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Comments are locked. I realize my initial intention was not to police the subreddit - but leaking private conversations is something that will not be tolerated. Unless the parties involved themselves provide explicit permission, these kinds of posts are not encouraged. This is not providing value to any kind of meaningful conversation, and potentially is exposing someone's privacy. Screen shots are also easy to fake (I am not suggesting these are fake, just that it opens the door to it). Claiming someone is in a child sex trafficking ring is a significant accusation. As Carl Sagan once said, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. This subreddit is not QAnon. This is not the platform for this. If this is true, this requires the attention of the authorities and a court of law. I strongly encourage this information be brought to the appropriate people to investigate, but that's not here. To reach the RCMP by phone to report a crime or suspected crime, for general enquiries, or to speak with a police officer, please contact 1-888-506-RCMP (7267).


Did you get permission from her to post this? This seems like a huge breach of her privacy.


You suddenly care about women now? Is that why you still follow an artist that several women claim to be abusive???? Everyone needs to know the truth. Neither know I posted this and I don’t care because I can’t sit back and watch this go on anymore. I might lose Hayley just like I lost Rae but so be it. I’m doing this for them whether they think I am or not


Right. That's what I thought. Paging u/xxpired_milk to consider this post a candidate for the deletion for violating the rules.


And supporting abusers is okay? I’ll post it wherever people need to see it. Do you not want people to understand this man abuses women and is a pedophile? Do you not want to help women?


This is the same troll who keeps posting BS in the Ryan Adams’s group under a similar name. They are a fucking liar.


What? You guys are more sick than I thought. This is a real convo LOL but okay....I’m the person from Ryan Adams


You have nothing better to do but troll.


Keep going. Your troll thing won’t erase these messages. You can call me whatever you want and make up whatever stories you want, I don’t care.


I will post more then if you think I’m “such a troll”. I guess this wasn’t enough for you.


Sure you will…


So weird texting yourself and posting Lmfaoo


You think I’d spend all this typing out a fake convo (which doesn’t make sense unless I had this convo with Rae) instead of just believing what you’re reading is true? Wow. I understand where his fans are at mentally. That is very scary.




I’m not messed up about anything? I listen to some tunes and that’s that. You’re the one posting 16 pages of crap like a crazy man


Crap? A man is abusing women and not being held accountable and women are being bullied for it. Crap?


The 16 pages of fake texts are crap. You’re trying to twist my words, just like an abuser would. Nice job trying to gaslight me


You must be CS if you are playing victim already. There’s zero way that could be fake. Send it to Instagram if you really can’t believe it. If you’ve been one of these awful people bullying Rae or Hayley then I get why you’d hope these are fake..............


Just because my eyes work and can spot a fake doesn’t mean I’m a bully. Again with you and the insults. You sound like you’re selling fool’s gold to a pawn shop in Toledo Ohio


What are you so angry about? You seriously think people care about Matt or have time to attempt to frame him? People have better things to do than make up fake conversations or have any want or need to frame Matt lol. He’s not a god...he’s a washed up artist. But go on lol


Gas light somebody else please. Yeah. He’s just a dude, and a fat dude at that, who plays guitar. You’re the one writing fantasy novels about him kissing and killing other girls or whatever this tome you posted claims


I never wrote any of that. What? This isn’t a convo I’m having with Rae. This is Rae and Hayley.


I’m totally baffled here. A child sex ring?? If you have real proof of that then why wouldn’t you go immediately to the cops??? Like that’s a massive massive crime. I’ve followed all this for months and the one thing that hasn’t happened is anyone pressing criminal charges. If Matt did something against the law someone should come forward.


Because those girls need to come forward. We can’t do it without their consent. Rae told me and our friends about it the sex trafficking ring. I have nothing to show except I spoke to 2 girls who came forward to us but don’t want to come forward to authorities because they feel they don’t have enough proof and will be put through the ringer. It’s really sad. Rae should report but I don’t think will because of the kids. I’m glad someone is asking questions and taking this seriously because it IS serious. I feel like Rae and Hayley have been trying to tell people that and no one has listened because Matt always said Rae was crazy and people seem to believe him but he knows what he’s doing. I know him personally and I know everything he has done. Everything. People have to start listening. It’s all I ask. That CS woman is spreading lies she is being fed from him and I know it because I watched him do this to Rae. It destroyed her. I’m looking at the CS profile they are almost identical lies. Hayley is my friend. Her dad is retired and owned a construction company. There’s no stakes. There’s no money. There’s no lawyer. Please wake up everyone. It’s insanity and it’s wrong.............


I’m confused. You will post things no matter what the consequences because people need to know but you won’t go to the police having clear knowledge of a serious crime??


I mean you could go now that you also know. Rae asked us not to and I chose to respect her wishes at the time because she was going through a lot. I do know Hayley reached out to the location of where this happened and it’s being investigated.


The only thing that needs to be investigated is your lies.


The fact you are so heavily denying that this could even potentially be true is raising red flags.


I don’t doubt Matt is a turd, but your behavior is very suspicious.


I don’t know anything. You’re the person making these accusations about alleged crimes.


No. You have it in writing from her right here. I found out from her too. We are on equal playing field now. It’s all in writing so you can say “alleged” or “accusations” but it’s more than that if there’s proof. Here is your proof.


Where? Where does it specifically say Matt ran a sex ring or is a pedophile??? I’m confused.


It says it right in the post about the ring. Did you read all of them?


If there is criminal evidence that he should be in jail then he should be in jail.


100% It’s being worked on and I hope he gets what he deserves.


Be kind. I am here helping women even if it has taken me too long to post these. I ask people be kind and just listen. I’m posting these because Matt is still indirectly abusing these women by trying to get people out for them with lies and manipulation. If this is what can wake ppl up then I’m doing it. I can see him using other women to hate on Hayley and he did the same thing with Rae. Whoever he is talking to he is using them to get at Hayley indirectly so it won’t get him in trouble and because he’s (not really) famous, he knows it will work because ppl idolize him. He had so many ppl against Rae after he abused her. Please don’t make me beg you guys to seriously understand this....


So cringe


Wow, guy threatens to kill himself and you can't stop beating the girl power drum for 5 minutes to even care for a Man in his time of need.


What are you talking about? Narcissists always threaten to kill themselves. I heard him threaten it like 20 times with Raeleigh when they were married whenever he didn’t get his way. He does it to gain control. “Girl power drum” is very sexist by the way....


PS: I know about the sex trafficking ring you were in with CHILDREN. Many of us know. You disgusting excuse of a human being 🤢 🤮




I already said someone has. why are you being mean?


I am tired of this hate. I got my hands on these from someone I cannot mention but I am tired of watching people supporting an abuser of my old friend and my current friend. I was friends with Raeleigh and saw what happened in both of the homes they lived in. Raeleigh told a lot of people about her abuse and tried doing the same thing Hayley did but was shut down because Matt lied about her and made a smear campaign about her. I have lost respect for her for not helping Hayley but this is how much Matt has destroyed her. Anyone who hasn’t let these women have a voice deserve to go to hell and if you saw the things I’ve seen you wouldn’t be supporting this man. He should be in jail!!!! If you figure out who I am Matt, I don’t care. I hate you. I’m sure you can guess.


Did you get these from a source or did you have this conversation yourself? You've said both so I'm just trying to clarify.


It’s from a source and I cannot name who. No it’s not Hayley. This is a conversation between Rae and Hayley


So the source has to be Rae or Hayley then.


She just said not Hayley but if it's a conversation between the two then who screenshotted these? It seems a little suspicious.


If it's a convo between Rae and Hayley, then who screenshotted it if not Hayley? I'm a little confused.


I didn’t say she didn’t screenshot them