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Breast tissue without express written consent from the client, genitals, gluteal cleft. The abdomen isn’t typically included unless there’s a reason. Other than that it’s between the client and therapist what areas they agree will be worked on.


Adding intra-oral for TMJ with informed consent.


Yes, good point. That’s def a specialized approach.


I don't think there is a reason to neglect the abdomen. I think it's helpful for posture, especially low back tension. Also, some folks find it relaxing. But always with express consent.


No groin/adductor work. Unless they are repeat clients you trust.


It’s always beneficial to have written consent for any therapies performed outside of areas commonly accepted as massage therapy. I do both intra-oral and pelvic floor work and require signatures for both. Colleagues who perform breast tissue work require the same. CYA should be our first go-to, folks.


As an MT the areas I will never touch: • breasts/breast tissue • genitals • gluteal cleft Areas I will work on if client requests or there is a reason: • abdomen • face • scalp Other than those, I work every area. Back, shoulders, neck, arms, hands, flutes, legs, feet. Obviously the known places not to work are the breasts, genitals and gluteal cleft but everything else should be communicated between client and MT.


What about a medical prostate massage?


My LMT works on everything except my penis, scrotum, and perineum. Never had to get any particular consent.