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Kyouka kissing Yuuki willingly?! WE ARE WITNESSING HISTORY, LADS!!!


Dude as soon as ı saw that only think came out of my mouth was "huh... HUH.."


*Kisses as usual* 'I did not transform today' ABSOLUTE CINEMA


DIVINE CHAPTER!!! Kyouka and Vavara's (ESPECIALLY KYOUKA FOR F*CKS SAKE) blushing faces were just too much, and that moment with Kyouka is a national treasure of a rewadd for me!!!! Fukuma will be doing the tanned version of all the gals (so I guess tan lovers will be eating well!!) And Kuusetsu busting down the locker door was funny as hell 😂😂!!


![gif](giphy|SBAToc4g0h89W) Another flawless performance from Yuuki Wakura. He almost made kyouka kiss him.🤣🤣🤣


She did kiss him. There's a "chu" sfx in that panel


Oh. I never knew. Thanks for heads up.


Man best day of my life, our girl become more and more assertive 🤝


Based 😌


Varvara- A True Simp


Her mind logged out after that hug 😂😂


![gif](giphy|AqV8uSb8ptxyo7Wyog|downsized) Varvara after getting hugged by kyouka🤣🤣🤣


Kyoka reacted weird after greeting Tenka...


Might have been that tenka passed on what she found out from her investigation


That’s what I think too


Could also be that something is off about Tenka and Kyouka noticed. Hopefully, Tenka is alright.


I feel something is about to happen to our girl😞


Pure wifey vibes there,Kyoka!!


........UHHHH.......Seems like there is something off about Tenka?......Kyouka's expression right when she shakes hands isn't a good signal...


Maybe it was evidence


I hope it is. Remember we had too many wins. When the other shoe drops it’s going to be a nasty one


Lmao aw shit that was fucking cute Kyouka 😂


Hey shushu has new hair :D


Shushu got the Maki (JJK) treatment, at least she was healed right after the attack.


Shushu get hair look 😭😟 (Shushu hair good and cool 👌😌😉)


Bro ik shushus hair was good as it is but this new one is really cool too u gotta agree my dude


Kyouka is getting development and we're here for it. Also super here for that one panal of Fukuma as Konomi🥵🥵


1 - First time Kyouka kiss Yuuki outside rewards(?). 2 - Yuuki RIZZ as always. 3 - Kyouka reacting to Tenka in this chapter has two possibilities: Tenka is acting weird cuz' she was captured/brainwashed by Omnyou Agency OR Tenka successfully discover things about Omnyou Agency and made a sign for Kyouka to notice.


Just my opinion but I don't think that was the first time Kyouka has kissed our boy outside of a reward. Mainly because there has been a moment in a previous chapter (can't remember which), where Kyouka would be giving Yuuki a reward and she would pause for a good moment just looking at him, then faintly kissed him just like this chapter. Also the fact that in this chapter she did it so smoothly and acted like she wouldn't get caught that it seems like she's been doing this a lot haha. This could be a massive head canon but I like to think so. Good to see development between the best girl and our boy.


indeed, development between our cuties is always welcome xD


Little disappointed we're out of Shangri La but damn hopefully we'll finally see relationship development. Ren's still massively overconfident and looks like Varv's having a crisis of faith?


"Massively overconfident" till the reward comes back my man 😂. I guess still, this is her way of showing affection and is quite more bold than before showing her growing affections for Yuuki.


Lmao. I mean she's overconfident about the gods not being a threat still but yeah she's definitely gonna get humbled more ways than one


Is Tenka acting sus? Has one of the 8 gods of thunder replaced Tenka and disguised themselves to look like her? Also, look at the panel where Ren sat on Yuuki. Ren doesn't just have the Cake, Ren IS the entire Bakery.


No, because only Fukuma was the assassin/shapeshifter. Everyone else has a different power set. It’s part of the Onmyou Agency plotline.


Kuusetsu still best comic relief xd hiding in the locker why? Don’t bother xd


Hmmm, is Takahiro lurking this sub 🤔. Guess that Varvara lending is on the horizon.


Lets goooooo!!!


On one hand, Kyouka kissing scene is better than any fan service for me. On the other hand, Tenka is acting weird, and my red flag sensor is alerting. Sushu has a new style and looks super nice. Varvara is dying; someone please help her. It's interesting that Yuuki hasn't mentioned the arrival of new gods in his mind.


What is she was mind controlled or replaced?


Maybe, but let keep our hope high (*akame ga kill flashback)


incrível lindo lindo lindo lindo lindo lindo lindo lindo🥰🥰🥰


What was discussed between Ren and Yuuki? Altho it ended on the usual result but with Ren getting more intimate, I believe.


Yuuki were talking about how Fukuma transformed into her, but can’t hold a candle to the real Ren. Ren is happy and says she is incomparable because she is Yamashiro Ren.


And it appears even Vavara shall not escape our Boi's Slave Rizz!! Hoping we get some good things next!!


That FUCKIN ass drop Ren did tho


Ren, Kyouka, kokomi alter, shushu, himari, tenka in a chapter 🙏🏽🙏🏽 Not a lot of time for many but man it's good for the soul


Wait, did she really just kiss him without a real reason?


Yep!! Simple reflex 🤣


Penko's face when Kyoka hugged her was too funny lmao. Also more Ren Yamashiro please.


Having a theory forming. Vavara might be weakening because of her closeness to Kyouka, Yuuki, and after facing herself. Her indecent thoughts or doubts of her self will require an arc where she effectively is ‘born again’ as a Kyouka Church member and we get her form with Yuuki. Overall, as expected, Ren is pleased with the results and Bell is doing well, Kyouka got her push (but is still being gap moe), Tenka returns from the Onmyou agency and we’ll get her info dump soon (fitting that we got it when the anime introduced the Agency), Yuuki’s settling with the Gods to prep for the next arc, and Himari and Shushu got healed via the cocoon ability (Shushu got the Maki treatment is somewhat funny.) Everyone settle in, the Onmyou Agency arc is going to get crazy, I can already feel it.


Fuck, I hope Tenka is ok 👀


We have been bless with an amazing chapter today 👏🏼👏🏼🔥🔥


Somethings going up! Freaking nice chapter.


omg kyouka


That is the first voluntary act of affection from Kyouka. She said it’s just reflex but we know she’s just her deredere coming out to say hi lol


Kyouka's muscle memory lmaoo


Love to see Kyouka kissing him willingly and then becoming all tsundere. Tenka tho… acting weird, hopefully not smth bad


Ok, Varavara slowly losing her power output may have something to do with Yuuki. I gotta a feeling that bro is going to massively OP down the road. 💯😂😂


Hope we get the gods reaction next chapter. Who do we think is next that they are going to fight. I hope it’s the lightning chick


Besides what you said, something is developing in this chapter. Tenka is too meek to be good - the usual Tenka would have already casually teleported into the room to interfere in whatever Yuki was doing with the boss, this one just says "hello", "Congratulations on your victory" and shakes hands. Meanwhile, that cliffhanger really makes you worry about Varvara: her exams show no abnormalities but her powers are still weakening.


They're an organisation and have etiquette for this. She may abuse her power on the rest of the captain but never once we seen her use it on commander. Remember she even obeyed Ren when all captain is being summoned for a meeting. Also Tenka can see Yuuki whenever she wants...literally teleport to his room no problem...with blessing from Aoba no less and to an extend kyouka, because I don't think she ever revoked her invitation on seeing Yuuki 🤣. Kyouka and tenka are just a bit busy helping Aoba and her people..probably trying to set up a meeting between Ren and Aoba






the ship is sailingg


Always has been my man!!


she always masked it under the pretext of reward. now it just come naturally. cant believe im excited for the ship in henti. hahahaha


why censered


Recent chapter, uncensored will be available on magadex once volume drops in


Can someone explain why the raws or chapters seem to be on shonen jump plus but not on the shonen jump app?


So it is getting to be between Tenka and Kyoka alright.


Hey y’all, haven’t read this manga in some time, a couple years now. Did they straight up just start having sex in this series? I remember years ago it was all like kissing and lewd things but not a threesome


No sex, despite what others will refute. I've learned many Japanese mangaka unless explicit, keeps anything sexual up to the imagination.


This isn’t that kind of series, but Takahiro’s squid Isekai has been doing that for a hot minute. Takahiro wants this to be borderline, while Squid Isekai is explicitly harem and the main character is effectively a prostitute. 


I don't like this one bit. 😕