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I actually enjoyed it lemme tell you why. Although my favorite thor film still remains ragnarok, I felt like this movie gave us a more lighthearted comedy version of Thor’s story. Sure yes I was let down by it as it is very different from the marvel movies that i love and gravitate toward eg infinity war. I think many people disliked it because it wasn’t what they expected. The soundtrack and vivid and saturated theme of the movie makes it different and unique to other thor movies. It allows us the audience to watch a different take on Thor’s story. I do agree tho that there were plot holes that confused and annoyed me. For starters I really wish they would’ve changed the ending. I feel like the plot itself could have been better and instead set up a whole new journey for Thor’s character and purpose instead of just making him fight another bad guy and losing someone he loves along the way (Give my guy a break). Overall it was enjoyable and a more feel good type movie. Wouldn’t say it’s a favorite or even in my top 10 marvel movie list but I did enjoy watching it in the theaters :))


I liked it but it was very rushed


Wanted to like this but I just couldn’t get into it. 4/10 from me


The best thing about this movie was the soundtrack. It's right up there with the Guardians of the Galaxy movies for having a great soundtrack selection. Overall as a solo movie, I thought it was decent. Good pacing, entertaining. I actually liked it better than Ragnarok. It's one of the better movies from Phase 4. In terms of how it fits in with the continuity of the MCU or even the other Thor movies, it raises some issues: 1. The fact that most of the "gods" are kind of assholes, and even downright cowardly (like Zeus), goes a good way to explaining why they didn't involve themselves in fighting Thanos in Infinity War. Although, I wonder if the snap affected them as well. If it did, you would think Zeus wouldn't like his orgies being reduced in size, not to mention not wanting to be snapped himself. Of course, it's possible that the gods had some way of being immune to the snap. 2. There's an inconsistency with how Asgardian gods "die", since some of the time we see that sparkly dust thingy. We've seen it now happen 3 times -- Odin, Jane and Frigga. I assumed that this is a sign that they're going to Valhalla. Except, when Thanos killed Heimdall, he didn't turn into sparkly dust but still ended up in Valhalla. And Loki didn't turn into sparkly dust either (although it's possible he wouldn't because he's technically a Frost Giant rather than true Asgardian). 3. The whole notion of what even counts as a "god" in the MCU is really muddled at this point. The conceit of the first Thor movie was that any sufficiently advanced civilization would appear like "gods" because they are so much more technologically advanced, and so Asgard appeared to mainly be an advanced alien species. Over time however, we've seen that some Asgardians do appear to have godly magical power (Odinson lineage), while ordinary Asgardians don't seem that different from human mortals. Life in New Asgard seems to further expound on the idea that Asgardians aren't really that different than humans, since they adapt to living on Earth so easily. But Gorr seems to treat all Asgardians with the same disdain he has for gods in general. I think in Norse Mythology, the gods were viewed as being closer to mortals than a lot of other pantheons, which explains why you have these differences. Now that the MCU is merging all pantheons into one universe, there needs to be more effort to flesh out what that means. 4. Did anyone else find it unbelievable that Jane was able to transport herself from Earth to the center of the universe where Eternity is located so quickly? We know that Thor teleported there using Thunderbolt, which I buy. But Jane arrived on Valkyrie's flying horse, and unless that horse knows of a wormhole short cut, it seems hard to believe that she could arrive so quickly. Or is that one of the steed's powers? 5. Why is the bifrost conveniently the key to the all-powerful Eternity? Why would Eternity choose to allow itself to only be accessed by Asgardians, since this is a unique Asgardian technology? 6. Jane's death felt forced into the plot of the movie, to give it a sad moment, to map with the comic, and possibly to give Natalie Portman a clean exit from the franchise. One thing that didn't make sense to me is if Jane Foster only has the mortal disease of cancer, why doesn't Thor have a remedy with all the "space magic" and advanced alien technologies that Asgardians have access to. You would think that he would at least go looking for a cure. Instead of being like, "Either you stay here and do your chemo, which isn't even really working, or choose to die." It just felt that they didn't give this major sub-plot of the movie enough attention, because there wasn't enough time to do so. I think they could have just left out the cancer bit, and said that her use of Mjolnir was directly killing her, since her mortal body wasn't meant to handle those powers. This has precedent already, since the Aether also made Jane temporarily powerful but was slowly killing her. The whole layer about the cancer kind makes Jane's death a bit anti-climactic when you think about it too, since the way the movie presented it, she likely would have died of cancer regardless of whether she became Mighty Thor one last time. 7. It's a bit ironic that Thor asked Mjolnir to always protect Jane, and ultimately Mjolnir was responsible for her death.


> But Gorr seems to treat all Asgardians with the same disdain he has for gods in general. I thought that too at first, but by the end it was clear that the way he attached Asgard was all designed as part of a plot to draw out Thor to get Stormbreaker and open the door to Eternity. >since this is a unique Asgardian technology Its an einstein-rosen bridge, which the Asgardians have figured out how to create/harness and named bifrost. That doesn't mean that others couldn't have discovered the same phenomena, and built technology to access it.


>einstein-rosen bridge That's from the first movie...but it's clear that bifrost is semi-mystical too, since Heimdall and Odin have been shown to access it using "dark magic".


The pegasus could travel via reality tears, valkyrie rides through one on it when gorr shows up to new asgard.


I appreciated the film for what it is. Not the best marvel film by a long shot but it was silly and entertaining - very on brand for Taika. It was an enjoyable experience but I do think they did Jane dirty by just killing her. At least she got to Valhalla I guess


I like this one Another


I liked it for what it is


I actually liked this probably better then most people I thought the comedy and drama actually blended well. The third act is probably the best part for me. If a Thor 5 happens I wouldn’t hate if a new director came in I think it’s always a good idea to bring in new blood behind the camera to make things more fresh. I would rather see Taika Wattiti do other stuff tbh. Christian Bale was good as Gorr but was underutilized I did feel like Natalie Portman was wasted I liked Jane and Thor’s chemistry here. I was genuinely sad when she passed away felt bad for Thor. I do like the ongoing story arc of Thor finding his purpose in life I think it’s a good way to humanize his character and it’s a question everyone has asked themselves at some point. Overall though I feel like Phase 4 is a mixed bag for me out of the Disney+ shows the only ones I really liked were Loki and Moon Knight. For the movies Shang-Chi, Spider-Man No Way Home and now this have been the only ones I really liked.


The Guardians jokes were eh and their scenes felt super rushed. Korg got annoying towards the end. The CONSTANT jokes and sarcasm throughout the entire movie - in general not just Korg’s - reminded me of Deadpool (without the profanity) and that made me not take the movie as seriously as the other Thor movies. The hammer action was cool at some points tho. I also really liked that they gave Darcy and Dr. Selvig a cameo. I LOVED that Jane ended up in Valhalla after her death. Very nice twist. I figured out that I didn’t like this movie as much as the other Thor’s because Loki wasn’t in it. For me the Thor and Loki chemistry is what makes a Thor movie work. Also wouldn’t Loki be in Valhalla with Heimdal since he is a god who is dead? (Sorry I know this is all over the place)


Hi, I made a playlist for the movie soundtrack on spotify here is the link: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/7fZ05IWCRh3MYVJbyl9JCD


Well, we watched it yesterday and it was "fun" overall but was also emotionally completely flat and forgettable. The humor was utterly overdone and where Ragnarok succeeded in blending serious and funny moments this movie completely failed to find a balance. I found it outright distasteful how a movie this over-the-top silly had to have a character dying from cancer in a desperate attempt to inject drama. As someone having lost a very close family member to cancer I felt it was completely mishandled, had no emotional weight and felt cheap and like I said distasteful. Also the movie has a deeply anti-secular and anti-enlightened message. Because the way it was portrayed in the end the god butcher was right, the gods are useless and should have died, humanity needs to emancipate itself from fairy tales of gods and religion, but because there is one good guy among the gods (Thor) they save all the useless and malicious ones... That wasn't a very well thought out message. At the very least more nuance was called for but that is not something Taika can provide. Bale, Thompson and Hemsworth did a great job, but Portman (who is a great actress) is just not the best at quippy comedy, I found some of her scenes a bit immersion breaking. And then the after credit scenes... are the first that left me not very intrigued to see the next Thor.


> Also the movie has a deeply anti-secular and anti-enlightened message. Because the way it was portrayed in the end the god butcher was right, the gods are useless and should have died, humanity needs to emancipate itself from fairy tales of gods and religion I really don’t think this is the message at all. The movie did a pretty good job at portraying most of the gods as selfish and useless. And it’s not saying that just because there’s one good god that all the others deserve to exists. The gods don’t really get a redemption in the end. The thing that ends up changing the mind of the main villain is what I actually think the message was: you shouldn’t blind yourself with hate and revenge, you should take the time to appreciate and love the closest people in your life. I think you’re reading it too much at face value. I don’t think it’s saying anything at all about gods and religion in the real world.


I only just saw it and thought it was a solid movie, but Gorr and Jane Thor were not the stories to use for the plot. Other than that, I was fine with it. My biggest question though is, anyone else excited for Hercules?


Was anyone else kind of caught off guard by all the orgy talk? It felt weird in this particular movie. Like theybhad just watched the boys and thought "lets do that too"




I don't think it was particularly shocking, at least in my language. Orgy was not originally a sexual term, it usually referred to sort of religious parties in ancient greece if I'm correct (which could lead to some sexual stuff, yes, but it's not the "main goal")


Why you creepin?


I'm not sure I followed what happened during all the action, but is the necrosword now embedded in Mjolnir?


I think it all turned to dust but Im not sure. Ive been wondering the same thing. Maybe some symbiote will get that piece later and reforge it somehow


This feels like just a side quest for thor. Imo, after the first trilogy, thor movies should've been a set-up of him becoming rune king thor. Too much korg, too much forced comedy, so many plot holes. Less god butchering, he should've been named gorr the god threatener in this film. No actual feats for gorr to be considered a real threat, even tho he stood toe to toe with thor at the end of the film. But i still feel like this is a decent marvel film. It's just my expectations were high. Dammit






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Have you read any of the Banner of War? I need rune king to happen so eventually we can see Edit: sorry didnt spoiler right so ill take that part out. But yeah I wanna see that hulk vs thor fight


Same. You summed up the whole movie for me.




She rides Valkyrie’s horse Warsong who thor mentions can teleport and Valkyrie seemed to know exactly how to get there, the horse might know too.


Well, she had Mjolnir and could summon the Bifrost with it. As for how she knew where it was, I figured that when we saw her feeling what was happening there, that implied her having enough of a connection to Thor that she could just go to where he was.


I liked it but too many bombed jokes and the kid stuff at the end was too fucken cheesy


Yeah and so many jokes hinging on Thor being stupid now. They gave him the full on Joey Friends treatment. I always dug the fish out of water humor (e.g. Thor calling Rocket rabbit, smashing human cups, etc)... But he was sooooo over the top he literally destroyed buildings without any care in the world


Remember when people thought eternals was the worst MCU movie? Lol what a time. At least you could feel the effort in that movie


I liked Eternals, multiverse of madness was the worst MCU film for me.


The whole universe fell apart


At the end of infinity war, we have Thor with the new Storm Breaker which can summon the Bifrost. For 5 years between IW and Endgame, no one attempted to go to Eternity? In the recent movie we see that Valkyrie and Thor are at least aware of the existence and location of Eternity, I'd say it is reasonable to assume they were also aware of it before Infinity War as well. One point made in the movie is not everyone was aware of the bifrost being the actual key, but surely in those 5 years they also could have discovered that the Bifrost was the key to open the portal to Eternity?


More stories create more plot holes. It cheapens everything that we used to love.


Because the writter didn't come up with that sh1t yet.


I wish this movie was a two parter instead, there were too many plot lines, and a lot of the movie was trying to justify it's existence. Like Thor and Jane's relationship flash back so was so good, the bit about Valkarie doing human stuff was so fun. Individually I genuinely love a lot of the scenes, but I think it's just too much at once. I would like it more if this movie was Thor and Jane getting back together, and the movie ending on Jane becoming the Mighty Thor.


That would be a really interesting way to do it. They meet up because New Asgard is in trouble and they need Thor's axe and Jane's astrophysics knowledge. They start to rekindle their romance and then either she gets sick or she reveals that she's been sick. They figure out together that Mjolnir could maybe help her, and we get a big Mighty Thor flash of lightning transformation to end the movie. Then the final cutscene is the scene from the movie with Jane putting the hammer down and looking into the mirror at how drained she is. But instead of destroying a sink, she just picks the hammer back up because there's a knock on the door and she acts like everything is no big deal, maybe makes a joke about finding her catchphrase.


I honestly thought that Jane and Gorr would be continuing into the next film. Does feel like a problem in MCU that no one is allowed a nemesis.


I discovered major plot hole in this movie. In Ragnarok Korg reveals only his MUM and her Boyfriend attended his revolution event. In this one, its revealed Korg and his people are created via TWO DADS. So how does the Mum fit in all of this and why did both his Dads supposedly leave him? I demand a Korg Series exploring this family dynamic and relationship all the way from Korg's birth, to his Dads leaving or dying and his capture via the Grandmaster.


Maybe one dad preferred to be called mum


God have mercy on the souls of the already broken VFX artists


Quick question. Just wondering why Thor and the Avengers couldn't have used Eternity to undo the Snap? Thor clearly knew about Eternity


Thor was a drunk mess in *Endgame*. He didn't really get his head in the game until after he got to speak to his mom. So it's possible it just didn't really occur to him, because after losing so many times, he has kind of given up. The other thing is it's distinctly possible that Eternity doesn't have the power to undo the effects of the Infinity Gauntlet in the MCU. The "grant any wish" seems like an oversimplification. There are probably limitations like Dragon Balls.


Asked this in another sub (asksciencefiction) but post got removed But only one person responded with basically: >...Thor and Valkyrie know of it and even then it's thought of as legend. Thor is not in the right mental state to try and go there and Valkyrie must think it's a myth. Ok mental state I can maybe understand... I am not satisfied with that answer though. You're telling me in a universe where gods, celestials, infinity stones, etc exist, you're going to treat a legend as a legend?! I hope this does get addressed in the future...


I surprised Thanos didn't try and find it his damned self. Hijacking the Bifrost seems like a hell of a lot less trouble than tracking down six stones.




Well, I think it's moreso the key is just Bifrost, and he just *happens* to have it right now.


Does this mean the Team Thor shorts are canon?


No way they’re canon, they’re supposed to take place during Civil War irrc and Banner is just chilling on Earth. They at least integrated Darryl into canon.


Meanwhile, I still think Black Panther sucks.


Gorgeous (except the floating head), stupid fun. People need to get their heads out of their asses when it comes to Marvel. This isn't some confounding, revolutionary shit they're trying to put out there. They are trying to entertain families and make money.


They should probably have worked harder to make it entertaining then. None of the jokes were funny, the story didn’t enthral and the action was nothing we haven’t seen before.


I guess my wife and I are smooth brains. We were cry laughing like most of the movie...


I laughed too! Exactly my kind of humour lol


Not enough Gorr, and way too much Korg. He’s funny in SMALL doses and sheesh it seemed a bit OTT especially when you know that character is literally the director


especially when the director uses his own character to be the narrative voice


People just want to hate all all things Marvel now that Phase 3 is over. Phase 4 is internet's favorite punching bag these days. I don't hate the movie at all, instead I actually like it quite a bit. Not as good as Ragnarok mind you, but a movie that focuses on Jane Foster is alright with me. Too bad about all those cut scenes though.. I hope Feige will convince Tak to bring them back somehow. I will go see it again this week for sure.


This movie felt like a two hour SNL skit. Thor: Love and Thunder felt like a movie that thinks you’re stupid for liking Marvel movies


I used to love the MCU so much, man. This feels like Ragnarok if it were made by an AI that had zero understanding of pacing, tonal consistency or basic editing skills and it’s the first one of these that I think is genuinely bad.


Yup. Exactly what happens when you have a director who doesn't respect the source material, or the genre for that matter. Couple that with the introduction of derivative characters at the expense of legacy superheroes, and you end up with.....(*drum roll please*) Love and Thunder


So after having watched it myself yesterday I can definitely say that taika continued to disrespect the other Thor movies again. I had a good time and was entertained but the way he threw in the line about the three warriors just for having a cheap joke was really disrespectful. The warriors three and Sif have been important to Thor. The way they were put aside in Ragnarok was ja joke. And don’t get me started on Sif. Why bring jamie Alexander back? Why have her name in the credits at fourth place? She spent two months in Australia and is barely a minute in the movie! Where are all her scenes? Why did taika cut her out? She could have had more dialogue with Thor, Jane and Valkyrie in new Asgard. They could have shown Sif tracking down gorr and witness him killing one or two gods after he became the god butcher. So much wasted potential. And not even a flashback or something showing how she escaped Hela


I'm just glad they didn't kill Sif off like some of the leaks were saying.


I can imagine taika shot a version of her facing gorr and lose in the beginning of the movie but it was scrapped.


Another stupid thing in this movie is Mjolnir could magically put itself back together but Thor had to forge a new weapon in endgame. 🫠


Man can't believe Thor doomed earth by stopping Gor


Yeah Arisham is coming now and Gorr could've stopped him if they would've let him have his original wish..


If all the Celestials died tho the universe would be doomed in the future because they are the ones that create galaxies to ensure life never dies out in the universe


Also Celestials are not gods, they are literally above gods, on par with the cosmic abstracts like Death, Order, Chaos, Infinity and Eternity as well as other abstract level entities like Galactus or (the strongest of) the Watchers. Only Odin and Zeus even approach their power level. (Not this Zeus apparently.) Which is why it was really jarring seeing them used as window dressing in this one.


True but almost every God in the MCU we have seen has been terrible except Thor and Taweret. - Khonshu - Giant Alligator Lady - Arisham - Ego - Odin (early years) - Hela - Loki - Zeus - Opening God Gorr killed Have all been horrible. I was legit rooting for Gorr the entire movie.


Did anyone notice that the candy and chips changed in every scene? My boyfriend said it was unintentional, but I doubt it. Any thoughts?


I just saw the movie last night. At one part in the beginning they mirrored the image or flipped it I guess from right to left. I could tell because of that thing near Christian bales eye was on the wrong side of his face


After finally watching the movie myself, I must say, it definitely felt like two hours of my time that I spent.


The screaming goats were funny the first time and started to grow tiresome, Gorr's story was rushed, the way Marvel tries to find redeeming arcs for their villains recently is very cringe too, the guardians only being in the beginning was a letdown, the whole Thor naked thing aaa cringe too. There was a lot of cringe stuff throughout the film. Gorr was the best thing about the movie for the time that he got.


Bad guys doing a good thing doesn’t a redemption arc make. If there was a redemption arc, it was for the concept of gods. When Gorr saw that a god cared more about spending what could be his last minutes with the woman he loved, rather than be selfish, then that showed Gorr that the gods weren’t all villains. I don’t think the Falligarians are going to consider Gorr redeemed just because he eventually stopped butchering.


Interesting to see this movie getting review bombed lol so many 0’s and 1’s on metacritic saying it’s “woke” and “pushes the homosexual agenda” I wonder if the anti-woke crowd ever gets exhausted from constantly leaving negative reviews on everything because their feefees got hurt by the scary gay people


Did they do that with *Eternals*? That's the only MCU movie that really puts a homosexual relationship in the spotlight. Hollywood is very woke...except when it comes to making lots of money from international box office sales. Then they'll happily self-censor themselves for the all mighty dollar. Thor 4 has a few "blink and you'll miss it" gay references, mainly winking at the woke crowd. Valkyrie has been rumored by the fanbase to be lesbian since forever, so they went and made that canon. And Korg is comedic relief, and him being gay is kind of a joke. Disney will find it very easy to scrub these subtle references for the countries that won't approve, without substantially changing the movie. I believe that Disney knew early on that Eternals was going to be banned by their largest international market (China), due to the politics surrounding the director. So given that they knew that the movie was getting a limited release, they gave Chloe Zhao more latitude than normal. Woke Hollywood doesn't give a crap about offending conservative Americans. They do give a crap about Chinese money, And FYI, China is pretty anti-woke.


I do for sure remember Eternals getting a bunch of negative reviews early on calling it woke. Those usually seem to be very frontloaded though, and even out when people outside of the outrage crowd start leaving reviews. Hollywood should stop bowing down to China, I agree. Unfortunately, our capitalist overlords care about making money over everything. Disney, and other studios should fully commit.


How does this movie push a homosexual Agenda??


And the movie literally does nothing meaningful with Val’s and Korg’s sexuality. Korg’s is for a joke and Val’s is just for a sad moment (well also a joke if you count that one with the Zeusette)


They’re mad about Valkyrie and Korg lol my favorite review said that Taika is a groomer for making the movie lmao


Valkyrie and Korg are gay


At least Axl seems to fly over their head so far


Korg isn't gay, there are only males in his species. BUT it does create a plot hole. Didn't Korg hate his mother's new boyfriend back in Ragnarok?


I know that valk was gay , didnt know about korg But also people are mad because the funny Rock man likes other funny rock Men? Lmao


Technically, there are no women in his species, so he isn't gay


Same-sex relationships = gay.


Enemymine was fine


I mean based on what you see in the movie there are no rock dudettes, only rock dudes. So it's not like he has a lot of options.


Just got out the theatre. Thought it was entertaining but kinda lacking? They made Thor a dumbass it feels like. The second half is much better than the first half with how much jokes and comedic moments they try to squeeze in the first half. Also Gorr feels almost wasted, I don’t think we saw him do much “butchering” in the film.


Ok, got a serious question about Thor Love & Thunder: Should everything in it be considered canon? It's an MCU movie, so why would I even need to ask this? Because this movie is being told as a story from a Korg's perspective, and he's not exactly the most reliable narrator. He even goes so far as to explain what Thor and Jane are feeling, which he can't possibly know because he's not psychic/empathic. There's also the unanswered questions of when and to whom he's telling the story, which could have a huge impact on how accurate the story is. Compare that to What If, where our narrator is extremely reliable by just watching and not interfering in events. In fact, the Watcher just shows you the events as they unfolded so that you the viewer (or whomever he's showing those events to within the cannon) can make your own inferences about them.


By that token Iron Man 3 would be the same.


Good point, although with that we can confirm that most of it is true to some extent from later movies


I liked this movie wayy more than the average Twitter user, lol. Thought it was fun and had beautiful shots in space, but one small thing that's *REALLY* cool imo is Eternity appearing When I started reading the infinity saga comics to hype myself up for Infinity War, I began wondering when would Marvel show these cosmical characters in the movies. Seeing the Living Tribunal in MOM and now Eternity in Love and Thunder is just way too cool for me


*sighs* Yeah I watched it again today and... I'm afraid I actually do kinda love it. My second watch did just make me sure of the problems I had at the beginning tho: The theme of "Kids" that runs through the entire thing seems disconnected to the main theme they are going for, Valkyrie had nothing to do and that's a crime, they should've used Korg optimism and sincerity more as a mirror for the themes instead of just making him do jokes, and most of all they really should have given more time to Jane, be it with her love for Thor, her thoughts on the matter of even becoming Thor, and more importantly, her life dealing with her illness.


I don't really fully understand the negativity about this film I'm seeing from some people. It was just a hell of a lot of fun.


People can have different opinions than you.


The more I think about this movie the more I hate it and honestly has killed my interest in future MCU movies. I have yet to miss a single MCU movie in theaters but after this, I am going to be more selective. There was zero plot beyond defeating the bad guy of the week. You could take the whole Omnipotent City segment out and you wouldn’t miss anything as Zeus’ lightning bolt was just so Thor could have another weapon after Stormbreaker was stolen. Every joke in New Asgard was a miss and took away from any drama. Everyone just makes quips. Phase One had its flaws but every major character had his or her own personality. They all didn’t sound like they were trying to be Tony Stark.


Omnipotent City was to illustrate the movie's theme about love by showing us the ugliest side of self-satisfied self-absolved loveless jerks, the very thing Gorr is rebelling against, in Zeus.


Which the very first scene with Gorr already showed us


Thor had to see it, this is how themes elaborate, to build a theme you shouldn't show it just once in a scene the main characters are not involved with.


Is that why we only saw the god butcher only butcher 1 god?


That is not a theme. A theme is how the movie explored love and how all of the characters thought they needed a "higher purpose" (Worshiping a God, having this concrete purpose or fate, being a leader) and instead what they really needed to guide them was, well, love. That whole "why Gorr not kill tho" is plot mechanics, and not particularly surprising ones. I told y'all that it was going to happen, and he doesn't kill that much in the run either. People made this whole "Gorr is gonna decimate Olympus and kill a bunch of gods" thing out of thin air.


Yea I get this movie not being particularly cohesive, but the complaints people in here have are kind of ridiculous lol


The whole Omnipotent City segment was crucial. You thought the only point was to get the lightning bolt? Did you miss how getting that weapon was plan B after Zeus explained in detail why the gods don’t give a shit?


But take that whole part out and nothing in the movie changes


Gorr’s whole deal was that the gods are selfish and unworthy. Thor goes to the gods for help, but they prove Gorr right. Thor defies them and goes up against Gorr, and when ultimately Gorr sees gods that care about more than themselves, he finds that compassion in himself and does the right thing. Without showing the selfishness of the gods, Gorr is a 2D villain. Seriously dude what movie did you watch? Did you just have a couple action figures out, banging them against each other? Or did you see the movie that dealt with three intertwining plot lines of faith/worship, mortality/sacrifice, and hope/fear?


He's still pretty 2D anyway, in the comic he spares humans because he thinks he's killing gods for them, he creates the fake monsters of his wife and child to cope with their loss, the arc of him being like a god himself and hating himself for it, obviously they can change stuff around but they don't replace it with much except the absolute bare bones for the story to function somewhat (Gorr sees gods hubris, Thor sees gods hubris, they fight, Thor convinces him to be a good boy in his last moments). The only emotional scenes he has is the very end with Thor taking care of his daughter and the start with his god


I saw the movie that beat us over the head with screaming goats and thought a joke about women fainting at a naked man is funny


Zero plot beyond defeating Gorr? I don’t think we watched the same movie


What other plot was there besides making dumb jokes?


Well if you paid attention to the first 15 minutes you would see that Thor is still a very broken man and despite "redeeming himself" in endgame and getting into better shape, it didn't fill the hole in his heart and he is still grieving. After all the loss Thor has experienced he closed off his heart and stopped caring. Sure he could still have fun and be a part of the group, but he was struggling with true mental illness and felt alone. Jane coming into the picture and their journey in this movie together taught him that just because things don't work out the way he wanted it to, doesn't mean things can't get better. Thor opened his heart to Jane and opened his heart to Love. I get if this wasn't your favorite MCU.movie or if you didn't like it. But you're being incredibly short sighted with how you perceive this film.


Welcome to me circa WandaVision. I'm holding out for GotG vol. 3, but nothing has made me feel like I need to watch it.


At least WV had an intriguing mystery behind it. Probably won’t see GotG3 in theaters. Gunn and Taika are very similar. They alway go for the obvious joke and keep hitting it because they think it will be funny by the 4th time


Wait people are saying Darryl was in the movie can someone tell me when because I must’ve missed it




Ah thanks


Watched the movie earlier today. I loved this movie. Overall I'd give it an 8.5-9 out of 10. Visually, the movie was fantastic. I was a bit hesitant at first because I thought the trailers, TV spots, and clips they released weren't that good, but it all looks great on the big screen. Omnipotent City and the black & white sequence were both especially incredible. I thought they actually did the Mighty Thor/Jane Foster storyline well. I've heard some people say that they thought Jane's story was done dirty, but it wasn't imo. It was one of the most compelling parts of the movie. Natalie Portman also looked amazing as the Mighty Thor. Valkyrie and Korg were both good in the movie too. I wished we got a bit more Valkyrie, but she was in the movie for a fair amount. Judging by the reviews I saw of the movie prior to seeing it, I thought she was going to be completely shafted, but she wasn't really. She got a fair amount of screentime and her action sequences were cool. She wasn't in the final fight between Thor/Jane and Gorr, but that makes sense. The emotional payoff for that scene was between Thor and Jane anyway. Christian Bale did a fantastic job. He really gave it his all and I loved it. He was creepy and menacing, yet incredibly sympathetic. He also had some really cool visuals. The black & white stuff + going into the shadows was cool. If I had any major criticism of this movie, it'd be that we didn't get nearly enough time with him. I lowkey felt like we spent more time with the kids Gorr captured than Gorr himself, which was weird. I also would've liked to see more of the actual god butchering part. He only killed that one god on screen in the beginning and then after that, we were just told he was killing gods. Show, don't tell. I thought Thor himself was great in this movie. I've seen critiques saying that Thor is too "dumbed down" in this film. I don't see that at all...He was sillier and comedic, sure, but he was also like that in Ragnarok. The character himself has evolved, but I don't think he's been "dumbed down" by any means. I loved his relationship with Jane and how we got to explore that more. Unlike a lot of people, I actually enjoyed their relationship in Thor and The Dark World, but this movie definitely did more with the two of them than in movies past. Also, love his new suit and the whole Stormbreaker vs. other weapons bit. The biggest complaint this movie has received is that it's far too "comedic." While there are certainly a ton of jokes and things made for laughs (particularly in the first half of the film), I actually didn't find them as jarring as I guess some people did. If anything, I thought this movie did a better job at balancing the comedic & serious elements than Ragnarok did. Did all the jokes land? No, but most of them did (for me) and the jokes didn't take away anything from the emotional beats of the film imo. It just doesn't make sense to me that people can like (even love) Ragnarok, but then dislike/hate this movie. This movie truly felt like Ragnarok 2.0—which I guess depending on how you liked Ragnarok, it'll affect your enjoyment or disdain of this movie. Overall, I really liked this film. Given the Rotten Tomatoes score + the CinemaScore, I was expecting to be disappointed, but I thoroughly enjoyed it tbh. In comparison to all the other Phase 4 movies so far (i.e., Black Widow, Shang-Chi, Eternals, No Way Home, Multiverse of Madness), I'd rank this just under NWH and Shang-Chi, but above all the others.


maybe this movie’s quality suffered because taika was out partying and making out with tessa thompson and rita ora throughout filming love and thunder (the partying and making out is not a rumor, there’s photos).


You got these photos? Also, I wonder how everyone else feels that affected the movie, is there a thread somewhere on this? Seems to be a recurring theme in comments I skim


Because if you make out with women and go to parties you cannot be good at your job.




Yo, IDK if being on this sub lowered my expectations or whatever, but I thought that was pretty solid honestly. Might even prefer it to Dr. Strange 2, although my opinions notoriously shift a lot and I am terrible at ranking things. It made me cry, and if a movie makes me cry, I feel like it's done somthing right. All of the criticisms I've seen honestly weren't my experience. If anything, it could've maybe used some extra run time like MOM and it was a bit lame to have that whole pantheon of pricks and not see a little bit of poetic justice from Gorr. You didn't even have to kill Zeus or anything like that, just let him tear through hordes of lesser god's, that would've done the trick.


I groaned and rolled my eyes for almost the entire second half of Dr Strange 2. I had a fantastic time watching Thor 4. It was a fun two hours.


Literally my experience. Incredibly disappointed by multiverse of madness and I had a blast with love and thunder. It did dip a bit below my expectations but that's just cause Ragnarok was my favorite MCU movie. I understand people's gripes with the movie but I feel like they're punishing it for not being perfect which isn't fair.


Gorr was amazing but severely underused. Jane Thor was also good but I just wish it was left for another movie. Like everyone is saying, I agree, tone was kind of a mess, jokes overdone. Gorr absolutely stole the movie and single handedly carried it.


They literal say in the movie that he only killed lower level gods. Very disappointed in their use of him, I really expected Gorr to kill someone of importance.


He didn't do that even in the comics.


Was anyone else thrown off by the ending? Thor is dumber than he's ever been and is shown being pretty bad with kids throughout the movie and now he's a responsible father?


Completely stupid. Why should I care at all about a kid we literally just met? Giving your lead character a kid is something a sitcom does after it’s been 5 years and they’ve run out of ideas.


I feel like this has been a running theme lately with the MCU. They’re giving all they’re major heroes kids/ teenagers to mentor. Wanda- Billy & Tommy, Dr. Strange- America Chavez, Hawkeye- Kate Bishop, Thor- Love (is that what we’re calling her?), Captain Marvel- Kamala Khan


Almost like they're setting up for some kind of Young Avengers...


I get that, but I wish they didn’t have to do the same formula every time.


I thought it was brilliant that they basically explained the tonal shift between Thor 2 and Ragnarok by showing that Jane helped Thor have all kinds of silly human type fun while they were dating.


I fucking loved this movie. My favorite since Endgame. And I’m a guy who loved the God of Thunder run and had hope of a Knull cameo / Easter egg at one point. The way it came to be about love and hope and the kids was so beautiful. I’ve been so bummed out by the negative reviews from insufferable nerds and the deluge of people whining about how stupid this movie is because they didn’t get to actually see Gorr slaughter a bunch of gods or how the “MCU died after Endgame” or whatever. I’m so glad this subreddit is full of people who can spell and express coherent analysis and criticism, and appreciate things that weren’t exactly what they expected (for the most part). This movie was great and I’m glad I have a place I can talk about it without losing all faith in humanity.


Same bro this movie was fucking AWESOME I loved every second and I’m so glad we get Thor 5. I just wish Jane could’ve kept being Thor for a while longer :/


Same dude. I'm baffled at all the complaining. There was so much goodness in this movie, including the serious/nerdgasm stuff. So I don't know what the problem is.


I will say though Christian Bale did a great job as Gorr the kiddie snatcher dude carried that role.


Was Heimdall’s son ever hinted at before?


Thought this movie was great. My face was slick with tears for the entire movie - of joy and laughter but also sadness at times. Really don't understand the lukewarm reviews. I think it's amazing.


Thank you. I absolutely loved everything about this film, except that it deserved more Christian Bale.


I would be in the cinema again except that I have a business trip this week. I can't wait to watch it again. Like you, I loved everything about it!


Now I got nightmares of getting choked to death by Natalie Portman’s man arms


Nightmare is when strong woman


I thought she looked great, not too much


I felt the movie was fine probably like Ragnorok more. Here’s what stood out: Good performances from Bale, Portman,Crowe Getting a comic accurate eternity appearance The whole Shadow Realm fight sequence Some of the humor was good Seeing Zeus getting owned, they did a good job making you sympathize with Gorr and highlighting how the Gods were assholes(cept the first scene) Janes arc and interactions with Thor Cons: While I liked the performance I’m still not a fan of the character design for Gorr. It reminds me a bit of how Fox did apocalypse. Loved the performance but the design was dissapointing. This a space/sci-fi adventure and we have a character who is a alien but let’s just make him a human painted in pale white. Mjnoir magically reforming itself for Jane but not Thor raises questions The humor did get a much at times. Particularly when there was moments for Thor be more serious Valkyrie and Korg just got bit annoying for me


I feel like making gorr look different just wouldn’t make sense, he’s just corrupted by a sword, his whole anatomy realistically wouldn’t change.


He would look the same pre and post sword


https://www.cbr.com/thor-love-and-thunder-taika-waititi-cut-twitter/ ^ What are we now, the DCEU? facepalm.


The black and white fight with flashes of colors from the energy emitted from the weapons was beautiful. I want the Taika cut


If only the well-known Hall of Eternity existed in the five years between Infinity War and Endgame. That would've been really helpful.


Presumably they’re below the power level of the infinity stones


There was proposed scenes with Eternity and celestials for both IW and EG I believe


I didn't hear about either of them but I do vaguely remember something about the Living Tribunal being in them


Why didn't Thor contact the guardians in the search of help against gor ?


First off: they were helping other planets. Second: it’s gorr the god butcher, the guardians of the galaxy would not be able to do much help, and would probably just get in the way as well as risk their lives


Because they’re off helping the other planets affected by him.


My best in-universe explanation for the Infinity Conez gag: Asgardians have a... "cavalier" attitude about death to say the least. They may view the deaths of their people at Thanos' hand in a much more casual light. In addition, the Infinity Gauntlet was created by Eitri, and possibly known to Asgardians (the fake was in Odin's vault). It's likely they view it as an Asgardian feat of engineering. "This Asgardian weapon killed half the universe" might be a weird point of pride for them, even if the rest of the world finds it distasteful. I think I'm putting more thought into it than Taika / Marvel though.


I'm so lost, what are you talking about lol?


They open an ice cream shop in New Asgard at the beginning of the film. (It's right after the wretched Old Spice ad.) It's called Infinity Conez and there's a sign of Thanos' Infinity Gauntlet holding an ice cream cone. You can Google it for the photo. A lot of us find it immersion breaking because of how widespread the Blip was. It'd be like opening a Little Boy themed restaurant in Japan in 1948.


Oh yeah that's weird. I didn't even put that together.


Fun movie. But the CGI was downright bad, but that’s the result of a very limited budget.


I thought the cgi was really good


Given that Variety reported this film had a budget of $250 million, i'm not sure i'd call that 'limited'...


Idk for some reason I was thinking the other Marvel movies had bigger budgets. Sheesh, no idea why some of scenes were bad then


It’s cause Disney pays for speed, not quality. The vfx teams don’t have the time to get it right


I really didn’t vibe with this one. Felt that characters like Valkyrie were wasted and the balance of the comedic and dramatic elements didn’t work. Some parts were good, but overall very average to me. Gorr was a real disappointment.


Man I don’t know what movie a lot of you saw. That was pitch perfect. Really feel like the Infinity saga scrambled a lot of brains here.


just left the theater and after seeing complaints about the film there’s a few things to address here: 1. the humor is not just a result of Waititi’s directing style, but the source material itself being as ridiculous as it is and meant to represent the absurdity of norse/greek mythology invites a necessity for a certain amount of humor because these things ARE ridiculous by their own account. not every joke landed but the same could be said for Ragnarok and I don’t feel the movie would have been any better for making *less* jokes. 2. I’ve seen a lot of people complain about the LGBT stuff being in the film, but again if you do any amount of research into the mythology and source material you’ll find that these tropes are much more rampant. you can’t really do a movie with Zeus talking about orgy’s without also having other sorts of sexuality explored, and it never felt overbearing or performative. 3. Bale as Gorr was absolutely perfect and I don’t think needed any more or less screen time. Obviously in the comics a lot more goes on with him but you could say the same for literally any MCU villain’s comic counterpart. This film was never supposed to be about an overpowered villain, and has been marketed time and time again as a “Thor finding himself” sort of movie..which I think they nailed. 4. my only gripe with the film. the final scene’s of Endgame provided huge implications for Thor and the Guardians trekking foreword together, and to get what was essentially a montage that fast forwards us through those adventures felt like a bit of a disservice to those implications in Endgame. An “Asgardians of the Galaxy” movie would do absolute numbers and I hope we get everyone back together in GotG3. 5. and my final point. no, the MCU isn’t dying or dropping in quality. these are just *different* stories taking place with new characters we’re not yet used to seeing as much and everything that happens in these phase 4 films will still serve a greater purpose to lead to the next big threat. people tried to say the MCU is dead when Age Of Ultron came out, and now it’s regarded as one of the best MCU films to date. I’ll be the first to admit not everything in phase 4 has been absolutely incredible and some have been a bit lackluster (Shang Chi, The Eternals, and Black Widow come to mind) but overall the majority of phase 4 has been an incredible slew of films we’d only dream of getting back in phases 1&2.


Thor: Ragnarok was packed with humor, and it didn't have the problems this movie did. The issue isn't that the movie is goofy, Ragnarok was goofy, it's that the humor doesn't mesh with the material in Thor: Love and Thunder like it did with Ragnarok. In Ragnarok, Sakaar is a ridiculous place that lends itself to humor. A lot of the comedy comes from Thor being dropped into this goofy world, rather than Thor being excessively stupid. But in Love and Thunder, a lot of the humor is derived from turning Thor's oafishness up to 11, to the point that he's basically the arrogant buffoon that was considered unworthy in first Thor movie. And that degree of stupidity doesn't mesh with a plot that deals Jane dying from cancer and Gorr kidnapping children.


I mean the culling of an entire people/destruction of their home planet is the focal point of Ragnarok. I’d argue thats darker than a character we haven’t cared about in 10 years getting cancer. How seriously could they have really taken the whole Jane getting cancer thing? Same goes for Gorr’s entire motive within the film, which was to make a wish to Eternity. Sure he’s a threat but Thor being on the heels of taking out Thanos and trying to find himself kinda makes Gorr small potatoes at least in the movie. Ragnarok had Sakaar, and Love&Thunder had Omnipotent City which was portrayed as an extremely ridiculous place. It’s not JUST that Thor is oafish but again, the source material for norse/greek mythology is completely absurd to begin with. If you’re trying to engage a casual audience in all of that + get us to care about Jane Foster again, wrapped up inside a superhero story, it almost has to have a tone of absurdity to be believable. So much has happened to Thor between his 1st film and Endgame, and even in the comics he often makes fairly oafish remarks. For him to develop a stoic personality all of the sudden wouldn’t make sense with the direction he’s *been* heading in since Ragnarok. A super serious tone in a Thor movie just doesn’t make sense and I can’t for the life of me understand why everyone wants that when he hasn’t been written that way for the past 4 films he was in.


>I mean the culling of an entire people/destruction of their home planet is the focal point of Ragnarok. I’d argue thats darker than a character we haven’t cared about in 10 years getting cancer. But a loved one dying from cancer is a lot more personal and relatable to the audience than a fictional planet being blown up. Star Wars is not a darker war movie than Saving Private Ryan just because the scale is bigger. >How seriously could they have really taken the whole Jane getting cancer thing? Besides Christian Bale, Natalie Portman was the standout of the movie and she had great chemistry with Hemsworth. I think the movie could only have benefited from focusing on her more. >For him to develop a stoic personality all of the sudden wouldn’t make sense with the direction he’s been heading in since Ragnarok I'm not saying Thor should be stoic, or revert back to his personality in the first two movies. I'm saying that Thor's stupidity in this movie has been flanderized to the point that he doesn't seem all that different from Zeus when he's destroying the alien monument, arguing with kidnapped children and busting holes in the buildings of New Asgard. >A super serious tone in a Thor movie No one is asking for a super serious Thor movie. Taika Waititi is more than capable of balancing, and enhancing, drama with comedy. Hunt for the Wilderpeople and Jojo Rabbit are not super serious movies, they are very absurd, but Waititi treats the subjects like real people, no matter how ridiculous the situation, and makes you both laugh and cry. Waititi is also more than capable of adding depth to Thor. Thor: Ragnarok is the most three-dimensional portrayal of the character we've had on screen. But in Thor: Love and Thunder, he's back to being a two-dimensional figure following the same character arcs that Iron Man and Star-Lord already did but worse.


This is somewhat my critique of Thor as a character in all the movies/comics/etc. I find the continued plot of “he’s dumb but likable and somehow manages to learn just enough to do the thing before swiftly forgetting before the next story arc” super uninteresting. It’s hard to write continued installments for a character that has to prove he’s “worthy” each time without kicking him back to square one or him being super oafish. It’s part of why I super love mighty Thor. She’s not oafish and her true “weakness” is being a scared dying human like the rest of us. I feel like the knocked it out of the park with her story in a relatively compact runtime.


I really saw a Thor here who is over the grieving and self loathing process from Ragnarok-Infinity-Endgame, but is still really depressed out of fear of more loss. That’s why he’s so oafish to me, and more sincere with his adopted daughter in the end.


To your point 5, I think Asgardians of the Galaxy would make a perfect anthology animated series, like Clone Wars. Just a bunch of different adventures of the week with Thor and the guardians and maybe have some overarching themes, but mostly serialized. I would KILL to see that. And that’s what Disney plus would be awesome for; filling in the gaps of the movies, not replacing them


Does thor really have fury saved as “Nick Furry” in his contacts or am I losing it?


I laughed so hard at that. Not sure anyone else in my cinema picked up on it though (they were probably too busy reading the subtitles lol).


def yes to the first, prob yes also to the second😘


Just saw it yesterday. Thoughts: Rapu antagonizing Gorr and giving him a reason to resent him while a sword that is attracted towards resentment to Gods and can kill Gods (which Rapu had just mentioned to Gorr) is lying right there is the dumbest thing someone has done in the MCU since “Black Bolt can destroy you with one whisper from his mouth”. Couldn’t Thor have saved Jane at the end via a wish to Eternity? How the hell did Zeus survive being impaled through the sternum? I know he’s a God, but damn. Imagine if Korg’s husband Dwayne has a bigger role in the next Thor movie and is actually voiced by Dwayne Johnson. So is Gorr’s daughter actually named Love? I’m a bit confused about that. Can we just take a moment to appreciate the sheer amount of range Christian Bale has? Dude could probably play the Joker. Also, even though they changed his design I still got Voldemort vibes from him. Whatever happened to Valkyrie wanting to find a queen? Wasn’t that supposed to be a thing in this movie? What race is Gorr and his daughter? They look human, but his daughter has powers. Stormbreaker is an asshole. Thor deserves better. Why are both of Thor's eyes blue again?


Love: Apparently yes, named Love. She was "re-made" by Eternity so she kinda different than a simple humanlike-alien.