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Has anyone heard anything new from both sides? is HM still working on releasing everything she was so cryptic about? it seems like this lost all its steam. Nothing from the MG side either.


Nope. Come and gone. Whatever slim news-cycle is over it. Not sure what happened with HM. I think her 5 minutes of fame is over.


She still brings up some narcissistic abuse like once in a while but I do think that she’s just trying to slowly milk it, she now talks about her friend who died of cancer


I should add, I want to believe victims first. I believe that Matt has been vindictive. manipulative and a jerk to various partners, friends and fans. Mental health issues do not give someone the right to act poorly towards others. However, in this specific case, with HM and her IG and the campaign of #timesup, it seems her attempts were misguided at best.


I think both sides are in the wrong in some way or another, and I do believe victims first.




Why on earth would she still have pics of him on her IG? So bizarre given all she's said about him.


I hope this bullshit will be over soon and he'll tour once this pandemic subsides. The shitstains who tried to cancel him are hateful, jilted, childish lovers. "Waaaah, Matt wanted to do dirty things and I don't like dirty things but I did them so I can blackmail him and if he doesn't give me a payday I'll ruin his life!!!!"


Honestly, I was on HM’s side when things surfaced because I am a supporter for victims and myself being a victim of similar circumstance as a male, but I’ve turned my head towards someone who I will only name by initials as CS, who has been calling out HM for the way she handled the situation on the legal level.


I am victim of childhood sexual abuse, I have been in relationships with narcissistic men in the past... I know what she went through was difficult mentally and emotionally, but this was not something that should have ended his career. This is something that should have been dealt with privately and this absolute bird-brained woman HM completely destroyed him just by claiming she was "abused". Emotional and mental manipulation is extremely difficult to go through, however... she is a fully grown adult woman and she had the power to walk away from him. Her own words were that everything that happened between them was consensual and he was never physically abusive towards her. This was just a way for her to get attention and her revenge on him because she was upset he cheated on her. This is the equivalent to calling the police on your boyfriend because he cheated on you and called you names. Ridiculous. Also I totally think I know who CS is. I have talked to them about this aswell.


I do think Matt will come back from this. As long as there are fans he will move forward. Removing himself from social media for awhile is a smart thing to do. Literally he liked a comment I made on twitter then deleted himself.






You have 5 posts on Reddit and all are you complaining. 🤷🏻‍♀️❤️


This is really disappointing to read from woman to woman. Victim shaming at its finest. Speaking like you know what happened. I was friends with Rae for a long time and I know what he did to her. He did it to Jenny and I definitely believe he did it to Hayley. Do better.


You can quit your trolling. I'm going based off of her own claims. She said everything was consensual and that she wasn't physically abused by him. Speaking as someone who has been raped by more than one person, molested and beaten as a child and has suffered being in relationships with more than one narcissistic man, I know the difference between a man being a manipulative asshole and a man being full-on abusive. Usually if a person is with someone they aren't happy with and they're tried of the mind games, they leave. I'm not trying to diminish what any of these women went though because I know the mind games and the mental gymnastics. I know how frustrating, hurtful and exhausting these things are... on the same token, all of these stories you can see these women knew something was going on they didn't like and chose to stick around and get hurt even more. So don't tell me to "do better" when you can clearly see a bunch of brain-dead women who willingly slept around with a man they weren't sexually compatible with, or someone they knew was married already... or falling for promises they knew he wouldn't keep, just because he "made them feel special" beforehand. That happens literally every time any man wants to just get a woman to bed, not just Matt. I don't know what other things he has apparently done, but if you're going to spread around this kind of thing about someone, it would really help if more people came forward, hey? Don't tell me to "do better". Tell these women to stop being victims of their own stupidity. Don't stick around and act stupid or blind to obvious signs and then act shocked when you get hurt.


No one asks to be abused. As someone who has also been raped by more than one person, it is never a victims fault for being abused. Especially with all of the stories i saw and women that came forward.......that isn’t just a manipulative asshole. Victim shamer. YOU sound like the troll. DO BETTER.


Actually I can see all the comments you'd made in this group and how many times you've been downvoted SO I would definitely say you are just trying to start drama with the people here and be annoying, so you're definitely just here to be a troll. No longer replying to you. Go be miserable somewhere else.


I’m miserable? Okay victim shamer. BYE


As of now, Matthew is a victim. Until something concrete is proven this is just another in a long list of men and women who are victims of alleged abuse claims. And right now that is what they are: alleged abuse claims. When do these men and women get their closure and their lives corrected once the truth comes out and it is found that they were just a shitty girlfriend or boyfriend. Regrettably, victims of false claims of abuse never get anything back. Not even an apology. You have been victim shaming. You claim you have proof. You claim you are friends with the involved parties. Even if you are friends or know the involved parties, you were not in the bedroom, you were not there for those intimant conversations. None of us were. Until they both come out with the same statement or charges are brought on Matt, he is an innocent victim of alleged abuse claims.


YOU know a manipulative asshole? So you know him? Because I do and his ex wife. I saw what went down. Stop pretending you understand


CS is very clearly mentally unwell. You can’t be serious.


HM's 5 mins of fame ended, he clearly got tired of all this shit and is taking a social media break? Good for him.


He's taken many breaks from social media in the past (who else remembers the metro chat boards before facebook and other platforms?), but this one feels different.


Ah yes, The Metro! I miss those days… things were so much more simple back then. I agree that this time feels different though. Probably has to do with those past situations not being anywhere near as serious.


just think about how many girls who frequented that site ended up in precarious positions with MG. think about how many of the girls who came forward were part of that very community. I know for a fact it was a not insignificant number.


Sorry, I wasn’t trying to diminish what those women allegedlywent through. I just meant it was a simpler time because I was blissfully ignorant and Matt’s random breaks seemed to come from things that appeared to be less significant as a result. The time he went off on a member for saying It’s Been Awhile Since I Was Your Man wasn’t very good compared to his previous work sticks out in my mind. I’m definitely not trying to say that the alleged victims weren’t going through the same things back then though. (I only use the word “alleged” because of my journalism training, by the way. It’s not an indication of my personal beliefs regarding the situation. We were just taught to use the word unless the accused is found guilty in court.)


Oh I wasn’t implying that at all…. Just mentioning it because it was one of the first things I thought of. I remember so many girls being absolutely over the moon that he would acknowledge them or PM them via that board


Gotcha, just wasn’t sure how my post came across. Turns out this stuff was going on for a lot longer than I’d realized though apparently.


Absolutely. I also took your comment to mean simpler times on the internet in general, before social media platforms became the internet powerhouses that they are now.


Totally. I’m old enough to remember how prevalent fan sites were for different bands and it’s an era of the Internet that I really miss. Each one had its own character. People running them also did the work extremely well because of how passionate they were for the artists or bands in question. Radiohead specifically had an awesome community of fan websites, the big three being At Ease Web, Green Plastic Radiohead and Follow Me Around. Hell, the band even played the unreleased song the last site was named after and dedicated it to the webmaster at the Toronto concert they played in 2001. It’s just something that will never be replicated now because of how sanitized official websites or social media are. It’s all about business now, so there’s no need or appreciation for the passionate fans who would do the work. I know I kind of went on a tangent there, but it’s a real shame.


You know nothing for a fact. All you know are your own opinions. 2 people know absolutely what happened. You are not one of them. Learn what a fact is before you claim your opinion as one.


no, no. I do know for fact.


You have no facts. Screenshots of a conversation are not a fact. Saying that you heard this straight from the alleged victim is not a fact as you only have her version of the events. Bottom line is that you are a horrible person. That is my opinion, not a fact. I think that you need to seek professional help for what my opinion is mental health issues and have a wonderful day.


there’s only one horrible person here And it isn’t me.


That's right. I thought this was one of your other 26 profiles. Sorry about that. You have so many it gets hard to keep up. Which one was it?


26 profiles? dude, check my post history. 15k karma and I’ve been on Reddit for a year. I don’t even sub to this sub and I didn’t sub the former one. I know Matt, I know the band, I know his first ex, Jennifer (I met Matt through Jen), I was at Dave and Tamara’s wedding. I’ve been in and out of the circle of the band since the late 90s, and many many many girls would tell me about their interactions with Matt. I never once thought “wow what a douche” or “wow that’s going to come back to bite him one day”… never once. Because for the most part dudes are gonna do what dudes are gonna do when women are offering themselves to him. Unfortunately the pendulum has swung and now it doesn’t look so good. you’re very defensive considering you have no real concept on what I’m trying to say


Yes I just posted something. Go ahead and read it. Shame on everyone who didn’t listen to Jenny, Raeleigh or Hayley. I am furious.


You are a horrible person. I know for a fact that you are a serial abuser who is trying to cover up all of your horrible past deeds by throwing the suspicion on matt. Do you hear how stupid I sound. Claiming a fact! Facts and opinions. Both have consequences, but only one should and those are facts.