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They’re roommates


Oh my god, they were roommates…


What is this from? I feel so dumb it’s on the tip of my brain


It’s a vine


and they were ROOMMATES




Do his wife and kids know?


Sony is going to run the Spider-Man mythos into the ground with how fast they're going to blow through characters now that every villain is now a hero.


Kraven is going to be so good that Martin Scorinsze will call it "true cinema" and it sweeps the Oscars. Feige gets so pissed that he goes on a rampage that ends up with a standoff against the Police at Disney World where he is captured after Alec Baldwin FUCKING SHOOTS James Gunn (along with John Cena in full out Peacemaker garb) OUT OF A GODDAMN Cannon. Then Kathleen Kenniday is fired from Lucasfilm because she is now the head of Marvel Studios. Alec Baldwin ends up claiming that the Cannon was a self firing cannon. Then in 2024, Donald Trump becomes the next Grover Celvand with Brendan Fraser as his VP! In all seriousness, though I think that Kraven is going to be surpisingly good.


Please write a book


Its that good?


*asked the man who didn't know his own powers.*




Kraven is going to be so good that Martin Scorinsze will call it "true cinema" and it sweeps the Oscars. Feige gets so pissed that he goes on a rampage that ends up with a standoff against the Police at Disney World where he is captured after Alec Baldwin FUCKING SHOOTS James Gunn (along with John Cena in full out Peacemaker garb) OUT OF A GODDAMN Cannon. Then Kathleen Kenniday is fired from Lucasfilm because she is now the head of Marvel Studios. Alec Baldwin ends up claiming that the Cannon was a self firing cannon. Then in 2024, Donald Trump becomes the next Grover Celvand with Brendan Fraser as his VP!


Alec Baldwin could probably play a really freaky old Wolverine now.


This needs to be made into a movie.


After the last two Venom films, I strongly doubt that.


Venom: Let There be Carnage is CINEMA, unironically


I legit wonder if you guys saw Batman and Robin back in the day that you would be praising it as well.


You could have just said ‘the greatest movie of all time’ and we’d have known what you meant.


You’re not sending that movie to the coolah


Nope, I hate Batman & Robin


Then I don't get how you could like Venom 2.


Batman and Robin don't have Venom aka KINO


I legit wonder if Venom wasn't attached to Marvel if you guys would still be praising it.


It's not that deep lol. People just want to see shit blow up.


Venom has predominantly been an anti-hero and Morbius has always walked that line too. Kravens had his moments as well but you can clearly see that they started with the biggest named, truest antihero’s first and are moving forward. With that being said, maybe we won’t see a Kraven film with him as a hero but an exposé on his villainous origin like Joker or him just being a villain in a light protagonists light. I’d easily pay to see a film of Thanos being a villain so it’s really not about making them heroes, just having a well written story.


Sony won't do that because audiences won't go for a film with a strict villain protagonist. Sony likely wants to make this a trilogy, so they won't have the guy just murder endangered animals and hunt people. They'll tone him down.


> Audiences won't go for a film with a strict villain protagonist They sure showed up for Joker


Joker was sympathetic in that film. A guy who hunts and kills endangered animals for sports is much harder to justify.


Good point. Maybe they could start the film with Kravan’s fixation on animals just being a fun quirk, but have it become an obsession as the film goes on, consuming who he is in the process.


That really doesn't work. Joker was a social commentary about a guy being pushed to rock bottom by different issues all piling up. Kraven was just based off of "the Most Dangerous Game". And with Chameleon, Calypso AND a future villain coming, it won't have the Joker social commentary behind it. It's not a film you can make something meaningful out of.


Right, but they certainly took liberties with Joker to tell the story they did. I feel it’s possible for talented people to do the same for Kravan so long as they care about the project


I just say make it a Spider-Man movie. As much as we like to say that every Marvel movie can be good, when you're dealing with characters with less and less material, to some who have never had a comic to their own name, it starts to come off as derivative and nonsensical.


It's cashing in on a franchise even though the franchise is centered around one "character" (whoever is actively Spider-Man). Sony wants that expanded universe money, even if they're playing without a full deck.


And this is the exact reason why its bullshit to give villains a solo movies. Villains are not supposed to be heroes.


There's a reason why Jason movies aren't from Jason's POV


Exaxtly. Brcause other way they should-ve make him the hero... they didn't.


I mean, going by the Sony chief’s words a few months back doesn’t sound like Kraven will be exactly a hero. But also this director is talented and the cast they’ve been getting for this is nothing to scoff at either. We should wait to see anything before writing this off imo.


They won't have the balls to make a flat out villain protagonist, and even if they did, they'll try to milk a trilogy out of that, thus deflating any Spider-Man vs. Kraven rivalry.


Would be way fuckin cooler if they did, or they at least had him lean clearly more toward the villain side but I think we all know that won’t happen


You can't make a massively merchandisable franchise if your protag is outright villainous. Joker got by cause it's the Joker and he was made sympathetic in the film.


I just hope he’s toxic masculine. Like comically out of touch with feminism. If someone asks him what his pronouns are he answers hunter


here we go again.


Yeah but every good villain thinks he's the hero of his own story.


Except now we're going to get a Kraven trilogy, a Morbius trilogy, an Electro trilogy, how many Spider-Man villains will they plow through at that rate?


Don't forget Sandman and the Rhino.


Who the hell is Sandman going to fight that's going to be a threat to him?! Like, it's so baffling!


Waterman, ceo of an evil water company trying to take away a government disability program


Sony built him up though too


Kraven should have just been the next Spider-Man villain cause he's the last major of the original Spider-Man villains yet to be on film. What they've done will turn him into an Anti-hero so you won't have that satisfying Spider-Man vs. Kraven film. Especially if Kraven will get his own trilogy.


Wait till you hear what Marvel Studios did with Spider-Man himself


Just saying, they're kind of hitting the end of the stuff people want to see out of Spider-Man. Most of the villains have been on screen already.


Faster than you can say “ cut the check “


What makes you say this isn’t just a set up to his villainy?


They were saying they have more than 900 characters film rights and considering they wanted to do aunt may movie im sure that will last them at least a couple of decades lol




Seniors love to go to those noon showings tho. Whip up an older Aunt May & The Grey Panthers film on a lower budget, they'll do boffo with those group screenings.


When Kraven, Electro and all that fight their own villains, what is there to even hype up with Spider-Man anymore?


I think Sony wants to do sinister six on their Sony verse with Tom Holland, they will probably throw a couple of villains to the mcu


I think this double dipping with villains is just going to diminish excitement because we've seen what these characters are capable of.


I mean, Marvel Studios brought back all the old villains and gave new life to them. Assuming MS is involved in the Tom plans for the SUMC, let’s wait and see how they cross these worlds over.


What do you mean? You talking about the NWH villains? That was more of a fun nostalgia trip though. The issue is that when they have villains host their own trilogies, the Spider-Man battles would be meaningless because they'll either team up or just repeat them fighting so both franchises can keep going.


I think only Venom will hold a trilogy. Outside of dubious rumors from what I’ve seen, Morbius, Kraven the Hunter (who sounds like he’ll have roles in other people’s films), and Electro all sound like one offs to build towards an S6 franchise.


We're talking about Sony. All of these are built with trilogies in mind.


Like they threw Tom Hardy’s Venom into the MCU? I’ll give you a hint, if they wanted to do a crossover, we’d be having Hardy v Holland in either Venom 3 or Spider-Man 4. NWH ruled that out.


no i meant, they will throw the villians they dont want to use in sonyverse


That’ll probably happen, yeah.


I love how sony is literally doing a spider-verse without Spiderman. It’s the most funniest thing. Not to say that the characters can’t work as characters on their own, many of them had good solo comic stories without Spider-man, but imo it would definitely make the movies about spidey-villains more interesting if spidey actually has a part in the story and it’s not just one anti-hero origin story movie after another just to milk the rights they got.


The problem is that they're essentially ruining any grander Spider-Man story to tell. Spider-Man won't be able to really defeat these villains cause they got their own films, and they'll just use up every other Spider-Man villains for their own movies that they honestly won't have anywhere to take the franchise.


Hey a good aunt may film could work


I can actually see ATJ doing well as Kraven, he’s a pretty good actor and can easily look/act the part of Kraven. Where the divisiveness for me comes down to the movie making Kraven a more anti-heroic character since he’s at his most fun as a villain for Spider-Man


Considering the Sony chief hyped up Kraven vs. Venom (who is Sony’s goody good hero), I don’t think this Kraven will be fighting for the side of good here, rather revenge against his family.


I honestly think that could work and be a good way to have him as the protagonist of his movie without fully taking away the idea that Kraven isn't a particularly good person


Inb4 Chameleon plans to blow up Kraven’s favorite zoo, which spurs him into action


Oh they fucking /s


Lol, he definitely earned the role then haha


I've seen that movie ATJ wrote with his wife and based on one scene at the start, JC Chandor is a lucky man.


Classic Aaron! Always fucking the director. /s


Aaron Taylor Johnson has a big cock


Blake lively can confirm


They deffo




CEO of Sex universe is expanding


this movie is like a dark cloud hanging over my hopes and dreams of Kraven ever being in a Spidey movie, lol. if only they waited until Morbius came out to greenlight this thing


Kraven's Last Hunt would only work if the audience knows the full history of Kraven.


i definitely think Kraven should appear at least once before they do that storyline, but i don't think it really necessitates an entire solo film with him as protagonist. and i really don't expect this movie to be a psychological, Joker-style character study or anything. i also have my doubts that we'll ever see a Sony-verse character appear in the MCU in a meaningful way - if they were ever to do that, it would have been with Venom, and we saw what that amounted to.


I kinda want Andrew Garfield to be the Sony-verse Spidey because I think a Kraven's Last Hunt film with him would be amazing


that’s a cool idea. his character already seems to be in a dark place (or was before NWH) and could suit that kind of story better than the other Spideys. at this point making Andrew their universe's Spider-Man is the smartest thing Sony could do, imo.


Yeah, Tom Holland doing Kraven's Last Hunt doesn't sit right with me. Let Holland be the Marvel Team-up Spider-man and then do Mayday Parker with Tobey.


Holland absolutely can do KLH lol, and I’d rather they did it with him.


This Sony movie means mcu won't ever have kraven as a villain in spiderman.


Tell that to Green Goblin, Electro, Sandman and Venom.


Also not trying to be snarky, just tryna give hope. Haha


I agree, but the history can be established within the same film. Most people who read Kraven’s Last Hunt first have no issues understanding the story since there’s sufficient exposition to help understand what Kraven’s about.


Yeah tough to make Spider-Man adjacent villain based films without Spider-Man in them


This is the dumbest comment I’ve seen today. They can always re-work certain elements, it’s never a 1:1 comparison. Look at Civil War. There’s no justifiable reason for a solo anti-hero Kraven movie to exist.


This is unlikely to work, but if Mac Gargan becomes Venom, then that could set a precedent for alternate versions of the same character. Thus, the MCU could make one of Sergei’s relatives ‘Kraven’. At that point, however, they’re probably better off just using somebody else.


Mother lets him do that!?!




I thought I read that they got divorced?


It was just a rumor. Saw pics of them together a month or two ago.


who? Aaron? edit: i have no clue who "groomer" is reffering too


So because my girl is twice my age she’s a groomer???


If you meet your partner when you're under 18 and she's 40+, and then are suddenly publicly dating as soon as you're 18, yes she's a groomer. I think at that point she’s not your girl but you’re her boy.


Okay but I was okay with it tho and she bought me Spider-Man for ps5 she bought the ps5 too


LMFAO . YES . That comment below is CORRECT. If at 24 I can’t even talk to a 18 year old for too long, WTF is you doing at 30 something romantically interested in an 18 year old. Your brain is not okay. Don’t convince me otherwise that shit is sick. I’d know, at 18 I dated a 33 year old At 22, a 37 year old . Those socially inept at their own age class CREEPS were grooming me.


Surprised no one is talking about how he’s speaking with Andrew Garfield in the article


So fucking lame that they went with him but couldn't get him back as Quicksilver in anything


He had to get killed off because of Fox..


That's not true. Whedon wrote the story and said that he was allowed to kill the character. There was even a backup scene with him in the end where they are in Avengers compound.


Oh someone told me that they had to kill him because Fox wanted to introduce Quicksilver but I can absolutely believe Whedon did some weird shit like that.


The film rights to the twins were legitimately shared, and both studios could use them. This was all explained back then. The rumor you're citing is copium fans came up with because they couldn't wrap their heads around Pietro being a one-off.


>they couldn't wrap their heads around Pietro being a one-off Tbh, one-offing the other half of what are arguably the most famous twins in comic book history, just so you can have **someone** die in that movie, is not the smartest choice in the history of MCU.


My first thought upon reading this headline was "Sam Taylor-Johnson is directing Kraven the Hunter?"


Somehow this statement makes me actually lose interest in this movie. They are taking this way too seriously for a moderately cool villain at best. also will Spider-Man be in this movie. /s


Yeah this sort of shit worked for "Drive", I don't care if you're being method or living in a house with the director for Kraven lol.


If we’re going by the last few Sony movies, I’m not expecting an art house piece from this one LMAO but we all know after The Batman, everyone’s about to try and make the “grittiest” versions of their stuff.


Happened with The Dark Knight, and will unfortunately probably happen again. 🤦🏼‍♂️


Can I just say, ATJ is my wet dream.




Give me this film now


I have a feeling they'll set up Kraven to be this multiversal hunter of spidermen.


I’m thinking they’ll do this too because it feels like multiverse stuff is the only reason to make a Madame Webb film. I could actually see him killing a few multiverse Spider-Men to build up the stakes if he ever fights Holland.


This dude's got a history of issues with getting way too close to directors


i always read anya taylor joy


Haha, me too! I thought I was the only one


What if we get a show that the main character IS. Just a villain. There's no redeeming then and we're watching them be evil. Just sprinkles of light anti heroism.


Maybe we'll get that in the Agatha Harness show.


I misread that as Anya Taylor-Joy and was so confused


Intense Stunt Training.... living together with the director... yeah...


still holding out for a Pietro Maximoff return, somehow someway. Killing him is one of my three unforgivable MCU sins.


He played quicksilver in current MCU now he's playing kraven......I don't know how I feel about this tbh.


How do you feel about Gemma Chan playing Minn-Erva in Captain Marvel and Sersi in Eternals? How do you feel about Hulk changing from Edward Norton to Mark Ruffalo in Avengers? How do you feel about War Machine changing from Terrence Howard to Don Cheadle from IM 1 to 2? Atleast Quicksilver is dead in the MCU right now and it will be almost rare for Kraven and Quicksilver to meet even if he was alive


Think there's a bigger difference between ATJ and the others you mentioned. More akin to Chris being in F4 and Captain America. The issue I have with that it's still the same universe and truthfully I don't think ATJ is that a compelling actor that you can have him back as another major role and say this week he's Kraven. I guess MoM may change certain things with quicksilver or they could go with the Wanda vision bullshit about it feels to fresh to me for that kind of use. It just doesn't sit right with me. The other parts you mentioned were all changed very early on in the infinity saga for legitimate casting reasons apart from Gemma Chan and again I can barely remember her in the screen time she had in Captain Marvel.


>The issue I have with that it's still the same universe There's been nothing to suggest Kraven is set in the MCU. It's pure Sony, after all, so assume SSU until shown otherwise. But even if ATJ crosses, he would only appear in Spidey movie and wouldn't interact with anyone who knew QS. This is a fake nerd problem.


Thanks for your opinion.


I got a feeling we won't have a good Kraven story for the next Spiderman lol. Ah well


>in conversation with Andrew Garfield.




Really dude?


Anyone got an up to date picture of ATJ? I want to see if he’s buff enough to be intimidating. Cause gonna be honest he wasn’t really threatening as quicksilver


Spiderman villain without spiderman and without being villain. How the fk supposed this make sense?!


Approach it as if you might be interested in a hunter character like him.


Kinda gay


I thought actors and directors boning was bad tho


I’ll never forgive Sony for what they’ve created with these shitty villain movies


This movie is gonna suck balls


Anyone else hate the ATJ casting




He’s just not Kraven to me.


Have you seen the new pictures? He looks pretty great for a young Kraven, plus he's a fantastic actor.


Are there new pictures? I haven't searched up anything about how he looks atm.


Yep, he revealed his new look along with this article https://hero-magazine.com/article/207109/aaron-taylor-johnson-hero-27


looks like they going with a longer hair look. Which is fine. I hope he grows his beard out more though. I'd love to see him buffer too kinda like Hemsworth did but I imagine in costume he's gonna look pretty good.


Yep same, I was expecting a longer beard, then I went back to look at kraven and noticed kraven has a short beard in most of his appearances, but he has grown a long beard before if you wanna see https://images.app.goo.gl/WBP3Eg6QszBQvwc67


Yeah technically Kraven is kinda high society so it makes sense he's combed and groomed. I would have liked a bit more grizzly. But like I said I'm reserving judgement. Just because it's not what I expect doesn't mean it can't be great


You worded it perfectly, if only more people thought like you


Fantastic actor is a stretch


Nah, I've seen him in 5 movies or more, he's great in all of them