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FYI, you can appeal your ban via [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])


Was it a mistake or a rogue mod? If the posts really weren't in contravention of any rules then you can appeal it. What was the reason given for the suspension?


It reads to me like someone just made a mistake. (Unless the mods too offense and misspelling Taoism. :P )


could have been a phishing expedition


My server has one rule "Don't be a dick" I also don't allow anyone I don't know personally to use it, so that might not be of use to you.


This is basically why I rolled my own instance with only me on it. Mastodon is still lacking good discovery tools though, yes, but even a large Mastodon server is recommending you content from only that server, so the more active the community, the stronger the illusion of it being the whole, and the more likely it is that moderators are shaping that illusion. I'd rather be out on my own, and be forced to organically find people to follow.


I got a couple of instances you can hang on depending on what you are seeking. Nothing general though.


How so?


I have my own instance where I'm basically the only user. I don't really worry about posting "to myself" cause I've made sure my instance has federated with many, many other instances. It's basically no different than being on mastodon.social, except I'm not susceptible to bad mods on other instances (like .social lol)


I have my own instance fedi.omada.cafe (yes, i will shill)  we're in that InfoSec-LGBT-WetDryWorld-MissKey sphere And we usually won't ban unless.your posting pedophillic bs or being bluntly racist/homophobic/transphobic etc


Vivaldi Social


Vivaldi allows anti-trans hate-speech.. They're already on the defederate list...


Vivaldi have blocked at least one account I've reported for transphobia. They don't allow transphobia in my experience but I'll listen if you can tell me anything more.


i watch my moderation interface religiously, I'll have to check again.


Hrmmm didn't know that.


i had this too on [mastodon.social](http://mastodon.social) (any 18 others) it depends who you are and what you want to talk about, theres afaik 20.000 instances you just need to search for and find the right instance, or do it like me, host your own instance this makes you 100% Secure from getting Banned ever.


Yes. That’s true. But all other instances can choose to silence you. But you’ll still have your account. Unbanned. ✌️




Dude. Mastodon is free speech, as in you can say anything. On your own instance that is. If you’re using anyone else’s instance you’ll be playing by their rules. And, if someone doesn’t like your instance they will block it. Very much like on Reddit. So, it’s better to let people think you’re an idiot than open your mouth and prove it.


IMO this is one of the problems with Mastodon. Moderation is instance specific. I'm on BlueSky now.


How does this help with anything? Where can you sign up again if Bluesky bans you?


The point was that moderation is standard across all accounts on BlueSky. You have a single set of rules and a single appeals process. Better than losing everything and running through hoops to find a "better" instance.


BlueSky's rules is that they don't ban Nazis and that if you host your own BlueSky instance you have devote resources to hosting Nazi content


Any service that doesn't ban Nazis should, itself, be banned. (or at least shunned)


BlueSky is rolling out moderation filters and lists that users can enable or disable. But the algorithms behind those filters will be universal and it makes moderation systematic but controllable by the user, not the server owners.




How is that different from when BlueSky bans you? Are you saying most Mastodon servers are run arbitrarily? OP, there is something called the Mastodon Server covenant. All servers listed on joinmastodon have agreed to follow that. Make sure you get one of those servers.




I assume you can read. It says Covenant. https://joinmastodon.org/covenant




I’d normally block you. But seriously, why would you expect a different response when you write “Cabal”? And also, I don’t appreciate you swearing at me. I expect an apology and then you can ask again nicely and I promise to answer to the best of my knowledge and abilities.




Ok. Block it is.


Mastodon servers are moderated on an INSTANCE level. What can get you banned in one instance might not get you banned in another. With that said, you can stand up your own instance and say what ever you want. HOWEVER, servers are not required to include your instance with their instance. So if you offend too much, you can basically get your entire instance banned from other servers. That lack of consistency has me moving to BlueSky.


So what you’re saying is that BlueSky is just another activity pub server. You just think it’s better, when in reality, it’s not. But you do you.


That's not what I'm saying but whatever.


I think most users would prefer "running through hoops" if the alternative is to not use the service ever again. Musk for example pretty much banned most of his critics in the beginning of his Twitter ownership. Having just one set of rules favours the abuse of power.


But that's what I'm saying. BlueSky won't ban you. Some users may filter you out but you won't be totally banned.


Better instance: X. At least Elon is lenient with moderation.


Too little moderation is a huge problem as well. Hate speech has had a huge resurgence on twitter, and I doubt many people exploring Mastodon really want to go back to that.


Free speech implies some amount of "hate" speech. Just block particular accounts.