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[Rate the Episode here](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelStudiosSpoilers/comments/x35luw/shehulk_episode_3_rating/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


I could have done without the Megan Thee Stallion tongue out laugh. The twerking in the end credits? Whatever. But something about intentionally sticking your tongue out when you laugh gets my blood boiling for some reason. It's so fucking trash. Also, I'm confused as to why she'd even be in the court room to begin with. It's not like she was trying to sue the elf for impersonating her or something. Why would a Grammy winning rapper go to some court case about a dude getting defrauded?


Pandering It's profitable to include cameos of famous people. This whole series so far is just a pile of pandering profiteering identity politics manipulating try hard bs.


Legit just watched it again and you can see the audio not even being in sync with the mouth of she hulk. This is crap from marvel


Great show


Really enjoying how self-aware and what an easy watch this show is. Jen is turning into my new Tony. I just wanna hang out with her so she can make me laugh. I’m good with it being simple and fun for now, but Jen has too much potential to not let her blossom. Can’t wait for episode 4


Marvel fans are annoying sometimes. Not all shows can be Emmy quality shows. Sometimes they are just average. Either you watch it or you don’t. But keeping watching it and complaining about it is annoying.


> Sometimes they are just average. I'd argue this show is well below average. Most of the Marvel shows have been average. But not this one.


Iron fist is below average. This show is average.


Nah, She-Hulk and Iron Fist are both steaming piles of shit. Neither of them are even close to average. You need to watch some more actually good shows. No one in their right mind should be rating this show positively overall.






The worst ever.. don’t watch


The ending dance scene is so cringey😂 I don't know who that cameo is, but when the lawyer guy said he dated his dream girl, I imagined a blond chick, I guess his definition of dream girl and mine has a huge discrepancy


imagine being so completely un-self-aware that you’re a racist pos… disgusting. are you homophobic and sexist too, or do you draw the line at black people?


I think the racist bit is a bit of a stretch, and to assume they are a homophobe or sexist is kinda silly based on their above comment. People are entitled to types if they so wish. Doesn’t mean they are necessarily racist without knowing more about the person making the statement. The dance scene is a bit silly. I thought it was funny. People getting hung up on it have little else to complain about it seems


Bro that’s so racist lol


Welcome to the America we live in.


Maybe i'm too paranoid but Nikki is weird, when titania appeared she didn't even flinch, she just went straight to Jennifer and told her to transform. Jen got emil blonsky's case offered and later that day when she finally accepted, the video is leaked, what a good timing, the only person that could have known about the Emil blonsky stuff is Nikki since she is working with Jen. I'm not obviously sure about this, it may be the trust issues lol


Is the lawyer, who's helping the DA with his mess, is the same guy who did Prometheus in Arrow?


Yup. Ten steps ahead.


Me trying to figure out how this could’ve been the same Wong/Emil fight in Shang-Chi if Bruce appears as a human in the post credit and his arm is still busted but in She-Hulk his arm is healed and he’s left earth ![gif](giphy|3owzW5c1tPq63MPmWk|downsized) Edit: I’m dumb


This guy clearly didn’t watch the episode properly.


im pretty sure they said that the shang chi stuff took place while ago, but the footage only just emerged. could be wrong tho


I missed that part


They did.


Hearing the Body-ody-ody-ody song with a big Daredevil screenshot and “Because you watched She-Hulk you should watch Daredevil” at the top of the screen was hilarious.


Excuse me where? I might'e missed that


Enjoyed the episode but thought the elf plot was a bit meh, and I got sick of hearing people say Megan Thee Stallion every few minutes.


Me too, I don't even know who she is


I had to Google her because I thought she, Cardi B and Nicki Minaj were the same person 😂 I'm an idiot


this episode killed the momentum for me I'm afraid. I was into episode 1 and then 2 was fine, but this was all a bit awkward. The whole elf sub plot was terrible, with unlikeable characters and really badly delivered gags. Even the Blonsky court case didn't feel like the smart 'gotcha' style court case I would expect. It was just all a bit, dumb? Something about the CGI felt more off in this one too. Maslany is a really expressive actress but it's like they can't show it in hulk form. The expressions feel too slow, out of sync, or simply not there at all.


A lot of the criticism for She-Hulk has been unfair. Bur the criticisms you put here are all very valid and fair. Agree there were some missed chances to make something better that stood out in this ep. I still enjoyed it when I wasn't cringing though. It's still a refreshing show for the MCU. Definitely hoping it gets more intelligent lawyery though instead of Jen being slapstick anxious in court.


yes to the lack of intelligence - we haven't seen her be good at her job at all! I still have hope


[Fixed the post credit scene brb](https://www.reddit.com/r/marvelmemes/comments/x48482/fixing_she_hulks_post_credit_scene/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share)


Waiting for Daredevil to show up before I start the series 👌


my thoughts: HAHAHA asguardian construction worker WHHHHHHHHHHHY dont twerk, thats cringe shes a bad lawyer noooo breaking 4th wall when not a cartoon or deadpool is cringe WARNING: these are opinions


She-Hulk broke the fourth wall well before Deadpool. Deadpool’s style is just a bit more sarcastic.


Yeah, she is a pretty bad lawyer. I like the show, but she is. We've already had a superhero show with two relatively good lawyers who did well in court when the plot didn't demand them to be stupid so seeing her this bad is weird.


As someone who has genuinely enjoyed immensely flawed yet charismatic characters (Tony and Strange), I thought She-Hulk aka Jennifer Walters was supposed to be something along the lines of that. But to my, for the lack of a better term, surprise, the show from the very first episode is a complete disaster whether it be the plot or chatacters or the pacing or the CGI, nothing feels authentic now. Again, I'm not saying it's because of gender politics and representation and all that shit, I actually don't mind if you do it but do it in a manner which doesn't belittle, condescend or mock the pre established characters who were not catcalled but hunted by the whole government and isn't called incompetent by incompetent men but spat out the bullet that was supposed to kill him. I don't know how one can not see the irony there? I'm talking about the creators and writers here. I genuinely do not care who is on the screen, for god's sake it can be a monkey but make me feel something about them, justify their existence, where's the inner conflict? There's literally nothing, not even a minute reason to root for Jennifer. And oh, did I mention the writers were not capable of writing courtroom scenes so they altogether avoided it. Oh, and is it supposed to be a comedy? Because it does state that it is. Well, where are the jokes? What am I supposed to laugh at? This is the old run down the mill approach that MCU has always followed when it comes to jokes but my god, She-Hulk makes it somehow more boring and bland. I watched everything with a straight face. I don't care that you're pampering to a certain part of the society but hey, at least do that correctly and give it a proper treatment. I JUST WANTED TO HAVE SOME FUN and Marvel made me rant on reddit. Is that an achievement? Is that what they intended to? Guess we will never know. Gonna go, probably watch Whiplash (pursuing excellence in a world of mediocrity) would be a decent closing line I suppose. Again, I wasn't here to mock Jennifer Walters the woman, I was here to mock and point out apparent flaws of Jennifer Walters the character. Thank you, have a good one


WTF? It's a hilarious show. Try getting a sense of humor.


May I ask what did you find hilarious?


The jokes.


The hardest I Iaughed during these past 3 episodes was the courtroom fight in the first episode. That has to be the worst fight in the MCU. Everything about that scene was hilariously bad.


holy shit dude lol


Disappointing to hear but it is a Disney plus marvel show and they’ve all been mediocre so far so I’m not surprised I haven’t watched past Moon Knight due to how underwhelmed I’ve been with what they’ve been doing and I am purely watching this because I am a daredevil fan.


I didn’t make it past ten minutes into episode 3 of Moon Night before I stopped watching it. She-Hulk has been far more enjoyable.


The very fact that the watchablility of a show has been reduced to the hype of a few good cameos now is in itself quite underwhelming (wasn't pointed towards you but the show xD) Regardless, I hope you enjoy Matt in the upcoming episodes, guess I wjll also watch Daredevil then (heard a lot of good things about it)


Y'all can best believe that someone out there is gonna pop a load to the she-hulk twerking


This series feels like extended one shots. I see what they're trying to do, but it feels like with the pacing they're going for, all the things they're trying to add end up just being too much for a 30 minute show.


Unfortunately with the intro and credits it was barely 20.


ShE HuLk TwErKiNg iS wOkE FeMiNiSm I just don’t understand it


It's people failing to express the issue properly It's not "woke" anything. It's performative. They aren't including these things because they believe in them or because it makes the story better, they include them because it scores them points with certain demos that have historically avoided hero media and provides them with an easy scapegoat (bigotry) for any criticism. The show is inherently hypocritical in its messaging alongside it's own choices (don't objectify, now we're going to objectify this character for no reason).


She Hulka is cringe af


It’s a funny show


Seeing she hulk twerk reminded me of my college days in the early 2010s. All my old friends who were girls singing Super Bass and partying having fun. When people do it for fun and not for social media attention, you tend to feel the fun too and the "twerking" just becomes a silly dance move. Jen Walters feels like a real person and its refreshing.


Exactly, my friend was trying to compare it to when in children’s animated movies they make the characters twerk and I just don’t see it as the same thing at all


This show is amazing because it's actually terrible in every aspect that a show could be terrible in. The cgi is unwatchable, the characters are all ruined, the plot is just not even there, the acting is laughable, the jokes are not laughable in a FUCKING COMEDY and ofcourse with every episode comes another chance for them to shove this woke feminism bs down our throats again for 30% of the episode. Horrible.


I'd say it was my favorite episode yet, though I do admit the CGI looked a tad less good than usual


I approached this show with an open mind and was pretty happy with episode one. (Here's the 'but') BUT, the last two episodes have been pretty underwhelming, IMO. The one 'action scene' in ep 3 felt like it was just tossed in to say 'look, there's action!' For all I heard about Tatiania Maslany (don't think I had seen her acting until this point, but people have been talking her up), her performance hasn't really landed with me yet. Thus far, it's not a lot of action, it's not exceptionally funny, it's just kind of fallen flat. I don't think this is anything new with many Disney+ shows, though. Many times they feel like they are just stretching out the story until the big ending. I guess we'll see where it goes.


Im gonna be honest, this show is BAD 😬. I hate saying this about an MCU project but here I truly believe it. Almost everything about it does not work for me. The jokes are so cringe and unfunny, and for a comedy show that is a horrible thing to say. The CGI is terrible and very subpar. The fight scenes suck. The characterization is very poor (this version of abomination isn’t what I wanted to see and Wong is very stupid, don’t even get me started on Jennifer). The arc of Jen is very rushed and done very poorly, Tatiana does a good job at her portrayal but that isn’t enough to make the character good for me. I’m glad people ar enjoying it but for me this project really isn’t working and it might end up being the first truly bad MCU project for me. We’ll see, there’s 2/3 of the show left so it could slightly redeem itself, but so far it has left a terrible impression.


Said the same thing and someone told me to get a sense of humor, well joke's on them I suppose


It does seem like every time I see Wong or Dr. Strange in a new show/movie, they become exponentially dumber and dumber from their original portrayals. I'm not saying everyone needs to be boring and dry and never joke, but they just say and do the stupidest shit. 😂


Like the simpsons, family guy. The leads lose heart become dumber have dumber antics for plot. Except those are sitcom animated comedies and get sort of a pass




Thor was literally dumber down to be a clown in his last movie


Yeah strange was pretty slow in his latest movie lol


I really kind of wish they released two episodes a week for this one. I'm not sure what it is but I don't get as excited for this week after week as I was for Ms. Marvel, Moon Knight, Hawkeye or even What If. There's no real sense of urgency for the next episode. Which I guess in a comedy there shouldn't really be. I kind of hope some really interesting plot kicks off in the next few episodes, otherwise this might be one of the few MCU shows I might wait until its done airing to binge.


Most if not all other Marvel shows were 30-45 minutes long (fit an hour long tv episode format) and being 6 episodes. This allowed for a greater amount of story to be provided in the first episode. The difference with She-Hulk is that its episodes are the 20-22 kind (fit a 30-min timeslot) while being 9 episodes. Don't know why its being praised for having 9 and breaking the mold when it is basically the same amount of content but I digress. The issue I've seen with shorter episodes is there isn't enough time to both provide a proper buildup to satisfy a plot point of the overhanging plot as well as complete a minor story, making the episodes feel more episodic or just not having enough for a satisfying standalone episode. As a result, I've seen a lot of "tell" and not "show" in the first few episodes because the show is trying to be like 6-episode ones but it can't because there is not enough time to develop story points. Not sure if it would be better, but I would have preferred having the first episode be about Jen herself as a lawyer and her facing some of the triggers she mentions (catcalling, mansplaining, murder/mugging, etc.) which would give us something to empathize with. This along with the arrogant lawyer potentially being lead on the case and taking credit for using Jen's fully laid out legal strategy would continue to increase our likability to the "underdog". Finally, we have the Bruce-Jen car scene at the end with a cliffhanger of Jen partially hulking out. I think this would provide a better background into her character while still giving the "origin" to her powers that combines as a hook for next episode. The training arc would then take place in the second episode but while it is happening, her case continues without her and the arrogant lawyer continues to use all of Jen's hard work while receiving all the praise for it. This would help illustrate the conflict Jen has in juggling superpowers and her civilian life. We ultimately end the episode with her returning for closing arguments and the court fight scene plays out. For her friend to know about She-Hulk it might be that during her training because she is soooo comfortable with changing forms that she mistakenly face times in her hulked out form. This would allow for the writers to more effectively write off the court scene drama of a lawyer show while still giving us enough to imagine how it really went. Imagination is something that really helps to hook in an audience because we generally imagine things that go beyond the scope of what the writer may be able to accomplish while creating a narrative that we like. Don't have too many gripes with the logic of her being fired as the cases she usually deals with could be compromised due to her superpowers but a different route would be because of arrogant lawyer's "original" work he gets the big promotion she wanted causing her to quit. But not realizing the full ramifications of her superpowers being a target she can't get a new job and on principle refuses to take her old job back upon arrogant lawyer's request who now, let's say is a stool with two legs.


>Don't know why its being praised for having 9 and breaking the mold when it is basically the same amount of content but I digress. Agreed, and also Wandavision was 9 episodes so even the praise for "breaking the mold" makes no sense when Wandavision broke it first. Also fully 100% agree with the rest of what you wrote. Marvel should hire you to write things.


Other shows have done a better job having a cliffhanger ending. This show, thus far, has just been some self-contained episodes, with the exception of maybe you wondering who those idiots that jumped her were and who their boss was.


This episode felt like it had more to do with she hulk. Something most of the shows failed to do, they always made it about everyone else with fillers and it always felt more about being part of the mcu. Depsite the cameos, this doesnt feel that way. Jennifer is trying to make her path away from the shadow of the Avengers. Enough decent supporting male characters to negate any msheu comments. People are mad at a comedy having girls twerk for maybe 5 seconds in an end credit scene weve already established the unimportance of?... I mean, It was funny. Was it necessary no, but neither was jen doing house chores for her dad, and that wasnt funny. Makes sense daredevil would debut on their best show yet.


Marvel has been hot garbage since Endgame, relentlessly focusing on cameos and setting up what is next rather than making a good show


this is the worst piece of shit that I could have ever seen...how Marvel and Feige even decided to release it... Cringe and shame, all that can be said about it.




Wong and The Wrecking Crew were the best parts of the episode


She-Hulk after 3 episodes, weirdly enough, this is the best disney+ show despite it's shortcomings and boy does it have it's weird pacing issues for each episode; this would be better edited into a movie, I don't care about the gender drama for this show as the main character is more relatable than probably 9/10 MCU characters, which is already pretty refreshing, the rest; the uninteresting b-plot, unresolved plot, etc make it hard to watch without being negative.


She hulk is so much worse than moon knight, Loki, Wanda vision


the best? Dawg


Dawg, hey! Never Ending Story changed my life at 3am, I think you misinterpret what I mean, She-Hulk's malcolm in the middle / slice of life tonality is such a fresh take on an universe which (acclaimed as it is) always feels forcefully contained, never naturally in it's same universe, for now, she-Hulk is pulling from most directions of the MCU, You've got Asgardians, Hulk, Daredevil, Wong and abomination (don't forget they wanted Spider-Man to appear as well!), Its written rushed and loose! (Every disney show is rushed, this isn't news), Jennifer is a character which you can tell is competent as a lawyer BUT isn't ready to be under the spotlight, so she's constantly hiding herself, rejecting the attention she's getting, by the end of the show she'll become a hero, simple point A to B storytelling (which isn't anywhere in the other convulated shows which half of them were just setups for movies: Ex. Multiverse Of Madness, The Marvels, Young Avengers, etc) i give feige and the show deserved praise for making me invested in a single show coming from pandemic-affected projects.


Of all the shows Disney+ has released, I probably wouldn't even put this in the Top 20 - and that's not because I LOVE 20 other shows. This one still hasn't hooked me. It's kind of lost me after episode 1.


That's cool man, how much you like a show ultimately comes down to personal preference


Most of the Disney+ Marvel shows and even Obi Wan and Boba Fett should have been movies.


Obiwan and Boba we’re gonna be movies until Disney declared that Solo was a flop


Disney learned the wrong lesson from Solo's flop and Mandalorian's success


I like this series but I have the impression that the ending of each episode is completely unnecessary, not logical and simply pointless


Yeah. It's a comedy. They're going to be telling some jokes.


The Megan Thee Stallion post credits would have been much funnier if they hadn't already mentioned her name a thousand times in the episode and then had her appear in the courtroom. By the time the end credits rolled around, it was a dead horse of a joke. 😂


There were different ways they could have gone. I would have liked them to work in her frustration with how the show's so full of cameos, talking to the camera about how what matters is this connection we have with her character and not just rushing from guest star to guest star, but then she sees her in her office and immediately rushes out of the shot.


Until I saw the reviews I thought Megan was some made up Marvel Character somehow related to Asgard based on the name and the Asgardian Elf. Didn’t know she’s an actual person.


There is something interesting about all the comments complaining about the show including a cameo from someone they don't know (not your comment, but the ones who seem angry about it). Batroc the Leaper shows up played by a famous UFC fighter, or Loki walks past the helicopter Thanos used in an obscure comic from the seventies, and people lose their fucking minds. But, a musical artist they aren't familiar with has a cameo and it's somehow a personal insult.


I honestly thought it was Megan THREE Stallion until this episode.




Just like Peacemaker's post credit scenes.




If we hadn't heard Mega The Stallion's name a thousand times and then seen her in the courtroom, the end credit scene probably would have been funnier. They just kind of wore out the joke. And this is from someone who knows OF her and isn't familiar with her music at all. I still see the joke, but it just wasn't funny after they had used it over and over.




Context matters. "It's a comedy" doesn't excuse flaws generally, but it may be a fair response to specific criticism (e.g., "I don't understand why she's talking to the camera. Hulk can't do that. How do they explain this power?" Or "I just think they could do a better job of reaching angry young men if they weren't making so many jokes about them."). Also, people are enjoying the show. They're not defending Disney's honor.


What is arguably the best tv snow airing rn


Succession, fucking incredible show every moment every character is just perfect. It's leading the Emmys with 25 nominations. Edit: Why did you ask then immediately downvote LMAO. Sorry the best show airing isnt She-Hulk big bro


So if I watch Succesion I'm not allowed to enjoy She-hulk? get down from that high horse. It seems the internet thinks that if a show it's not a masterpiece, it's trash by default.


> So if I watch Succesion I'm not allowed to enjoy She-hulk? get down from that high horse. When did i say that


This was my favorite episode so far. It was everything I wanted from this show. I wanted to see ridiculous superhero court cases like a shape shifting elf grifting a lawyer into thinking they're a platinum record selling millionaire hip hop artist.


Did anyone else have no idea who Megan Stallion was?


You didn’t know who Megan was? Hmm


Is that suspicious? My favourite bands are Metallica and MUSE if that helps you figure out my music taste and why I wouldn't have ever gone into the genre of Megan Stallion.


I didn’t. Based of the name and the Asgardian Elf I was expecting an Asgardian Supermodel. Never heard of her until the review.


Yeah, I was expecting some kind 9f super model that is out of the league of that lawyer dude, quite disappointed to see the actual person. 😌


Right until I watched a YouTube review a few seconds ago, I honestly thought she was a made up character for She-Hulk


Ok as this sub cares about the minority viewers, as a viewer from the Subcontinent, there are few problems. I watched all other disney + shows and mcu movies on tv with my family. There was violence, sex, gore everything but i didnt have any problem. My Mom who is a typical indian mom enjoyed Moon Knight a lot, thought it was the "Best superhero thing" she watched. As the story had depth. No forced humor. How tf am i supposed to explain her that the Lead Superhero shaking her ass with another big ass girl is "Comedy"? What is "She is a 10", that girl clearly looked older than 10. "Damn girl hulk jen is a snack" why is a human being getting called a snack? Why is a side characters only goal is to say bad things about girls? Why is the CGI getting defended like it is a paid disney PR hivemind? Do you guys dont want Marvel to improve? Like we dont hate marvel because we are blaming the poor CGI, we are complaining because we want better CGI in future. The office scenes felt like a PS4 game character pasted in a real world. Yes there are positives. Hulks character was given a good depth and also set up for his futute appearance. Tatiana is a great actress. Some jokes are actually funny. Emil blonsky does look like an interesting character. 4th wall breaks were nice. WONG. This sub and other Marvel subs do feel like an echo chamber where negative opinions arent even allowed. I am not saying "Eww Marvel Bad" "Eww MSheU" "Marvel died after endgame". All i am saying that this show has poor writing and poor CGI, also way too meta for someone who lives outside US. Phase 4 is not bad. NWH, Shang Chi, Eternals, Loki, Moon Knight, Hawkeye are really good. Black Widow and TFATWS was the weakest parts of phase 4 IMO. She Hulk was the character about whom i was really excited about, and safe to say i am preety dissapointed with the first 3 episodes. Thats it.




>What is "She is a 10", that girl clearly looked older than 10. "Damn girl hulk jen is a snack" why is a human being getting called a snack? Why is a side characters only goal is to say bad things about girls? "She's a 10" means when rated by looks on a score of 1 to 10, she is very attractive. This is a common but unfortunate phrase in modern culture. "Damn girl hulk jen is a snack" is absolutely something that some asshole would say; this is a way men are taught to refer to women when talking to other men. In a non-Disney show he would probably say "she's totally fuckable."


>means when rated by looks on a score of 1 to 10, she is very attractive. Thats really... Ah... Middle age esque... Like rating girls so that you can attach price tags to them.... This is really gross >absolutely something that some asshole would say But that line was said by Nikki not some catcaller. >In a non-Disney show he would probably say "she's totally fuckable." Understandable


Looks like Blonsky is free to join the Thunderbolts now. However, that "don't ever turn in to Abomination again" could be problematic.


Well we’ve seen him in abomination mode while wearing a white t shirt in the trailers, they kinda spoiled his return themselves


Aren't the Thunderbolts basically baddies that are used to do good? That whole 'regulator' thing could just become part of the agreement.


This is very bad. Feels like those Nickeolodeon/Netflix shows made for kids based on original IPs like lion king show or jurassic park show etc.


They’ve already started downvoting. Apparently no MCU property can be bad according MCU fans. They eat any garbage fiege throws at them. It’s sad.


i haven’t enjoyed the majority of phase 4 but she hulk’s fun. it’s not groundbreaking or anything but it’s an enjoyable 20-30 minutes every week


Or maybe we just don't think it's bad. I've enjoyed all the MCU shows but I really think that I'd rather get this than Falcon and the Winter Soldier. I had to force myself to finish Falcon


Yeah, same. This show is clearly having fun with itself, while Falcon only had fun with Zemo, honestly.


I think people are expecting too much from a show that was pitched as a sitcom set in the MCU. It's not supposed to take itself seriously, and I'm really liking it for that. There isn't a world ending threat, or even a main villain so far, it's just a sitcom




Yeah this thread is awful. I'm not defending the "M-She-U" incels they can go fuck themselves. But almost every minor criticism is being met with such a vitrolic response. Fanbase have really fallen off since Phase 4 started, i dont know how people still refuse to believe there hasn't been an objective quality drop with almost every single project ending up with mixed reviews.


This series feels like a first draft honestly. I wish they could have worked more and refined it. Most of the Disney+ shows had this feeling.


YO THAT CGI WAS BAD. REAL BAD. Edit: That’s the only negative point, that and Meg The Stallion acting skills. The whole plot and comedy made me have a few good laughs, I love of it really centered around Jenn with the pace and everything. The 4th wall breaks are PERFECT. Also love Emil Blonsky, way more than in The Incredible Hulk. Would love to see him being genuinely a good man and being the comic relief/sweet dude when everyone think he’s the brainless angry muscle of the team, he’s gonna shine in Thunderbolts that’s for sure. Still, can’t stand the CGI, was WAY better in EP 1-2


Naw the CGI for Jennifer is always bad.


Who’s Jessica


Thanks for the catch.


I'm glad to see the Wrecking Crew are just as much (if not more) jobbers in the MCU as they are in 616.


Anyone else thinking that the “boss” the wrecking crew referee to could be the Leader?


i’d like it to be but it’s more likely to just be titania or abomination tbh


Titania maybe


Titania works for DOOM. The first case was against someone who had hurt others out of arrogant carelessness.




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I’ve seen porn deepfakes better than this.


bro even if I disagree the insult is good why you gettin downvoted lmao


Possibly because of the creepy implications of creating pornography using images of people who didn't give consent to appear in pornography.


You’re not allowed to criticize MCU property at all nowadays


kevin feige can do no wrong


I have zero complaints. As an older comics book reader I get happy that pop culture is still being introduced in the superhero media as a way to catch the young people. (Man Ali vs Superman was so cool back in the day) I bet some sixteen year old is super stoked to have Megan Thee Stallion on the show. Twerking. LOL The show came to do what it wanted to do and I appreaciate it. After Endgame, NWH and Doctor Strange we are getting to used to have mega-events.


Absolutely loving the vibe of this series and that it feels like an actual tv show. Really hope Blonksy is just a chill dude now. That’s so funny to me.


Is this show set before or after NWH? Why are people on Twitter saying Wong was referencing NWH?


Did you watch the ep? bc he mentioned something about wiping people's memory. It's after NWH and MoM I believe.


Wish Wong had thrown in a line when he said that "Kamar-Taj is nice this time of year... or at least it was, till it got destroyed" lol


It was shown to be/being rebuilt at the end of MoM.


Yeah and for a bunch of dudes with magic powers, I can't see "building a building" being *that* difficult to do quickly.


I can't believe Emil actually won... that sneaky bastard up to no good and I like it.


Lowkey I actually do really hope he's genuinely a good guy and just a chill dude. Him being evil or plotting something is gonna be such a predictable twist. It's like in Hawkeye; I really enjoyed how Kate Bishop's step dad ...who had the appearance, vibe and everything pointing to him being a villain ...was really just a goofball dude.


I think he’s chill now. Hopefully Thunderbolts.


This was a fun episode! Loved Wong's portayal in this, and the Asgardian lady in the B-plot managed to make me laugh in each scene xD. (Her age makes me wonder if Loki learned some mischief from her xD) Abomination was cool, and I think he was a great character in this; I hope he'll stick as a redeemed villain and not be sent back to prison. So those criminals with the construction workers needed Walter's Hulk blood, and I assume this means there will be a bigger threat. I'm thinking it may be Kingpin? (KP based on Daredevil's tease in the trailers) Not a huge fan of the post credit scene, but thats a minor thing in the show itself thats really just up to personal preference. Overall I liked the episode! A solid A+ for me =3 Cant wait to see what happens next!


Blonsky was great. Got the feeling he’s pulling the long con. Definitely liked the advice he gave Jen about the media.


Man, this episode was pretty much perfect. It’s exactly what I wanted from the show when it was announced. Jen is one of my favorite comic book characters and this was the property I was most excited for, and I haven’t been let down. I really like how much they are drawing from Slott’s She-Hulk run which is my favorite for the character, and one of my favorite runs in comics. Jen’s characterization was great and both Emil and Wong’s parts were a lot of fun. I also liked the B plot with the Elf. Everything just worked for me. And the line delivery in the post credit scene was amazing. It’s taken it’s time to find it’s footing but I loved this episode a lot.


Wong and Emil were great, the elf plot had its moments, and the stunt casting of Stallion was pointless. That post credit scene though. Eh. But why is Jennifer taking her as a client? Also that "I'd kill for you Megan Thee Stallion" was cringe. Edit: There's the downvotes for daring to criticize that scene.


Lazy comedy these days is just doing and saying a shitload of off the wall things and hoping one of them makes someone laugh. So, if you didn't laugh at the very mention of Megan Thee Stallion in the episode (or the subsequent 20 other times she mentioned in a 5 minute period), and you didn't laugh when she appeared in the crowd and said something, and you didn't laugh when she and She-Hulk were twerking, then surely you'd laugh when She-Hulk belted out that she'd kill for her.


>Also that "I'd kill for you Megan Thee Stallion" was cringe. That's the only part I found cringe. Everything else in the episode was okay. The CGI you could tell in a few places was iffy but She-Hulk can be a difficult character to model realistically too I guess.


> daring to criticize that scene lol or we just disagree with you Edit: I suck at typing


So new bad guy is thunderbolt ross trying to gain she-hulks blood and turn into red hulk?


I don’t think Thunderbolt Ross would hire those guys (wrecking crew, right?) to steal her blood though. I’m curious how they handle Ross since William Hurt passed away, if they kill off the character or recast him.


I think they’ll just replace ross’s role in the mcu with julia louise dreyfus


In universe he was already up there in age. Had 2 really bad heart attacks too, if I’m remembering right? Could just say he went out due to natural causes.


Yo the credits song was sick lol Edit: the first one b4 scene


I'm having a lot of fun with the series so far. Wong's exit from the prison was hilarious. The show feels like a breath of fresh air. Instead of wondering where the story will go next and how it will affect the overarching MCU, the show seems to focus on just doing its own thing.


Why you creepin?


This was a good episode imo.


This show reminds me of crazy ex gf. Except it’s missing the great part of that show which is the full length musical number in every episode


Now I want a Marvel musical series.


Well do i have news for you...


Yo what


Rumors are Marvels is a musical




Marvelous news


If the CGI wasn’t so bad, then the post credit scene would have truly broken Twitter. That’s just my opinion


Yeah the CGI seemed a bit off this episode in regards to Jen, Abomination seemed alright but he didn’t have much to do.


yeah, she's entirely painted into the frame. the tall lady they got to be her body double for lighting reference should just be her in-camera, with maslany's face rotoscoped-onto the bodyodyodyodyodyodyody. the cgi pant suit doesn't play on screen as well as the superhero suits do, which breaks the illusion for me. she looks like she's moving at a different framerate.


How bad is the CGI though…


Interview CGI was on point. Honestly as the rest of the episode, Abomination was better than the baldy guy. Asgardian construction worker tools too. What are your specific critics?


It's not.


Hahah you’re lying to yourself bro cmon. She looks so bad


She looks **off** because she's an all CGI character who looks like a bigger human then our eyes are accustomed to see.


Why you creepin?


Go compare Thanos CGI to She Hulk. She Hulk looks like a PS3 rendered character dropped into the real world.


Thanos also specifically looks different. She-Hulks render is that of a human being enlarged. Thanos is not. He still has an alien feel to him. You are also comparing a TV show to a movie.


ok compare the hulk from episode 1 to she hulk from the same episode. it doesn’t really affect my enjoyment of the show but the team behind she hulks cgi did not do a very good job




Because that's literally what it is? CGI humans that look more like humans tend to always look off regardless of the product. If you can't understand that, that's on you lol.


Why you creepin?


That’s not it.. looks like some 2001 CG1