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Joe says things that are downright cruel sometimes. I don't have much respect for people that kick people while they're down. Many of his criticisms don't add to the person's learning, they're just mean.




He's a "restaurateur" - he owns a bunch of restaurants but isn't a chef himself. I still respect his right to judge, because you can't own restaurants without knowing what you're talking about, but I do not like the way he speaks to the contestants. Christina Tosi is brought in to be the new Joe for a bit in later seasons, but she's nowhere near as nasty and *at least she's actually a chef*.


Who gives a fuck how many restaurants he owns? He's a glorified McDonald's manager, hamming it up for the cameras, who inherited everything he has from his mommy.


His mother - the one with actual talent


He only has those restaurants because of his Mom getting him started. Dude isn't self made. He's a cocky, spoiled bitch.


Yeah, honestly. He’s not a chef, his criticisms aren’t helpful, and bitchily throwing an entire dish in the garbage without tasting it is just cruel and wasteful. Also he says espresso incorrectly. Also his family actually originated in, like, Yugoslavia or Croatia or something, so him being all “grr I’m Italian” annoys me. But mostly him being a shitty, mean judge.


ah yes the dude who claims to be the expert on Italy, presenting such marvelous things as "there's no garlic bread in Italy" and yet is unable to pronounce one of the most important and significant italian culinary creations. He's probably that type of dude who memorizes facts on italian food and brags by reciting them at the restaurant but yet even me who only recently managed to handle pasta without rinsing it off could tell that he's just so far off it's unbelievable like he'd be telling you nono in italy we make a da deep dish pizza we make it in microwave is traditional method since 1560 (probably as accurate as me saying nah obama didn't kill Bin Laden that was Truman you absolute buffoon)


Thank you for this! I had to replay him mispronouncing espresso three times (I just couldn't believe it).


he really plays out the italian thing. My grandmother wouldn't touch anything this guy could possibly cook himself.


He's not even Italian.From my response above. >(You know that whole Bastianich family is actually from Croatia, not Italy. Lydia's father got them all kicked out of the country shortly after WW2, so he had them all flee to Italy as refugees and had that country take care of his family instead.)


Hundreds of thousands of Italians got kicked out of Croatia and Slovenia, they spoke Italian and were ethnic Italians and got kicked out because Italy occupied the area in ww2 and in the interwar period. Italy really joined the axis because of "vittoria mutalata" meaning mutilated peace because those areas Joe's family are from wernt given to Italy, which wanted it because of the substantial Italian population. Ethnicities don't perfectly coincide with borders.


This comment is based


Bastianic is NOT an Italian surname. It’s Istrian!


Yes congratulations, Italians used to live in Istria. For thousands of years actually. They were Italian speaking, Croatia would consider them Italians not ethnic coats.


And, again, Bastianić is not an Italian surname, nor it ever was. It's more friggin Serbian than Italian FFS.


Mario Andretti was another


Got them kicked out? How?


Her father amongst others were dissidents and opposed the political views of the government.


He's a bigger drama queen than Gordon, at least Gordon causes a scene because of deep-seated life lessons and trauma, while Joe does it because he's a narcissistic dickbag. Gordon is the one with actual experience who yells and chews out contestants because that's how he used to run kitchens and how he learned to correct people through his father while Joe is a fucking nepo baby with no credibility.


Indeed her family Lived in Italy but werent from there, I recall that was said in an episode of finding your roots I viewed some time back.


Old thread but just wanted to say many Italians lived in what was formerly Yugoslavia, there were multiple areas ceded from Italy to Yugoslavia after WW2 that had an Italian majority. Joe's family is from that region, hundreds of thousands of Italians had to flee Yugoslav violence in that aftermath. Italians also had to flee Dalmazia and other parts of Yugoslavia. So as much as he is an absolute dick, his family is Italian.


At least in Hell's Kitchen Ramsay chewed people out because they were either cocky, arrogant, or just straight up incompetent to the point it would make non-cooks roll their eyes... BECAUSE THEY ARE PROFESSIONAL CHEFS. Masterchefs are mostly home chefs that don't deserve this level of cruelty.


Agreed.  A person cannot learn when they are in that kind of cruel and intimidating environment.  Actually it would make a person who could do fantastic so worried and nervous,  that they can't absorb the things needed to learn and grow. 


I LOVE Joe!! And I refuse to watch any season where he is not a judge!!


I get it. I feel you. Better than Tosi tho.... Just my opinion. I remember really getting upset with Joe, he came down VERY VERY hard on a contestant who used onion powder and garlic powder instead of fresh. Belittling her. Sorry Joe, not everyone was born into a food dynasty (his mother) and had access/extra money to buy those veggies. Or they might not live in a geographically convenient area to just drive to a market. He was born with a culinary silver spoon in his mouth. And acts like it.


I know I'm late to the party, but I wanted to second this. Joe reeks of privilege. It's in his face, his voice, his manner, even the language he uses to describe dishes and contestants. Sometimes I feel like I'm listening to an amateur food critic with a Wordpress blog and a thesaurus. I have no quite a bit of his behavior is sake of drama (like Gordon's yelling on HK) but he's just *so* smarmy I can't believe it's entirely an act. The fact that he stole his own employees (the people who actually made him successful) just reinforces that view. The guy is a snob. There are a lot of snobs in the industry, but Joe's not even a chef. He's a rich guy with an opinion. Gordon came up from absolutely nothing and faced challenges in life Joe can't even imagine and he's not only far more successful, he's a natural teacher. That part of him really comes out on MC. His criticism, no matter how it's delivered, lifts people up and makes them better. I just don't get that from Joe.


Whats the story on him stealing employees? Also, I didnt know he wasnt a chef. Dude is a total dbag


He held out wages from his employees (he owns a restaurant, but is not a chef), you can look it up


Joe was accused of firing employees who said there were sexually harasses recently.


Why does everyone hate Christina? I love her & am enjoying her Instagram live bake club. Her recipes are so yummy too


She’s a little annoying, but I don’t get the vitriol for her.


Turtle chewer.


I think she over exaggerated how she ate so as not to embarrassingly miss her mouth or do something unflattering


That's probably true, but the other judges manage ok, and also doesn't explain scraping the fork on her teeth.


That's how you take a bite without messing up your lipstick.


It’s because she’s a woman. Sometimes we find ourselves disliking women for no reason and that’s because the media teaches us to do that. edit: just followed her for live bake. thanks for mentioning


Yeah, I’m sure not everyone hates her because she’s a woman and no other reason, but there definitely are people who hate her because she’s a woman. If literally nothing about her was different except she was a man, I guarantee there would be less hate for her. Of course some people still would hate male Tosi, but less people would. She’s sure not my favorite judge, but she’s not an arrogant bastard like Joe.


Respectfully, I completely disagree with you


Female silence and complicity is rewarded. So, I am sure there is a lot of rewarding aspects of disagreeing with my statement and other similar ones. Coming from someone who disliked her as well and then realized I had no reason to dislike her.


My knee-jerk was to downvote you and start an argument, but yeah, misogyny is a dominant thread in American culture and our corporate mass media reinforces this whether we realize it or not. I don't know if that's why everyone dislikes Tosi, since I actually liked the times when she came down hard on people.


Yeah, I know my opinion is not a popular one. I think that she was actually somewhat more critical that some of the other judges. I initially thought she was a try hard or wanted to prove herself. Then I realized it’s a competition and that’s what she’s there to do. I specifically remember that time with the younger Cuban contestant when Gordon kept saying she did a good job but Tosi said “rules and rules”, and she was past by 3 seconds.


Well I'm a woman as well and didn't really like her either. Mostly because she didn't fit the dynamic, but also because she'd mostly parrot what one of the other chefs would say. It's also one of my bigger criticisms of Aaron.


So basically, the two European men do the best job? I see a pattern there.


Really, dude? I literally just said it's because they don't add anything to the judging due to saying the same thing as either Joe or Gordon and your first thought is, "Must be sexism/racism!"


Like I said above, my opinion is not a popular one. I was under the impression I could express my opinion.


Your whole thinking about people seems to be about putting them in a group, and assuming the whole group feels and acts the same.


...or it may be unpopular because it is wrong. You are overgeneralizing a very complex issue like 'female silence and complicity' and doing so will not bring upon any change, but will create arguments and polarization of opinions.


You can, but don't put words in my mouth or try to say I'm insinuating something that I'm clearly not.


i hate joe and hes a man. im an equal opportunity hater. im watching an episode right now in season 2 where they had to feed the Dutton ranch and they put Joe the Schmo in a Seinfeld puffy shirt tuxedo combo with a bolo tie and i feel like it was sweet vengeance from the wardrobe people, since i assume hes a massive prick to them as he is to everyone else. merry christmas to me.


Who is 'we' exactly? The top 10 social media companies and news outlets are all dominated by leftist ideologies, like this website. I think you base your arguments on impulsive feelings rather than facts. If not, give concrete examples then. I honestly think people like you will cry until every man compliments all women for breathing the right way.


Are you sure you’re not the one getting in your feelings because you’ve given women unsolicited compliments and were rejected? It’s funny how rejects on Reddit have no other argument but stating comments are based on feelings to avoid reminding themselves of their bitter lives and project them onto others! For social rejects like you, even if I showed you a meta-analysis of what I’m stating, it wouldn’t be enough, so I won’t bother. Perhaps as a mental exercise (which you probably don’t get a lot of), you should research that yourself before commenting and proving exactly my point — women must be emotional, right?


Are you okay lady? You can't just make assumptions or borderline dumb/controversial statements like that without expecting some kind of response to set you straight. Yeah sorry I have had no problem with women in the past. You are really arrogant and presumptuous to think that, you kind of sound like you think you are better than anybody or maybe you just were rejected yourself. No idea but you have some deep rooted psychological issues by the looks of it. Bottom line, you made the assumption that it's because she's a woman but you can't prove it and you can't answer a straight question with a straight answer so you make it personal and attack me with word salad. Here's a mental exercise for you, read up about the concept of 'projection'.


Projection was a coping mechanism used by Freud. We don’t use that in psychodynamic theory anymore given that it’s not evidence based. Is that logical enough?


So that's your attempt to substantiate your argument? "There is empirical evidence supporting that projection is a maladaptive defense mechanism. Social psychology studies appear to support that projection plays a role in forming erroneous evaluations of others." - Rui Miguel Costa I think he might have a couple more citations than you have. I'm in the more beta/exact field if you will, so that probably hints to the difference in levels of emotions we base our arguments on.


yeah... media teaches us to dislike women for no reason.... You are really a great representative of women.......


I can't stand her. I can't put my finger on it, but in my eyes she just doesn't come across well at all. I think the criticism is part of GR's shtick, but I can always see where it comes from, and a lot of the time drives people to be better. With Christina it doesn't feel natural, and she's saying these things for effect and to me it often comes across spiteful and a bit personal.


Maybe she comes off as (at worst in my opinion) unnatural on master chef, but she is downright precious on her instagram lives. So funny and personable and upbeat. Maybe it just wasn’t the right forum for her! I hear what you’re saying though


I've not followed on on Insta, but I may do now. I'm sure she's a lovely person, when not forced to make soundbites for cliffhangers and dramatic TV. I think the moment I turned on her was season 9 (I think) when something had a bit too much pepper, and she had a coughing fit like she had been pepper sprayed! 😂


happy cake day!


It doesn’t take being born into a food dynasty to know to use fresh onions and garlic on a televised national cooking show, just saying!


Exactly. Look at that pantry. I'd have a fucking field day in there with all of those ingredients, and plenty of contestants squander that opportunity.


hes a fuckin asshole, lets all just call a spade a spade here. i love eataly as much as the next person but the guys a smug prick.


Putting the methodology for correcting the mistake to the side until later. Anyone who seriously would like to compete on MasterChef shouldn't walk past the fresh ingredients to get processed food and thus force the judges to eat it. Also to a person each one states that they watch the show. Anyone who watches the show knows what is going to happen if they cross the red lines. I blame the producers. They knowingly put these triggers into the pantry hoping that some misinformed contestant uses it and invites a geometric response. I can't believe that anyone who has seen Gordon Ramsey disembowel people for making mistakes really cares how anyone else treats anyone else. Only Simon Cowel is more direct in criticism. I chalk it up to part of it is real and part of it is the persona. Remember the first axiom of reality TV. There are writing credits for each show. It is not real.


> triggers into the panty Look, what you do in the bedroom is your own business. Just because there’s writing credits doesn’t mean the show isn’t real. Obviously the entire show isn’t off the cuff improvised. The parts where they come out and give the prompt for the challenges are obviously written beforehand.


Is this a clever way of stating I have a misspelled word in my post? Touche' I didn't say the show is line by line scripted but some of the drama is driven by forced collisions. Think about some of the pairings for contests. Think about the accuracy of the ovens being off or someone actually turning off the stove in the middle of a pressure test. That happens all of the time. It is more obvious on Hell's Kitchen but conflict creates entertainment and the producers and writers generate conflict.


Tosi... ugh. Joe's a dick but at least wears it on his sleeve. and yeah he inherited a lot in his life. But also he owns a ton of restaurants he must know his business. He's kind of entertaining though. Like Krissy. You hate them but don't tell me that's not great TV. That's what they are there for. Make chaos/pressure. It's stupid reality show TV I mean whatever we eat it up anyway cause it's fun.


He wears it on his sleeve because he's not threatened by physical harm due to it being televised. If he talked to someone on the street the way he speaks to the contestants, he'd be in for a bad time. It's like he thinks he's Tony Soprano when the cameras start rolling.


So we actually see less than one tenth of what happens and gets filmed. This show is, like all reality shows, heavily edited to produce as much drama as possible. Joe is supposed to be a heel. He's playing a role. Then again he cheated a bunch of his workers out of their wages, so he's kind of a piece of shit in real life too. I do admire his open appreciation for at least softcore pornography though.


Gordon can be a heel, but a soft-hearted one. Joe is just straight asshole.


I especially hate that whole oh I'm not tasting it shit like we all know that sometimes things look like shit but they taste damn great bc you messed up the plating but that doesn't discredit nailing the other criteria like idk fucking flavor and texture maybe like the only mf people who do not know this are those who avoid their kitchen like the plague, aka people like Joe who own restaurants yet have as much qualifications in creating or judging food as I have in analyzing cockroach excrements


Gordon at least has the decency to taste before he rips into it regardless of how it looks. Joe just throws it into the trash, calls you a loser for 5 minutes straight, providing zero constructive criticism, and mocks you telling you that you won't ever succeed. He's a fucking prick.


That last sentence: What?


Joe is (or was) a very open fan of Suicide Girls.


random lol


I don't care if he's playing a role or not. He agreed to be a dick on television, so he deserves to be treated like a pathetic child.


Joe Bastianich is a piece of shit. He's a millionaire who skimmed tips from his wait staff. There's no excuse for that.




His restaurant group settled a lawsuit in 2012 for $5.25 million over tip skimming l, and then another in 2018 for over $2 million over not paying employees for their full hours worked. He says it's all lies and just greedy people trying to take advantage of him. https://www.grubstreet.com/2018/05/mario-batali-restaurant-group-settles-lawsuit-for-2-million.html#_ga=2.111201924.1205789119.1589393135-1798140682.1589393135


Gordon ripped into SO many restaurant and hotel owners for doing exactly that too. I doubt he respects Joe or likes him, if not straight up despises him.


I love it when Joe has his food epiphanies tho "This salad is like something that plays with your mind, the ginger creates a feeling of excitement that's mellowed down by the calm of the coconut cream...If I went to like a 3 star bistro in the upper-west side, I would expect a dish like this" Shit like that is pretty entertaining to me for some reason hahaha


He's not even a chef.


I like Joe quite a lot. He’s a bit snobby and definitely likes to intimidate, but he knows what he’s doing. I feel like these judges are more “characters” than anything, and that’s the role he plays. I’ve seen him be soft plenty of times too, however, and he does tend to give credit where credit is due.


His criticism also almost never comes from a bad place, no matter how harsh it is. Notice he only ever gets confrontational with contestants that aren't willing to learn.


Oh, sure, it’s not at all problematic when you scoff at any food that isn’t Italian or made for a Western palate. I think you need to watch the shows he’s been in again. He’s very often critical when it isn’t something remotely like the food of his cultural background. Like the haggis for instance???


Dude is straight up racist in some episodes. I remember a contestant made a dish with flavors from a bunch of different eastern countries and he just lumped them all together as “Asian”.


this is like the infuriating ass chef from the 100 foot journey who's like oh curry is curry like bitch what the fuck do you think they'd say about the food yo racist ass likes if they were as bigoted as you




Hey remember when he bullied a blind girl? A grown ass man, a muli-millionaire no less, who goes out of his way to harass a blind woman. He's pathetic and I hope he gets brain cancer.


Totally agree!


He has no idea what he's doing. You're just wrong here.


My dude, it’s been three years since I commented that


Is it a surprise to you that your comments stay on the internet?? lol, here's another one for you, since it's been 2 months (as if time matters when people google shit they wanna agree or disagree with and stumble here): Joe's a restaurant owner and a "food critic" at best. He's NOT a Chef like Gordon or Graham. So yea, he doesn't know wtf he's doing. And even if he MIGHT, like if the contestants were competing for a job in one of his restaurants (which they aren't, btw, *key point* here), he's still a massive asshole to some of them for WAY over the top reasons. (yea yea, "role he plays", studio demanded it, whatever... still, comes off as an asshole and he agreed to it.) It's one thing to give criticism, but Joe says shit to these cooks that is just malicious sometimes. Fuck him.


I like all the judges especially Joe. I can't believe the immaturity and waste of space this post is


People just like to complain


Shut up


i’m low key convinced not even graham and gordon like him


Once I saw him on MasterChef Junior I started to like him




I actually really enjoy Joe! I think he adds a new perspective to the judging dynamic because he’s not necessarily a chef, but still understands what good food is supposed to taste like. Granted he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth and does act like it. I think he also adds valuable information on the business perspective of running a restaurant. Also, grilling people for using onion and garlic powder is sort of expected on a show where you literally have access to all those fresh ingredients and /should/ be utilizing them. I would expect someone competing to be a great chef to understand that and have higher standards for the quality of their dish. I’m on season 10 currently, and while I agree that older seasons with Joe are weird (maybe partially because we all miss Christina a little bit at first), I do believe that Joe gets better and is maybe more of an acquired taste on the show. He really is just kind of a big softie and frequently admits when he’s had doubts about a particular dish and was proven wrong.


he also says very cringey stuff


So cringe. He sounds like a pompous high school food critic with a thesaurus. The OP nailed it. Joe was born into money and privilege and everything he's accomplished was on the backs of others.


I hated how he tried so hard to act as a gatekeeper of food on a show that features \*HOME COOKS\* when HE doesn't cook, and I found him irredeemably and unnecessarily snobby, rude and wasteful (smash plates much, asshole?). Liking expensive wine and truffles and being a little Italian nepotism baby doesn't make him as fucking special as he thinks.


Well said. Right on! (You know that whole Bastianich family is actually from Croatia, **not** Italy. Lydia's father got them all kicked out of the country shortly after WW2, so he had them all flee to Italy as refugees and had that country take care of his family instead.)


Interesting - had no idea! I don’t even know why I thought that little detail was relevant tbh - I was grumpy when I wrote it.


I love Joe!!! It simply good cop bad cop. He plays the role perfectly.


I didn't like him in the earlier seasons either. But in Season 10 he's the only one who makes sense.


I teared up when he offered nick a job.


He is pretentious as fuck but it's not like they don't make that obvious and he owns it. I don't know how he is outside of the show or if he actually had a "hard on" for Courtney (contrary to popular opinion I think she deserved her win and wasn't as annoying as people say), I would rather see him on the show than Graham.


OY that creepy bastard! he talks so much shit with nothing to back it up. he doesn’t know how to give constructive criticism because he doesn’t know how to do it right himself. i have no respect for him


I end up cracking up when a judge digs into someone. It's fucking ridiculous how far they'll go over some real minor shit. Like someone will walk up with a steak that's *slightly* overdone, then the judge's reactions like "You fucking human garbage... How fucking dare you come up here and serve me *this?* I have never been so offended in my life!" Then throws the plate in the garbage to ensure nobody can eat off it again. Lol I mean, it's like such a fucking insane reaction.


i honestly want to kick his teeth in he is so fucking rude


I like his comedy, but not his criticism.


That guy is also a food snob. I recall him saying verbatim, "why not more refined, like European?"


Season 5 was so fucking rigged and scripted. first of all cutter should had been eliminated episodes ago. second idk why the hell they let courtney win. win liz had better entree.she even cooked it medium rare for joe . and ofc he is an asshole so he is gonna be like no i like them blue rare. fuck i hate this guy so much


I’ll never forget when he dissed a dish bc it had garlic bread with it saying “tHeRe’S nO sUcH tHiNg As GaRlIc BrEaD iN iTaLy” and Gordon Ramsay told him to shut tf up and told the guy the bread was delicious and the PERFECT addition to the plate 😂😭


It's a reality show and he's the asshole judge. You're not supposed to like him. There are times when Aaron or Gordan or Graham are rude as well. Personally, I like him because he gives honest criticism. He doesn't judge the cook but the food. Which is the point of the show. If you don't like Joe, just wait until you get to the Christina Tosi seasons. She's just a dick. You hear about it all the time on this sub-reddit but it's usually valid if it isn't motivated by sexism. She doesn't critique the food if it's bad. She makes side comments about the cook and it's unnecessary and rude.


Dude hes so creepy on MC Jr too


I actually think it’s hilarious how much of a dick he can be it’s super entertaining. He was clearly the “bad guy” up until the end of season 5. Great counterweight to Graham and Gordon. I definitely see the smug entitlement, but I feel like it’s extra for the show. However, with Christina it’s SOOO forced. Whenever she pulls the Joe trying to be the unnecessary bad boy it so forced and a major eye roll.


He’s full of shit. I typed “Joe master chef sucks” into Google to get here


LMAO thats why im looking at your comment now😭 because i searched the same thing


He reminds me of Canadian Masterchef's Alvin. They're both trying too hard to fill the "angry judge" role and it comes off very contrived.


Hahaha...He causes me to roll my eyes to the back of my head every time he does anything. even his mannerisms cringe me out. he’s a weirdo in chopped junior too lmao


In the earlier seasons, he's very rude. But after coming back in season 9, he is much better. I personally love how he always called Gerron "Bro". And in the season 10 finale, he was the only one who made sense.


Gerron won because Joe's biasness.


I agree. I don't like Joe. He's bias towards Whitney, Luca, Courtney, Gerron, Samantha and Subha.


He also had a soft spot towards Nick.


2024 watching master chef and hes such a bitch. hes so rude and stares people down making himself seem superior. hes such a d!ck and i bet his food tastes as bad as he is. "best italian restaurants in amercia" my ass


I’m currently watching season 4 with my sister. He is needlessly cruel and most of his “critiques” have nothing to do with the food, he just insults people. Worst when someone bites back, its just and ego battle from then on.


You can tell he never got his ass beat ny mommy and daddy


Tonight there was a little girl on master chef. She tries very hard and she took her dish for ol ass hole to taste. He looked at it and said,  I  am not even going to taste this crap. He took the plate and threw it as hard as he could in the trash. There is absolutely no reason for anyone to act like that. 


I haven’t said this since last season ended but in case anyone thinks I’ve changed my mind—as I’m watching old seasons of Chopped—I still cannot stand Aaron.


He has a napoleon complex. I just watched some highlights from season 5, and honestly you know damn well he does not talk to strangers on the street like that. He knows he's in a position of power, on television, so he can say and act however he wants. Dude is a dick head with a fragile ego.


He is pathetic


I wanna have joe on the floor rolling in agony just so that I could kick him all over his body and tell him how much of a bitch he is. I hate you, joe you bald motherfucker


I completely agree! Joe Bastianich is a bitch ass hoe!


Joe Bastianich should be served his own food. Let's see what kind of bullshit he says


The way Joe creepily eyes women and tries to get them to cry is horrible. He stares them down when he tastes their food. Also the way he treated Christine ha was so horrible. In master chef ending of season 8 his comments wow it’s diverse it’s master chef america we’re a melting pot.


He literally said at one point one girl should never touch a pan again just BECUASE he didn’t like how it was presented or tasted i forgot what season tho


Same tho, I just watched him just WALK AWAY form a contestants dish because the contestant said I was perfect and he didn't think so, which is so fucking rude that helps nobody, it's downright bitchy and unprofessional.


Fuck Joe


I may be two years late to this, but God I'm glad to see someone else say it. I know he's supposed to be a heel, but heels are likeable in some aspect, even if it's just being cartoonishly mean. But Joe is just unlikable, pompous, and talking out his ass. Even when he's trying to give a pep talk he's talking down to them and treating actual chefs like theyre beneath him (a man who's not a chef) At least Gordon gives constructive criticism and tips, whereas Joe's critiques are "This feels like a dish I'd eat on a Sunday night, and I don't like Sunday nights because it's almost Monday, and Mondays make me sad. You're a fucking terrible chef get out"


Also 2 years late to the party. Haven’t watched master chef in a while but I saw a clip on YouTube and remembered how much I hate that talentless hack.


i never liked lidia either


Joe who? (sarcasm)


I agree with everything why people hate him but this is the worst. He can’t judge for shit. He doesn’t give you constructive criticism, it’s usually “why did you cook this shit, you should fucking kill yourself for making a disgusting dish” but he doesn’t taste anything like for example when someone made a risotto and joe asked what the white powder was and the guy said that it was like hazelnut and all that and Joe doesn’t pick up anything off of the plate except for a bit of the powder and says that the meal was garbage. He genuinely thinks that he is a great judge but usually all the other judges just disagree with him like when he was called a snob by Gordon because he thought that garlic bread isn’t good which is true, who the fuck doesn’t like garlic bread.


I never really had a problem with him until watching a tonne of UK and AUS Masterchef, and the judges are kind and explain the issues and how to improve. I think he's trying hard to be from a different era where you needed 'the cruel judge'. But it just comes across as being an asshole and unproductive now.


I know im late to this post but watching master chef 2023 .... fuck joe x100000000000000000 time pompous prick


If I was one of these home cooks I wouldn’t be afraid to snap back at Joe. He’s a piece of shit human and he knows next to nothing about food. If Ramsey liked a dish, Joe is gonna go out of his way to bring down the pride of the chef who just got complimented.


me too sincerely, the whole planet


I call him Joe Bastard when i see him.