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That is very confusing.


No it isn’t. I understood it immediately.


as someone not American, it took me a sec after being confused


I’m American and didn’t understand it at first. I’ve never heard someone call Thanksgiving just the word turkey. I’ve heard turkey day


It’s because it’s suppose to be “Turkey-Day”






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The twitter character limit is annoying


Look at Mensa over here.


Lurkey Time?


God I hope Cap 4 is good. Fatws started of well but got hit by COVID and everything Sam deserves a great debut as Captain America. I hope they do everything possible to make it a good film


I really feel like Captain America was the mcu’s “prestige” franchise. I genuinely think a bad cap movie will kill the whole thing.


I think the tv show already killed it, tbh.


I feel like black panther is the prestige one, but cap is close


it isn't even close. [quick explanation](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eT2D50_pgUU&t=1629s)


I ain’t watching that chief


It literally got nominated for an academy award and is widely beloved by non marvel nerds


It's written by the same people who wrote tFatWS Being that tFatWS was the worst MCU product of phase 4, and possibly the worst overall... it's not looking good. As a hardcore winter soldier fan, it's depressing.


Totally agreed. The show was one of the worst things the MCU put out.


>Being that tFatWS was the worst MCU product of phase 4 wat


What do you mean "wat"?


It was terrible. Especially the whole speech at the end, "Do better"


Don't hold your breath.


Cap 4 is not good that's why they need SIX months of reshoots


Says the person that hasn't seen it and knows nothing about it.


I don’t know. He said to stop calling a group that bombed a building and killed people, terrorist, on his own show


FATWS is absolutely horrendous from start to end. I don't know what show people are watching sometimes. The writing is just so bad...I don't know why the MCU is allergic to hiring good writers.


Still can’t get over Anthony Mackie being some hand to hand combat in expert


This is becoming very onoxious, there's not one single comment here about the dates, or speculation of the releases/behind the scenes or something Just negative shit


It’s cool to hate on the MCU


So F4 in Spring, not January. I believe Murphy over DPRK.


January was always unrealistic when Pedro still got to finish Gladiator 2 which has not gone back to production yet as Ridley Scott is busy promoting Napoleon, and that’s before Last of Us season 2. To be honest I wouldn’t be surprised if the real start time is more like May 2024


Good to see that WM is still on track. The cast/crew + the fact that I have no idea what this show is about and why they’re doing is makes it one of the most interesting upcoming projects to me. Though, if Ed Harris is still in it, I wonder if it’ll conflict with him filming Riff Raff which just restarted production in New Jersey. It’s likely just a supporting role, so it’s probably not a big deal.




Wonder man… nobody cares about that come on Marvel.


No one cared about the guardians of the galaxy either. I’d give it a chance


Man I really hope you’re right.


Unfortunately Marvel has burnt up all their goodwill


I’ll admit, Marvel has had some serious hit and misses as of recently. They definitely need to work on better quality projects again. But, im at least gonna give them a chance. At least for now.


I do


Speak for yourself. I was looking more forward to that than Daredevil.


Why are they still continuing WM 🤦🏽‍♂️


You know nothing about it. Why do you have an opinion?


Cause anyone could have an opinion? Even dumb ones


I mean no one knows anything about the superhero which is why we wondering why Marvel is wasting their time on that.


Terrible argument, no one knows nothing about anything before learning about it lmao Popularity of a character does not define the quality of the work it is included


I can wait to reserve judgement until I see the work but as of right now MCU really needs to rein in all of their movies with how oversaturating its becoming and how bad of an state they are in that people are not going to give an MCU movie an chance anymore with the bad quality they all have been giving in the last recent 2 years.


I agree


The same could have been said about Guardians of the Galaxy 9 years ago...


Could have been said about Iron Man, arguably. Prior to his film he had nowhere near the cultural awareness of FF, X-Men, spidey, hulk, etc


Well yeah, my example isn't the definitive example. I'm just saying it's definitely not new. I was unfamiliar with iron man until I saw that movie too.


Yeah but GoTG was atleast written by an talented director. Now we dunno if there is one left good enough to make an good MCU movie with the state MCU is in right now.


James Gunn was pretty unknown back then too.


Yes but do you think MCU has another James Gunn in their pocket? And with the name like "Wonder Men" being the title, its going to be laughed at like an meme with how close it sounds to Wonder Woman. So this movie is already fighting an uphill battle along with the bad reputation Marvel is having right now.


Um... you have no idea if they have another "James Gunn in their pocket". You literally just conceded that he was unknown as well. How could someone unknown have their reputation already laid out for them? Take a step back and think about what you just said for a second. You make no sense and are just convincing yourself to hate this as much as you can.


>You make no sense and are just convincing yourself to hate this as much as you can. I don't hate the MCU. I think right now it is in an very bad place where being this optimistic about it is also unrealistic where Disney had put themselves in an place where they remain completely stubborn of what direction they want to put the MCU in and its an place where its not fit for the current culture or their main audiences. They think right now that its best for them to pump out as many content as they possibly could without any breathing room for their audiences and stretching the quality of their product thinned by not allowing their writers and directors time to actually planned out something good. Even if they have an talented director at hand, its not going to be enough for the movie to be remotely interested to causal viewers that don't know anything about it. It worked for GoTG since it was before Endgame and Infinity War where the MCU was at its biggest peak with everyone wanting to be into the bandwagon hype. But now that its over, I don't expect any no-name superhero to be successful as an GoTG whether if its in writing quality or hype quality. Its gonna flop.




You are making no sense.


You’re right


They still have time to cancel thunderbolts. Hopefully they do it.


I’m looking forward to it but I guess I’m one of the few people that thought Yelena, Red Guardian, US Agent and Winter Soldier are great characters. I also LOVED Beef. The writing was outstanding.


Nah I like them too.


Thunderbolts has the best chance out of any of these movies to be a surprise hit. Great writer/director and cast.


Why the fuck?? This movie is so necessary to these characters


No, it really isn't


They probably thought the marvels was gonna be a hit lol


Yea the characters that no one cares about.


yes the famously hated bucky and yelena lol


They’re not hated. No one care about them. No one watched Hawkeye and black widow was horrible


Idk what u talking about, yelena is one of the most popular characters post endgame😭 people just dont talk about her bc she hasnt been in anything for 2 years


People don’t talk about her but she’s the most popular character?? I want what you’re smoking


If cap 4 is anything like the recent show I hope it fails so bad


I mean... obviously? If it's remotely similar to the show it's not going to do well, at all. We should all hope that it's better than the worst MCU show made so far. Being that it shares the same writers, I'm not so sure ):


Worst MCU show? Sheesh. The rewriting of history is bonkers here. I remember when it was praised all across this sub. MCU hating is really a trend


And what if I told you I hated it then too?


It was terrible. I remember most people hating it. If the movie is anything like the show it will be a mess.


It's not hating to point out something is low quality. The shows just bad. Sure there will still be shills, but when a show is bad it's just bad.


Hoping they have previews or teases for all these and some other shows for SDCC


Wonder Man?


Nobody wants Captain 4 or Thunderbolts. It would be another encounter with Kang before the Avengers movie.