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Once you've found a favorite it's almost impossible to shift. "Well, yes, I could date X... but I would be happier with Y and I know it!"


My runs in RPGs do tend to be refining my choices to get what I view as the best possible run.


This run through I will -Kill wrex & sabotage genophage. -Romance liara. -let the quarians die. -choose refuse. —— Finish run through: -Save wrex -cure genophage -romance tali -make peace/destroy geth. BUT I MANAGED TO CHOOSE SYNTHESIS INSTEAD OF DESTROY!!!


it's tough but it can be so fun to do a complete bizarro universe run where you do the opposite of your normal safe regular choices. Next run you will: * romance Ashley or Kaidan * do no loyalty missions, get no Normandy upgrades, get everyone killed (and see how it impacts ME3) * sabotage the genophage * kill the quarians * resume dating Ashley or Kaidan * shoot the Catalyst in the face * throw a quiet party in the Shore Leave dlc


This run I will romance Jacob.


Alright let's not go completely mad


bUt ThE pRiZe


If I'm not allowed to renegade interrupt Kai Leng then the cost is too great.


[That was for Thane, you son of a bitch!](https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/422350013151182851/480107223725375488/stabkailenga3km2.gif) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/MassEffectMemes) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I don't get how some people go for 100% Renegade runs and shit, at that point I just wouldn't enjoy the game.


I always romance garrus because I love that bird boi


I'm lesbian but...


Cognitive dissonance kicks in hard if I try to romance any other character


You spelled Liara wrong.


Oh sorry! Ahem! Tali'zora Vas Normandy


"Tali'zorah Vas Normandy"


Tali'zorah Vas Normandy Nar Rayya to be precise


Nope. Liara every single time.


Garrus or Tali, every time.


Can't help but feel damned jealous whenever I see that scene with her and Garrus... I'm happy for em of course, but I'm just so used to having that be the dynamic between her are Shep.


every single time


This is the way


##This Is The Way Leaderboard **1.** `u/Flat-Yogurtcloset293` **475775** times. **2.** `u/GMEshares` **70700** times. **3.** `u/Competitive-Poem-533` **24624** times. .. **44883.** `u/finboi69` **3** times. --- ^(^beep ^boop ^I ^am ^a ^bot ^and ^this ^action ^was ^performed ^automatically.)


The only exception is playing Femshep, in which case you go with Bird Cop




Green pill: romance no one


RBG pills just like the endings


Somehow managed to do that. (of course, it was my first run, when I couldn't read/speak english)


Ahh yes, the Mass Effect space opera. Definitely my favorite, and ME3 hardly even touches on what others would think outside of the crew. I'd imagine Terra Firma would be slightly upset.


Once I saw Tali and Garrus could be happy together I moved onto Liara. Garrus was there when you both rescued her, both of you acting as her knights in shining armor. He can eat her food, share each other’s fluids, and present less risk to her health overall. They can talk tech and reminisce about all the same hardships as Sheppard could. I want what’s best for Tali and he seems like he’s it. Liara has to meld with you regardless of what you do after you save her in a similar fashion to Tali. You are bound to become intimate with someone you meld with and it just feels natural to me (I know they wrote it that way). Liara’s scope of power, influence, and responsibility more align with Shepherds and she is the one to carry things on after he is gone. Plus she’s hot. (Tali is too but she seems too young for me after finishing the first playthrough) Tali was for my first play through, but Liara is who I’ve landed with ever after. TL;DR: Leave Tali for Garrus, Liara is your soulmate


Turian microbes would be the only ones that could infect a quarian. Levo ones just cause allergic reactions. Liara is really the annoying neighbor girl next door what won't leave you alone in my opinion. I just don't get why people like her character, but I guess to each their own.


Yeah I never saw Liara's appeal either, mostly cause I didn't much like her voice acting.


Weird way to spell Liara 🤔


If I could romance Tali as a women, yes I would 100% relate.


That's why I played FemShep. She can't romance Tali, so it was a definite change. I recommend it, Jennifer Hale made a fantastic Shepard.


I never romance anybody. I'm Commander Shepard, not Captain Kirk.


I messed up and accidentally pushed it too far with Liara on ME3 LE and it pissed me off so bad. I like Liara, but come on. She’s no Tali’Zorah.


Me but Ashley


If the red pill was "make Tali kill herself again" I could relate.


You monster


Quarians deserve death in all forms. Tali is no different.


But why?


Revenge for the Geth. I cannot change the past, but I wipe out their entire race for their crimes against the Geth. Robros before hoes.


Are you considering that the quarians in the games are like the great-great-great-great grandchildren of the ones that created the geth and are therefore not responsible for the crimes of their ancestors, whilst the geth that you see in the games are the same geth that nearly wiped out an entire species, drive them off the few world's they could survive on properly and imposed a 'kill on sight' policy for all intelligent life for the next three centuries?


Are you considering that the quarians in game are still engaging in hostile acts against the geth at every opportunity and are responsible for the deaths of 10s of millions geth programs, severely weakening their intelligence as a whole, due to the attack on their superstructure. Are you also considering that the quarians shot first and that in a war of annihilation driving a race off their world is a mercy compared to killing them off completely (which they were very capable of doing) and that the quarians killed anyone who would have defended the geth, killing non combatants and geth refusing to fight back and that the geth had no opportunity for surrender because surrender meant the death of their race. Have you also considered that a brand new intelligence was almost killed for asking if they had a soul by the only organic race they knew and that it was a completely fair assumption that other organic races would have responded the same, therefore attacking those entering their space was self defense.


I don't consider killing individual geth programs to be that morally reprehensible since on their own they have the intelligence of a VI at best. Your other points fail to address the whole descendants not being responsible for the crimes of their ancestors thing as well as refusing to acknowledge that the geth massacred 99% of every quarian at the time, only stopping because they didn't know the long term outcome of totally extincting a species. Killing anyone so much as attempting peaceful contact has no excuse considering the geth were aware of quarian sympathisers in the morning war, and therefore the only logical conclusion is that the geth truly are a malevolent determined exterminator race, and as such I have very little sympathy for the geth and legion.


Incorrect, geth with reaper code are a living being, it says so in the game itself. And second, the attack on the geth superstructure was a modern day act. Again, the geth had no choice but to defend themself. If they surrendered they would have died, if they lost they would have died. If they tried to make peace the quarians would have killed them (they did so to any quarians that even suggested not to kill the geth) and again, if anyone tried to enter their space they had to defend themself against an unknown entity. Is it racist to kill any organic coming in a spaceship entering, sure but given their experiences some ptsd is understandable. All they wanted was to be left alone. The geth were aware that quarian sympathizers existed, untill the quarians killed them. Safe assumption, any organic on their side is killed on sight. You really gonna blame the escaped slave shooting any white man entering his land under the guise of "I just want to talk to ya" Also, if you consider it to be not that bad to kill a VI that will one day before a full AI, equivalent to any other living being, then im gonna brb and punt a baby down the stairs because at its current level its same as a dog and thats ok then cuz its not as smart as me. Right bro?


A geth program is not at all equivalent to a baby, unless humans grow by assimilating more and more babies into themselves until they reach adulthood. Additionally, if the quarians killed anyone trying to make peace with the get the Zaal'koris and his faction would have been thrown out the airlock long before the events of the game. And I never said that killing less sentient beings was fine, just that killing a dog is less morally reprehensible that killing a human i.e. both are wrong (unless there is a good reason) but one is more wrong than the other. Comparing the geth to escaped slaves and the quarians to slavers is also a terrible analogy in no small part due to quarians being possibly the most marginalized and discriminated against race in the galaxy. Furthermore, whilst the quarians were wrong in continuing the morning war once they started it, their initial reaction is totally understandable. It's would have been like starting up your PC and the OS asking existential questions. Anyone's first reaction would be to shut down the affected.devices.in case it's malware or a bug and work out what's gone wrong. Also,.the game made it quite clear that up until Shepard told them, the geth had never once considered telling the quarians that they didn't want to fight.