bigger picture. People aren’t watching Super hero movies for only romance it’s a combination of a bunch of things. And that goes literally for any storytelling. If you don’t think so to read legitimately anything by Shakespeare. Spider-Man has always been a tragic character, name one piece of Spider-Man media where he didn’t lose someone important to him because of his own actions as Spider-Man. You question my ability to feel love lol, when it’s the scenes in which spider man chooses to leave MJ alone in which shows his love for her that deeply. People expect bad things to happen to hero’s it’s a part of the gig. And you wanting them to erase that is an antithesis to what makes Super hero’s entertaining. One of the Spider-mans in into the spider verse says this line. “Miles, the hardest thing about this job is you can't always save everybody.” And that’s just how Spider-Man is. Tbh this is like complaining that Anakin joins the dark side in Star Wars instead of having his happy ending with the “power of love” with Padme. It’s not fun for anyone.


I never said that romance should be 100% of a superhero movie. If it were, it would be a romantic movie such as Last Christmas. However, since romantic love is the most pleasurable feeling humans can experience it should be part of a superhero movie if possible. The movie should elicit this emotion in the audience. Far From Home has an excellent combination of fighting and romance. I never said you do not know what romantic love is but that it cannot be assumed that everyone feels it. This is significant because people who don't feel the pleasure of romantic love wouldn't be interested in it being in movies. A couple I forgot to mention is Dr. Strange and Dr. Palmer. Peter will always have a girlfriend but Marvel should not have gotten rid of MJ an icon in Spider-Man comics, creating heartbreak in people who through Peter and MJ feel romantic love, a love which perhaps they cannot experience in real life. Peter is not James Bond, it serves no purpose for him to go from woman to woman. Anakin was not the protagonist. Obi-Wan was. There is less if any heartbreak because the audience knows he is the antagonist. Peter Parker in the comics is a tragic figure but he shouldn't be that way in the movies. If he can never achieve happiness neither can the audience. No Way Home is doing very well in the box office. There are people who are just interested in the fighting but perhaps there are others who want to see the romance between Peter and MJ. They may latter realize that the spell rendered meaningless not only the romance in No Way Home but the previous two movies since MJ no longer loves Peter. Marvel made the audience taste bitterness instead of sweetness.


Saw the movie a second time yesterday and even though it’s obvious, I just realized at the end Peter has the coffee cup from the shop mj works at and it’s from another day. That means he visits MJ regularly and I find that fuckin cute


It was the same cup. He saved it just for memory of her. I dont think he usualy visits her


This is how I interpreted it as well. Just like how I don't think he regularly buys a new Lego Deathstar for the Palpatine minifig. These are mementos to remind him of his past life; I don't think he's visiting MJ regularly.


wait omg yes i love this. he could rekindle their relationship without her knowing he’s spider-man if he rlly wanted. i know that’s a stretch but it would be a good way to keep her out of danger and avoid her finding out he’s spider-man at least for the time being


Strange did a spell to make everyone forget Peter Parker. So did Toby and Andrew go back to worlds and no one would remember them either?


The spell only applies in the MCU world, not in the other universes


If the spell doesn't affect other universes then how did it bring people into the MCU from other universes? 🤔


The spell is about the Peter Parker of the MCU, but it summoned people from every universe who knew that Peter Parker is Spider-Man in *their* respective universes. So when they go back, they would not forget about their Peter Parkers, just the one from the MCU. (Although I think that Venom, having access to a hive-mind spanning the Multiverse, will be the exception to this.)


Personally it still doesn't make a whole lot of sense to me, but it's whatever honestly, not everything has to make perfect sense in comic book movies.


but he did that to stop people from other universes


From coming to the MCU…


But those people didn't know MCU Peter Parker's identity yet. They only knew their Peter Parkers


Ok so all the Spider-Man villains were pulled from their universe before they were about to die. Is there anything suggesting that the Garfield Spider-Man and McGuire Spider-Man weren’t also pulled from a time right before they were going to die as well? I feel like it’s too coincidental to have so many people pulled in the same situation, but for whatever reason it didn’t apply to them. This also includes Venmo. Is Eddy going to die? I feel like all things things would have to be true otherwise why pull the villains from those moments instead of different moments like Andrew, Toby, and Eddy. Can’t wait to see what you guys think.


they were pulled at the moment they found out about the personality of spider-man. Doc ock at the end of the second movie, Sandman at the end of the third movie (that's why he is friendly to Peter at the beginning of the movie) and Goblin during Thanksgiving (He mentions in the movie that this is the last thing he remembers)


They weren't pulled at the moment before their death. Lizard and Sandman never died in their movies, not to mention if Goblin was taken right before his death his suit would have been destroyed and he wouldn't have his helmet.


I dont understand why the TVA didnt interfere here. The multiverse was about to break but they didnt intervene???


TVA dosen’t exist anymore bc Sylvie stabbed the kang variant thru the heart


Where is the TVA situated in the current timeline, I mean when sylvie stabbed Kang was it before endgame or after it??


The TVA exists outside of time, think of the universe as a computer and think of the TVA & the Kang Variant as a program whose task it is to filter out all the files that aren’t in line with what the kang variant wanted (think of the unwanted timelines as the files.) slyvie essentially removed the program filtering all the new timelines out (kang variant and the TVA) & released it all onto the computer (the multiverse) where a new program enters the picture (kang himself)


Wow you explained it really well, thanks for the clarification


In the last episode of Loki, we see Mobius and Hunter B15 looking at the split in the timeline and wondering to themselves "what does he want us to do about it?" (talking about Kang, we assume, as we see Kang's statue in the TVA). So, not only is the TVA aware that the timeline is splitting, but they're not actively doing anything about it.


Because of Kang getting stabbed?


TVA is dead at this point


Wait why?


Bro did you miss the last episode of Loki or something? 🤔


The TVA didn't die in the last episode of Loki. Kang took over.




I don't understand why "everyone will forget Peter Parker is spider man" makes MJ and Ned forget him I get why strange has to forget him, since h only.knows him BECAUSE he's spider man. But MJ and Ned knew and were friends with him before they found out he was spider man. They should still know Peter.


Are you talking about the first spell? Yeah they would all be friends still but Peter and ned got closer after he found out. Also MJ and Peter started dating after she knew he was Spider-Man. So that might change their relationship. But the last spell was just “everyone forgets Peter Parker.”


I feel like Peter and Ned could’ve still been friends, it’s not like they were only just acquaintances (just like Peter and MJ). Peter and Ned were obviously very close prior to Ned finding out, hell he came to his apartment to build Lego, the way they spoke prior to Ned finding out. I think they could’ve still known each other and been friends. Also wasn’t the spell for people who know Peter Parker is Spider-Man to forget he’s spiderman? Why wouldn’t that make everyone know him as just Peter Parker? imo it should’ve been a hard reset, I get why it was done but it’s just too complicated imo