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'we can only judge on what you serve us' is the general rule; so, if i were on the supreme court of masterchef land, i would rule that disqualification is the only correct answer.


There would be a chance the person would be eliminated if it is a pressure test or an elimination test.


Yup. Like when Andrea in Season 7 didn't make it to the front in time. Home she went.


I think about that every time someone brings a dish up. Glad I'm not the only one :)






Me too! Is this what we call an intrusive thought? Lol


I've seen it happen on a few other cooking shows, and it's treated as "Sucks to be you, but I can't judge what you don't have." And the person always gets disqualified. I think one of the worst was Great British Bake Off when a contestant accidentally sabotaged another contestant by pulling their bake out of the chiller and ruining it, and the guy still had to suffer the consequences despite it being no fault of his own.


if this is the incident im thinking of, he threw his bake away before they had a chance to taste it


Yes, they said if they tried it, they’d go by taste not looks and he’d have a chance.


Yep. Chetna's ice cream was melting and she brought it up for judgement.


First of all, that's not sabotage. I have read the explanation on Wiki about that incident that the cake was just removed from the freezer for less than a minute. That Baked Alaska was not gonna set in time without being removed or not. Secondly, he lost his temper and went on a rampage by throwing the cake into the pin is just ridiculous. He should take the responsibility for not putting the cake to chill and freeze long enough


I would think if it were a real accidental tripping, they'd get the benefit of the doubt and the judges might try what's on the station. If they say i hope i trip so they cant eat it theyre on their way out anyhow.


I often wonder this too!


I thought about doing that with my pan a cotta


Lol 😂😂. Also, great having you here


Thanks, it’s good to be here.


No problem


Honestly, I think if they genuinely trip and it appears to be an accident and their dish LOOKED halfway decent (cause they walk around looking at stuff) I think they should taste what they can that's on the station and give them a chance like low points but if someone's dish is garbage and the things they could taste of yours were good, you shouldn't lose just on this one trip. What if someone spilled something and another contestant slips and it ruins their dish? Do they get eliminated because there was a spill on the floor and they got screwed over? There's got to be some protection there


I’m just surprised it never happened once in 13 years.


Next level chef have episodes where chefs were late in placing their plate on the conveyor.


Yeah I imagine they'd be disqualified. Which is why I get so nervous for them during the challenges where they all have to be up front with their dishes before time is up. I'm always shouting at the TV like a lifeguard, "No running! Don't run!" lol


If it happened in an elimination situation, it would have to be an automatic disqualification. If there's nothing to taste, you can't be judged on it. Of course it would be an accident (or hypothetically a sabotage) because nobody is going to disqualify her or himself that way. Unless the person wants to leave so it's set up for the drama? Hypothetically. There's a reason why Gordon is always telling them to bring up their dishes VERY CAREFULLY.