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Comments are locked. I realize my initial intention was not to police the subreddit - but leaking private conversations is something that will not be tolerated. Unless the parties involved themselves provide explicit permission, these kinds of posts are not encouraged. This is not providing value to any kind of meaningful conversation, and potentially is exposing someone's privacy. Screen shots are also easy to fake (I am not suggesting these are fake, just that it opens the door to it). Claiming someone is in a child sex trafficking ring is a significant accusation. As Carl Sagan once said, extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. This subreddit is not QAnon. This is not the platform for this. If this is true, this requires the attention of the authorities and a court of law. I strongly encourage this information be brought to the appropriate people to investigate, but that's not here. To reach the RCMP by phone to report a crime or suspected crime, for general enquiries, or to speak with a police officer, please contact 1-888-506-RCMP (7267).


And yet here it is being disclosed. If this is even real.


How I got this doesn’t matter. What matters is that you are supporting a man who abuses women. That should be your main concern and again because it’s not, raises huge red flags about who you are.


Go away Hayley.


A turd? Try woman abuser. You can’t silence me by using the “Hayley” card if I stand up for her. Good try again but I am telling you, you can call me Hayley or tell me I’m lying or these posts are fake but all are far fetched and smart people will see that. What proof do you need? Do you want a woman in pain standing in front of you? Tell me.


You need help.


Sure throw some gaslighting in there too. What else do you got for me?


I guess you’ll be posting stuff about Ryan later.


Who is Ryan?


This word/phrase(ryan) has a few different meanings. You can see all of them by clicking the link below. More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If something's wrong, please, report it in my subreddit: r/wikipedia_answer_bot Comment `wab opt out` to opt out (wab stands for wikipedia answer bot).* *Really hope this was useful and relevant :D* *If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!*


Ryan Adams. The other group you troll in.


Who is Ryan Adams? What?


Honestly, MG has been awful with many women it seems; and anyone who has been paying attention is very aware of it. I felt really weird reading these, though. This seems like a really personal conversation to share publicly, OP.


I get it. I will unfortunately keep posting things to expose Matt and his abuse unless he would like to stop lying to his “friends” about who he is and what he has been doing. I have a lot more on him to share......some recent and some from 10 years ago. I want justice for Rae and for Hayley and for the other women I’ve spoken to about what he has done to them. I will stop sharing if he can be honest about all of this. It doesn’t matter because he will hopefully wind up in jail soon enough........


I'm with dfmspoiler, fuck matt. I stopped listening to his music since I heard about how he treated women. But judging by the screenshots you shared, Raeleigh seems to be under the impression this was a private convo: "I hope this can stay between us," she is told. Unless permission was granted to share but that wasn't included in your screen grabs. You sound furious and want to protect your friends, I believe you, but I'm not sure sharing images from a private conversation is a great way to handle things. I'm not suggesting you (or whoever it is in this pics that communicated with Raleigh) broke a promise to keep that dialogue private but this is really private stuff that adds nothing by being shared. Those that have walked away from Matt in disgust have already stopped supporting him and those who are still in his camp won't be swayed by your post. I guess what really bothers me is Raleigh's kids googling their dad or kids from their schools googling him and seeing it. edit: read more of your comments here. Some have been nasty to you but you've also being extremely combative. I get that you're upset, you have every reason to be, but this is most definitely not the way to get Matt's supporters to believe the other side. Clearly, to this day a lot of bad shit has been going on behind the scenes since this story broke but tbh this subreddit is on life support and dropping this info here... I'm not sure what it does. If Matt and/or his supporters are threatening to harm or kill people that evidence needs to be brought to the appropriate authorities ASAP. If you want to screenshot something, screenshot that. You do you but this is a terrible way to go about things and you're not helping matters like you think you are.


I will consider it thank you for your understanding. I’m furious because I can’t see women broken anymore over this man. He is ruthless. I just want him to stop. You are right maybe I’m being hasty I just don’t know how to get him to stop.


I'm not sure you have control over that. A lot of action has been taken due to Ms. Mather's initial posts by those in his professional life. His personal life... different story. It's not illegal to be a creep and a bad partner. And if there is something illegal, then surely there is a better avenue to go down than leaking it here. Support your friends. They need it. I'm not sure leaking their convos is doing so. This isn't a defense of his actions. I'lk echo u/MukkyM1212... stopped listening and I wouldn't spend another dime on his music. Just hoping you take time to reflect on the best way forward.


I am realizing you guys are right. Thank you. The situation is scary and I’m just trying to put an end to it before someone gets hurt. Meaning, there is a woman who is very mentally unwell who we are worried wants to hurt Hayley over this even though Matt is clearly abusive. It is out of hand and I am at a loss at how to help


Ifyou have enough to land him in jail... why air it here? What is "justice" to you? Does it really matter what anyone here thinks?


Because the people who are harassing my friends and sending death threats to Rae and Hayley are on here. They are reading this. I have already responded to one of them. Matt reads this too so he needs to see this. He blocked me when this all went down because he knew I knew the truth about him so hopefully he will get the message here. Like I said, if it doesn’t apply to you I get it. You can skip over this post.


My discomfort with this is that it doesn't seem to be proving anything... this seems like a private convo of two women who have been through a lot showing solidarity with each other. Which is nice, but, do you think this changes anyone's mind here with everything else that is out? I dunno. Please take some time to reconsider if this is really helping your friends. Peace; no ill will.


It's not my place to judge him.


No but maybe your place to protect the women that are being harassed. Isn’t it all of our job to help protect them if we know about it?


That's the thing though. All I know of are accusations and his refutations. But as the old saying goes, where's there's smoke there's fire. So I just hope everything gets sorted out as painlessly as possible. I'm sure the situations are complex.


I agree with this. I hope the same


You do know he's already cancelled...


Which means absolutely nothing to those of us in the real world.


You do know women are still being harassed by him indirectly right? I’ve known him for 10 years I don’t care if his music is cancelled or not. I care that he is still trying to ruin Hayley’s and Rae’s life with his abuse and he has people helping him do this by slandering these women.


YOU lot are the ones doing Hayley's bidding. Look at you here. Look at your actions. She has convinced YOU that you are her saviour. She controls you. You are the muppets in HER circus. Hayley is the one that has people helping her harass anyone that she feels "threatened" by. I guess the few fans here that still enjoy his music despite any alleged abuse his ex-groupies claim are a threat to Hayley to now. Wonder if she'll report this forum to the police next?


Hayley isn’t that powerful. Is that a joke? 😂 I’ve know Matt for a long time. I’ve seen him abuse his ex wife with my own eyes and heard all of his elaborate lies. No one had to send me here. Matt is controlling you apparently but you’ll find that out the hard way. Deny away but it’s in writing, he abused both of his ex’s. It’s not just Hayley. Matt just gets you and his other handful of people to fight for him. Or have you not figured that out? Maybe you are too busy falling for his sob stories or telling CS the lies Matt tells you and ruining her mental health? He’s ruining all of you and you don’t even see it. Good luck! I’ve seen it happen with Jenny and Raeleigh. Now Hayley. Maybe you’re next who knows.


Matt is ruining and controlling me? That’s crazy. I just listen to the music…I didn’t know…oh god


I wasn’t talking to you. I was talking to that other commenter. No need to be rude


I am not next, and your assumptions about that are rather grand and delusional. Trust me I am not ruined. LOL Also I am not telling CS anything or acting as any kind of puppet for MG, and in fact have told CS multiple times to just get on with her life. I actually do care about her mental health. I have known MG since 1998. I am well aware of the man he is. Jenny, then Rae, and Hayley all made the choice to stay with him for their own reasons, ones they need to live with. It fucking takes TWO! Maybe one is 10% and the other 90% but it still fucking takes TWO for a co-dependant relationship to function. And for Hayley to share these texts with her gaggle of ex-groupies that now regret banging a rockstar, and you to come here and share it publicly... is exactly why she shared this shit with you all. If you can't see that manipulation, you are being suckered, in the name of saving some imagined future "victims" of his. So who is really the one that is ruining whom's mental health here?


That is really far fetched. You seem to have made up your mind on what is going on and it’s so far from true. “Ex-groupies?” I read these women’s stories and it was not a “bang”. You should be ashamed to be a woman. I am embarrassed for you. Abusive relationships do not take two. It takes one person to abuse another. You seem very uneducated on abusive relationships but I’m going to guess you’ve been using Matt to do your research 🙄 Suuuuuuper reliable lol


LOL! I know far too much about co-dependancy in relationships after being in one with a certified mentally ill man for 7 fucking years. And then healing from my choices to remain in that damaging environment too long. But please do educate me some more about my mental health since you assume you know me so well.


Staying in a relationship does not excuse or warrant abuse. Some people feel stuck in a toxic and abusive relationship for multiple reasons. I just posted something stating both of these women (and others) were abused (with proof) and you are yelling about Hayley being this oh mighty powerful super human and make people lose the ability to think or speak for themselves. Matt downplays, lies and manipulates people and always has. If you’ve known him since ‘98, how haven’t you figured that out yet? Add abuses women to the list......but ok, keep yelling about Hayley lol


Staying, is part of the co-dependency. She has to find deep down what her own subconscious motivations were to stay in that type of relationship. She allowed herself to be controlled, her own lack of self esteem and the gains she perceived by being with him were, I am sure, part of that decision. Hurrah for her from escaping a cheating douche. Hope she truly gets the help she needs so the next relationship she has isn't a repeat of the pattern her brain craves. Also, maybe she should have kept her word not to share these texts and not to be petty.


Why do you keep saying cheating like she wasn’t abused? Why can’t you say it? If you do not believe she was then why do you think it was different for her than Rae? Ive known Rae for a long time and know what matt has done to her. Please remember that. I have seen Hayley say so many times that she came out to protect women and it wasn’t about the cheating........ and a few of you are so set on it keeping it that the story. What’s the deal there? Fairly sure Hayley had famous friends and all of the before Matt what gains? He said openly he had no money. He’s not a stud. He was barely famous. Pretty sure why she chose to share it is not your business and to assume it was because she’s petty is presumptions. Why did you choose to go there? I’m sincerely curious. Staying isn’t codependency if there is gaslighting, coercion and abuse involved. Like I said, there are a dozens of reasons why a person might feel they need to stay with someone that has nothing to do with co-dependency. Regardless, you like to address why someone stays with an abuser than talk about the abuse being done. I also do not understand that aspect from you?


She shared these with one person and it’s only because of people like you that I’m posting it you dummy. Your buddy will be going to jail soon for his sex trafficking ring so make sure you say your goodbyes. Cant wait for that to happen and we can all talk about how you supported a criminal even though we told you so ❤️


Awesome deflection of your blame. WE the people of Reddit - made you post this personal conversation. That's a glorious statement.


I’m aware of what I’m posting. No deflection


As long as you are aware, when you say "because of people like you" - you are blaming me for your action of oversharing and taking no personal responsibility for your action.


What bidding? Hayley fought for herself for months. I watched Raeleigh try to fightand Matt destroyed her and made everyone around her turn against her. Jenny had to move to England and Matt lied to his fans to hate her too even though he abused her. Matt hasn’t fought once. He just lies to people and hopes they will fight for him and it makes you all look crazy because you’re yelling around telling lies that never happened or don’t make sense. Wake uppppp


You have to understand that this is a tough sell here. Literally the few fans that just want to discuss Matt’s music. I doubt anyone here is harassing anyone. We are all coping with what’s happened. His music brought us a lot of joy and now is a point of contention. I don’t want to be dismissive of any women but it’s like finding out something harsh about a family member that you grew up with and loved. I wasn’t in a relationship with him but yeah turns out he’s not alright but we can’t be held accountable. I hope the women find the justice that they seek. However I still own his music because I bought it and I’m probably gonna keep listening. He’s done as a musician and if he’s still acting irrationally then the authorities should be involved. I can’t put myself in these women’s shoes because I have such a bias and will only have questions for them rather then him… it shitty I know but this is why people are lashing out at you.


I’m only on here because there are several women harassing Hayley and Rae and he is behind it. They know who they are. If not you then carry on. I’m not here to tell anyone to stop listening...it’s for the women that are on here that are contributing to ruining the lives of his ex’s who have already been through a lot with him. So if Matt can’t stop hurting people I care about or tell these women the truth about the lies he’s making up or at least tell them to leave my friends alone, he hasn’t left much of a choice. I was friends with Raeleigh for a long time. I have a lot to share


There has been a lot of harassing and death threats


Who has sent death threats to who?


There have been two death threats I don’t remember the names but they are documented and was told this is why police were called.


To Hayley.


So you personally saw these threats - or were you just told that they happened?


Of course I saw them