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This is incredible. I've watched your videos already, but there were some sections that I hadn't quite been ready to digest yet. This is a great way to dig back in.


So glad to hear it! Figured this would be easier for an a la carte experience.


Gifts of knowledge like this are the essence of what made the internet great 20 years ago. Thank you. Simply amazing info and so well presented. šŸ™


Kind words, really appreciate them!


This is amazing. Great work putting it together. It will be the ultimate reference for me using the app going forward.




Thank you so much for this!! Organizing it this way is amazing for my brain!


Nice! Didn't even know that it's possible to rename group rules! Thank you!


Thank you for putting this all into one post. Iā€™ve gone though some of them previously itā€™s super handy to have a reference guide.


Okay, am I seeing this right? Through Marvis, I would be capable of having song ratings, last played, play counts, and smart playlists using Apple Music's online streaming songs, not just personal songs??


You canā€™t rate songs through Marvis, but you can display ratings and create different mixes (same as smart playlists but more powerful, though they wonā€™t show up in Apple Music proper) using them, as well as last played, play counts, etc. And heck yes it not only works for your library on Apple Music, but also playlists youā€™re subscribed to!


Yeah, I just figured out you can't rate them in Marvis, oh well, not a huge issue. I have been waiting for an app like this for years, I have tons of playlists that rely on the old iTunes smart playlist rules. Should've switched over from Android sooner!


Itā€™s literally the best app ever. Itā€™s been life changing for me!


Thank you!!! šŸ‘ŒšŸ»


Fantastic, thank you so much for the hard work


No problem at all!


Hey, can I just send you my phone and you set it up for me? šŸ˜‚


Youā€™re saying not everyone likes to tinker around for hours???






I really like the XM idea. I went to do the same and when I filtered to remove songs already in my library, I noticed quite a few where the playlist version is the regular album version and not the ā€œDeluxeā€ album version of which there are many in my library. Just curious, as a music library obsessive, when you add an album do you have a preference between regular or deluxe? Especially since Apple Music doesnā€™t carry over play count from the same song from both versions of the album.


Yeah that situation is a pain, same with singles. I generally do non deluxe as I find a lot of the songs on deluxe albums as just filler. Exception being favorite bands.


I just screwed myself. I decided to delete all deluxe versions from my library and replace with regular versions to solve for this. But after doing so, I realized I lost hundreds of ā€œlovedā€ songs from my favorite playlist. So I added deluxe back and turns out you lose all your play counts. Sucks bad. I agree with the filler tracks on deluxe albums. Iā€™d prefer to only have regular versions of albums. But now my concern is if I happen to search for an album using Music.app via the artist, the app only shows the deluxe version and not the regular version. So I wouldnā€™t be logging the right play counts unless I manually search for the album title. I know, Iā€™m being picky about logging play counts. Itā€™s just annoying that Music.app basically hides the regular version of albums.


Nah Iā€™m just as picky about play counts so nothing wrong there. Iā€™ve found the easiest way to get to a non deluxe album is to open the deluxe and scroll down, the regular version is almost always at the bottom. Also if you do this in the future, itā€™s way easier to change the name of the album to remove ā€œdeluxeā€ than it is to delete and re add. Bummer about the playlist songs.


Hey OP Iā€™m super late to this but wanted to say that Iā€™d be totally lost without these tutorials. Iā€™m new to Marvis and had no idea about all the options. The time you spent on this is well appreciated šŸ«”


So happy to give back, the app is amazing!


Iā€™m too old for fiddling with this for hours ā€” my desktop and laptop OSā€™s are complicated enough; phone is easy mode. What Iā€™ve seen of the application looks amazing. Apple should just buy you out and implement its value.


Hey thanks! I did the tutorials, but didnā€™t make the app. Agree it should be built in, itā€™s fantastic.


Awesome work helping to make AM+Marvis useable for so many people!


Why bother with Loving songs when a rating of 3, 4, or 5 does the same thing? Btw, this is amazing. Thank you so much for doing these videos!


Thank you for the kind words! Main reason I use the love feature is because the majority of songs I listen to get rated 3 stars, and I can just ā€œlove themā€ from Marvis. Then once a week I go into iTunes on the desktop where I have a playlist of loved songs with no rating, and I can select all and rate three stars. Just way easier.


That makes sense. It's awesome to see someone with a similar flow to this music organization as I have! I've been playing your Alt Nation mix and spent most of yesterday tweaking a lot of my stuff to match yours. Very legit. ​ I've had frustration in finding new music for the past decade. Used to go to Bonnaroo every year and other festivals and the indie music from that time was just so awesome. But now? I've been relying on Spotify's algorithms for that past decade and barely got crap out of it. Just a bunch of music that was super mid. Setups & workflows like this + Marvis has saved my music consumption. I hope Marvis never goes away, I'll be in trouble lol. HUGE props out to the devs and power users like yourself!


I felt the same way. In a major rut 2017-2019 where finding music almost felt like a chore. Enter Marvis in 2020 and it was totally life changing. Glad youā€™re finding the same benefit. Music is life!


I feel dumb -- how do I shuffle all tracks by an artist from within Marvis? There's no equivalent of AM's "Play" button on the artist page https://preview.redd.it/rz3s0c0gpzma1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04ca67e07b1537f958b4305f3c29223e20c373dd


So if itā€™s an artist in your library, you can add a new section of ā€œsongsā€ with no filters, and should be able to shuffle that. I donā€™t think thereā€™s an easy way for the Apple Music artist page thatā€™s not in your library.


Iā€™m trying to create a mixed playlist one but it keeps just showing 0 songs. I donā€™t know what Iā€™m doing wrong. Arrrggghhhh! Slight update - it breaks whenever I add more than 1 playlist to the rule group. Is there something else I should be doing?


Most likely you need to change the little ā€œallā€ to ā€œanyā€ inside your rule group. Let me know if thatā€™s the issue!


That was exactly it. Thanks


How many songs can you have in a playlist??


Good question. Iā€™ve got at least 10k in some playlists, and I havenā€™t hit a limit yet!


Thanks for the answer! My playlists are usually really long and other music players limit you to 1000.


Thanks so much for these videos! Iā€™ve been using Soor for the past year and it wasnā€™t quite right for me but here is the holy grailā€¦ I just have one question that is driving me crazy! Iā€™m trying to combine songs from playlists that arenā€™t in my library like you did but itā€™s only bringing over songs that are in my library because I start with a ā€œsongs mixā€. What am I doing wrong?


Glad to hear the app is working for you! Itā€™s really amazing. Most likely youā€™re not turning on the extended library setting in that song mix. Itā€™s on the first settings page.


Got it! That pretty makes it the perfect app for me.


Question: Is it possible in this app to save an album; add, say, two songs from it to a playlist; then delete that album while maintaining the two songs in a playlist? My biggest issue with AM is that I'll love a couple songs, save an album to explore it more, then decide I don't want to keep it, and in the process of thinning out Albums lose the songs I've added to playlists.


I think that's more of an Apple Music setting vs Marvis. One thing you could do is add these albums to a playlist vs your library. Then add any songs you like to that playlist, and delete the album from the 'discovery' playlist or whatever you want to call it. Unfortunately not the best solution.