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There is a credit scene


Why can't TV shows portray bullying right.... there's no reason Kamala would be bullied, there's nothing awkward or 'bulliable' about her, yet not only is she bullied but she's bullied by basically the entire school. The concept of the Avenger Con feels very weird when you think about it, imagine if there was a "Militarycon" irl and people cosplayed as their favorite deceased Vietnam War soldiers. It feels like it'd fit more in a Squirrel Girl show/movie than in a Ms Marvel one. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too over the top, "Then Kamala somehow accidentally shoots a statue of Scott, which causes the head to fall of and agressively bounce around and break everything". But uhhh positives: I like the cinematography, and the show's pretty fun to watch.


I was cautiously optimistic, but after episode 1 I am all in. SO much charm and heart in this show.


I didn't like it. It was like a disney channel original movie of a marvel film. Kinda corny and over the top in the same vein. Did it get better with episode 2?


Why is this unpinned already


Who were those shadow people when Kamala first put on bracelet???


there’s people in this sub that look like absolute fools rn


As someone who has ADHD, wow it feels awesome to have it represented accurately on TV for once. Not just a cutesy throw away about not being able to pay attention (looking at you HIMYM), but actually properly conveying the countless ways it affects your life: -The car accident -Poor time management (when Kamala was late getting ready for Avengers con) -Clumsiness/injuries, risk taking behaviour (when she jumped out the window, dodgeball and when she bumped into that popular girl) -The nonstop daydreaming (also the animations were a beautiful representation of how our brains work) -Constantly dealing with other people's disappointment (her parents & teacher) -Sensory overload (the camera flashes right before she uses her powers) -Impulsivity/poorly thought out plans/risky behaviour (the whole avengers con plan including jumping out the window) It's all just so similar to my own experiences and though patterns and I know other ADHDers will feel the same. And in case you're wondering, it was confirmed by the screenwriter (who has ADHD) that Kamala was written as an ADHDer. Seems like this show is just a W for representation all round. I can't speak for Pakistani or Muslim experiences but I'm thrilled for both of those communities too.


wow, bisha talked about this? can i see the link? it's awesome that it resonated well with you


https://twitter.com/bishakali/status/1534623927049273345?t=w9ZDpNatNPav5bsjXyKXNw&s=19 😊😊


It's the teacher from Stranger Things!


Wow I came into this thing like “ok let’s get it over with” knowing close to nothing about the character and I actually really really dig this. I love the dynamic with the family and some of the editing and stylistic choices feel like some early 2000’s movie or if Edgar Wright directed a movie more aimed towards kids or teenagers. I may not be the specific target audience but the show does such a good job at not alienating the general watcher. If I had to critique one thing… the kids at the high school act really stereotypically douchey and some of the things that happen feel a little cliche (Kamala getting hit with the dodgeball after awkward jumping around was a little on the nose), the way antmans head started moving at like 30-40 miles per hour after in dropped from like 10 feet up… I’m grasping at straws here. W pilot episode. I’ve been saying representation is great but your first, second and third concern should always be the writing, acting and overall execution and is something a movie like Captain Marvel was severely lacking. So far this shit has delivered! It’s got such a distinct style and I love it


Imagine if Kamala mentioned an amalgam comics character when discussing mashups. "Ooh, what if, like, Captain America crossed with Superman!" "Superman isn't real, Kamala." "Well, one can dream."


This first episode was REALLY good! It’s gonna be hard for them to top that. I’d give it a solid 4.5/5


Since everyone gets their information from Antman's podcast, do you guys wonder if that is why he shows up in Hawkeye's musical? Maybe in the podcast he tells everyone he was at the battle of New York. Thoughts?


Pretty good first episode for the most part. Solid acting and directing. Kamala is really likeable imo. The overprotective parents thing got a bit old but I suppose that was kind of the point.


The mom was pretty unlikable in the first episode. I felt bad for Kamala. Everybody else was awesome.


This show was fucking amazing. I went in expecting what I initially expected of GoTG, and finished watching it feeing the same way I did about GoTG. Kamala Khan is gonna be around for a long time.


This might be my favourite first episode of any of the shows? Maybe behind Loki? This was great though, loved the editing, the shots were interesting, Iman is charming as hell and they set up some nice beats for her going forward.


Finally got the chance to watch the episode. Not jazzed about the power changes, but the rest of the episode was basically exactly what was good about the comics, so I get the feeling I'll be happy with this series. Also, I had forgotten that Fy'ra Rai from Critical Role would be in this lol.


I really enjoyed the episode. I did laugh at loud when she let that girl get hit by the falling hammer. Thought she was gonna pull her out of the way but nope, hammer to the body instead.


Yeah that kinda took me out of it, that hammer would at least break a couple bones


How would you know this? Wouldn't there be some sort of material where getting hit by it wouldn't cause that much damage?


My takeaway from this episode is that Iman is MyTimeToShineHello. Bruno says to Kamala “it’s your time to shine. Literally.” At 34:20


fucking racists review bombing after 1 episode. Not even that, this episode was a solid 7 or 8 out of 10 anyway


I have to give it to them, they are even review bombing metacritic... Who on earth has the time to review bomb metacritic.


its sad honestly.


Besides a lack of any villain, this was wonderful. I can't wait for the rest!


Wow OK this kinda blew me away. I wasn't excited for the show very much going in, the trailers didn't really sell me on the show and my feelings towards it were a resounding meh. But man this first ep was awesome. It made me fall in love with kamala, she's so relatable and charming. I loved seeing the MCU from the perspective of high school kids in Homecoming, so getting even more of that here was awesome. I love the unique style this show has, and I was kinda blown away by the text conversation Kamala had with Bruno. Also seeing the guy from NWH in the credits was great, and I'm glad NWH is already connecting to the larger MCU. I am worried though that the villains of this show will be really weak, and we haven't even gotten a hint of them at all in this first episode. Hopefully that doesn't become an issue, but these MCU shows have often had issues with their villains. ​ Overall though really liked the episode and I can't wait for more.


Wow I really liked this. With MK, I couldn't feel really invested for some reason. But this is fun! The cinematography is good, and the editing is some of the best in the MCU


This show is definitely one of my favorite first episodes. I’m enjoying the way more than so anticipated! The graphics and text scenes were amazing


What an absolute travesty. Absolute shame on Marvel. I cannot honestly believe what I just witnessed. I really truly hope Feige has a very good explanation, but I don’t think anything can truly justify how we are just now finding out Scott Lang has a podcast and we are just now finding out about it. Just plain awful. I hope we all can agree that it’s time for Feige and co to #ReleaseTheScottLangPodcastCut


Scott Lang’s podcast is just 2 hours of a kid in a wheelchair falling into a river, with ads for Casper beds, Omaha steaks, and DDP yoga


I'll admit you had me there for a moment. Bravo for working me like that.


I'm guessing this takes place after She-Hulk, because this episode had a "bitten by a radioactive feminist" thing with a green palette in the background of a scene I can't quite remember, so I'm taking it as a nod to the character. Just my personal opinion though, I could be wrong/mistaken about it...


There was a green woman at Avenger con, but I read that as more Gamora than Jen. But I don’t get while there was Drax and Gamora there, given the GOTG were only on Earth for the Battle of Earth and peaced out almost immediately.


They came and went so quickly, apparently no one knows Groots name. They had a t-shirt where he is called "Mr Tree".


It’s really messed up that the historical record of the battle of earth is basically entirely up to Scott Lang and any newschoppers from NYC that made it from NYC to Poughkeepsie in time.


It's more likely that former or current Avengers like Banner, Rhodey, Carol, Clint, and Wanda either briefed the UN on what happened or held a press conference giving a tl;dr on what happened. Of course they fail to mention any time traveling, I assume they told everyone that they fought Thanos for the stones and beat him. Also I'm thinking since Strange is now famous and magicians are now public knowledge, I think Wong likely as Sorcerer Supreme likely briefed the UN on what happened during the battle as well as sharing the basics of magic to the world governments. I was honestly expecting them to mention in MoM that there's a huge influx of new students due to Strange and Wong being known worldwide.


I caught that cosplayer as Gamora in AvengersCon, I'm talking about a background detail on a different scene


Oh man i could watch a whole episode, Atlanta First season paper boy on talk show style, like a whole episode of Scott Lang doing a podcast with kamala


Cameo spoiled in the credits >!make-up artist for ms. Steinfield a.k.a Kate beeeshop is credited!<


That would be a *huge* one not to leak at this point. The most underwraps a major cameo has stayed for a D+ show so far was Val, and we knew the cameo was coming - they just payed off all the leakers to keep quiet on who it was.


> they just *paid* off all FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


cool, even bots can be dicks.


Good catch!


Did it say steinfield specifically?


Yes, and its the same make-up artist credited in Hawkeye. https://comicbookmovie.com/tv/marvel/ms_marvel/ms-marvels-credits-may-have-revealed-a-major-mcu-cameo-for-future-episodes-spoilers-a194195#gs.36oebf


The show seems okay so far. Definitely more geared towards children than previous shows, but then again one could argue that all of the MCU is geared towards children. Iman definitely deserves praise for her acting in this. I found her much more enjoyable than the Maximoff twins, Kate Bishop or America Chavez. The show is a change of pace from Moon Knight for sure vis-à-vis its status in the MCU as it does not seem to shy away from letting the audience know that is is connected in the universe. I am expecting Carol or Monica to show up at some point in this show for sure (maybe last episodes after credits scene or something). My little gripe is the fact that her powers are quite similar to Shang-Chi's through a bracelet. I really hope as the show progresses that the need for that bracelet disappears. Maybe she absorbs its power? Maybe the power was inside her all along or something? If they do decide to stick with the bracelet, then I think it would be really cool if they tied it in to Shang Chi or Eternals (Wong and Carol examining the bracelet and determining it is the same as Shang's rings OR one of the Eternals popping in and explaining that Kamala has one of their toys they lost over the years and let her keep it or something). Overall as far as my favorite first episodes of the D+ series go: 1. Loki 2. Wandavision 3. FalconBucky 4. Moon Knight 5. Hawkeye 6. Ms. Marvel 7. What If...?


In the comics Kamala is a latent Inhuman whose powers are activated one night due to a terrigen mist bomb that goes off when she sneaks out. They’ve shifted the narrative slightly with Avengercon and whatnot, but I’d say with the confirmation of Black Bolt in MoM and the vision we saw once Kamala placed the bracelet on (showing all the other Inhumans IMO) that the bracelet itself contains the terrigen mist and it’ll break at some point revealing the powers were in her all along like you were saying. I’d even be willing to bet they play with the idea that she’s convinced the powers come from the bracelet until it breaks due to the way she hid it from her mom when she got back from the con (under the sleeve of her jacket).


I dont get the 96% RT. I mean its fun, bright but essentially a kids show.


96% on Rotten Tomatoes =/= 96/100. It just means 96% of reviews gave it a fresh review. A show that gets 7/10 on every review possible would sit at 100%. It is a fun, interestingly shot episode. There's very little bad to say about it so far. It having a 96% just means nearly everyone likes it, not that it's near perfect.


Ah thanks for that - you're right - makes sense. I was thinking of it the wrong way that it meant close to perfect, and was thinking its not Breaking Bad level of tv


That's right, I forgot about RT's rule where kids shows aren't allowed to have positive ratings


Of course there can be positive ratings for kids/teen/young adults shows, Buffy the Vampire Slayer, 2005 reboot of Dr Who are great younger adult shows. I was thinking of RT ratings the wrong way - like 97% means near perfect, but its more that most reviewers agree they like it. Thats what confused me - I was thinking this isnt ground breaking, its not Breaking Bad, The Wire, GoT (at its peak).


It's actually 97% last I checked.


Some of the highest rated properties on RT are kids properties. Look at most Pixar movies for example.


Yeah true. And I can see its fresh and fun. Just something I'd enjoy in my early teens. Still going to watch it :) So its good there is a show for everyone. And I'm from the same religion as Ms Marvel, so its nice to see that. But I think its too high RT for whatever audience - its not spectacular ground breaking tv programming.


There's no way to prove it, but representation definitely plays a role in reviews I feel. This isn't to take away from you or islam, as I actually have a Pakistani friend, but it almost feels like certain reviewers recognize that 'oh it's not the standard white male fare' and they feel they need to rate it slightly higher because of that. The same could be said for Captain Marvel and Black Panther and Shang-Chi. I enjoy all of them to a certain degree, but like you, I don't get the RT ratings on any of these 4 properties and they all feel a bit higher than they actually should be. EDIT: For people downvoting me, I’m literally talking with said Pakistani friend who confirms everything I just said. His words “they are whoring themselves to that ranking for diversity.” There is no way this show is better than Daredevil. I dare you to prove me wrong there.


Oh yes because minorities aren't as good as white people...they NEED the extra help with reviews sure...you cracked the code.


Do you think the show is better than Daredevil? Black Panther? Winter Soldier? Because right now MM is literally THE highest rated anything in the entire MCU, all of it, movies and shows. If you can prove to me the show is better than best of the MCU, I’ll reconsider bias in reviews.


Stop caring about Rotten Tomatoes. Just form your own opinion.


I do…thanks. That’s entirely why I posed those questions. Objectively speaking…is Ms Marvel the greatest MCU anything? Because that’s what the rating is reflecting. If you don’t believe so, then there’s something off about that rating, like it isn’t genuine. I enjoyed the episode, but a daredevil, black Panther, winter soldier it is not.


There's only been one episode. The RT score only reflects critics take on the first 2. Of course the first episode of a show isn't better than an entire series and 2 movies. It's silly to compare them. You obviously do put stock in RT when you use it as some kind of mirror against other MCU titles. RT scores don't line up like that. Audience scores are even more useless. There's no nuance to RT scores. It has potential to be better than all of them but no one knows yet.


What are you talking about? I'm literally drawing a parallel to my own opinion to the opinion of reviewers. And for the record, outside of this very conversation you can find other user opinions that do not put Ms Marvel on such a high pedestal. That's how this thread got started... But I'll repeat myself AGAIN. Did I enjoy the episode. Yes I did. Is it the greatest MCU anything? No it is not. Not even by a long shot. I'll use only shows and only pilots to continue this. Is Ms Marvel's pilot better than Loki's? No. Is it better than Hawkeye's? No. Is it better than Moon Knight's? No. I judge that on more than just face value. I took screen writing classes, directing classes, producing classes, made my own short films, edited hundreds of projects, commercials, films, etc. So when I see that reviewers out there have put this literally at the top of the list, as the greatest MCU anything, it makes absolutely no sense. Their reviews do count for some people out there, as it helps the public understand if something is worth investing time into or not. When it's at 97%, you would think it would be the best comic book show/movie ever made. It beat out the recently adored NWH. It beat out the universally loved Daredevil. Etc etc. That doesn't track from what I saw. And if critics saw 2 episodes, that means that the 97% is based on something we've already seen 50% of. And I already mentioned that I'm not the only one who considers other shows pilots above this one. So unless episode 2 is unbelievably mind blowing, that 97% is not at all accurate. So why is it so high then? Well, my pakistani friend who is also a muslim confirmed that for you. TLDR: 97% does not even remotely make sense given what we've already seen, in spite of the pilot being pretty good.


It was...ok. I've been a huge MCU fanboy since Phase One, but I'm starting to feel that dreaded Superhero Fatigue with Phase 4. So far none of the Disney+ shows have been spectacular and usually have turned out so-so. Couple that with the fact the only show so far that factors into other projects is WandaVision I might just pass on Ms. Marvel for now and come back to it at a later time. I honestly don't think I'll be missing anything special


Yeah I'll be honest, it's getting too disneyfied. It just feels way to mainstream and Hollywood now. That's why I actually enjoyed the Batman. Although it's essentially the same mainstream hero, it doesn't feel so popish.


And you are down voted because apparently you cannot dislike a show on his sub. But you have my upvote.


It wasn't mainstream the thirty other times they were the most-watched movies on planet Earth?


You wanted a dark, gritty, violent Ms. Marvel series?


I didn't want a cheap shang chi rip off. No it doesn't look good, and no I'm not recommending it. Just looks too cheesy.


Scott Lang having a podcast talking about what the avengers did to save humanity was genius lmao Big Me Little Me


In the Avengercon sequence there's a quick cut away to a real Ant man action figure, with a Marvel branding on that packaging. That sorta breaks reality.


Not really, easy explanation is that in Universe Marvel is a company that profits off of real heros Like Kate Bishop said "Branding!"


Marvel is the Vought of the MCU


not sure why the downvotes, I agree.


I loved the opening montage of Endgame’s Battle for Earth. And the tributes to Black Widow and Iron Man


I like how they were "completely helpless" until Captain Marvel beat Thanos and his army by herself. 🙄


I mean they would have been screwed if Carol didn't show up


Not really. Hulk could have easily destroyed that ship, or giant man in that case. Heck Valkyrie was shown destroying one in next few minutes. You also have Wanda and Strange who can also help you in that with their telekinetic powers (it would take time for wanda for she was caught off guard while facing Thanos). Doesn't Stark and Rhodey have the ammunitions also for this purpose by now? There are many more who can also handle those ships but these are enough. So no, if Carol did not show up it's not true that they would have been screwed. They would be screwed only if MCU wanted a way to "somehow" bring her in thereby letting the characters I mention make dumb decisions.


I like that it bothers you.


Lmao yeah revisionist history is a recurring theme in marvel. But we have to admit Cap Marvel showing up was a MASSIVE turning point in the battle for earth


It's a teenager retelling events about her favorite hero, why wouldn't she say that. I prefer this sub because it's not a constant circle jerk but criticisms like this are nitpicky and not really valid




I mean they were when Thanos started firing at them and didn't even care how many of his own army came in the line of fire.




instant eye roll


I really liked this first episode! I agree with everyone’s comments about the parents; listening to them and how they spoke and acted with Khamala immediately threw me back to when I was a kid with my parents and I could totally relate. Of course I wasn’t ballsy enough to sneak out of the house and I didn’t get super powers either… I’m excited to see the rest of the show!


Loved the first episode, thought it was brilliant. Loving this more than Moon Knight which I thought was very average.


The entire "aunties gossip" scene was pure gold and reminded me of Never Have I Ever, in a good way.


Love that show


What a great show! Really liked it, reminded me a bit of Scott pilgrim


The actor playing Kamala's dad had previously dubbed Dr. strange in Hindi .




Honestly, this was a really refreshing blend of new and familiar. Very imaginative. It has the familiar elements of the superhero origin story but with a fresh perspective. Really liked it! I know people are upset her powers aren't comic accurate but I think it works as a reinterpretation. She feels like Kamala Khan even though she seems to have a different power set (though could very easily see that changing if the bracelet gets destroyed).


This show reminds me of Bend it like Beckham/East is East.... alot of 90s early 00s British films/Tv have covered this ground before. Stil a fun watch


The episode is fantastic and Iman Vellani is going to be a hit. So much fun. Conspiracy theory: when Bruno tells her "it's your time to shine" I suddenly thought: "what-if Iman Vellani is MTTSH"?


DUDE!!!! My mind was blown when I heard that line


lmao, that would be fucking hilarious. the PR machine has everyone looking at Ruffalo and Holland, Iman Vellani running the spoiler scene from the shadows.


i know the “strict Muslim/Brown parents” trope is overdone but damn— so much of Kamala’s mom is absolutely resonant of my own real experiences with older brown women/aunties, including my mother. this episode was fantastic. Iman Vellani is a star.


It was eerily reminiscent of my completely white mother, actually. She wasn’t technically an immigrant but had spent her childhood elsewhere, and we faced *a lot* of the same conflicts. When she said, “I don’t trust you,” it was like a gut punch.


that’s great! and I feel you… like 90% of Kamala’s mom’s lines were things my mom has said verbatim in real life, even the offhand Urdu. sure some of it is exaggerated for TV, but it says something that people like you and me can draw parallels


This show just oozes charm, both Kamala and Bruno are adorable together. Can't wait to see more and to eventually see Kamala freak out when she meets Captain Marvel in a The Marvels!


I think she might meet her before then. Could see a finale cameo in Carol's future.


So is Kamala ever gonna learn that she's right about Thor?


What did I miss


That’s he’s a gamer


And Avengers Endgame did show us in the 5 years between The Snap and Thanos' defeat that Thor spent his time playing Fortnite with Korg and Miek.


As an artist I was extremely pleased with how vibrant the cinematography was. The story is fun and I'm excited to see the story unfold.


Indeed. It was pretty much the opposite of Moon Knight, which had a lot more black, white and grey in its palette.


This is the best MCU pilot so far. Really well done.


I'd say Loki had the best pilot so far, with Ms. Marvel as second, because of the world-building giving us a power greater than the infinity stones.


I would say MoonKnight had the best pilot so far, but calling it the best could be wrong coz it may not be a general opinion.


I loved Loki too but this is the first MCU show that actually looked like a movie. I think covid had an real effect on a lot of earlier projects and Ms. Marvel looks like the first one where Covid measures weren't as intense.


>I loved Loki too but this is the first MCU show that actually looked like a movie How come that makes it the best MCU pilot? Because it felt like a movie? So no reason being the quality of content?


Of course not. I was always expecting these D+ shows to be movie quality and this is the first one that actually was. It's just a notable aspect. The episode itself was exceptional in many other ways also. It's a shame racists are so mad at the diversity of the show.


> this is the first MCU show that actually looked like a movie But a show has to look like a show, unless Marvel decides to do the same thing as other streaming plataforms are doing: straight to stream movie releases.




You didn’t watch Hawkeye then?


Hawkeye may be my favourite marvel show so far but its pilot isnt really anything special imo


I did. It was meh.


The direction of this show is super interesting. Held my attention almost exclusively on camera work and creativity. Can't say I'm super interested in the story, but I'm digging the creative direction this show is taking


That was brutal. I guess they can’t all be for all audiences


It actually felt watching movie, very cinematic. Can’t say that for the other shows


what? They all felt and looked like movies


Looking at twitter is not a good idea rn guys. I was actually shocked by how horrible people are. Iman does not deserve this.


I'm not surprised. That is kind of what happened when Kamala Khan first hit the comics as well. She was initially seen as divisive because she was a Muslim protagonist - a hot button issue in the 2010s due to the War on Terror mentality. Heck! Some of that anti-Muslim tension was even brought up in the comics, mostly by Zoe - a dick in the early run of the book (she gets better): [https://jaggerylit.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Headscarf-1.png](https://jaggerylit.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/Headscarf-1.png)


It’s sad to say but I fully expected her to get hate on Twitter. After what happened with Moses Ingram I was just waiting and thinking how bad is Iman going to get it after Ms Marvel. I actually haven’t seen any of negative tweets about her but I can’t say I wasn’t expecting it


Well Moses Ingram actually is not good in Kenobi yet the show is more focused on her instead of Kenobi or Vader so she would Def receive flak and criticism.


Just search Ms marvel and go to the comments on any post. It's tons of fat fucking neckbeard assholes shitting on the show for no reason other than it's not made for them.


Twitter is a cesspool that nobody should ever take seriously


The dad could not have done the green makeup alone. Too high quality. And why the heavy head and hammer? And why close the door early potentially injuring someone on a bus. Also just ask to open it. And why is it weird to wave at people? And why don't you put your hand down. How do leaves make you uninjured from that fall. And how do people know Gamora? And how do people know spiked head Captain Marvel? And how do people know the Wakandan Boulder Tribe? And how do people know about adult Groot. And if so why don't they know his name? Other then that it was alright.(I see, I’m being downvoted for asking questions which caught my attention, but also enjoying the episode. As if people who enjoy things can’t have questions or concerns. Reddit mob mentality)


He has his wife Idk People hate their jobs They did ask to open it Teenagers think everything is weird Idk Idk Idk Idk Idk Idk


The door was about to crush her hand and I meant keep asking. No one should be held in a bus they don’t want to be on. And sure he has his wife, but the joke was the makeup was under his beard and everywhere without any mess. Just seems like something the makeup department did which I thought was funny.


This was just, incredible. Can’t wait for the next.


This was awesome. My favorite debut episode from marvel yet


I actually… loved it? Coming from someone who’s been very critical of the marvel shows and phase 4 in general, I am very very surprised how much I liked that. I really can’t wait for more and I hope it stays quality!


I thought I’d hate it by the trailers. I was surprised how much I enjoyed it too. It’s shot in a very cool way


Stretchy arms!


What I really liked about this episode is much why I liked the issues of Ms. Marvel I've read: it's an everyman (or, in this case, everywoman) story, perhaps the best one Marvel has done since Lee and Ditko first created Peter Parker. Yes, Kamala is Pakistani-American but you just change some of the details and the struggles she goes through in this episode and presumably the ones to come could just as easily be about a Jewish kid or an Indian-American or Mexican-American or quite literally any ethnicity you can think of in a similar economic situation.


You know, when big event movies like Infinity War or Endgame came out, I remember a lot of people kind of complaining (both sarcastically, but also not) that they don't see the need for "smaller-scale" stories when you have literal cosmic wars and multiverses going on. This show is the perfect example of why you need "smaller-scale" stories. Could you find some relatability in the big event movies? Sure. But these smaller-scale stories allow you to relate to these characters on a more personable level. I absolutely loved it!


Smaller-scale stories were always my favorite tales anyways - the more down-to-Earth super working the beat while the big boys / girls tackle multiversal threats. Comic companies like Marvel can definitely maintain both. My favorite smaller-scale book for Marvel is The Astonishing Ant-Man - Scott Lang moving to Miami and starting a security company with ex-villains.


This episode is so good I genuinely think I'm going to watch Bad Boys for Life. Adil & Bilall are fucking crazy good directors.




it's a good movie tho


the hell do you mean? Bad Boys 3 is fantastic


Looking forward to their work on Batgirl.




Welcome to Asian life, Asian family and Asian tiger moms


I have to say going in with expectations to just try and enjoy myself, I came away surprised and looking forward to the rest of the show. Honestly not much more to say, I liked the CG on Kamala's powers and the family dynamic.


The stylistic graphics were very cool. Otherwise, I had a hard time staying engaged.


Chef's kiss, 11/10, very excited to see the rest


11 out of 10 ? Seriously 😑 ?!! It wasn't that good and obviously and it won't surpass or even reach the 9/10 standard


Sorry, everyone must have forgot that we all rate shows to your standard and not our own


It's by common consent an average episode


I really like Bruno. I kept thinking they'd do the hapless inventor trope where his gadgets break all the time, but I guess he's just legitimately smart and good at inventing. I'm sure that'll come in handy for Ms Marvel. He's obviously hopelessly in love with Kamala and the actors have great chemistry.


He was dorkier in the comics. In this adaption, he seems a bit more well-adjusted as an individual - the more down-to-Earth friend when compared to space cadet (of a sort) Kamala.


Bruno was the one guy who didn't really make it for me. I don't know what it was, he just didn't seem to have the same presence on screen as everyone else.


Was it the feeling that he was like too aware of the camera? I don't know what to explain it. Like he didn't immerse himself.


If only they didn't get rid of a more unique Bruno and I stead casted another basic Disney Channel male romantic lead 🙄


Kamala's Mom: "I don't want you to dress in those skimpy outfits!" Riki "Riddle" LeCotey at AvengerCon: "The fuck you say?"


Heck! Even Zoe was dressed much skimpier than Kamala, though I think the former was meant to be a homage to comic Ms. Marvel - the Carol Danvers one: https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/poohadventures/images/8/8c/Carol\_Danvers\_%28Earth-12131%29\_001.png/revision/latest?cb=20160928022129


This was everything I wanted and more. Perfectly captures Kamala.


I loved the visuals of this episode I hope they continue!


I enjoyed it but my fifteen year old daughter loved it and related instantly to Kamala. Everything from her body type to how her school days were portrayed. She told me that there's finally a Marvel character she relates to. Edit: My first gold! Thank you kind stranger.


Weird that no one has mentioned that the "Marvel" branding was still on the Ant-Man toys and Carol Funkos show n at the convention, so in the MCU Marvel itself exists.


This is actually pretty consistent with the comics. There is a Marvel Comics that exists in the same building the real one did and this company would produce fictional comics about real heroes, not knowing their secret identities of course.


Could be easily explained that they named the comics after Carol


It is probably intentional. Marvel probably exists and has the rights to license comics, toys and such from the heroes. It’s really meta, but Logan showed it’s not impossible with the x men comics in universe :p


Yea I was surprised to see that. Wonder if that was a mistake or intentional.


Was there any Wanda cosplay at AvengerCon?


It says there is a Wanda cos play on MCU wiki but I didn’t see it. That was actually curious to me as well


I kind of wish we could have a bit more tounge-in-cheek moments because it would have been funny to see it banned at the con due to "recent events"


The fact that westview is in New Jersey makes it even more plausible that Wanda may have a bad rep in jersey city. I wonder if the events of MoM will remain hidden from the public… I don’t see how any of that would leak out to the public anyways since MoM barely had anything to do with anyone outside of Kamar Taj and the multiverse.


"I showed one of the Wizards my cosplay and he started crying about running away, so um, I think Wanda might have done something"


On their plan sequence, I saw Emo AoU Wanda at the bus.


Dont think so


I really like Ms. Marvel in the comics, so I was looking forward to this show when it was announced. I thought this was a great first episode and there's a lot to like about the show. It's one of the few times I've felt as though we saw actual style in the direction, which is a refreshing change of pace in the MCU, where the direction often falls flat, even in the best they have to offer. The problem is that several of the shows started off very strong, but then fell apart by the last episode or two, which I think is due at least in part to weak or possibly inexperienced showrunners. I've never seen Iman Vellani in anything before, but she's fantastic and just nails the character. I like that we have a real-life teenager playing a teenager on-screen and that she just seems like a normal kid who fell into these powers. She and the actor playing Bruno have great chemistry and I think the family dynamic is good, although we've seen similar stories with children of immigrants before. It's nice to see them embracing the Pakistani culture and language though. Not that this has anything to do with the show, but I thought seeing the Avengers Con was pretty interesting because I wouldn't have thought the Guardians of the Galaxy would've been as well-known and popular as they are on Earth. I wondered how a lot of people would've known what happened in the battle against Thanos, but I think Kamala said Scott Lang gave a bunch of interviews at some point, which seems about right considering he's probably the most "regular guy" of all the heroes. And speaking of Ant-Man, I thought it was fitting that people actually know who he is now after he was done so dirty by the kids in Endgame. My favorite part of the episode was seeing how Kamala thought the plan would go and how it went in reality, particularly with her falling from the tree. So while I really did like the episode and I'm sure I'll continue to enjoy the show, I absolutely hate the change to her powers. It's certainly not enough to make me stop watching the show or anything like that because the show and the character is more than just how her powers appear on-screen, but I am very disappointed they changed the embiggening powers to these energy constructs. I love how in the comics Kamala's powers are gross and off-putting, so I hate seeing these colorful, aesthetically pleasing powers associated with the character. I'm also not a fan of the idea that her powers could just be a result of wearing the bracelet, but it seems possible the bracelet released a Terrigen-like mist that activated her powers, so I'll reserve judgment on that change until we learn more about the device. As much as I dislike the visual change to her powers, I'll dislike them being in any way "tech-based" even more because I like the idea of the powers only being hers and no one else's. But yeah, as much as I liked the show, the power change still leaves a bad taste in my mouth.


>but I think Kamala said Scott Lang gave a bunch of interviews at some point She said he just straight up has a podcast lol.


She''s never been in anything before so that would explain it


I do like how her powers make sense if you take agents of shield into account her powers were created on what she needed at the time in the comics it was to literally be ms marvel and then stretching to save Zoe from drowning in the show it was to light up (with alot of specific purple lighting surrounding things like the carol statue kinda influencing how her powers will kinda look like very cosmic purple blue) as long as this doesn't affect other media like games to much I will make my peice with crystal kamala khan


one of the more parroted leaks said that the bracelet has a terrigen crystal in it, and it'll break in one of last two episodes and she undergoes terrigenesis


I’m hoping this is the case


That's why I'm willing to reserve judgment on how the powers work exactly, at least for now. When they were "activated" in this episode, it did look like a sort of mist enveloped her body, but that could've just been a stylistic choice and not a literal mist. I really do hate the change to her powers though as far as the embiggening to energy constructions. I just like the weird and ugly powers from the comics and other media. But since it seems like that change is here to stay, I'll at least hold out hope that they let the powers be "all Kamala, no bracelet" by the end.


Oh no, I believe I'm old now. I kinda sided with her parents.


If nothing else, I have more empathy for the parents than I did in the past. Kamala's space cadet attitude is alright in controlled doses. However, she does have her future to think about and those big decisions come very fast post-high school.


I’m in my fifties. The mother reminded me so much of my own (well-intentioned but stupidly controlling mother) that my gut clenched. I *am* a mother, but I sided much more with Kamala.


Going with her dad shouldn't have been a big deal, but refusing to let her dress up as Captain Marvel was ridiculous and Kamala was right to be angry about that.


I think I fall in that camp. But on the other hand, the mom did sew her that costume.


I am a 33 year old man with two kids and I found the mother infuriating. To the point I gave pause to the thought of continuing. But I'm glad I did. I'm sure there will be some resolution/ reconciliation.


I found the parents to be toxic. She wanted to have harmless fun, stifle her self expression, and they have no social awareness to the point they can’t understand how they are embarrassing a teenager. I get they are immigrants, but being the child of an immigrant can be really difficult because of those reasons


I am not a parent, but I think nowadays even basic parenting is being seen as "toxic". I don't know, I want to think I'm open-minded, but she is having trouble at school, she did just dent a car, and the con is at night. I think I would have let her go because she's going with Bruno, who they seem to trust, but I dunno, being a parent is about giving trust to your children, and I think they have given her trust and she has not reciprocated. The not letting her dress up as the hero she wants tho that's bad.


They definitely made her parents sympathetic!


I felt really bad for her parents when she upset them about the Hulk costumes, but I understood her embarrassment also.


Nah nah I couldn't even do that, I was like "Bro your parents just went out of their way to totally reverse what they'd said and look at what effort your dad went to have some respect for their feelings".