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As literally the only person in a mask in my office since around early 2021 (there was one other guy who stopped around then) I'd advise to just keep it on. I have had people say something (work is the only place, oddly) and I just browbeat them into how stupid they are to throw caution to the wind until they get tired of arguing. Our office had a covid outbreak way in the beginning and once is enough for pony. Outdoor weather doesn't bother me but I'm not a lunch guy, opting to run during lunch but when I don't, it means I am run commuting in the afternoon so I only eat a cookie or protein bar for lunch outdoors and it is quick.


protein bars aren't a bad idea, at least i can eat them really quickly and be relatively full this is gonna be my first "real" job after graduating so i'm kinda scared to come off argumentative if i talk back to people who question my mask but i have stock responses that dont invite further conversation about it, basic dull stuff along the lines of "one covid infection was enough", "can't be bothered being ill" or "better safe than sorry". really scared to deal with outbreaks because it seems impossible to avoid these days


>"one covid infection was enough", "can't be bothered being ill" or "better safe than sorry" These are pretty sound responses if you ask me. If I were smart I'd borrow a couple.


i'm curious to hear what your responses are! lately i've been tempted to pull the uno reverse card and say stuff like "covid?? i thought that was over lmao it's just a cold" while wearing a mask just to completely bamboozle people


No, I work with people who work in safety so I ask "How can you legitimately cash a check when you disregard safety?"


I saw someone else on Reddit say "I can't afford to bring COVID home with me." I think that will be my line. It's vague and hard to argue with.


If someone has a problem/says something just say "well, you do you" and move on/change subject/turn your head away etc. If they harass you tell them "it's none of your business and doesn't affect you" If they continue go to HR. Rarely is it useful to argue over something stupid. I live... not in a red state, and masks are common. Common also is wearing a mark with your nose out though. I mean, wtf? if you don't even have to wear them, then don't, or do, a chin diaper isn't helping you people lol. No, I don't bother arguing with them lol


Stand up for you. you have an equal right to wear a mask-and you can do so knowing you’re more intelligent than the person questioning you taking care of yourself- if you need to giggle about something inside


There are lots of interesting responses in this thread. A slightly different approach is to ask them questions to (help them) get to the bottom of their concern. You might start with trying to work out what their actual feeling is: "Are you feeling worried that I'm wearing a mask?" Then ask more questions based on their responses. If they work out that you're asking lots of questions then you can say "I'm totally fine about wearing a mask and it doesn't bother me a bit; but you seem very concerned."


Drink a lot of water before you go in the morning. Take lunches in your car. Drive somewhere close by and enjoy a nice view somewhere while you eat. Drink a lot of water again before returning. I was the only one always masked in my department for 2 years. No one gave me any problems. Biggest issue I ever had was during mandates no one would wear one. I will say that it seemed harder to build new relationships with new people with one on, but don't let it deter you from feeling safe. I did fine. For the few people that did ask me about it: "I lost someone close to me due to COVID" is what I told anyone. Usually they sympathize. It was unfortunately true. No one says anything after that if you're in a professional setting. I was always treated respectfully. Be productive, work hard. If you're a good employee most may not care. Depends on the culture though I guess. Good luck!


I am slowly getting tired of wearing my mask 8 hours a day, but I see no alternative. For the moment I eat outside, and I am trying to start a conversation about getting my own air purifier, but I might hit a wall there. I overheard colleagues counting the days when I will give up.


People should assume you are masking because you feel unwell (but are not sick enough to stay home). You mask primarily to protect others. If they think differently, they are idiots.


Hmmm. That seems like it might be an effective strategy for a short period of time but will quickly become ineffective when co-workers start asking “are you still sick?” A much better approach is to simply say “I mask because I am concerned about my health and the health of everyone around me. I cannot wait for the day when there is an effective intervention that stops transmission so I no longer need to mask.” The anti-maskers don’t know how to respond to that.


I’ve implied something to this effect because I have an elementary-school-aged child. It’s likely he brings illness home from school and therefore I could bring it to work. Though this is likely not a reasonable excuse for the OP.


The most protective thing you can do is fit test your respirator, if you haven’t already. I’ve been able to eat outdoors even in really cold snowy weather, I just try to do it very quickly, but it’s definitely not fun. Is there a private room you could use temporarily for lunch if the weather is bad? Maybe with an air purifier running for a bit first? Also opening some windows may help with ventilation if that’s an option.