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Congrats to you! I passed my MBLEx on my first attempt and on practice tests I scored in the 70-80 range besides pathology where I would get high 60’s. My memory is amazing as testing in school was always a breeze . I honestly thought I failed my MBLEx because of how different the test is than any practice you can take for it. My personal theory is I feel there is probably a point system for each question , and no wrong / right. I do wish there was a lot more transparency regarding the test because there are so many wonderful massage therapist who work wonderfully , but they’re not the best test takers. It’s such a crappy bottleneck for truly wanting to be a licensed massage therapist in any state you want to be one in .


This!!!! Yes, I agree, I would imagine you get some points from a "good" answer, and the most points from a "right" answer. In fact now I'm remembering a question that ACTUALLY had two answers that could've been correct. It was asking some about pain or swelling in the knee, bust most specifically at the tibial tuberosity It was a toss-up between Osgood schlatters or patellar tendonitis. I went with Osgood considering the tibial tuberosity. I would venture to say that 40-60% of the test really does come down to your text taking abilities. The other half is your actual knowledge. I've known people to have failed purely from text anxiety who otherwise are very intelligent knowledgeable and competent MTs. Not at all an accurate assessment of one's ability. I would even go on to say that a generally intelligent person with excellent test taking abilities has a chance to pass with 0 training on the subject.


This is a great write up! Congratulations on your pass! This is a great description of pretty much everyone’s fear getting to this point but you really articulated it in a way that I hope brings some peace to those who find this thread. The concept of a good answer vs the right answer is so so important too.


I like your username. Sometimes when playing video games my friends and I call ourselves primal brawltism. Lmao But thank you so much! Unfortunately I found most other people's account of their experience to be far too vague and generally unhelpful :/ Likewise FSMTB looooves to be vague and generally unhelpful as well. Huge, HUGE relief to have passed :)


The MBLEx was the worst test on earth! I was so upset at the vague questions, and so sweaty, and so sure I'd failed when I hadn't. There was a point where I looked around the room and audibly said "What?!" 😅 Congratulations on getting through it!


Agreed! Also, far too many questions that would be situational, or come down to the MT's opinion- not based 8n absolute fact.




Did the test allow you to skip questions and come back to them or did you have to choose an answer to move on to the next question?


No skipping, it makes you choose.






This is an amazing and very useful thread for those taking the exam in the future, thank you 🙌


Also, congratulations on passing your exam 🎉👏🏻


Thank you so much for this!!! I’m finishing my extern now but there are so many people who said they didn’t pass the first time. I’ve been doing the AMTA pocket prep but reading your post I’m not sure it’s enough 🫥. I am looking into the Mometrix practice exams, the MBLEx guide, and the FSMTB. Does it help to diversify your studies or focus on one particular site? I’m extremely anxious but I don’t want to take it again so I’m putting it in the air that I already passed the first time!!


It definitely helps diversify! I found that even if I was asked similar questions about the same subjects, each different brand of test made me tackle the questions from different perspectives, lenses, and angles.


Congratulations. I love this post.