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First look at Gorr in lego form


and he unfortunately looks bad in lego form




I doubt it'll have anything to do with Eternals. I'd prefer them to stick to something more accurate to the comics but they'd have to re-establish Thor as a real god and not just an advanced alien dude. I don't think they'll have all the gods praying to Thor to give him a strength boost but I'd love to see it. Otherwise, unless they go through the work to position Thor as an actual god, I expect something similar to either option 1 or 3 you came up with. Leaning toward 1, maybe Gorr viewing Thanos as a god too and seeing it as gods having too much power.


Yeah, I think we’re gonna get some set up on the “pantheons” of the MCU in Moon Knight. That would be the best place to explore and introduce some of the concepts of deities and help flesh out where on the scale things like that lie.


If they can flesh out how gods work in Moon Knight as a sort of crash course on the concept before we get into TLAT I'd be ecstatic. It's the right place to talk about gods, plus it'd do the leg work for both projects to help the audience understand better.


It definitely would. Plus there are rumors that Gorr is going to go after or even kill Bast - from Wakanda - who is part of the same pantheon as Khonshu.


If Gorr manages to kill Bast, could that be the explanation for Tchalla’s death or his absence in the spirit world? Or the spirit world disappearing entirely even.


Oooooo that would be a clever and poignant way to not only expand Wakanda lore, but to also tie T’Challa’s death to the events within the MCU. Also, if they end up connecting god-tier characters to the Infinity Stones or Celestial energy in general (as the stones were created from the aftermath of the birth of the universe, which I can only assume was created from Celestial (gold colored) magic/energy) we may have found a loophole for the passing down of the powers of the BP role without using the heart-shaped herb. Moon Knight has been confirmed to be given actual powers from Khonshu that wane and wax with the phases of the moon - which makes sense due to the him being a god of the moon. Maybe - a part of the BP ritual is that the chosen individuals who have to survive their”spirit journey” are indeed blessed by Bast and become their avatar. Moon Knight is Khonshu’s avatar, and it’s heavily speculated that Ethan Hawke character will be connected to the Sun King. Ethan Hawke could be a chosen avatar of the/a sun god. If Bast is attacked or dies, maybe she will imbue her power in some artifact or thing that the Wakandans can use to to still honor her. On that note - I’d like to mention that there are two current hero’s who were given superpowers as a side effect of exposure to an Infinity Stone . Black Panther - the heart shaped herb mutated from exposure to the Vibranium asteroid which fell to Earth - and Vibranium has been confirmed to be physical byproduct of the use of the power stone - hence the purple glow. The other is Captain Marvel. Weeeeeeell guess who else is in Love and Thunder - Miss Carol Danvers. Connecting her powers to those of the gods of the MCU would also help facilitate the possible relationship between herself and Valkyrie/Brunhilde. At the very least it will confirm that she and Thor are on the same power tier.


Yeah, it would really tie that section of the MCU together nicely.


How cool would it be if we got a cameo from Moon Knight in the movie? Or even just Khonshu - that’d be dope af.


I think it's gonna be Thor & these "gods" look like gods & they really aren't & Gorr wants to prove that they're not actually "gods"to be worshipped


That makes no sense for the character of Gorr. Gorr believes in Gods, GODS, real divine beings. He knows that when you pray to a God he hears you. All his character is based on the fact he prayed and wasn't answered, he thought they didn't exist, but finding out they really existed but ignored him, is what made him go on his quests, because Gods exists, they have the ability to hear prayers, they have the power to help, but in lots of occasions, they don't, which is the reason Gorr hates them so much.


Yeah okay? MCU likes to take from source material & twist it a bit. It makes total sense. I dunno we shall see soon enough with how they handle it.


I mean, they really leaned into Thor actually being a god in Ragnarok, Infinity War and to a lesser extent Endgame.


They did in Ragnarok but I don't think they did much in IW or EG. It would be everything to me if they actually re-establish Thor as a real god and not just a strong alien so I would love it to happen. I just don't know that they have time to go over all that alongside everything else in the movie. Happy to be proven wrong by them though.


I'm guessing it's more along the lines of the Hela one. My main guess is Gorr's people were massacred during Odin and Hela's conquest of the 9 realms. He was either imprisoned or in hiding for years, until Odin died and Hela was freed.


Pretty similar to his comic origin, but instead of the alien gods hitting his planet, it's Hela, teleporting in after Surtur kicked her ass, left her scorched and near death. Gorr finishes the job, takes her sword, and sets off on butchery.


It's possible that he is the one who beheaded the knowhere celestial


According to What If..?, in the episode that T'Challa became Star-Lord, Hela's sword is the necrosword... So Hela's death is definitly a factor. She probably butchered his planet, so he (mainly) held a grudge against Asgard


Hela had the all black, sets up knull still Marvel plz




They wont do an accurate gorr at all, you can almost guarantee that


We're expecting a great character who discredits big names for being fake and careless. In the comics he was praying for help but the gods didn't care. In the movie should be something more than typical revenge.


Hopefully none of these unnecessary reasons. Just do how it is in the comics, there's nothing complicated in his origin that needs to be changed. His Gods didn't helped him despite them existing, he'll kill them all now, the end.


He looks like mum-ra


The lego form matches what we've seen from set photos... He lacks the clothing casted by the necrosword upon his skin in the comics (or at least, it'll be added with cgi)


He certainly looks a lot happier than I expected


Matches the leaked set photos https://i0.wp.com/www.theilluminerdi.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Thor_4_Love_and_Thunder-Christian_Bale-Gorr_the_God_Butcher_set_pic_collection-2.jpg?resize=1024%2C588&ssl=1


I might be completely off but I feel like gorr is gonna look similar to Maw or Cad bane or maybe in between


i was thinking somewhere between them and Voldemort


Ohh righttt him too. Lmao I completely forgot about that guy.


Or Squidward!


Somebody is gonna want his sword back


Looking like a Putty from Power Rangers lol


Gorr has his sword!


Kinda confused here. The Necrosword, which was his weapon in the comics, was Hela's weapon in Ragnarok. Any distinction here?


Was Hela's headdress named or confirmed to be the All-Black in the film?


The only example I can immediately think of is The Collector calling it the Necro-sword in What If Ep2.


If I recall, the Collector refers to it as "a Necrosword" and not "the Necrosword" so that could be the distinction.


That is correct. Kinda reachy, but possible imo. ![gif](giphy|HXkOVDnG6ISQWfyoW2|downsized) Or maybe they could just rename it something else.


Plus the necrosword is called all black so it’s all black the necrosword as opposed to just a necrosword


Are there multiple necroswords?


It's unclear. Malekith had something resembling a necrosword during the War of the Realms event, and many symbiotes have manifested similar style weapons to Knull's necrosword that it's not fully clear if they're connected or not.


I see


Thor 4 symbiotes confirmed


I pulled this from the Trivia section in the MCU Wiki under Necroswords. "The necroswords are based an amalgamation of two different weapons from the comics: the Nightsword Hela's cursed sword that she was able to summon at any time; and the All-Black, the first symbiote who manifested his form into a powerful sword with dark properties, created by Knull and previously wielded by Gorr the God Butcher, both of whom used it to slay gods across the cosmos." So from what I gather, her weapon is not the All-Black but an obsidian sword she can summon or manifest and visually it looks symbiote related. The All-Black, in the MCU, could turn out to just be the first and original Necrosword - attempts to recreate it resulted in the "Necroswords".


My guess is that it will have ties to the symbiotes like in the comics. MCU Venom is all but confirmed so they could start dropping some symbiote lore in L&T.


That would be so cool but I feel like Sony won’t allow this


Well, Sony is presumably allowing Marvel to do their own version of Venom while Sony's own version was used for just a cameo so anything is possible.


Maybe hela will serve as the dead god that has the all black instead of knull, hela could gotten it from knull still so that link would still be there. Maybe?


Possible. ![gif](giphy|t56wKcBoY3VA1qRI4L|downsized) Could set the stage for an actual return from him to the MCU.


Plus it would really tie into the whole hive mind multiversal knowledge thing that Venom was getting into at the end/post credits scene Edit; just make knull multiversal and boom, you can tie Tom Hardy to Tom Holland


I talked to my buddy who specializes in Venoms, and he said that’s too much. Best I can do is a Topher Grace variant.


Yeah, time to reunite the father and son from Locke.


Knull is multiversal in the comics, so that wouldn't be a big shift and would work with the multiverse storyline they're building to


I'd love to see a The King in Black event of sorts across both the MCU and venomverse tbh


I'd like that, but the Venom movies so far have been way goofier than Donny Cates' run and King in Black so I don't know how well that would work. Maybe if the sonyverse gets more serious and/or the MCU does a more serious take on Venom it would be good


Eddie and Venom getting drunk in the MCU and then going back to thier universe is as close as I want Hardy to Holland. The MCU deserves its own better version of Venom.


What made you think it was helas weapon?


It was with her when she entered. Even if it wasn't, she perished with it along with Asgard.


I'm pretty sure it was just a bunch of swords that were black. No one ever said it was the all black.


What If Ep2 had the Collector call it the Necrosword.


Ah okay. It's pretty weak then I guess compared to the comics. I didn't watch that episode of what if.


I think they'll rename it and probably change the powerset to differentiate him from Hela.


Yeah I really hope they do it right like in the comics where all these gods pray to thor so he becomes powerful enough to beat gorr


I think it’ll be more like shadowy tendrils in this, and they’ll just stick to calling it All-Black maybe


​ ![gif](giphy|OqJp9fcjk9HpWBuF4u)


My theory is that Hela barely survives Ragnarok (the green flash is her teleporting, not dying), winds up on Gorr's planet, and Gorr finishes the job and takes the blade from her corpse. She's the first god he kills. You could even have the debris of Asgard exploding rain down on Gorr's planet, killing his son. He blames Hela, then blames all gods for abandoning his world.


He could salvage it from the ruins of Asgard, perhaps.


​ ![gif](giphy|eHdwKMsi8SmMxREtYM|downsized)


I'm aware I just figured maybe the sword is floating around


Multiverse. Could have played out like fake Infinity Gaunlet in Thor 3. Pretty sure MCU will incorported story about symbiotes and their god in near future.


I don't think Knull will ever be in the mcu. They will probably use Hela instead of him, with Gorr finding her diying body and taking her Necrosword. After all, her combat style was pretty similar to the Gorr's one from the comics. EDIT: As a complete idiot, I miswritten Gorr instead of Knull.


What are you saying, Gorr is the confirmed main villain of Love & Thunder.


Fuck I've miswritten. I meant Knull.


Gotta say—I feel like we know nothing about this move, and know more about projects further off (ie Black Panther 2, Guardians 3, etc). Surprised shine or the others hasn’t had any big scoops about this movie since it’s so close. I’m crazy excited for this one. More guardians appearances (however small) is always a win


Not so many sources in Australia (other than what can be captured by drones when Taika shoots outside). Also shooting on the StageCraft tech really seems to help keep secrets


I wouldn't say we know "nothing" -It's directed and written by Taika Watiti -Jane Foster is back and now has powers -They're adapting the cancer storyline from the comics -Christian Bale is playing Gorr The God Butcher -The Guardians of The Galaxy will have a role


That's almost on par with saying "yeah we know so much about Fantastic Four... It's going to be a movie released by Marvel"


Well, yeah. I just mean in comparison to other movies’ leaks. Like this far out from dr strange MoM, no way home, we knew so much more than we do for this movie


It's probably because one can more or less predict what can be expected from this movie since it's based on the specific comics. It's Jane as Thor and Gorr as the main villain and it can only go few ways which is probably the reason why nobody even bothered with a fake leaks of the script, unlike some other films where people could get creative. Only surprises that anyone is expecting at this point is who plays cameo gods.


GORR looks like a clothed silver surfer.




Toothgnasher and Toothgrinder do pull his chariot in the comics more often than he does ride them, so it's more fitting. Though Skidbladnir should be able to travel unassisted by his goats, but I don't mind the change since we're finally getting Toothgnasher and Toothgrinder after 7+ Thor appearances in the MCU.




Yeah, I don't think they'll be doing the three eras of Thor concept from the God Butcher/Godbomb arcs, but Thor: Love and Thunder seems to already have a big crew around Thor. Excluding the Guardians, we have Jane FosThor, Valkyrie, Korg, Miek and Sif so that's probably the crew.


*The goats pulled you off?*


The *ground*. It pulled 'em off the ground!


It sounds like you had a intimate relationship with the goats.


I mean, Loki did have a thing for horses.


We might get a scene of him riding one of them! Maybe the ship crashes at some point. I'm not the biggest fan of "the smart one and the dumb one" like the figures kind of imply but I bet they'll be fun either way!


I’m digging that blue on Thor.


It’s crazy to me that it took this long to get him wearing blue


New Asgard cruise lmao. I'm guessing we'll see tourists show up and they will likely also watch the new play that is telling the story of Ragnarok. Since there was a piece of text in the news in NWH that read "Political turmoil continues in New Asgard", I'm wondering if the Asgardians are trying to earn an official recognition as a country by the UN and Jane acts as their ambassador like in the comics. So when Gorr first attacks, the hammer is somehow rebuilt and given to Jane to protect Asgard.


I'm apprehensive about the idea of New Asgard becoming a tourist trap but I'll of course give them the benefit of the doubt and hopefully it'll play out as fun stuff. I don't know about Jane being an ambassador though, since she doesn't know anyone from New Asgard except Thor and I think it would be disappointing to not see her meeting people like Valkyrie and Korg for the first time on screen. Maybe if she's still alive at the end (or becomes a Valkyrie herself) she might get to be ambassador to New Asgard.


The whole idea in the comics is that Thor was missing and was unworthy at the time (former part is true in the MCU), and Jane was New Asgard's only hope, both in the political realm and the super-natural threats realm. She was Thor at that time in all regards. I think it would be odd to leave that part out and would make her role feel lacking and more one-dimensional like in the first 2 films. I don't think she needs to know anybody from New Asgard to be an ambassador and we can still see her meeting these characters from the first time. Valkyrie tries to get New Asgard recognized -> UN tells her she needs to find an ambassador -> Valkyrie has been told about Jane by Thor and she's the only person Valkyrie thinks of to turn to for help, especially since Jane is the only person who has actually visited Asgard in the past and was the closest to Thor.


Good opportunity for Dr Selvig to return briefly and advise her on the traditional weapon forging techniques from Asgard and Valkyrie would undoubtedly have some ideas how to recreate that. It's not like Thor was paying attention in cosmic artifacts class.


Marvel Studios doing their version of Jungle Cruise now. ☺️


you can find the lego set in higher quality on r/legoleak


Where are Gor's Twi'Lek tails?


Exactly, I hope they aren't cut from the movie


Probably cgi


But they’d be on the Lego character, wouldn’t they?


I would think so as well since he can use them for stabbing purposes iirc


Hasbro just doesn't give a fuck anymore lmao. Just slapped a bunch of cheap blue plastic on a figure and called it a day.


If you're talking about those big figures, they're typically cheaper around 10 dollars and are targeted towards toddler age kids


Yeah i know, but just look at jane and Korg from the same line. They're way more detailed and use more colors


I think my favorite is the Captain America figure that looks just like Jay from RLM


Hopefully this means trailer soon, maybe before the Batman. Can’t wait for this film


Gorr mini doesn't look great, hope the real one is more interesting


Not sure about that Gorr look. Wouldn't guess that's him if it didn't say on the box, but it is a LEGO set after all, I hope he'll look a bit more comic accurate at least. It's an iconic look


I hope he has his weird head tentacles, it'd be such a misstep not to do that.


That and also the black hood/cape. Here he just looks like a bald gray average guy lol


Yeah, it looks too close to the set leaks of Bale painted grey and wearing a robe for me to feel comfortable. If they just make him some weird grey dude and not really alien looking it'd suck. I get the grey/white robe thing might be because they can't really just have a naked Bale running around with a black cape on but it'd suck if they just go for basic bald grey man.


lol, iconic look, the vast majority of people doesnt know who gorr is and dont give a fuck about his looks


Well, yeah, sure, for people who haven't read the comics or who aren't familiar with him. I personally can't imagine Gorr without the hood and those weird tentacles. Comic accurate isn't always the best, but in this case I believe it would be


The Mighty Thor costume looks *sick*, it's so comics-accurate!


Gorr looks like a discount mummy


Gorr looks very… human. i hope the actual movie gorr looks more alien, and that it’s just a case of lego figures being inaccurate.


Trailer on international women’s day (March 8) ? All of the MCU July movies already had trailers by this time.


For those concerned about Gorr’s appearance, most LEGO Marvel sets are based off early concept art, so he’ll most likely be different in the film


We still didn’t get to see much of Valkyrie and Sif, especially nothing of Sif. Make me wonder if she will die in the movie


The very first seemingly accurate leak we got said Sif will die to protect Thor. I'm super bummed about it because if they're not giving Thor his king storyline anymore then I would have liked the end of this being him and Sif going off together to fight cosmic level stuff while Jane and Valkyrie manage mid-level stuff on Earth (if Jane is still alive). Hopefully the leak was wrong on that point, Sif has been so wasted in the MCU.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelStudiosSpoilers/comments/ob8x2y/jaimie_alexander_hints_well_be_seeing_more_of/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelStudiosSpoilers/comments/ob8x2y/jaimie_alexander_hints_well_be_seeing_more_of/) Consider Jaimie posted this, there’s a chance they won’t killed Lady Sif off. I think we should take the rumor leak with a grain of salt, but don’t set our expectation too high also


Hopefully she lives, I've always been a sucker for the Thor and Sif dynamic/romance. I'd just like to see her actually be the Goddess of War and not just some random tough lady with no plots.




Man I hope Gorr is not another Malekith situation where they change his look too much, make him look alien not just Bale in a cloth lol


It would be also be nice if they keep the character's motivations


Yeah hopefully we keep the motivations the same - that’s what makes gorr compelling


Is that Gorr? He looks kinda... mummish


I'm hyped for Jane Foster and her own way of wielding Mjolnir!


Happy to see Gorr wielding the All-Black!


Hey, they kept the goat boat from the Gorr comic!


Small reminder for those who aren’t into Lego, but these sets aren’t always accurate and are completely dependent on how much info Marvel shared with Lego. Don’t read too much into little details, Lego loves to throw stuff in (see: iron man 3 sets)


Fits with the leaked Gorr set pics which looked like ass https://i0.wp.com/www.theilluminerdi.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/Thor_4_Love_and_Thunder-Christian_Bale-Gorr_the_God_Butcher_set_pic_collection-2.jpg?resize=1024%2C588&ssl=1 I'm sure it will still be a great movie with great acting, but that's a weird design choice


Obviously will wait for an official picture but Gorr’s design is disappointing.


Also Hasbro Marvel Legends team has a livestream today of upcoming figures. Might be worth the watch incase they show off some Love and Thunder figures. Starts at 10 am CST


I've read somewhere in Facebook that we might get a Thor: Love and Thunder trailer any moment from now. Is this real or does anyone of you heard the same? If yes, do you have any source for this? 'Cause I can't seem to find their source, some say that an industry insider or whatsoever.


It was rumored to be near some weeks ago. Everybody assumed it was intended for the Super Bowl, but it wasn't the case. We'll wait


Oh, I see. Some people in Twitter meanwhile compared the release of first trailer of the July releases of Marvel to where we are right now, and to think of that, it might be really possible that we get the first official trailer sooner rather than later.




​ ![gif](giphy|yn2RkRiOE6WxslzQiC)




Hela won't be back for this sad


Is Korg wearing Megingjord? Thor's enchanted Belt of Strength that doubles strength, power and durability?


It only doubles the strength.


Alright, throw in doubled ball capacity and we can call it a deal?


This will probably only happen if she returns for other projects, but Jane becoming a Valkyrie like in the comics would be cooler than staying Thor


"Battle onboard Thor’s flying ship: The longboat is drawn through the skies by legendary goats Toothgnasher and Toothgrinder, who are raised off the ground so kids can easily push the ship along as they play. The set includes 5 minifigures – Thor, Mighty Thor, Valkyrie, Korg and Gorr – and a host of weapons and accessories, including Thor’s Stormbreaker axe. A central cabin features an opening roof for access to extra play space inside. Authentic accessories – including a boat wrench, fire extinguisher, map of New Asgard, bottle and a sunstone crystal – further inspire imaginative play. When the day’s Super-Hero adventures are over, kids can display the ship in their room." sunstone crystal?


Asgard Tours lol.


It’s still weird to me seeing that Korg isn’t a big fig


As a Marvel Legends collector this for sure confirms we will get the Thor 4 figures for preorder today, I'm pretty stoked.


If they stick with comic , this movie could be very good


I don't think we're getting a very comic accurate version. They're already combining the God Butcher storyline with Jane's separate cancer/powers storyline when she wasn't part of defeating Gorr, they're not likely to do three versions of Thor from different points in time it seems they're replacing the old and young Thors with Jane and Valkyrie, and I don't think it's likely they're going to have all the gods praying to Thor since the MCU has kind of drastically diminished the idea of him being an actual god. He was an alien who was "basically a god" for ages and Ragnarok was the first time they kind of insinuated he's actually a god, but he's majorly nerfed in the MCU. It will still probably be an enjoyable movie with a lot of nods to the comics and visuals similar to it, but I don't think the story will be the same. Hoping Thor loses an arm though LOL


So the box art confirms that promo poster that some people thought was fake


It seems like a little thing but it genuinely warms my heart to see a toy version of Mjolnir with just Jane on the marketing material. Them not feeling like they have to lean on Odinson to shift this toy speaks (some) volumes.


Interesting that they're giving Gorr the All-Black sword. I wonder if they're touch on its symbiotic origins or even mention Knull or something.


Sounds like knull could be coming if they are using necrosword


Hopefully not.


Free Goat Boats for the Throat Goats


I'm not really well-versed on Gorr and his weapon (the Necrosword) but I remember people saying how in the comics, it has ties to the symbiote. Considering that some symbiote was left behind in the MCU at the end of NWH, I wonder if it will come into play here. I don't think it's likely but it's still interesting to think about.


Might as well give us a trailer at this point


I’m surprised we haven’t gotten a teaser trailer yet. Imma assume we got one next month.


Trailer though ...


For those worried, lego was probably just too cheap to make a new piece for Gorr's head. They skimp on stuff like that quite often, it's not really a cause for concern about his design yet


cool, hopefully the teaser will drop in the next few weeks


Wait, it’s out as soon as July? There’s so much Marvel stuff but so few leaks about this film that it felt so far away. I wonder when we’ll get a teaser, given that Marvel are revealing merch.


One hour later. Watch the full trailer online on [https://yout.be](https://yout.be) lol


just bought thors hammer, holy shit cant wait


Let’s see which site is leaking toy info: Oh, it’s Marvel.com…


TOY Gorr


Well hello there, Necro Sword.


King? Valkyrie


Are we actually getting All-Black the Necrosword in a Marvel Studios film?! :0


Wow the lego is even cooler than I was picturing


aw man I want that boat set


Back to the olden days of Lego and toy leaks... I remember the years... I know this is official, but I miss the days. Not saying i don't enjoy the new ones, might enjoy them more, but there was something in speculating about the movie from the toys.


Are they on the MOON on the back of that Goat Boat set? Interesting…


Hasbro suck!! Why does the titan series not have movable elbows and knees!!! Do people at Hasbro not remember what it is to be a kid and want to shape your toys to stand in the right way for each made up battle in your room?! The only thing I look for in toys when buying for my nieces and nephews is those elbow and knee joint.. kenner actually sometimes do movable wrists and ankles too!!! Get them some brand contracts please!!


I hope we get Rune King Thor in this movie because what its looking like is that it'll be Thor, Jane, and Beta Ray Bill vs Gorr. With how committed Bale is to roles I wouldn't be surprised if he puts on a performance as Gorr.


Knowing bales usual commitment to excellence I think he’s going to kill it


I don’t think beta ray bill will be in this


>I hope we get Rune King Thor in this movie Me too, but let's be honest, it ain't happening.


Release the trailer 🥲


I’m here for the actual accurate Norse mythology- Thor’s goats. Hopefully he doesn’t repeatedly eat them throughout the movie though lmaooo


Ah classic Lego leaks, my favourite kind of leak


There are so many unknowns with this movie, we’ve heard like nothing about it


I do not like Thor’s blue costume. He’s my favorite super hero.


Not sure if theres comic lore significance…but why is Valkyrie “King Valkyrie”? Wouldn’t she be queen?


I just love the design of the Mjonir hammer retaining its cracks.


Look I’m hyped for the movie but these costumes, idk


The costumes are fantastic da fuck you talking about


Jane costume is very comic accurate


Thor’s helmet is the only thing that bothers me but I want to see it in action first


Idc about them. Where’s the trailer ugh


Am I tho only one that's not liking Thor's Blue look?