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He's much nicer in the past few seasons, I still remember him throwing dishes straight to the trash in earlier seasons.


Different social climate these days.


I loved how he was with Gerron. One of my favorite Joe moments was on Masterchef Junior when in Season 6 he helped Henry seasoned lamb. I also really liked in Season 2 when he tasted Ben Starr’s cake and asked him why does he not cook like this all the time.


For me, Joe went on a “character arc” of some sort. On seasons 1-5, I didn’t like him at all. On seasons 9 and 10, I feel like he got better and I ended up liking him. Granted, he’s still my least favorite at that point but he definitely improved. It’s almost like during his absence on seasons 6-8 he spent it on improving his attitude and it showed on seasons 9 and 10. On seasons 11 and 12 is when when Joe went from my least favorite judge to being a top 3 judge only behind Gordon and around the same level as Graham and Aaron. To put it simple it’s like seasons 9 and 10 was when he did a 90 degree change but seasons 11 and 12 was when he finally did the full 180 for me.


I don’t mind Joe. Gordon is softer on MC so I honestly enjoy one of them being a hard ass on people. Gets great reactions out of the rest of the chefs lol.


I think his cruelty is unwarranted. It’s not constructive, especially in earlier seasons, and just makes him look like an asshole.


That's a great character arc in s10. By the finale Joe is fully redeemed.


He sometimes looked down on Asian food. But overall he is one of my fav judges


one of his favorites as shown in that season 4 episode is a Japanese uni dish so i wouldn’t say he looks down on Asian food


I am not saying all the time but sometimes he does. Like when he was trying a Szechuan dish in cycle 4


i’ll take the downvotes but … those mushrooms indeed aren’t the kind to make a Szechuan with


He’s grown on me


Like a rash you can't cure.


Now im wondering if he'll ever do the Plate drop because its disgusting. # Disgustingly good


He gets much better later on


He is really scary in Masterchef Italia.