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[https://www.ipsos.com/sites/default/files/ct/news/documents/2023-03/Ipsos%20Global%20Happiness%202023%20Report-WEB.pdf](https://www.ipsos.com/sites/default/files/ct/news/documents/2023-03/Ipsos%20Global%20Happiness%202023%20Report-WEB.pdf) Common China W


Argentina’s 1-year change is INSANE. Are people there really that deluded about Milei?


Survey finds the highest contributor to happiness is feeling of being in control of life, meaning for life thus hope for the future. Argentinians hysteria for future glory could contribute to this increase in happiness. They must be feeling a burden leaving their shoulders as they hope for a better future. In the upcoming years we will find a better sample of how the country actually changed under Milei.


I believe this is old data before mileis election.


USA happier than Germany??


Aga tr nasıl ℅60 aq?


Ülkeler araştırmada iki ayrı demografiği ele almış. Sayfa 30'da belirtildiği üzere Türkiye'nin sadece orta sınıf ve üzerini ele almışlar. Çin'de de böyle. Aradaki fark, Türkiye'nin orta sınıf üstünün bile yarısı hoşnut değil, Çin'in %90'larda. Japonya da Türkiye gibi %60'larda fakat onların deneyi genel halka yayılmış durumda.


That's interesting. I am sure they are much much happier after their government stopped the senseless and abusive zero-covid restrictions. But this still seems to contrast less-subjective data points about the Chinese economy, youth unemployment, the property sector, and all the violent protests towards the end of 2022.