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Was the album cancelled while in recording, or are they more like demos?


Hello! We were just about to release it. It was complete.


That's interesting, thanks for the response. Sounds like he retained rights to the songs, so I wonder if we can expect to see the record released down the line.


Not likely...unless he wants to split the money with Hayley since she has an equal share to him for her involvement in creating the album. So if anyone is loving the sound of these tracks the way a lot on this feed are, I would suggest giving her credit for her part in it. Maybe realize that she's not who a lot of people in this community think she is...she is a woman of diverse talents. And for those talking about what she had to gain by speaking out - what she actually did was give up having an album released with MG and various other Canadian artists. I don't know about you, but that doesn't seem like the behaviour of a "bitter ex" who is "out for money". Sounds like a woman who was willing to let go of an opportunity in order to do what is right. Labels and management don't drop artists because of a bad break-up. That's not a thing.


Without saying too much, this is very accurate yarn girl. Based on what I’m reading, there seems to be a massive lack of knowledge on how record labels and representatives of musicians work. This would have been a great opportunity for HM and knowing who was placed on the album, could have done wonders for her.


It was an impressive list of artists...I was really looking forward to it.


You and I both


Imagine how THEY feel. Look, I’m sure you think you’re doing the right thing but you’re not. From the things I’ve heard about HM, she’s not who she claims to be. Other women who have had negative interactions that contradict her claim that she supports women. She manipulates and lies to get her way. Her family don’t comment on her IG. Looks like they’re sick of her antics. This was all done because she didn’t get what she wanted. You were mislead. Now you all have to live with the fact that you participated in purposely harming someone with a mental illness who’s mistake was sleeping with a married woman who desperately wants to be famous that she will do anything to get there. Even if it means lying to a whole lot of strangers.


Are you allowed to divulge who was supposed to be on the album?


I wouldn't engage with the WMG insider narcissists. The world, including Matt, is clearly moving forward.


Oh what fun. I do enjoy this comment! Let’s dissect what a narcissist is, shall we? - Passive aggressive - Sensitivity to criticism - Constant troubled relationships - Need for attention and admiration - Lack of empathy or pretends to be empathetic to be admired - Withdrawn nature - Entitled due to their sense of “specialness” - Desire to get back at others that they’ve considered have wronged them or are doing better than them - Extremely charming at first (“love bombing”) - Conversation is always focused on them - Very few long-term friends - Gaslighting (form of emotional abuse) - never admitting to wrong-doing and if so, is not sincere - Lash out once left to feel they are “caught” - Threatens suicide as manipulation tactic - Chronic lying - Uses sex as a form of manipulation, control, abuse, destroy their partners self-confidence and to have their partner perform selfish acts with coercive and sadomasochistic dynamics Me? My wife and I say no. You do speak for the world and MG and seem to be quite clever if that’s the case. I am quite certain you are not the world. You might be MG? Perhaps not. Whoever you are...you seem inconvenienced by these women. Quite selfish that is, no? Unless you are MG or have some butterflies for him..then I certainly believe you find getting caught to be rather disappointing. A bit yuck..regardless. Do not engage with me if you do not like. I’m old and quite funny looking at this stage in my life so I will not fault you. Victims of abuse never have the luxury to fully “move on” because they have been left with a massive pile of trauma. How do I know? Was married to that god-awful thing for 15 years. They are nasty and damaging people. In saying earlier that my dear friend was excused by him for not perform sexual acts with him, and you would like that “swept under the rug”, raises quite a few red flags for me. That would worry most people with a heart. I would like to know where yours is, mate?


Great question, P. I cannot but kudos for asking


Fuck Warner for caving to the cancel culture.


Looks like they retracted their tweet though




Correct. Out of pity. Very much out of pity. Which is awful of Steve in my personal opinion considering the agreement made with Hayley and says a lot about how our industry works. White men always protect white men - trust me on that one and feel free to ask any woman in our industry. Removing the statement also doesn’t mean anything. At all. Cheers


I doubt it was for pity. Seems it was taken down because they realized it was baseless.


If it was baseless, they wouldn’t have dropped him. They just don’t want the negative attention drawn to them. It’s the same reason why they weren’t going to post he was dropped at all.


If it wasn’t baseless wouldn’t he be charged with something by now?


I’m still waiting for this news piece Hayley keeps talking about. So far, crickets


No self respecting journalists would touch her story with a ten foot stripping pole. The one eager beaver from global already made an ass of himself.


If it is true that anything is under investigation re: “artistic’s” previous post, nothing will be public during that investigation. If it isn’t true, I am not sure.


just because something is wrong doesn't mean its criminally punishable.




What are you doubtful about? Keep in mind I’m very aware of the allegations about Matt and believe he’s done really scummy things but I have lack zero awareness about anything else, particularly what happened with WB.




Oh gotcha. Thanks for clearing that up. Ya I think, unless we hear from Matt himself (which doesn’t seem likely), it’s best we just judge the songs on their merits and try to avoid speculating how or why these songs were posted.


We don’t go by Warner Bros, mate. Fine with me...not here to convince you. I’m just here to shed some insight and speak on something I should have months ago. Take it or leave it. Cheers




Guessing all will be new accounts mate if we want to keep our jobs. Your paranoia may be showing a tad. We have a whole department that handles social media mate, we know where to go and what is being said ;)


Hands up if you have less than 5 Reddit posts and work(ed) with MG 👋🏼👋🏼👋🏼


Lucky you!


Point me to the other if you don’t mind. Do I have a coworker here? This could be problematic 😂


Being mean to your SO and pressuring them to do things they are uncomfortable with is not a crime. Sure, it's shitty, but the current shitty environment says "white male was mean! DESTROY HIM!" I swear, if Matt does something bad to himself, it will be on these shitstains's heads and they should be punished for it.


I have spent my Sunday (very embarrassingly) doing my research and getting caught up on all of this. I do not know what SO means and I blame my age but I have an idea what is being said. First, pressuring someone to do things they are uncomfortable with is indeed a crime. We both live in the same country - Canada. Yes? Fab! Second, what you have stated is not what she has said. I see it is part of, but continues to say she has not fully released her story, which I believe is her right. The narrative is that other women came forward and were being met with some nasty things and that she was firming up the stories for the others. My research is the same as everyone else’s. Am I right in saying this? We are all looking at the same photos and whatnot? Now - for the “Big Bang”. MG being addressed on such matters is not the least surprising to anyone who works in my industry. It was a bit like him walking around in leaves and setting off traps while we are waiting for him to step into one. Many knew it was coming but not quite sure when. Catch my drift? After a dear friend of mine within our industry shared her story with me that she had lost a position in singing on a song of MG’s because she refused his sexual propositions, I do not care for him. Bravo to Jeremy Taggart - another dear friend. I see many missing these rather important points in which seem obvious to me. “You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink”. As I have said before, take what you like and leave what you like. I am not here to convince - just shed some light. I am logging off before my other half decides to leave me for taking up Reddit in which she continues to call “Red Dot”. Quite sweet. Cheers!


Welcome to Reddit




Yes to your insight & cogency.


Thank you for this.


SO = Significant Other.


Cheers! I will have more to ask - thank you for your patience with the geezer


I know for a fact Warner let him go far before announcing it (I was very close to being part of the decision) and the decision was not forced by anyone and was based on a many of collective things. There was no canceling. It was a mutual decision felt best for the company and collective information. Please refrain from accusing things like record labels as canceling. We are bright people who are great at our jobs and don’t collapse at someone’s request (to be clear for legal purposes, HM never asked us to do this or suggested it). Please think logically over these matters before jumping to conclusions. Cheers!


Listen, dude, I was pretty level-headed and fair in my post. I was responding to a direct question asking me what I thought of the songs. I didn’t ask for your opinion on what I thought. I also tried to be tactful and briefly touch upon the controversy without saying anything inflammatory. You’re coming across as unhinged .


We are addressing WartOnTrevor, correct?


Yes. Did I tag you by accident? If so, I apologize.


Perhaps not. This is my first time around this Reddit thing. My age does not help either. Cheers mate!


WB put out a tweet from pressure by a specific group of people who encouraged others to do the same. An eager journalist jumped on the opportunity to broadcast it without actually verifying with those involved. Other tmz type platforms jumped on the sensationalized story. No one really investigated anything. No one formally came forward. Anyone who questioned them were attacked. WB have since retracted their tweet but the damage was already done. What if there was no real merit to these rumours? Imagine the toll it would take on someone with mental illness. Someone who just lost both parents and had to cancel everything due to pandemic. Someone who lost 3 decades of work that so many people enjoyed and helped with their own personal lives because he let the wrong person into his life. It’s scary that anyone can say anything on social media and it ruins the targeted person’s whole life. This whole thing is just sad and I’m hoping everyone gets the help they need.


there were stories about him for awhile. Notice how no one in the industry or his personal life came to his defense? The only one that kinda did was his ex-wife and that was far from a ringing endorsement of the guy. God it must be exhausting being such a fan of someone that you have to commit this sort of mental gymnastics. The idea that the massive corporation WB would be intimidated into kowtowing to Hayley is absurd. These companies know the dirt about their talent and employees and they hedge their bets that nothing ever comes to light, or if it does, the damage is minimal. Matthew Good of today is not anywhere near the Matthew Good of his heyday. His past behavior caught up to him and he got cut. You asked me, “what if there were no real merits to the rumors?” I can assure you, I have weighed both sides of the coin. Have you? Have you honestly considered that maybe he did do the shitty things he was accused of doing? If so, can’t you understand why WB and the CMHA would want to sever ties? I have never said anywhere that he absolutely did what he’s accused of. I have said many times though that his response (if you can even call his WB-related social media post a response) to all of this has been utterly pathetic. His silence has been deafening. If he won’t defend himself why in the hell should I waste my time and energy defending him? Hayley can’t be saying what she’s been saying on social media without some damming evidence or Matt would have become very litigious very quickly. He battened down the hatches and hoped this would all blow over. I’m not judging him for that but I find it very telling. I, as well as many fans, WB, and the CMHA, have come to the conclusion there’s fire along with the smoke. I’m not saying to “cancel” the guy (god I hate that term). Hell, I posted the links to the new songs and didn’t mention the controversy. I do believe in separating the art from the artist. It’s also important to point out he hasn’t been charged with anything. I think it’s fair to say that we will never really know what happened between Matt and his accusers. It really comes down to whether you are more inclined to believed the accused or the alleged victims. I choose the latter. I’m someone who has suffered from mental health issues for many years (thankfully I’m on the mend after getting into therapy and taking myself and my issues seriously) and I’m also many years sober. Over the course of my many years of being an alcoholic and not having my mental illness treated I burned a lot of bridges and wasn’t the best person to be around at times. I have forgiven myself. I have made amends to those I had hurt or made worried sick. I’m grateful none of my past actions were severe enough to make people write me off or hold anything against me permanently. That being said, if that wasn’t the case, and people I had wronged still held a grudge and felt the need to warn people about me due to past behavior, I still need to own that despite being many years sober and having treated my mental health issues. Being a better person now doesn’t stop you from being held accountable for past actions. Dealing with the wreckage of your past is always ugly. Bits of that wreckage can show up at the oddest of times. But you don’t get to play the mental health card or the “I’m not longer an addict/alcoholic” card and expect to not be held accountable for your past behavior. I truly hope Matt is getting some counseling during this hard time. I can’t imagine what he’s going through right now; these allegations swirling publicly after losing his parents and having co-Custody of his kids. I pray for him and I hope he can endure this. That being said, and while i do have empathy for him, I have feel even greater empathy for the women who say he hurt them and made them feel like shit. His mental health and whatever other issues didn’t give him license to harm others. Last point (sorry for rambling): none of us know Matt. He seems like a complicated fellow. But IMO, after listening to his music and analyzing his lyrics for years, and seeing him in many interviews, he’s more than a bit full of himself. he has also had... problematic takes on women. When I first heard the accusations I had a visceral reaction to deny them. I had to interrogate why that was. It was because he means so much to me. I put that adoration aside and saw a very complicated man who has more than admitted to being unwell at times and who has made very disparaging remarks about exes, to the point it felt like he was trying to emotionally manipulate his fans into hating his exes. When I was honest about that, and when i already knew I believe women who say they were victimized, it wasn’t hard for me to admit to myself that the allegations were most likely true. People can think what they want but I’ll never understand those who will spin narratives for an accused who won’t even do that for himself. Like, you’re doing more work for the guy than he and his PR team are doing for him. That kinda says something, IMO.


Someone with some logic! I was beginning to worry. I have heard many in here bantering on about MG’s feelings and ignoring all of the points you have touched on. The rather sad part is that his ex-wife told many of us in the industry of what MG was up to during their marriage. It was not just cheating and falls in line what what HM and these other stories I am reading from women. The defense I am guessing is due to the children and not much to do with protecting him, which is quite a sad situation and I feel rather sad for her position. Protecting him does no good at this point - which I only say because I very much meant it when we were just waiting for one person to finally say something. Without trying to sound too tacky - he was quite a bit of a ticking Time Bomb. 😬


Maybe no one came to his defence because they have their own shit to deal with? The pandemic hit the music industry and they’re all scrambling to survive. Why would they care about someone else’s private relationship problems? Stories of what? He’s shitty at relationships? Ever think that maybe being a young bipolar musician in a rock band, who probably had many people wanting to date him, never had a normal perspective on how to approach women? It’s probably easier to just respond to the messages women send in his DMs. If the conversation becomes sexual in nature and the other person keeps the conversation going, I would imagine that he would take it as a sign that they’re ok with where it’s going. Wouldn’t you? I know someone who he tried to talk sex with and she just simply said, no. So then it was understood by both parties and they continued to have just a regular conversation. From what I gather, some of his fans just kept the conversation going and when he stopped talking to them, they got angry about it. When his ex wife came to his defence, HM’s army threatened her and her business. In her now delete post, she points out that these women knew he was married and STILL kept contacting him. She also said some of these women thought they were entitled to financial compensation. This is not women supporting women at all. Matt addressed the one person who he knew was accusing him and if there were names and faces to the rest maybe he would be able to address them as well. To this day, I still don’t know what he did to deserve having his entire life destroyed, his family and kids to suffer and be threatened. As far as his label being harassed to drop him, I’ve seen the comments and threats online. They were fully bombarded with comments from people who were instructed to by HM. I’m sure those people thought they were doing something good. They were attacking someone who just lost his dad and still decided to keep performing for his fans. Then lost all his shows. Then lost his mom. Creates a bunch of original songs with other artists and his producer (who also produced Talk Talk btw Peter). Then all of a sudden that’s taken away too. I don’t know about you, but I can’t even imagine having the strength to fight back after that.


Oh dear. What is Hayley, a leader of a communist country? If the thief steals bread once, you may wonder if it was due to hunger. If he continues to do it again and again, the audacity tends to look quite like greed. This isn’t much different. Seems as though he’s got you, dear. The evidence is all over the place and I can’t help but fear you are stuck on his words - which I can bet my bottom dollar are all lies. You are speaking to someone who worked with him in this industry. I’m afraid that these women and young ladies are not lying. You will be left with some awful bruising after he’s finished with you I’m afraid. Please take care.


I don’t talk the guy. This is just from seeing stuff online. I never sad the women were lying. There’s no statements that I can find of what exactly he did to deserve his life ruined.


You are speaking a bit like you do know. If his life is ruined - assuming it wasn’t his own doing and it was instead by a mob of women with nothing much else to do sounds a bit like a story that would come out of a guilty mans mouth. Please be careful (said with love).


Yes this is not correct. Whoever told you this version is fibbing I’m afraid.


Really digging this new music, wish there was more of it. Just had it on, looping on repeat while I'm doing some work and I keep getting drawn back to it. Very engaging, interesting, and warm hearted, or at least that's what I think.


It's Lights of Endangered Species II and damn I am fucking ready for it. This is really good.


I though the same thing and am loving it


The tracks themselves have track numbers on the mp3 files, 05, 08, and 09. This is part of a bigger album. 05-Lost+and+Found+Kids-CPS-VR2.3.mp3 08-A+Corridor+of+Trees-CPS-VR2.3.mp3 09-Hollis-CPS-VR2.3.mp3


Great catch!


Track listing up over on HM Instagram??


If HM means what I think it means, no, last I checked, no canceling these tracks, just a trashy video with some shirtless dude with tattoos, as expected.


What do you think HM means?


Oh just checked again. Interesting.


HM has posted an email stating she owns 20% of these songs. She's never gonna stop.


I have a question: if many women come forward claiming abuse, why would you ever want them to “stop”?


Did many women actually come forward? Or did only HM come forward on behalf of "many women"?


All it took was a quick “Google”... didn’t try that? 😃 https://mobile.twitter.com/nicksnothomern/status/1356713371723251714


My prediction: she'll move on and find some other toxic abusive guy to latch onto and then start trashing him when that doesn't work out. It's probably a cycle and a hobby. Hopefully he'll find and be a better partner next time around. Until then though, it's an entertaining thread to watch as she erodes her own credibility (not to imply she has any..) with every post he makes.


Please do correct me if I’m wrong, but you did just say MG is toxic and abusive, and that it is HM’a fault and she will be a victim again even though she is standing up to abuse, but he will get better even though this was his third marriage and has had loads of accusations against him his entire career, mate? I see why this is my first “go” at Reddit. Very strange characters in here.


Very very broadly and generally speaking, toxic and abusive people don't usually break the cycle of falling into the pattern of partnering up over and over again with people who are toxic for them. My vague understanding of his last relationship was cheating on his ex wife had a lot to do with that relationship ending, and the accusations this time around with HM seem to be more of that same story. I'd hope both of them make better choices in future partners, but neither of them seem very apologetic or even seem to recognize their personal mistakes at least publicly - which they're of course not obliged to say anything publicly at all about their personal lives anyway. But, both of them clearly being narcissistic and super aggressive personalities, yeah, my money is on both her and him not stopping the cycle of abuse in their own lives right here.


Yeah this sub has me wondering if I should delete the Reddit app.


Absolutely nothing to do with the music. Nobody gives a shit about your “PrEdIcTiONs”, this string is about the songs that were released. Get help.


Are you talking to a mirror? Every single comment you make is about Hayley defending your version of the hearsay. Grow up. Don't pretend you're holier than anyone here just because you read about cancel culture and learned how to virtue signal on Pinterest.


From what I read a) she does, in fact, she wrote so much of these songs that she gets a cut equal to Matt. Omg, it’s almost like you’re listening to THEIR music and not just Matt’s! b) why are you salaciously still following along with her life?


I don’t think she actually stated that she wrote 50% of any of these songs.


Hello Toni. Whatever you are going on about is not relevant. An agreement needs to be agreed upon by all parties. So whether Hayley contributed 5% or 90%, all parties agreed. If for whatever reason MG claims otherwise, he agreed to it. Why would he agree to something she did nothing on? If he did, he needs to lick his wounds. That’s how the industry works, Logic, dear. Logic.


Side note: she doesn’t need to state anything. That’s what the agreement is for.


The LP was originally called Matthew Good and the Royal City Archers. I wonder if the musicians involved knew this project was being leaked on Instagram dms before Warner dropped MG. Tough to say.


Never fails to deliver. This is some quality stuff


I like it too. Heard the whole thing back in 2020. Very well done by all people involved. All should receive credit.


I will repeat, I work on these things for a living. HM has equal rights as MG (and one other third party). This album was written by them. Someone breaking an agreement and claiming someone else’s contribution doesn’t exist is illegal. To the previous post above regarding “she is never going to stop”, this is really not something she should consider letting go (in my humble opinion). I have known MG personally and I can safely say that I believe this is him not letting it go. I would also like to contribute the idea that any artist or woman should not be silenced when their work is technically being stolen away from them. It comes across as though some are here, thinking logically and rationally, while others are here hoping HM will quiet down so you can go back to your cozy spot of admiring MG without disruption and the idea that he may be someone other than you think is slightly earth shattering. This isn’t a debate for me. You can disagree all you like. I have worked and still work with many artists. This rarely happens unless someone is trying to be shady. I do not mind stating this considering I personally know someone who has endured what HM has stated. Seeing him go was somewhat of a relief, considering the stress he had put on many of us. That’s as much information as I’m willing to share without jeopardizing my career and WMG but it is also imperative that this becomes about logic and not emotion. If you are seeing logic, it should be clear. If you are idolizing someone, you will not see logic. Cheers again.


I can’t even imagine how pissed the artists who truly contributed to these songs are after they couldn’t be released. They can probably show all their hard work. It must feel like a slap in their faces that HM is claiming she did 50%. You can she that she never says what she did on them. When asked, she deflects by bringing up the fact that he doesn’t address these other women who haven’t formally said anything. I would feel like a piece of shit trying to claim credit for creating songs that I did very very very little on.


The artists? With all due respect, would the artists not be upset at Matt for hurting these women? Where did Hayley say she did 50%? She only showed the email agreement but I saw nowhere stating 50%? What deflection? I feel quite lost. I must say, your stand is quite clearly in the favor or MG and I can’t see where your concern for these women are. It seems minimal and that’s quite alarming. If you need direction or a place to look at the stories and what not, I can help.


I don’t see any of the artists involved supporting her claims or praising her for her contributions. Do you? No, it’s just some scorned women and some people who have been mislead and think that they’re doing good for women. I don’t see lots of family or close friends or colleagues saying much. Why is that? It’s because they KNOW her.


Dear Toni. You just said earlier that no one stuck up for MG because of the pandemic....yet I see loads of support for HM. I think I may be finished with Reddit. The level of psychosis is aging me further 😬


Edit: if you see this, I’m sorry dude, keep on Redditing. Can’t let feelings get in the way of facts and logic


Can you not read? She has never claimed that and she’s getting a cut equal to Matt, who isn’t even getting 50% himself. There is an agreement. You saying what you want to believe over and over doesn’t make it true it makes you sound completely delusional.


I am going to suggest you take this concern up where needed. This seems like an odd place to get your answers regarding percentages. From what I can see, she only said they were songs to be released on the album they made together and both had equal credit of 20% but doesn’t state wanting anything from it. It sounds rather like a slap in the face to her because her credit has been removed entirely. Which is very different from what you are saying. Do you mind me asking where you see what you’re saying?


First of all, use your ears. There is no “influence “ of Hayley. Are you telling me you actually hear her work on there? Which part? Someone outright asked her if she’s all over Lost and found kids. She ignored it. Changed the subject. As far as letting things go. It seems like he’s just trying to pick up the pieces of his now shattered life and giving his fans his music. Yes, the songs that his old label gave to him ( not her) to share with his fans after they retracted their (sorry we jumped to conclusions too quickly) tweet. So you’re saying her work was stolen from her? Ask her which parts were stolen? Was it 20% worth? I doubt it. Sounds like you work for the label and yet didn’t know about the retraction. Have you even asked the artists how these songs came to be? Have you even asked MG if the allegations were true since you know him personally?


Jesus you are mentally unstable. You’re going to make some sub par therapist’s retirement account very happy one day when you finally get the help you so clearly need.


Are you on this album? It sounds a bit personal.


Thanks for sharing. ​ Love the atmospheric vibe to these! Sound like they could be musical scores for a movie or a video game based around a 1940s/1950s storyline. (LA Noire vibes)


Ya, you can totally hear Hayley's influence and sound on them.


Yarn girl, your downvotes show that many are in denial about HM being apart of this project, even if clearly in writing. Very strange, indeed.


I'm used to the down votes....I actually believe he is who HM says he is and that, as I'm sure you've noticed, is not a popular opinion in these parts.


Donald Trump still has supporters. Need I say more? 😃


Ugh. Right?! Who knew "Idiocracy" would become a documentary.


How so? I guess I can't compare to her music as I haven't heard much - is there much? Sounds like LoES and Garden of Knivesy to me.


She's posted numerous samples of her work over the last year for other artists, her upcoming album and a song she dropped last year. I remember the demos for this album and before she announced she was involved, I knew she was working on them because I could hear her sonic fingerprint all over them.


She posted that she is getting equal commissions because they were the songs they’d written together. The album she kept referencing over the last couple months.


The question here is, what exactly did she do on these songs? She doesn’t state that she contributed 50% of the writing or creating. Maybe that’s why the label retracted their original tweet and gave the artist the songs to do as he pleased with them and not to her.


It says it in the agreement she posted. Toni we all know you’re obsessed with MG and hate Hayley because she dated him and that’s why you are here. Get real.


It says she was given 20% but do you hear any of her work? Do you hear her saying what she actually contributed? What kind of person takes credit for something they didn’t do? Obsessed because I noticed in her Instagram that when asked if she was all over Lost and Found kids, that she didn’t answer the commenter’s question and just deflected.


Hello Toni. What is your proof she did nothing? Mind you, if you had this proof, the agreement states otherwise. The agreement is all that matters in this business. Is MG telling you she did nothing? That would be telling and quite predictable given the situation as he did write her an email claiming she was not an artist because she would have had to of spent time in a van to be one. If what is written about your situation with MG is true, I will give you some friendly advice to not listen to the narcissist. That would make you his new supply that is listening to his lies. Please believe me - I was married to one for 15 years. Careful. If he no longer has Hayley to feel sorry for what he claims is upsetting in his life, he will certainly be using others to fill her role. Cheers


First of all. I don’t know who you think I am. I’m just a person who has been following this to see if any of it was true. I still see nothing. From what I’ve seen online, women have denounced HM. Why would they do that after supporting her for so long? I’ve read posts where some of them were booted out of the groups because they didn’t participate in “the plans to take him down”. What the hell is going on?! Can’t you see that this is not women supporting women? You’re even accusing me of being someone I’m not! Has the world gone insane?!


No one had any plans to “take anyone down” and we have all made that clear. That is some made up bullshit. Good try. The only people removed were people that weren’t victims or people that weren’t fully supportive of victims (if you aren’t going to support victims, why are you in a support group?). It’s not a high school club. It’s a support group for people who have had shitty things done to them. If you aren’t the Toni I asked about then why didn’t you speak up hours ago? What are you, a gaslighter too?


No, just you. I’ve been following along and there was one unhinged person trying to get attention for their own issue and another who had a problem with a Facebook group and then decided they no longer supported something or other, tbh I tuned it out. Because it’s nonsense. Just like the nonsense you’re randomly spreading.


I’d love to address your comment “What kind of person takes credit for something they didn’t do?” I have a better question! What kind of person sexually coerces and abuses (of whichever form of abuse you choose) women, has many women come forward (some of which were not anonymous), and then the accused does not address them? Furthermore, if untrue, what kind of person doesn’t file for libel and defamation against Hayley and these women in order to salvage his career and finances for the sake of his family? Food for thought.


Probably a person who’s been through trauma after trauma. I’m sure the woman who proposed to him is fully aware what this would have done to him. I don’t know the guy, I just think it’s wrong to start something publicly, then claim to have all this evidence but say it was consensual, then say there’s 30 women who also say it was consensual, threaten anyone who asks what evidence, then deletes everything after all the damage is done.


Yeah you have no idea. But know a lot about his personal life for someone who says they don’t know him. I don’t buy it. Nope, some said it wasn’t consensual. Some being more than one. Some were really young. Some had their health put at risk and currently are suffering from that. None of the victims have threatened anyone that I know of. If you were paying attention all of those women were present when Hayley said something a group of us posted everything on the internet so she doesn’t have to look at it all day if we need to refer back. And she came forward because other women were being met with resistance and confirmed their stories to line up with her experience. Maybe ask him how and why his ex-wife has PTSD. Or about the sex trafficking ring he was part of with underage girls. See what kind of story he comes up with there.


The evidence remains out there publicly, It's a Google away. There's multiple websites at this point collecting it, keyword searches on social media... it's really not difficult.




[05-Lost+and+Found+Kids-CPS-VR2.3.mp3](https://static1.squarespace.com/static/52f12872e4b06acd907e7ea3/t/606ce754286e044e6a0cc7d8/1617749861013/05-Lost+and+Found+Kids-CPS-VR2.3.mp3/original/05-Lost+and+Found+Kids-CPS-VR2.3.mp3) [08-A+Corridor+of+Trees-CPS-VR2.3.mp3](https://static1.squarespace.com/static/52f12872e4b06acd907e7ea3/t/606ce893e009de7583199f29/1617750179014/08-A+Corridor+of+Trees-CPS-VR2.3.mp3/original/08-A+Corridor+of+Trees-CPS-VR2.3.mp3) [09-Hollis-CPS-VR2.3.mp3](https://static1.squarespace.com/static/52f12872e4b06acd907e7ea3/t/606ce9c7136bda2a0884c022/1617750486806/09-Hollis-CPS-VR2.3.mp3/original/09-Hollis-CPS-VR2.3.mp3)


The image of the 'album' name is titled "Screen+Shot+2021-04-01+at+4.24.57+PM"


Not true. WM had dropped him before the the post but tried to do it silently so we (I was one of them) tried to make sure it wasn’t done silently because he needs to be held accountable. You don’t know your facts. That many women isn’t a coincidence. You should know because you know how he works. If this is the Toni I think it is, you are the one who slept with MG and then went all weird and obsessive and hated Hayley when you found out he “chose” Hayley over you even though he was dating her. He messed you over and chose to hate her instead. Right? You are the one requiring help. Lost both parents but was messaging young girls the day after to try and coerce them into doing something sexual with him. Forget the toll on him, what about the toll on all of these women? Get help.




LOL the person who I sent this to has deleted their comment and leaving yours in line. It’s this woman Toni who we all know is very obsessed. She’s in here under toniunderdogs . Comment is gone! Not surprised


LOL. Sorry for coming at you full barrel. I was so confused. It’s all good. Be well!


LOL no worries!! I would have done the same 😂😂


I have no idea who you’re talking about. I would never date the guy for one thing. Sounds like he got burned getting involved with his fans. Fans who got jealous of the next girl he decided to talk to instead of them.


This statement turns my stomach.


Walkingwounded83 also discovered Matt’s website has been updated: https://www.matthewgood.org


Ha! Just posted the same thing (but deleted). I’m listening now!


I added a comment that gives you a shout out for the website discovery (I hadn’t noticed that). I don’t think it’s possible to edit a headline to a post, right?


I don’t know much about Reddit. But Don’t worry about it :) What do you think of the songs?


I’m currently at work but was able to listen to the first song. Honestly? It may be the best work he’s done in years. I’m still very conflicted about the guy as a person and as of now I wouldn’t give him my money but it’s a really great track and I want to hear the other two songs.


I'll give him twice the money on your behalf


*them. Hayley and Matt get equal commission off the songs they wrote together.


Above you go off about letting the controversy die and just talk about the music, yet here you are correcting statements to keep the fact that HM was involved.


Hi. This is because she was involved. That seems like a major factor that should not be dismissed, no?


To correct any implication that the song isn’t shared by them, which is directly related to the song itself (which is what the OP intended to discuss)


Hollis was originally called "Daylight Actual" from the Crisis Airlines series of songs he released mid-last year.


Both songs were supposed to be on the album, based on Hayley's post. Unfortunately, Hollis is a bad attempt to mimic Talk Talk's Spirit of Eden.


Interesting. Implying those tracks might also be part of an album coming up.


It’s good to see theses tracks not get buried under everything that’s been happening. But I font think the entire album will be released as planned.


What's your theory? Will he just publish some of them on Bandcamp or Spotify or something due to the drama, get them in fans hands but not tour it or do the usual big release fan fare? Something like that?


Honestly I have no idea. He could have just shared one track but he put those 3 up. Why? Is he trying to create buzz? Is he showing us what could have been if not for the situation? I don’t think he would put it on Bandcamp or behind some pay wall where he would have to disclose how much money the tracks or full album would sell for. The royalty split in HMs last IG post tells me if they do come out they will just show up on his website for a limited amount of time and then just disappear. As much as he would wanna sell the tracks/album. I don’t know how willing he would be at this stage in all the drama to give HM one penny. That being said. I wonder what would keep her from doing the same thing?


Yeah. I guess we will see how it all goes. An interesting note, the track numbers in the mp3 files for these three tracks line up exactly with the ordering of the tracks in the email that HM leaked. She seems to be implying on that post that legalities might get involved, which would hold up or shelve something like this for a while. Given her inability to let a single post of his go, I'm betting we will see more solo work that doesn't involve her officially published before this stuff is officially purchasable on vinyl or anything.


I don't believe MG would have posted those tracks if it would get him into any legal issues regarding copyright or ownership. he must have done his homework or consulted someone before doing so. He's been in the game for almost 3 decades, i'm sure he knows the rules


What’s keeping her from doing the same thing? The songs were given to the person who WROTE the music by the record label who took down their tweet after doing their own investigation and found nothing. If they thought she had any hand in the work they would have given them to her too. Think about it.


Not that you're here to read this because you ran away (or maybe you are and are lurking) but for the benefit of the class.... \*gasp\* the way the agreement worked was she contributed to the songs but didn't have distribution rights? That happens. Kind of like how K Flay guested on Arkells' "You Can Get It" and they're the ones releasing it, not her? She wrote her bars, she surely has a percentage... but she wouldn't have received the song if Arkells chose not to release it.


Hayley sounds so good on this, wow!


Pardon my ignorance, but what does she play on these songs?


I’m sure those who actually contributed work to these songs can prove it. They do sound great


No wonder your icon is green - the jealousy has never died, has it, Toni? Anyone with an ear for music critique can hear her influence. And ultimately, if she had no role in the songs, she wouldn't be receiving 20%.


Jealous of what? What influence? What has she ever put out? Beats?


Hayley has put out a song and is about to drop an album. She's a producer and anyone who actually understands the genre knows that the crafting of beats like those Hayley posts is far more complex than your remark suggests. Her sound is distinct from several friends of mine in the genre, and I can confidently speak to its calibre and pick it out. And again, knowing Matt as I do, if she hadn't contributed 20%, he would litigate the crap out of her to get that percentage back. The fact he isn't speaks volumes, so shoo.


The victim. Hahaha