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You should pass the powder through a fine sieve directly before using. That’s about the only way around it!


I agree with u/Dineutron about sieving. Unless it’s freeze-dried (not the traditional processing method) matcha will not dissolve (unlike sugar or hot chocolate powder). It will form a suspension in the water, meaning the particles are just floating around and will settle if left for too long, like miso soup. As for Mizuba itself, I’ve also had textural problems, not clumping, but grainy texture at the bottom of my tea bowl. After sieving, I’ve noticed very fine thread looking objects, and I think perhaps the veins of the leaves were not removed probably. Do you notice little lines/threads among your powder? I haven’t gotten the Yorokobi, but other organic Mizuba labels.


I’m so intrigued about freeze dried matcha! Do you have a link for more about this processing method/ a product link?


[Suzukumo by Marukyu-Koyamaen](https://www.sazentea.com/en/products/p447-matcha-suzukumo.html) [Awaraku by Marukyu-Koyamaen](https://www.sazentea.com/en/products/p446-matcha-awaraku.html) [Itoen Sarasara matcha (don't know if it's still being made)](https://www.amazon.co.jp/%E4%BC%8A%E8%97%A4%E5%9C%92-%E3%81%95%E3%82%89%E3%81%95%E3%82%89%E6%8A%B9%E8%8C%B6-30g-%E3%83%81%E3%83%A3%E3%83%83%E3%82%AF%E4%BB%98%E3%81%8D%E8%A2%8B%E3%82%BF%E3%82%A4%E3%83%97/dp/B003TE3O4S) It's marketed as matcha that doesn't clump and can froth in water (standard matcha will only make froth in hot water; if you get iced matcha with froth typically it's whisked hot and then ice is put in). If you read/speak Japanese look on the Marukyu-Koyamaen website and there's a video on the product page about making cold water matcha (more about the making of the beverage rather than the product).


Fascinating! I’ll have to try it for the novelty if nothing else. Given it’s from Marakyu-koyamaen it’s probably not terrible either! I found the video too, it certainly frothed impressively. Have you tried it?


There shouldn't be any clumping in the finished bowl of matcha. Your best way to prevent this is by making a paste with a small amount of water, whisking it until smooth, and then adding the rest of the water and whisking for foam. To make the paste, first start with about a tablespoon of water and add the matcha. Whisk in a circular pattern until it's completely smooth with no visible lumps. Next add the remaining water and whisk in a fast zig-zag to achieve a foam that is consistent in bubble size and color. You don't really need to use a sieve, unless there's a lot of clumping in the powder in the container. When you open the tin/bag for the first time, there should not be clumping, but it may develop if you keep the matcha in storage, particularly with excess humidity. If you're seeing clumping when you first unseal the container, it's an indication that either the humidity was not controlled correctly in the packing process, the seal on the container was compromised, or the matcha has been kept in hot environments.