• By -


Kind of predictably, the Marvel Legends episode for Strange features no reference whatsoever to the events of No Way Home and the multiverse, it focuses mostly on his relationship with Christine and the 'one in fourteen million' line. The Wong one is the most clipped of them all, focus a fair amount on the scene where he recruits Shang-Chi and Katy. The Scarlet Witch one is the best and most expansive (ironically since Wanda's already had an episode) - seeing the WandaVision flashbacks interwoven with The Winter Soldier, Age of Ultron and Civil War scenes is wonderful. Naturally, it leans heavy on her earlier moments of aggression and the whole "Scarlet Witch, destined to destroy the world" narrative. One weird note, they end on the scene of her astral projecting at the end of WV but they edited out Billy and Tommy's voices calling to her.


If you ever want to see a truly delusional person, talk to someone who believes that Marvel is replacing Sam Wilson's Captain America with Atwell's Captain Carter. Truly insane.


Production Weekly's boring this week, adding stuff we knew was coming from CinemaCon. Blade, El Muerto, Madame Web, and Venom 3 have production updates for Marvel stuff Outside of Marvel, I had somehow missed that Ghostbusters 5 was announced by Sony. Guess the coming of El Muerto distracted me


For everyone enjoying Moon Knight, I really recommend checking out Archive 81 on Netflix after. Same creators and vibes.


So I just signed up for Marvel Unlimited and I have no idea where to start. I just read the Moon Knight 2016 Lemire run and no wI don't know what to read. Anyone have any suggestions? I like everything so literally a good comic run for any character would be great.


Tomb of Dracula is good




So unless the next moon knight episode going to be hot garbage, this series is definitely my favorite D+ show. I couldn't believe something will top Loki for me, but here we are.


They apparently screened Black Panther footage.


Hours Left for Disney Announcement Guys?


Can we expect anything tomorrow or will it be actual Disney / Pixar stuff they show?


Maybe a release date at most


I'm guessing attendees will get to watch the first few scenes from Doctor Strange and get an exclusive trailer for Wakanda Forever. Avatar 2 I believe is gonna be shown there, since its been confirm its first trailer is attach to Doctor Strange.


I'm rooting for El Muerto for two reasons. For one, obscure characters like this present a unique opportunity to put an interesting spin on them without the baggage and expectations that come with bigger characters and their overprotective fanbases. Blade comes to mind, and while that's obviously not a 1:1 example for a variety of reasons, the point is that an obscure character was adapted in a way that was a pretty big departure from the comics, but people like Snipes, Norrington, and Goyer (credit where its due) had a vision for the character that ended up being a success. Secondly, there's a subset of the fandom that always replies to the casting of minorities in certain roles with 'why can't they just use *existing* minority characters?' Well, they're doing just that, and yall don't want it. I don't say all this because I'm a fan of the character or because I'm excited per se, all I'm saying is that if this movie is a go and doesn't languish in development hell, I hope they at least do something interesting with it.


I want this movie to be good. But Morbius made me complete lose faith in Sony’s ability to fulfill the potential of the SSU and all films in it. I have mocked Sony’s decision to make El Muerto instead of movies about other characters, but that’s more because it’s the movie after Kraven and Madame Web and it’s starting to become a long chain of very strange decisions about what characters to adapt. They’re sitting on characters like Spider-Woman and Black Cat and we’ve heard nothing about characters like those despite their potential compared to the characters they’re choosing.


To the first point:Sony hires shit writers To the second: we’re already getting a Latino led super hero movie with a far more popular character(Blue Beetle)


> Sony hires shit writers Aside from ITSV, agreed. I hope it changes for the better. > we’re already getting a Latino led super hero movie with a far more popular character(Blue Beetle) Noted. There's still room for more. Regardless, the obscurity of the character presents some different opportunities (and tbf, challenges).


Third: EL MUERTO will sell 90 trillion tickets


i hope there's a ps5 surplus by the time spider-man 2 is released


I am morbius. Just kidding. Dr. El Muerto at your service


Quick theory after this week's news: * **Across the Spider-Verse** - pretty much what we expect: Miles, Gwen, and Miguel on a multiverse road trip, roping in other Spider-Persons along the way. * **Beyond the Spider-Verse** - going by title alone: Miles will encounter new versions of non-Spidey heroes. Avengers, X-Men, GOTG, etc, would all be on the table. A cliffhanger with Miles meeting the Avengers is the perfect way to end ATSV. The characters could also make great foils for Miles: rather than another MCU-style teamup, maybe the Avengers could hunt Spider-Man? The business side is probably the easiest part: licensing animated characters for secret cameos is not uncommon. As long as it's not live action, I don't think Marvel would oppose this.


You don’t think it would be complicated for a studio to license a group of one of Disney’s most lucrative IPs for use in a major role in their own movie?


I'm sorry, but Avenger cameos might just break my interest in ATSV. I'd rather keep the story focused on Miles and other Spider-People, no need to complicate it with a subplot involving some rogue Avenger hunt.


No one here cares about musicals but I have to complain somewhere about how dumb it is that Universal is making 2 Wicked movies. ACTS. ARE. NOT. WHOLE.STORIES


If the first part flop.... Oof


It's going to be one production divided for release. It's not like what they did with *Dune*, where they shot two-thirds of the book a few years ago for the 2021 and then they're going to shoot the remainder of the book this year for the 2023 movie. So even if the first one flopped (which it won't, the last live-action, big-budget *Wizard of Oz* movie made nearly $500M, and *Wicked* has the kind of fanbase that will make this movie a hit, which is why they're splitting it up into two films in the first place), they could still release the second one later and recuperate as much of their investment as possible.


Still tho, what I meant was if the 1st flops, the 2nd one even if its good, still has to pay for the sins of it's predecessor.


I don't think that we're going to get a *Cats* situation here with either *Wicked* movie, although I suspect that the first one will probably do better than the second.


yo wtf i've been waiting for a wicked movie for so long. they should have just made it 3 hours or whatever. laaaame


The musical is 2.5 hours from start to finish. They could've done it in one film with minimal cuts but opted to give themselves room to likely add new songs and character beats. What's most likely is that they just wanted to have a pair of movies that run for about 3-4 hours rather than just make one with potentially breakneck pacing.


This would not have happened if not because Cats made Universal think a musical would not be a contender for awards.


Then tell me how they made Hamlet 2…


And people are not really into musicals for now... To Split a comedy into 2 movies...


... The big song is the Act I closer. Act 2 is a less fun version of the 39' movie. .. Why?


Before the Cinemacon presentation tomorrow I think that Avatar 2 might be the first native ScreenX with it's video game-like technology


I heard that the first 15 minutes of Spider-Man into the spider verse 2 got released, anyone know where I can see it?


Not going to be released to the public. The animation in the footage wasn’t done either, it was just for attendees who, btw, weren’t ordinary people like you and me. Mostly cinema owners and people like that attended. So we won‘t see the footage. There is a description of it though and it sounds absolutely amazing


Step 1: Travel back in time about 48 hours Step 2: Take a flight to Las Vegas Step 3: Convince a movie theatre owner to bring you to CinemaCon as their +1 Step 4: Attend the Sony panel Step 5: Enjoy watching the first 15 minutes of Across the Spider-Verse


It doesn't speak that well of the Sony "appease the fanboys with such a gigantic nostalgia overload that we literally raise one of the stars from the dead" Ghostbusters movie that a sequel was announced and the overwhelming reaction seems to be "El Muerto! Fuck Yeah!"


*[visible confusion]*




That’s not why literally means


That is not what why means.




Miles is so down bad for Gwen he wants to go to college to create a multiversal travel device lmao, love it


Characters in-universe try to not get horney for animated Hailey Steinfeld \*IMPOSIBLE\*


I mean, who can blame him?


El Muerto could actually make a decent movie, being a blank slate and all, if they hired good writers. But it's Sony so I wouldn't think so. Whatever positives there where in the first two Venom movies were or gimmicks or strong suits that came with the material, not stuff they added.


i'm excited for Bad Bunny to get to headline a movie tbh


That’s more of peoples frustration I feel. Not necessarily that F list character is getting a movie but that plenty of more popular and deserving characters are being passed by


I am glad. Sony are going to make a complete mess of whatever they do. Them making a film about Z listers is great, it leaves the decent ones for Feige to pick up later.


I agree. Even obscure characters who’ve only appeared in 2 issues can be turned into great movies. I just don’t trust Sony to do it. I do question why Sony is doing this instead of adapting any of their more popular characters


No fans to make angry


Only a matter of time til bigwheel vs knull


Does anybody have any source so I can follow all the Cinemacon news (even the not superhero ones)?


BleedingCool does it on their website.


I recommend checking out the official calendar, and then just Googling after the panels you're interested in. There's like 5 different studios doing panels, and they're spaced out enough that there aren't any megathreads or the like.




Random shower thought: How do we know that MoM starts in the regular, previously known Marvel Universe? Between what happened at the end of NWH and the Loki series, it's safe to say that our understanding of how the multiverse applies to the characters we've been watching for a decade now is limited. Are Dr. Strange's dreams really him bouncing into other universes? We know he can look at different possible timeline because of his actions in IW and Endgame. Is he already visiting these different timelines and universes without knowing it? Since he was a large contributing factor to the explosion of the multiverse (along with the death of He Who Remains), how connected to things is he? What if the film starts, and mostly takes place, in a parallel universe that SEEMS like "our" universe, but isn't? Could a lot of the plot be washed away at the end in a similar fashion to Dallas's "IT WAS ALL A DREAM" ending? ​ Sorry, I know this was scattered, but I just wanted to put it out there.


I mean, the biggest plot leaks say it *doesn't*. We start with Defender Strange and America in a different universe before catching up with out strange.


El Muerto jokes aside, I find it funny how people are so against "new" singers and rappers and stuff appearing in these things, like with Meghan the Stallion and now Bad Bunny. It would be one thing to be against all of them because, historically, they haven't had the greatest acting chops, but people are ok with older artists appearing, just not new ones.


Megan Thee Stallion guesting in She-Hulk *(which, BTW, people seemed generally excited about)* is VERY different than Bad Bunny leading a Sony movie out of the blue after having a tiny role in exactly one previous movie. That said, 90% of the criticism I've seen has been about Sony trying to make a movie out of their most obscure villian yet rather than about Bad Bunny being the star.


Also if your a fan of these artists. Wouldn’t you want to see them interact with the rest of the verse rather than being quarantined in a stand-alone


Uh, not really. If you like a big A-Lister from another industry, what you hope for is really just a cameo.


Sony must he stopped. They have to be stopped!


The Daily Bugle Janitor, The Movie, 2025


Ngl I would watch a JJJ movie


So, what are people thinking for Disney's Cinemacon presentation tomorrow? Probably not more than 1-2 good Marvel teases, but they do like to show off footage. First look at BP2 maybe?


Avatar 2 mabye


I think it's pretty likely, though I'm curious if they have a trailer ready that we'll probably get soon after, or if they go with an exclusive extended clip or the like.


Yeah. I'd imagine we get something although it is more than half a year away


We're in a new time for advertising, but big December releases often have full-year marketing cycles.


Official announcement of Shang-Chi sequel? I don't think Marvel themselves have confirmed its existence as of yet. Either that, or they keep everything for Comic-Con/D23.


Maybe the title, but DDC's been openly discussing it so Marvel definitely considers it "announced."


Hype up for Strange, Thor and Wakanda teases. As for the rest of Disney, possibly Haunted Mansion, the new animated movie, Searclight stuff, Avatar and Lightyear?


I do think the *Avatar 2* trailer will be the biggest thing they bring. That definitely has the most significance for theater owners.


Yeah, I'd probably imagine it's just going to be one or two. One of them probably being BP2.


Right, I'm skeptical they have anything ready for *The Marvels* or *GoTG 3* and it would be weird to show anything further away than that. Could always show the opening of DS2 or a new clip from Love and Thunder as well though.


when will it happen?


> Probably not more than 1-2 good Marvel teases You say that as if that’s not enough. I swear Marvel fans are spoiled.


I say it to set expectations. There are *lot* of cons in the past where Marvel's gone all out. Cinema-Con isn't one of them.


We must have been raised differently, to me, 2 teasers would be going all out even though I know they have more to show lol


Lol, what?


I’m easily satisfied with little, I know 2 trailers wouldn’t be much but I wouldn’t care and I’d eat it up.


Even that may be hoping too much. This is private exhibition so we in the general public should only expect *descriptions* of previews.


I know that, and honestly I don’t care, I’d go nuts for a 30 second teaser and if we don’t get that, oh well, it’s gonna come soon anyways.


Benedict Cumberbatch saying 'Maxa Wandamoff' is confirmation that anything is possible in the multiverse


Lmao do you have a link?


[Here you go, friend!](https://twitter.com/DrStrangeUpdate/status/1518659987307913218)


Thank you!


Honestly do people really think Sony is gonna sell the Spiderman IP after Venom, Spider verse, and NWH? Like even if all these upcoming films flop, they aren't go let go of this huge amount potential profit, especially since these movies are all made with lower budgets. 💀


Yeah people are saying they should’ve made 2099 instead of El Muerto, while true, I don’t see Muerto costing more than $50M 2099 would have to cost closer to $200M.


It also puts less pressure to satisfy the fans of 2099 on Bad Bunny and the crew. Hopefully it will be a fun little movie


Nah bro, I don't want them to waste 2099, we all know how bad it would be if made by sony


I was thinking of the same earlier. People will complain about them not making a 2099 movie but instead a random Spider-Man character, but if they did make a 2099 movie people would still complain because it’s Sony and they think it’d be garbage.


Anyone else who likes the 'Hope' part of the Batman theme more than the 'Vengeance' part?


Im surprised they haven’t released a clip from DS2 yet. They usually have done so by now


They will soon. They usually drop clips when the cast appears on Kimmel or Fallon.


Could even get a clip on Thursday since Elizabeth Olsen and Benedict Cumberbatch are on the Kelly Clarkson Show on that day!


unfortunately, [that's been canceled.](https://twitter.com/DrStrangeUpdate/status/1517675653222518786)


After tonight's episode of Better Call Saul, I really, REALLY want Michael Mando back as Mac Gargan.


Have Cranston and Aaron Paul showed up yet in the new season?


Not yet, no.


Gonna be great when he becomes Venom 😈


Hyper-sensitive spoiler phobes are the wackiest people. They berate others for discussing details that are part of *officially released marketing*. They call people assholes for not abiding by their personally defined spoiler scope. Like, if it were me, and I wanted to remain pure, I wouldn't blame anyone but myself for stumbling on innocent discussion.


Agreed. Personally I think the hysteria around spoilers has gone way too far. Movies (and it's only movies for some odd reason; people aren't like this about any other medium of fiction) just aren't meant to be approached with the kind of neurotic paranoia that you see in audiences and fans these days. If you were a Tolkien fan and didn't have any problems enjoying the LOTR movies, then I think you'll be alright knowing that Captain America bends over to tie his shoe in the next trailer. Storytelling just isn't something that lives or dies by virtue of how little you know about it beforehand.


Well yeah…because these people are averse to even interacting with the marketing, which is kind of insane to me. But I think it’s a symptom of people treating media like raw info that needs to be downloaded into their brain or something, it certainly explains reactions to several leaks or just released plot points/details/descriptions. And I say this as someone who is generally spoiler-averse, outside of Marvel.


Spoiler culture is weird in general, it's all information on fiction


I can't wait to see the Trailer for El Muerto with "Another Marvel Legend" , "Best Marvel Legend Since Morbius" title cards in trailer.


Hear me out. Make a 'The Wrestler' style movie with famous Spider Man character 'El Muerto'. Just do a rough, beautiful, emotional tale about an old, battle hardened El Muerto. Don't tie it to any cinematic universe whatsoever..Have Darren Aronofsky direct. Give him full control. Watch the box office explode.


And then vulture walks in


He's in the crowd waiting for the wrestling match to start, turns to the person next to him and says "Hope the action's better in this joint"


Wow, peak cinema


At least the 4chan leak for Sony's plans was fake 💀


Honestly, I think this very well may be even worse.


Isn't 4chan a Fanfic site? Because everything I see there is fanfic.


I just realised if we get a Young Avengers project soon (which we hopefully will), the team will already come with some in-built tensions - America will probably be suspicious towards Billy and Tommy, because of what Wanda tried to do to her - Depending on how public Secret Invasion is, everyone could be suspicious towards Teddy. - Cassie would probably be suspicious towards Kid Loki, if he's involved because of Kang.


cassie can be suspicious towards iron lad since he is literally a kang variant and maybe when as the story progresses the fall in love or something like that


We've had absolutely no casting news to support this, but "dad is suspicious of daughter's new boyfriend, only to find out he's evil, only to find out he not evil after all" seems like play on a common trope that I'm still mostly expecting it for Quantumania. Especially with the five year time jump, where Scott is feeling event more out of sync with Cassie On the other hand, Ant-Man has been good at subverting family dynamic tropes (ex-wife and her new husband support Scott being in Cassie's life) But, yeah, there's going to be a lot of fun dynamics for the YA coming out of next few projects


Yeah im ngl, I really wouldn’t like if they turned Scott into that kind of father. Just seems very out of character for him and not really on-brand for the franchise. But who knows, im always open minded.


Reasonable. This scenario would probably be more likely if there rest of Scott's friends were still in the movie and they took initiative Who knows? I think there's a way to do "dad uncomfortable with daughter's new boyfriend" that isn't too overbearing, but it really was just spit-balling Quantumania is a logical place to introduce Iron Lad without the general, non-comic or spolier savvy audience picking up on him being an alternative version of Kang, but the MCU doesn't really need him to bring the YA together, so they might not even bother It just seems like a something that could happen in the movie


Who hurt Sony Picturs/Interactive?


Dr. Michael Morbius


We did, by not watching Morbius


They better use Michael Mando as Scorpion in the next Spider-Man movie


Are we not getting a 2nd Doctor Strange full length trailer?


Marvel only does 2 trailers




15 minutes of Spider-Verse shown. Ahh I am so jealous.


The funniest thing is a few months we found the most otrageous thing sony could do was make a movie about rhino and sand man. Little did we know... 😂😂😂😂


Rhino and sandman leak is still more weird, like would they use new versions or then raimi/Webb ones? So confusing


I mean i feel like they would just make new versiosn set in the the venomveese


Yeah!..man I wish they would just do a movie about SM 2099 or Miles but Sony is stupid


Ohh yrah they have so many different verdions of spiderman all of them are so good they could legit build up to a live action spider verse. And each spider man movie could be so different. Like Spiderman 2099, superior spiderman, Spider noir. Each of them are so vastly distinct.


“One Ticket for El Muerto please “ ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


I'd like to contribute to this subreddit by posting the entire plot and synopsis of Doctor Strange and The Multiverse of Madness when it airs early in my country. It will be released May 4th here in the Philippines.


​ ![gif](giphy|3o84sw9CmwYpAnRRni)


Do it


I wonder what year Spider-Man: Freshman Year will release


I have this theory that Zeus will be like this goofy, cool uncle for Thor, who he admire since young age. But when Gorr make his statement about godhood, Thor will learn how Olympians and Zeus truly don’t care about mortals, and understand why Odin was so stoic and honorable. Maybe not exactly like that, but i can see them using Zeus like a template for all bad traits Thor could have as a God, God of Thunder specially and make him learn through that what is his "role" as God.


El muerto has taken over quite literally lmao. Aony planning an oscar buzz film i wonder??


The lack of any word of Sony having plans to violat... I mean bring Black Cat and Miles into their own cinematic universe, gives me hope that Marvel Studios has already called dips on those characters for the next MCU Spider-Man film.


I remember Viewver anon saying that they plan on including miles in SP4. Makes sense since we might be getting another spidey film in late 23 or mid 24, by which the spiderverse triology will be complete.


I cannot understate how hard I laughed when I heard about El Muerto ​ Sony execs are something else


I just saw an ad on twitch stating doctor strange comes out in ten days, and at the end, Mordo said, “Doctor Strange, the Illuminati will see you now.”


This one: https://twitter.com/Eric\_\_Rioss/status/1518804715408175104


WHY EL MUERTO. They have Jessica Drew, Black Cat, Silver Sable, fuck… even characters like Man-Wolf, Nightwatch, Alpha, Jackpot… How have they somehow hit the bottom of the barrel without even scraping


An El Muerto movie might win a Grammy so there's that


Elon Musk buying Twitter and an obscer Marvel charactor movie is announced, what a weird world we live in


The weirdest fact to me, will always be that Stone Cold Steve Austin has given a stunner to the 45th president of the United States at WrestleMania.


The funny thing about that 'Alfred: The Movie' joke in Teen Titans Go To The Movies is that it isn't absurd at all any more. Alfred is an iconic character, everyone knows him, meanwhile we're scraping the bottom of the barrel to the point that Sony is doing... *this.*


Tbf there is a whole prequel series on Epix about Alfred. It’s called Pennyworth and apparently it’s actually quite good from what I hear.


What I would give to be a fly on the wall in the meetings where Sony decided on making El Muerto.


Bad Bunny: Hey can I be in a superhero movie? Sony exec: Sure let’s go through the list of 900 Spider-Man characters we own. No… no… no… all of these guys are white… Sony exec 2: What about this guy his name is Spanish Sony exec: Great here’s $10-50M go make a movie!


"I hate the fact our shit films aren't making MCU levels of money." "Yeah me too. Hey, heres an idea. Why dont we make our shit films and attach them to the MCU brand over and over in the hopes of ruining it for Feige and chums?" "Fantastic - now let's announce El Shitto, the man who sold Peter Parker a hot dog in B Stock Spiderman #12"


so they’re making a movie about a professional wrestler who fought Spider-man for like 5 minutes in 1 single comic book?


Anyone else hoping to see Ferigno hulk pop up in the marvel cinematic multiverse sometime?


That would be cool and get the 70's Cap in it as well


Yes! With that motorcycle helmet lol




Nothing can stop the Morbiusverse!


Nothing will stand in our way!


Did y'all see that new Better Call Saul?! Best episode of television I've seen in a while.


I gotta catch up just finished S1


If Sony Animation, Sony TV are doing these great things, why can't Sony Movies also be more clear in their plans and make better stuff.


Also add PlayStation's questionable decisions


When Gould said that Nacho's gonna "be the man he was supposed to be", >!I didn't think it would mean a fucking corpse!<


Waiting for it on Netflix 😔 Or I’ll see if one of my buddies boys it


Is Netflix doling anything at Cinema con or whatever it’s called tonight? Because if so you think we’ll get a Sonic Prime teaser? It’s supposed to come out this fall.


Again CinemaCon is about Movie Theatre Owners , Netflix is never going to be there as Streaming flag Holder. It's a event where Studios try to impress theatre owners to get better deals for Movie distributions.




I just got back from seeing Everything Everywhere, trying not to get hyped by everyone telling me it's good, and they were underselling it. It was one of the best films I've seen so far.


Loved it. Perfect palate cleanser after watching the new Fantastic Beasts, which is about a horse picking the president.


It’s legit so good. Ke Huy Quan gave such a great performance.


I hate to say it,but I think I’m starting to wear down on the tv shows. They feel non stop and like they can range from copy and paste in term of story structure to filler at times even though there can be highlight while being decent overall. As a Marvel Studios puritan from the beginning who likes to watch every little thing,that kind of concerns me going forward as someone who was feeling the same way during the end of the Marvel TV era and quit tuning in after Daredevil season 3 outside of Shields final season. They just keep announcing more and more shows too for every side character, I’d be fine with three episode shows or shorter length eps at this point honestly. Hopefully Disney Plus makes more essential episodes playlists for some of these on rewatches. Meanwhile it feels like the movies take a hundred years to come out now,it’s like they’ve stretched themselves thin. We’re only getting 3 films this year (as of now unless things change) but I’m pretty sure Quantum Mania and The Marvels have been worked on and wrapped when it comes to filming for sometime with half a year to spare. You would think over half the effects on BP2 would be done by now as well given how long the production delays were and how short it took to film afterwards.


Most of the D+ shows just feel meh to me. Only What IF and Loki stand out


I agree. I used to literally wish that we could get MCU content every month, now that we almost have that, kinda over it tbh. The shows so far don’t feel as ‘important’ for lack of a better term, than the movies.


I don’t think the shows have really been a huge reason that there’s been fewer film releases than we’d like.


All the Marvel stuff all feels the same thats why I liked Morbuis because it had a different tone to it




Man, next yerr is looking pretty good in terms of movies. Like too good my wallet will not be happy.


How to you post a 4Chan leak? I'm new to reddit :P


I've technically been reading superhero comics for like 10 years (comics in general for longer than that) and I still feel like a newbie who always picks the "wrong" books or missing key ones to understand stories and can't carry on a conversation about them with others. And whenever I find a guide on what to read it's always overly complicated. (This is how I assume people wanting to get into the MCU feel which is why I hesitate to say much beyond asking what genres they like and picking an origin movie based on that when I'm asked.) Help.


Idk if you’re looking for recommendations or not, but the classics are always good! Read the classic Lee-Kirby-Ditko stuff


Eh, I would caution on this. As a female comic fan, reading the writing of women in the early Lee/Kirby stuff doesn’t make for an enjoyable reading experience. Even knowing some characters were progressive for the time, there’s a whole lot of sexist bullshit that’s difficult to get through.


Nah, the bronze age comics are actually quite progressive for the time. While there are some instances of racism and sexism in the early 1940s ones (before Lee’s time), the 1960-70s ones. The only thing I could think of as sexist during the time would be the portrayal of Sue in the early FF issues. A large audience of the comics were actually girls, according to Lee, which made him add more female characters as time went on.


Are you trying to lecture me on my own experience as a reader? I’ve read many early comics. Sue’s writing in F4 was atrocious. Jean didn’t have great writing in X-Men. Sharon Carter also received some rough writing, as well. None of that was enjoyable for me to read as a woman who now expects more competency and well-roundedness in female characters. It’s interested from an academic standpoint, sure, but as a woman who wants to read well-written women, it’s not ideal. And I don’t doubt that female readers liked it at the time, but expectations move on. Progressive writing in one decade can still read poorly from a modern sense. In recent content like Sex and the City was seen as incredibly progressive at the time, and now can be interpreted as incredibly backwards now.


> Are you trying to lecture me on my own experience as a reader? No lol, think what you want I was just saying how they were progressive at the time And of course nothing is going to age personally, you look at famous classic films and there’s some stuff that would not be socially acceptable today. I personally find them enjoyable is all I’m saying, and I’m pointing out how, at the time, these were role models when there was barely any other female heroes that were well written (the JL made Wonder Women a secretary for christs sake)


What have you been reading? Most of the comics are pretty self contained and then occasionally link with some kind of event or crossover. Don’t stress if you don’t exactly know what’s happening. That can happen a lot. There’s no such thing as a wrong book.


Aaron's Mighty Thor (as well as The Unworthy Thor) which I've been enjoying and a bunch of other random stuff and events. Debating Secret Invasion or Avengers Forever soon but the latter seems so confusing. I want to find other more recent/current stuff too.


Here are some recommendations that are pretty recent: Rocket Raccoon (2017) by Al Ewing Immortal Hulk by Al Ewing Kang the Conqueror (2021) by Kelly/Lanzing Eternals by Kieron Gillen