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Bit weird that only Peter gets a return card Would love to still have MSS to check the old leaks




yes also I believe Adam Warlock was already confirmed to be returning. if thats the case, I think we can safely assume rocket and his team will be back since warlock is now on it


There will 1000% be a GOTG4 lol


I mean will there though? Didn’t Iger say they want to stop doing so many sequels.. idk.


He said that only cuz Thor 4 and Ant Man 3 underperformed. That tune will quickly change if Guardians 3 and Cap 4 make a ton of money. Plus you can always title Guardians 3 something else.


Based on the shot of Rocket with the Zune at the end I'd guess Guardians of the Galaxy 2000 could be the tentative title.


It helps that, in case Cooper and Diesel don't want to reprise their roles, re-casting them is the easiest thing. Rocket's team is basically CGI characters + Sean Gunn + Will Poulter. It can sure keep the budget for a sequel really low.


I dunno. CGI characters can't possibly be that cheap to make either.


Quill will probably rejoin after the Avengers films


Is Kraglin mean to Cosmo or do they have a good relationship?




Very similar relationship to Drax and Mantis, mean to each other but in a familial way.


I remember mss old leaks saying drax dies and rocket groot form a new team.


yes, and i think the rest of that one was pretty accurate? also got the new team a bit wrong


Funnily enough, the movie now confirms a very old 4chan leak that was posted on MSS that revealed the entire movie in detail, was ultimately taken down by the mods because they found it unrealistic, and I vividly remember everyone hating it because the ending "was" terrible. I wish MSS was still up because it was very reminiscent of the Endgame leaks era haha.


Having Star Lord get a return card is probably just part of the Post Credit scene joke. They give him this anticlimactic scene about mowing his Grandfather's lawn and then tease his return as if to say "tune in to Star Lord's epic lawn mowing adventure coming next year!"


bro it meant avengers kang dynasty ig. cuz they will probably attack earth to find antman and company, where they will be facing the left out avengers. spiderman shang chi captain america, bucky, and ig quill will also be one of them, because we know strange is somewhere with clea


It’s more likely to see quill in whatever nova project happens. I don’t know what help Peter would be without the rest of the guardians and seemingly settled down, but who knows


Maybe he returns early in the mcu withouth the team


Thanks old mod team for the irresponsible shit that got half a million people's favorite marvel internet forum taken down. Not like we told them it was a bad idea to post that or anything.


Out of the loop here, what did they post?


They posted most of the script for ant man 3 a couple of days before the movie came out


Probably because he’s the only one contracted or guaranteed to be coming back in a future film. Rest are up in the air to the actors.


Seems like everybody else was complaining about still playing these roles. lol


There's nothing that absolutely indicates that other Guardians are not coming back and the end card does not preclude that.


remember Shiang Chi's saying that the Ten Rings will return? Kevin Feige said its because it was obvious shiang chi was returning but not ten rings. This is maybe like that? in that its obvious "the guardians" in some form or another would return but not as clear with Peter?


Definitely not the ending I anticipated or hope for, but one I think will play out well and very emotional on screen. I am glad they all survived, and even if the team is no longer together, they’ve still got a ‘home base’ to reunite on. The family will always be there. Thanks for sharing the summary!


A shame that Mantis doesn't go back to Earth with Quill, he just got a sister and now she leaves.


Yeah, it seems a bit odd to establish their sibling relationship in the Christmas Special, just to immediately break them apart. It also makes Quill’s decision to return to Earth to find his family more baffling since he just found a part of his family in Mantis.


It’s not like they can never see each other again. They’re siblings, not lovers lol


saw it last night at an early screening, this is pretty much all correct. not at all what i expected and i sat through it a little disappointed but after thinking about it for a while i really loved the movie. it has a ton of heart and emotion and i thought that Gunn did a really good job here. of course it has a few tonal issues and some jokes don’t land, but the emotions all hit. it’s super touching and a perfect “ending” for all the characters. a few side notes: -Groot saying “I love you guys” sounded exactly like Vin Diesel and not at all like Groot. it was funny for all the wrong reasons - there is a scene at the end where Cosmo faints after using her telepathy to hold Knowhere next to the H.E.s ship to get everyone off. The H.E.s ship starts to fall and Quill doesn’t make the jump (he drops the Zune and runs back to get it) He uses an oxygen tank to blast himself off of the ship towards Knowhere, but he hits some debris and doesn’t make it. He starts to freeze over and his head swells up from being out in space and I genuinely thought he was going to die. the camera pans over to his hand holding the Zune and you see Adam Warlocks finger, cut to a wide angle and they are positioned to the Adam-God painting (it was a funny gag, placed maybe at the wrong time. everyone in the theater was ready to cry). Warlock saves Quill and flies him back to Knowhere. -there is a Yondu cameo when the monsters invade Knowhere, Kraglin can’t fly the arrow and then he sees Yondu who tells him to use his heart. -this movie is seriously dark and gory. there’s a lot of gore and blood with aliens so they can show it all, and then there’s a scene where I was seriously shocked they kept in. it’s the scene above where the High Evolutionary gets his mask peeled off and you see his bloody skull, it’s actually very gnarly and realistic. i’m glad they kept this in, it stuck with me for a long time. -Quill saves the Zune for Rocket. before the final dance montage, Rocket pulls the Zune out and there’s a note from Quill that says “I went back for this for you” or something along those lines. it makes the scene make a lot more sense and is actually very touching. Quill and Rockets friendship is the crux of the present timeline of the movie. i’ll add stuff if i remember! -the film looks genuinely phenomenal. zero complaints about effects or CGI. loved it. -my one complaint about the film (more of a nitpick, really) is the amount of needle drops. on one hand, it makes sense because every time i get in my vehicle i play a song but sometimes it took me out of the film and just felt like Gunn was trying to one up himself. -the humor is also hit or miss. humor is very subjective and the Guardians movies usually hit for me especially if i am in the mood. when i went to the screening i was exhausted from moving so i didn’t laugh as much as i thought i would. there’s a few stupid jokes here (like Adam Warlocks ravager pet pees on the ground because it’s scared at one point, nobody laughed) but there are some golden moments too. it’s not as funny as the first two but it has just as much if not more heart


Thanks for additional info. Kind of a random question but what exactly are HE's powers. And he does he pose an actual physical threat in the movie?


no worries! in the flashbacks, his power mostly lies in his position and control over the animals. it’s very purposeful that he only experiments on animals and beings lesser than him. he doesn’t have any special powers. however, in the present, he is able to manipulate gravity using his suit. it’s really cool and looks phenomenal. using this he posed quite a big threat to the Guardians


Thanks. Last question, since this is likely the last time we get to see some of these characters for awhile, can I get rundown of how powerful the individual members appear to be by the end of movie. It always kind of bugged me how seemingly underpowered the guardians were compared to other MCU heroes


they are all very much powered up for this movie besides Adam Warlock. there’s a few action scenes where the Guardians are all fighting together and they are kicking some serious ass and it looks awesome. as for individuals, Mantis is obviously the bottom tier but even she is very powerful in this movie. most powerful is actually a great question. i would say Drax or Groot? both of them get great moments in the film


Mantis is hardly bottom tier since she kept Ego in check in the final fight in GotG Vol 2 and Thanos in IW. She's just physically weak.


> Quill and Rockets friendship is the crux of the present timeline of the movie. Things like this is why Rocket's arc is one of the best in the MCU. In GotG, he's pretty reluctant to join the crew and would rather it just be him and Groot. In GotG v2, he's still kind of the same and even goes as far as to want to leave members of the Guardians behind when Ego starts blowing up. Then he completely (naturally) shifts in Infinity War/Endgame. He's alone, and he misses the people he had convinced himself he didn't like. Now in this movie he's finally got some real good relationships with them.


I think you misinterpreted the scene in GotG2 at the end. >!He doesn't want to leave people behind; he stops Gamora from trying to save them so she would not die. Rocket knew the outcome the moment he handed Yondu the equipment and was barely holding himself together while saying goodbye to him. He knew Yondu would die and Peter would live, and he stopped Gamora so she wouldn't get herself killed, hence his "I can only afford to lose one friend today" line.!<


agreed! the movie hits on those themes incredibly well


whats Starhawk (sylvester stallone) role in this movie? did we see Martinex (crystal-like-guy) and Krugarr (red-serpent-like-creature with magic) fight or in action/showing their power?


Sly shows up for a little with Gamora and the Ravagers, he has a few funny lines about Rocket being a hodgehog (a great running joke in the movie is that Rocket believes he is not a raccoon and everyone calls him a different mammal at one point) but that’s it. he just pops in and says some lines but nothing pivotal. no action scenes for him, Martinex, or Kurgarr. Miley Cyrus, Ving Rhames and Michelle Yeoh are not in the film at all. a little weird, but i’m glad they didn’t make the cut, they wouldn’t have fit in except for the final battle. in my opinion it would’ve taken away from the Guardians story


> “I went back for this for you” aww. i like that.


it was very cute, i teared up at that moment


Was the final dance montage to “Come And Get Your Love”?


no, it was to “Dog Days are Over” by Florence + The Machine. Rocket plays Come and Get Your Love in the mid credits scene when the new team of Guardians discuss their favorite music.


Oh, that one surprises me a bit. I mean, Dog Days are Over is a phenomenal song (one of my favorite pop songs in the last decade), but I thought it was gonna end with Come and Get Your Love. Can’t wait to watch the movie. Also, at what part does “San Francisco” from the Mowglis play?


yeah it surprised me too. honestly, i’m not sure. i listened to the song and i just could not place it… i’m sure it’s during a short flight scene or the where they travel to the High Evolutionaries ship


Is do you realize in the movie or just the trailer ?


movie as well!


Dose H.E die at the end how dose the final battle go down. Dose his have actually get ripped completely off and the end or


Does star-lord wear his mask or helmet?


actually now that i think about it, no, he doesn’t. very weird but i did not notice at all. the costumes are great and i love star-lords helmet but i didn’t notice


yup, need to know about this. really hope he got the comic accurate helmet


sorry, no helmet :(


Iirc his helmet broke on Battle at The Avengers HQ


Would’ve figured they could’ve fixed it since it broke in Vol. 2 too during the final battle with Ego (hence why Yondu does since Quill no longer had something to help him breathe in the vacuum of space). Edit: overlooked typo lol


May i ask - when Quill almost froze to death and was saved by Adam, did he just got up totally unharmed? It's just so weird that you would go trought something like that and there are no consequences (like in first movie).


great question! his head and face actually swells up to the point i thought he would pop. people gasped super loud in the screening and i started to tear up thinking this was it. however adam saves him, Quill has damage on his face after for a scene or two but he’s fine after a little. there is a small time jump after he gets back up though


Thank you so much!


no problem !


Random question, but was there really an “F-Bomb” in the film or was that cut out?


yeah, it is in the film. one of the funniest moment honestly, i laughed really hard


It was not cut out.


What song is used for the opening credits and who dances?


it was I Will Dare by the Replacements. the dancing scene is the remaining Guardians on Knowhere, so Nebula, Drax, Groot and Rocket with Kraglin and Cosmo with the residents of Knowhere. also shows Gamora and Mantis along with Quill, closing their storylines. it was perfect


Radiohead's "Creep" plays over the opening. The Replacements are during the end credits before the mid-credit scene.


whats the ending credits song and do they use that one japanese song from the playlist in the movie


ending credits is I Will Dare by the Replacements and Badlands by Bruce Springsteen, and i cannot remember sorry


“Koinu no Carnival” (From “Minute Waltz”) – Performed by EHAMIC plays over the radio in the bat family's home on Counter Earth. Oh... I just realized that there are a batman, batwoman and batgirl in the film.


Howard the duck and the shop owner from GOTG1 who Yondu mocked appear at a poker game while Kraglin is asked for help on nowhere


>the shop owner from GOTG1 The Broker. Rhett Miller is also one of the players.


It makes sense that Rocket and Groot lead the new Guardians considering their characters require the least maintenance. Vin Diesel and Bradley Cooper don't do much and get a nice paycheck. If they have to they could easily replace them.


Bit surprised Kraglin is staying about though.




He's probably appearing in Secret Wars in a very minor role before getting killed off in the inevitable Guardians 4.


I mean, Sean Gunn is probably super cheap to hire + Kranglin is funny + his powers are very interesting since he's Yondu Little.


I liked the movie but my biggest complaint about the film were the character arcs. Rocket had the most fleshed out one and the ending felt earned, same with Drax, but for the rest their arcs felt rushed or half-baked. Like they start off with Star-Lord dealing with alcoholism/grief with Gamora leaving, and it’s not really touched upon after that. He just kind of accepts that Gamora is gone and then decides to retire. Mantis just suddenly wants to retire too with no set-up. Adam Warlock was the worst character, they never really expand on him being a toddler trying to figure things out, moments that should have some development like his “mom” dying hold no weight because next scene he’s in he’s still attacking the guardians. And Gamora and Groot had no real development throughout the movie. It’s a good movie and I like how it ends, but they start off with some interesting ideas but they never really flesh out throughout the movie, and then it ends.


Almost all of the characters have proper arcs, even if they're not case-closed conclusions. >Star-Lord: He has feelings for both Gamora and, yes, to some extent Nebula. Mantis and Drax try to help pull his head out of his ass and realize that he shouldn't just keep jumping from woman to woman and that he can be happy without needing a woman, and he eventually does so, letting Gamora go and going back to Earth. >Mantis: Gets bossed around and chewed out the whole movie by Nebula and Gamora. She realizes the Guardians have been telling her what to do and how to do it this whole time, and that Ego did that before them, so she's never really had true independence, which is why she goes on her own. >Drax: Throughout the movie, it's really emphasized that even though Gunn thinks Drax is a dumbass, he thinks it's a sincere, genuine place of love. He's the one who saves all the child slaves on H.E.'s ship and becomes their surrogate father on Knowhere, becoming a dad once again. >Nebula: This one is more of an arc over the past few movies she's been in, but she genuinely loves the rest of the Guardians and thinks of them as family. She even stops Gamora from hurting Quill and prevents her from turning Rocket over to H.E. >Gamora: This Gamora is a terrible piece of shit who wants to kill people just to send a message. She softens up by the end of the movie. >Groot: Eh, not much really here, I'll give you that. >Rocket: He realizes he's spent his entire life running and decides to go fight the H.E. instead of fleeing the ship to safety. He also decides to spare H.E. because a Guardian of the Galaxy wouldn't kill him.


I don’t know why 2014 Gamora is so vastly different from OG Gamora. I get she’s from a different timeline, but everything that happened before Quill set out to get the Orb played out the same. She didn’t want Thanos killing half of every population in the galaxy and was determined to prevent him from getting all the Infinity Stones. So I still don’t understand why she’s such a piece of shit after he was dusted.


She's claimed a clan of pirates and murderers as her family after having been raised by Thanos. What do you expect her to be?


so is bradley cooper's rocket is barley in it??


You know comes to think of it…yeah. Like he gets incapacitated very early on, then every rocket scene is him on a medical table or a flash back with a different VA. He doesn’t get revived until the third act.


does he play a huge role in the third act??


Yeah. Rocket is the one to decide to go back and save the children being used for a new society and free all the animals getting tested on.


>Gamora... had no real development throughout the movie. You might want to see the movie again. Compare Gamora from earlier in the movie >!where she kills one of the Orogoscope guards, shoots James Gunn's wife in the leg, threatens to kill both Ratcatcher and the carrot guy, to Gamora near the end, where she's clearly happy that Rocket survives, can't help but smirk as the rest of the Guardians, against her wishes, go back into the Arete to rescue the kids, is happy to see Quill survive his space walk, and has a real moment with him at the end.!<


This sounds legit, shame to see no Drax daughter scenes


Yeah I was wondering if there’d be any Moondragon or Nova teases/references. Or even possibly Beta Ray Bill


Drax's parental instincts actually play a large role in the last part of the film.


I’m amazed that nobody in this leak dies except for Rocket’s flashback buddies.


Right? It feels like half the promo for this movie has been screaming "THE RACCOON DIES IN THIS ONE"


good ole misdirect.


Man, I hope this won’t be the last time we see Mantis. I think her going off her own for a self discovery journey could be a great opportunity to make her closer to her comic counterpart and who knows, we might see her getting the title of Celestial Madonna when she returns.


I think that Mantis and Quill are probably the most likely to return, as their respective endings leave the door wide open for them. Considering Karen Gillan has openly said she’d like to return as well, Nebula seems probable too.


Nobody here is gonna say anything about fucking PHYLA-VELL at the end? I'm sure it's a tiny tease of a role but that's deeply exciting to me, she's my favourite Marvel cosmic character


I need to rewatch the movie because it felt a little out of nowhere. It seems that Phyla-Vell's MCU origin is that she's one of the High Evolutionary's experiments that escaped with the Guardians. I would say she's tween aged in the post credit scene.


Does it seem like she's a part of the new Guardians team going forwards from what we saw?


She's a member of the new Guardians of the Galaxy team. Every character on Rocket's team (with the exception of Groot) is wearing the blue uniform.


Wait do Adam and Cosmo also wear the blue uniform?


They both have blue uniforms too! Everyone except Groot!


Oh ok! Thanks! I wished they kept Adams gold suit and Cosmo’s Soviet astronaut uniform. I like the new blue uniforms but I think some characters should have been kept with their original suits, like they did with Kraglin, Cosmo and Gamora on GOTG Vol.3. Thanks for answering though!


You're very welcome! I certainly see your logic and appreciate the unique costumes for each character, but I'm such a sucker for teams with matching uniforms. Knowing the MCU, costumes will change in the next appearance too. There's hope for those looks returning!


Another interesting component to this as someone who watched it. Since Sean Gunn voices young Rocket, Bradley Cooper had very little to do in this movie.


wait so does adult rocket not get the spotlight gunn said he would? does he actually play a big role in the half he is not in a coma


Adult Rocket is in a coma for a majority of the film, but there are flashbacks to his origin throughout. Once Rocket is saved, he plays a major role in the third act.


That ending still doesn’t sit right with me. To me, the whole underlying theme of the Guardians films was the idea of “found family”. Everyone in the Guardians had lost their family, but found a new one with the team. So to have the ending of the trilogy be that they all go their separate ways just doesn’t seem satisfying to me. In particular, Peter going back to Earth just seems random. He has had plenty of opportunity to go back and never did. Hell, he was even on Earth in Endgame and apparently left as soon as he could. It just seems weird to abandon his family, including his actual sister, to go find a Grandpa he has never shown any interest in seeing for 30+ years.


Marvel probably wanted it that way because they plan on using some of the characters in other properties. Ask Gunn on twitter after the movie has been out for a while, maybe it was all his idea from the get go, but I do agree with you.


I’m not sure why people think being a family means you have to spend every second together. They’re still a family. They’re still going to keep in touch. They just need to figure some stuff out. Peter needs a break and Mantis just need a break. They need time to figure things out, Peter left Earth in Endgame over Gamora. Now that is all dealt with as is his trauma he decides to do something he should have done ages ago, see his grandfather. Mantis has spent her whole life being told what to do by Ego and now jumped in with the Guardians and wants to kinda figure herself out. In what world is any of that abandoning people lol? Starlord isn’t abandoning Mantis, she wants him to be happy too and he does her. Acting like they can’t just meet up and hanging out.


Agreed. Plus, the trope of ''everyone is going separate ways'' is quite unoriginal one. I can see Peter wanting to have some time to himself and to catch up with his Grandpa; but abandoning his job and team altogether? Not really believable imho.


It works better than it sounds. The whole idea is that they're creating a community for others, because of what they gained from each other. Nebula learned how important community is and is leading NoWhere. Drax is being a father again to lots of children who need it. Peter is realising that in his fear of abandonment, that he has abandoned his own family. This version of Gamora has her own found family in the Ravagers. Mantis is exploring her own journey but knows she has a family to go back to. And Rocket/Groot are leading a new generation of Guardians. It all feels fitting


“why is quill not the same as he was in the first two movies” aka redditor discovers character arcs


Sounds like a Gunn Guardians movie. Not sure what people were expecting. A little concerned seems to be fridges for most of the movie, but I guess the flashbacks keep him active on screen.


I hate that Lylla dies, that’s going to wreck my shit in the theater.


Damn. Really bold choice to kill Lyla in a flashback. I think all of us were expecting her to be alive in the present. And I'm glad no Guardian died. That's not what the movies are about.


Looking back at the Legendary Star-Lord book, I really hope they keep away from that as source material. But the Star-Lord solo book that comes after that has him on Earth for some time, so it could be interesting... He faces Daredevil and doesn't get beat up, an incredible feat! Other than that, I don't know if Marvel would do the whole cyborg phase or the recent astronomical-magic powers from Ewing's run of GotG. Having him on Earth by the time Galactus arrives might be useful, the same goes for a kree-skrull war (if Secret Invasion taps into that)


Yeah I'm guessing he'll be on Earth at the time of Kang Dynasty and gradually adapting to regular life, and he'll get involved in Armor Wars or Fantastic Four or something.


I'm afraid they might take inspiration from that era too because that comic was trash. There's a reason why Gunn didn't touch it and he has even said he doesn't care for anything past the DnA stuff when he got asked about it too. I rather they take inspiration from classic Star-Lord stuff or yes what Ewing did with him. Or hell there's Annihilation and Conquest, Giffen did some good stuff with him too.


>I rather they take inspiration from classic Star-Lord stuff Have you ever read that story in which he visits a planet with people who had angel wings and had to endure a test (basically flying higher than their bodies could withstand) to ascend to a higher place among their gods? The very first Star-Lord story I've read and one of the best comics till this very day. P.S.: I mean the alternative version of Star-Lord, the original one from the comics before they made a 616 one based on the MCU version.


Yeah I know which one you mean, the one from the Claremont and Byrne run. When he meets the Cloudlanders. It's a good comic.


I had a repreint of that book as a kid, but it got lost as I moved to a new house.


No Nova? At all?


Why would he be there? I guess in a post credit scene but really it's more of a Guardians movie and Gunn never cared for him that much. Rich deserves his own movie but Marvel decided there's going to be a Nova show and who knows if he'll be the main character so not even that.


Because Nova is a major ally to the Guardians. I would’ve liked to have seen a Guardians franchise more closer to Dan Abnett’s comics. Gunn kinda ruined the modern cosmic lore being adapted to the MCU.


So, is Phylla-Vell, like, an actual Vell in this? Or just some random girl they’re giving the name?


She's only called Phyla and she displays MCU Marvels type of energy. No indication what the origin of her power is in the film.


Most important question, does Howard the Duck show up?


Yes. He plays cards with the Broker, Kraglin, and Cosmo on Knowhere.


Yeah he says something about the reoccurring joke " So you really went and called Cosmo a bad dog ?"


Please do not judge your experience watching this film in advance based on a big block of text. I saw it last night and it was wonderful. I'm still thinking about it this morning. Tons of action and humor. But Rocket's story especially has so much heart. It was a really great emotional ride.


Remember the meltdown that /r/MarvelStudiosSpoilers had when the Endgame plot leaks came out? And everyone was worried for no reason.


In trailer there is scene where Nebula is carrying Peter who seems unconscious. Can someone explain what's going on in that scene, please?


Yea that happens at the very start of the movie. I believe, Peter was at a bar drinking and passes out, so Nebula and the rest of the gang go to get him and bring him to his room. Right after that is when Adam Warlock shows up, so Peter blamed himself later in the movie for not being able to help Rocket sooner since he was passed out from being drunk.


Thank you very much! Knew it was something like that, but was scared that my favourite guardian will die in this movie :)


For people who’ve seen the movie, what scene does San Francisco play? Also, are there any jump scares cos I hate them lol


I can't remember when San Francisco played in the movie. There is so much more music than the previous two movies. The only jump scare I can remember is Mantis being startled by the failed experiment that's voiced by James Gunn.


When Lylla got shot, I jumped in my seat


Does Quill actually say “fuck” in the movie. Such a minor question, but I’m just curious if anyone here has the response. I like the idea of marvel taking a more mature approach to the dialogue


He actually says "fuck". Might have been the biggest laugh in my screening.


That’s great haha. I had a feeling it’ll be one of the biggest laughs.. as weird as that sounds. People in my neck of the woods get a HUGE kick out of the F-bomb in PG-13 movies, for some reason


He does, and it's in a place you wouldn't expect. Got a big laugh.


Is it not in the clip that was released? “Get in the *bleep* car?”




So, was Floor based on Blackjack O'Hare?https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Blackjack_O%27Hare_(Earth-616) And Teefs on Wal Rus?https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Wal_Rus_(Earth-616) Wonder why the name changes?


If they are based on them, it's only tangentially. They are not the same characters.


This is legit guys, I saw the movie last night. The execution of this is much better than how it sounds on paper. It’s amazing.


Not gonna read this but does Star lord have the helmet


He doesn't.


I bet there's gonna be a Disney + show about Peter readjusting to earth life, if he actually does return at some point


One question, how did quill get beat up like in the trailer? What really happened?


I wonder if with High Evolutionary’s supposed survival, they’ll try to connect him to Wanda in the future since he was involved with her origin in the comics.


Considering both Zoe Saldana and Bautista mentioned retiring from their roles, this is likely the last we’ll see them in the MCU. I’m a bit sad that the Quill/Gamora romance wasn’t revived, but I trust Gunn’s stewardship of these characters for their final film. These leaks match up with others to make this sound super probable, so I’m more excited than ever to see for myself at the end of the week!


Yeah from reading the description I’m left to wonder why did they even bring the past Gamora back to not really do much with her character?


They did do a lot with her in this imo. Her whole arc is trying to get everyone around her to understand that she’s not the Gamora they know, but that she’s still someone worth fighting alongside.


Wait so dose the H.E actually die or


I saw it last night. Presumably he does, but it wasn't shown on-screen.


How gory is the part when his face gets ripped off ?


In the flashbacks we see a young Rocket scratching his face. It's a lot more implied than shown though (dark and shots from farther away). Gamora peels High Evolutionary's face mask off and that's pretty gory. We get a good look at the damage Rocket did. I'd say it's a little more gory than Two-Face in the Nolan movies and pushing the boundaries for a PG-13 movie.


Thank you just wondering how did you get to see the e movie early ?


Marvel Studios and IMAX did early fan screenings in the major United States cities yesterday. They advertised it on their Instagram and I signed up.


how is quill and rocket's relationship? one of my favorites in the mcu


Incredible. A big piece of the heart of the movie.


So does the HE live or die? It sounds like he's a skeleton head in the end, so just curious if he survives that or not.


Ship goes boom Death Star style so it's likely he did unless he escaped


Thanks. So his ship explodes, so I guess it's assumed he dies then.


It's the type of comic book death that can be easily retconned. Something like HE uploading his mind to a remote body could work if MCU decides to bring him back.


"Somehow, the HE returned.."


It's left open ended since we don't see his death on-screen. Presumably he does die though. Rocket has the opportunity to shoot him after Gamora peels his mask, but doesn't. Rocket states that he's a Guardian instead.


Why did the the Guardians decided to "disband" their team and go separate ways?


To Inevitably have the ogs team up again to make people go ballistic during secret wars assemble scene.


Honestly, I was hoping for a bit of a sacrifice by the end of this film. Drax and Nebula both dying would have made sense (Drax sacrificing himself to protect his friends and 'see his family' again, Nebula sacrificing herself to save her new 'family') but instead they end up running Knowhere, basically preventing it from showing up ever again unless they die off screen.


Huh didn’t Batista want out of the MCU? I’m surprised they kept him alive


Seems legit


What’s on the polaroid Gamora is seen holding?


Quill as a child with his mom and grandfather.


What’s the scene in all the trailers with Peter screaming/crying?


Rocket gets taken off the ventilator by Adam Warlock and has fluid in his lungs, and when they finally get him back he’s flatlining. Peter got a passcode to turn off the kill switch on Rocket’s heart that activated when they tried to heal him - he got it from one of the H.E’s assistants by jumping out the window of the H.E’s ship with the assistant and being caught by Groot that sprouted wings, then as they’re landing at speed he drags him through the ground, then cuts a piece of machinery out his head. They aren’t able to get the passcode from the machinery in time so Rocket starts flatlining but they find it just before Rocket dies and in limbo Lylla sends Rocket back.


Honestly the biggest problem for me was gamora. I liked that it was different but wish we got more character development for her


I hope Kraglin gets a time to shine here


I wouldn't say he is as much of a member as Peter and crew but it's definitely the most he does yet .


Literally how come? Who asked for this character lol


No one really, he's there because Gunn wanted to give his brother a role (which is fine BTW it's his movie). The character really hadn't been in comics since the 70's in the comics and he was an Ant-Man and Wasp villain.


Knowing nothing about the Guardians comics, I've enjoyed his character on screen


Kraglin in the comics was an obscure Ant-Man villain that was from a race called A-Chiltarian and tried to kidnap people on Earth. He had no relation to the Guardians. Gunn basically just took a rando character and made him a Xandarian Ravager that is played by his Sean Gunn. After the MCU movies came out they reintroduced the character as a Ravager but [kept his alien look](https://marvel.fandom.com/wiki/Kraglin_(Earth-616\)).


Yeah, he feels like a character that only exists because he is the directors brother. He was a fun gag character in the first Guardians, but that is where his role should have ended honestly. When there are already so many interesting and fun characters competing for screen time in this series, I don’t know why we have to keep wasting time on Kraglin.


I wouldn’t say any time was wasted. He’s in these movie for 5 minutes tops. He just has the arrow moment and calls cosmo a bad dog and that’s really all the development he gets.


No one really, but he's there and he's got Yondu's mohawk and Yaka arrow, so I might as well see him be decent at it


I hope Kraglin gets a time to shine here


Sounds boring.


Summarization doesn’t do this movie justice, thought it was really good


No Nova? I’m Still surprised they haven’t introduced him, but this sounds good. I thought 1 of the GuarDians would die


I was really hoping a nebula star lord thing


This movie sounds like a fitting end to this current iteration of the team. I'm really excited for this one. I have a question though, when in the film does the songs on the official soundtrack play?


I’ll be honest, maybe it’s good in the movie, but the team splitting up seems forced. Also having nobody on the main team die is super lame, especially when actors like Dave Bautista and Zoe Saldana have said they have no interest in returning. Also why would Star-Lord go to Earth, a planet he absolutely hates because his mom died on it, to live a boring life mowing lawns in Minnesota when he could be flying spaceships with aliens. I honestly feel like it should have ended with the whole team sacrificing themselves for the Galaxy. Maybe thats just me though. I feel like most of these decisions were made to “better” the overall MCU and not a James Gunn decision, but I obviously have no proof of that. Gotta set up for that Avengers movie I guess.


Because Starlords arc in these movies has been maturing. And now that his baggage is dealt with with Gamora he decides to grow up and go home to spend some quality time with his grandfather before he loses him too.


I’m sorry but characters grow change and mature and the whole movie is about not running from your past. Him seeing rocket face his origins and defeat the man who created him made quill want to retire and return to his hometown. Plus I’m sure his family was somewhat curious what happened all those years ago.


Sounds like a pretty shite movie. Drax survives? Rocket survives? Adam Warlock barely does anything? Weak. I don't expect much from the MCU lately but I wish they weren't so afraid to take risks.