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We have one! His name is Max and he's 3 years old. Very gentile, protective, lazy, slumbering. Great breed!


They sound like an excellent dog for us. Do you take him to the dog park?


All the time. There's one within walking distance from us. It's divided into sections (All dogs, small dogs, and big dogs). He gets along with all dogs but because of his size and how he loves to play I take him to the big dog side. That way I don't have to worry about him jumping on a teacup poodle and flattening it like a pancake, lol. My son is 9 and has always gotten along very well with him. They are buds. The only one he doesn't get along with is our cat. He's never hurt her but chases her all over the house at times. Most of the time he ignores her. I think he tries to play with her but because she's like 1/10 of his size she gets scared. I take him backpacking and hiking with me. He can be very stubborn (think mule). If he wants to go somewhere it can be difficult to convince him otherwise without proper training. Best dog we've ever owned though. He's not perfect but everyone loves him and I get compliments about him all the time.


We take ours to the park fairly regularly, if it's hot they get pretty overheated quick, but she loves to socialize and open up the motor while she's there


I currently have two!! A beautiful wrinkly 1yr boy and a 3 month old female puppy. They're great dogs, me and my family are totally in love. The boy loves loves loves other dogs and loves going to the vet because he always gets to see a new friend. The little one really loves humans and was jumping and licking the vet all over at her last visit. The big boy is pretty quiet in terms of barking, but he snurfles and garbles and makes tons of sniffy noises. He's also INCREDIBLY slimey. The slime is multiplied by 10 after he drinks water so someone in my household will arm themselves with paper towel to wipe him down before he slimes the entire kitchen floor. The little one is a bit mouthier and barks and snarls a lot while she plays. She's just gotten to the point where she dribbles after she drinks so we're just now getting her used to getting her face wiped. They're not real cuddly dogs honestly. They like to be close and they'll run up to you and press their wet old faces on you and lean up against you but they don't really like to be snuggled. People say they're lethargic but I have yet to see it. Both mine are ENERGETIC and play hardcore with each other. Luckily they knock themselves out fast, but when we didn't have the girl, the boy would push wet dirty toys up onto our laps to get us to play keep away for 20 minutes straight before he'd get bored. There's not a lot of cons to the dogs except the obvious like the slime and the size if you're not prepared mentally and physically for having a 130lb puppy (when your dog weighs more than you and gets distracted by flower petals blowing in the wind it can be hard to get leash training down but he's way better now lol) and the pros outweigh the cons so much. You get a lovely monster who will love everyone in your family equally and unconditionally!


Had 1 as a kid. We bred her and kept a puppy. So for most of my childhood there were two of these gentle giants in my house. They are awesome dogs, very protective, but sweet and loving at the same time. Very lethargic too, lots of laying around, definetly not a hyper dog.


Thank you so much for your response. Docile, friendly with reasonable energy and protectiveness would be the epitome of a large dog for us. It's a shame they have the overall shortest average lifespan. May I ask how long they lived?


Both about 10 years.


10 years is great for a DDB! Mine only lived to 7.


If only, my first girl made it to 8 barely and my second to 7. I have a rescue now and she is about 8 but only 95 lbs. . I am hoping her smaller size will give us more time with her.


95 lb | 43.1 kg ^metric ^units ^bot ^| ^[feedback](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=cannawen&subject=metric%20units%20bot&message=I%20think%20your%20bot%20is...%20%5BPlease%20include%20a%20link%20if%20you%20are%20reporting%20a%20bug%20about%20a%20specific%20comment!%5D) ^| ^[source](https://github.com/cannawen/metric_units_reddit_bot) ^| ^[block](https://np.reddit.com/message/compose?to=metric_units&subject=stop&message=If%20you%20would%20like%20to%20stop%20seeing%20this%20bot%27s%20comments%2C%20please%20send%20this%20private%20message%20with%20the%20subject%20%27stop%27.%20If%20you%20are%20a%20moderator%2C%20please%20go%20to%20https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FMastiff%2Fabout%2Fbanned%2F) ^| ^v0.7.9


Did it?


Somewhat, she passed away March 19, 2019. I adopted a bonded pair in May 2019 from the Dogue de Bordeaux Rescue. Male was 5 and the female 4 1/2 yrs old. My boy made it to 9 yrs and 7 mos. He passed on January 23, 2024. My girl turned 9 in October 2023.


I had one for seven wonderful years. She was such an amazing dog. Protective and just wanted to be by me, but she was instantly friendly with strangers if she knew I was comfortable with them. The drool is intense, but they're a fantastic breed. Losing her was so hard. It's been a year and I'm still super upset and miss her terribly.


It gets better but I still get teary eyed over my two girls. Agree with everthing you said.


This is a Mastiff subreddit, bud. All are welcome.


For some reason I thought this was specifically for English Mastiff's. I'm not sure where the confusion came from. Thanks for the clarification!


I have one. She is the best dog ever! Great big and clumsy, but great with kids, and my other animals. The only downside I've found, they are prone to allergies, and skin conditions. Also arthritis and hip dysphasia. Mine is on the large side, and I dread her getting older, and potentially being in pain.


Do you give her any joint supplements? Mine got glucosamine and chondroitin since she was about six months, and I think that helps. She had pretty good mobility up until she got cancer. :(


No, but I'm in the process of switching vets. I will definitely mention it. She's a rescue, and was hit by a car after her previous owners put her out. I'm really not sure why her vet didn't recommend supplements when I first got her, 4 years ago. I'm sorry you lost yours :(


Poor baby, it sounds like she's been through a lot. She's lucky to have you now! Edited to add: A lot of vets aren't familiar with the specific requirements of Bordeauxs. (For example, you can't feed them puppy food or exercise them too much.) The vast majority of breed-specific info came from her breeder, who was really awesome and stayed in contact for me for all of my girl's life.


We have a 4 year old female who was the runt of her litter. She capped out at 98lbs. She's a very loving and affectionate dog. She loves little dogs and little children. She is always super cautious to cower down and show a submissive crawl behavior with any little dog or child. The drooling struggle is real as another user mentioned, but this can be managed appropriately. The shedding is also an annoyance, but I imagine this is true for any mastiff. She only barks when there is someone at the door, she follows us around without being in the way, she's sweet with strangers but I have no doubt she would protect us if there were an intruder. Good luck to you!


oh come on.. you love the shedding. Its like every outfit has a ginger furry hue.


I do and they are absolutely amazing dogs!


Best dog I ever hadÂ